
Ralf, the new EPSS Recruit 03



Day three began just as day two, with all the new EPSS recruits lined up, at attention, in the hall, at 0800.

Until now, the recruits had been dressed in a field uniform consisting of black trousers, black leather belt, brown shirt, soft black cap, and ankle boots. Might this be the day they would be issued the much prized EPSS uniforms? Time would only tell.

The recruits were met by EPSS-Hauptscharfuhrer Werner. Werner, in a staccato and matter-of-fact tone, introduced himself and announced that all of the recruits had passed their physical examinations He congratulated them and told them that it was appropriate to acknowledge the congratulations with not applause but the refrain “sieg heil”. Soon the recruits joined in unison with the refrain as well..

Werner then continued, telling the recruits that they would now be left for the rest of the morning to learn marching drills. After drills and their mid-day meal, they were to report to Stores at 1400 hours, at which time they would be issued their uniform and equipment. At 1600 hours, they were to assemble in the Court of Honour, where the recruits, dressed in Kayaş Escort their new uniforms, would be sworn in as fully fledged EPSS-Junker, officer aspirants.

Off the recruits went to drill and march.

At 1400 hours, the recruits assembled at Stores. Undergarments, shirts, tunic, trousers, field cap, small leathers, and boots. Unlike the calf-high pebbly jackboots issued to the vast majority in the army and even the EPSS, Ralf and his fellow recruits were issued tall sleek riding boots. No explanation was given at stores but the look of Ralf and his fellow recruits when they were told they were being issued riding boots was that of a child on Christmas morning.

Ralf was issued a pair of sleek shiny riding boots in his size, being 44. They were gleaming and shone like mirrors. A bootboy must have spent hours shining them, ready to be worn by a very proud warrior.

Carrying his clothing in his left hand and his new riding boots in his right, Ralf went off to the change room to put on his uniform. Undergarments, shirt, breeches, tie, tunic. He saved his boots for last and as soon as he grabbed them he Kayaş Escort Bayan could smell the leather. The smell was seductive. Highly erotic. Pungent. As Ralf started to slide his right foot into his right boot, his heart started to race. The boot was snug and fitted him perfectly, like a pair of gloves. He then put on his left boot. His new boots accentuated the masculinity of his toned and well proportioned calves.

By the time he stood up and walked over to the wall-length mirrors that were the dominant feature of the change room, he was sporting a throbbing hard on, slightly visible in his black breeches.

He looked down the hall, seeing other recruits in the same state of dress and perhaps arousal, each admiring himself.

Giving himself a minute or two to calm himself down, Ralf then proceeded to the hall, where he met up with the other recruits.

The 16 recruits were duly sworn in, swearing a personal oath of loyalty to the Fuhrer and joining in the singing of the party anthem of the Ekos Party.

After the swearing in, EPSS-Hauptscharfuhrer Werner gave his address. He praised the recruits Escort Kayaş on how smart-looking they appeared in their new uniforms. He assured them that they were fulfilling their duty as men of the Reich. Not only were they fulfilling their duty but their troop was destined to special greatness. This special status was evident by the fact that they, unlike most other troops, had been issued riding boots rather than the more pedestrian jackboot.

Werner continued, telling the recruits that each of them was a fine specimen of manhood and that the Leader had a special task for them: they had been selected to participate in the Breeding. Werner reminded them that the Breeding Program was an EPSS-initiated, state-supported, registered association with the stated goal of increasing the number of “handsome” or “beautiful” children born on the relatively under-populated Ekos planet. .

Werner explained that as the newest members of the EPSS assigned to the Breeding program, the they would devote their energies to realizing the Breeding goals. He announced that the recruits would be divided into two groups and called out 6 names. The individuals called would join another troop, while the remaining 12 would remain together.

Ralf, Franz and Karl were not called. They were part of the 12 who were to remain.

Werner then announced that the 12 would return to the hall the following morning. He then dismissed them.

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