
Rebeccas Arrangement


This is a work of fiction. All characters are fictional as are the scenes written. This story has elements of consensual sex between adults. Most are between a man and woman, however there is also a lesbian scene. Some of the scenes involve paid sex. If you are not into these types of stories, please exit now.


“I don’t want this.” Mr Denton told his employee after reading the letter of resignation she handed him just moments ago.

“Huh? What do you mean?” Becky asked her boss.

Removing his reading glasses, Sam Denton leaned back in his chair, crossed his hands in front of him. He studied the younger woman in front of him. Rebecca Sutherland, was a single mother, probably in her late thirties. Sadly widowed several years back. She was a pretty woman that did good work for his company. Easy going and always pleasant. She always dressed better than the position she held in the data entry department.

“Becky, I don’t want to see you leave us. I don’t want to accept your resignation. While I can’t stop you from leaving, I don’t have to accept this. Besides, we’ve never had any problems, I know of no conflicts between you and others. What gives? Why would you want to leave?”

“You know I’m a single mom, doing my best to raise my teen daughter. Well to be honest, I just need to earn more, and the other company is offering me $0.37 an hour more.” Becky told him.

“You’re a smart woman, have you don’t the math? That raise comes out to less than $15 a week. Less than $800 a year. What else is there? I mean we have good benefits here. Are they offering better insurance? More vacation? We’ve always been flexible with hours when you need time away. Are we really losing you over $15 a week?”

“I guess I never really looked at the numbers that close. The benefits are about the same I guess. I just have to figure something out. My daughter Vicky needs a better car. Sure she’s 18, but still living at home and doesn’t make enough to be on her own yet. Also the college expenses. She is just doing the local city college this year, but that is still tuition, books, transportation. And next year she wants to transfer to the state university. I’m just really trying to find the money to make life manageable.”

“I wish I could just give you a raise or promotion, but I have no control over that. I structured the company so I have no hiring, firing, or employee issues such as compensation, at your level. I only have say in my immediate subordinates. Sorry, but I just have no say. That is another reason I couldn’t accept your resignation even if I wanted to. You need to present this to Connie or Dan. I really wish you would reconsider though.” He told her.

“What would you do?” She asked almost in tears.

Sam sat back and considered the options available to him. He did indeed structure the company to keep his influence at a minimum for most of the companies workers, including her. Partly to reduce the headaches of dealing with all employees. Mainly however, to eliminate any claims of impropriety. Looking her over again, she is a pretty woman with a nice figure.

“Becky. How about you go back to work for now. After work I will take you and your daughter to dinner and we can discuss options then. Maybe putting our collective brainpower together, we can figure something out. Tonight is my treat, so at the very least, that will save you a few dollars. Worst case, we can’t figure any better option, you lose nothing but a day. How about it?”

Becky looked over at Mr Denton. He was in his early sixties, nice looking, maybe a few pounds over weight, but not fat. His hair, is mainly gray, but still there. She has always known him to be a kind and fair man.

“Okay. Dinner sounds nice, but Vicky won’t make it. Friday night, she has plans with her friends. So it will be just us, if that works. I know you invited her along to be nice and I appreciate that.” Becky replied

“Nonsense! An old man like me lives to have dinner with a couple pretty women. Go back to work, email me your home address and I will pick you up at seven. Don’t even bother changing, you are dressed fine for dinner.”

With that Sam turned his attention back to work. One thought ran through his head, ‘Rebecca Sutherland. Maybe, just maybe.’

******* Dinner *******

Sam knocked at Beckys door right at seven. He was surprised when Vicky opened the door.

“Oh, I thought your mom said you were going out tonight. Please tell me I’m going to be lucky enough to have your charming presence at dinner also?”

“No I’m still getting together with friends.” She said blushing at the older gentleman.

“My loss I’m sure. I’m know you will have more fun with them anyway.”

Becky appeared looking as good as always. She chatted with her daughter before joining Sam at the door.

Sam opened the door for Becky and closed it behind her. She may have thought he was turning on the gentlemen charm, but reality this was how he was raised. Common courtesy has always paid digitalbahis yeni giriş off well over the years for Sam Denton, especially with women.

“This is a very nice car you have Mr Denton.”

“Please, call me Sam tonight. That Mr. Denton stuff is fine for the office, but we are out as friends tonight. Yeah this car is okay, it’s been dependable so I can’t complain.”

In reality, Sam gave great thought on what car to bring. He loves to show off his prizes like his Corvette, but with Becky struggling with money issues, he decided to leave that one in the garage. So tonight was the Chevy Suburban. It was the least flashy car he owned. Sam also struggled with where to take her for dinner. Again he tried to avoid the really high end dinner locations, but didn’t want anything common like Red Lobster either. He settled on a nice Italian restaurant he enjoyed now and then in the past. The food he recalled was good, and the prices were not jaw dropping.

The two exchanged small talk during the drive. While Sam didn’t think the car was too special, Becky was quite impressed. The car had every bell and whistle she ever saw, and it rode like a dream, gliding down the interstate.

The chatted through dinner about the situation Becky was dealing with. He asked about her expenses, not trying to pry, but looking for ways to help. There wasn’t much fat on the bone to cut. He also talked with her manager earlier in the day, Becky was at the top of her compensation tier. There was nothing he could do without shifting the tier compensation, and that had other implications for the company.

Sam paid the dinner bill with a generous tip. Again he opened the car door for her and helped her in. During the drive back, the conversation got serious.

“Becky, I can only see three options for you right now. The first you already explored, moving to another company. I will warn you to check everything in the compensation package, make sure you are not making a few bucks more per week, but paying more for insurance. You know things like that. If it will help, I will personally write you a glowing recommendation. I will also make the corporate lawyer available to you, if you want her to review the compensation package being offered. But really I want you to think of leaving us as the last option.

Next you can look to advance in the company. I know in the data entry department here, Connie, is nearing retirement. A little more hard work from you and I’m confident you would be in line for that position. The problem there is, she’s probably a couple years from retiring. You can also look at other company openings, I believe HR as something open. It may take some training, but you can always put your name in. I can’t promise anything but never hurts to try. Personally I like this one better than you leaving.”

After a long pause from Sam, Becky asked, “You said three options, what is the other?”

Sam glanced over at her, not real sure the best approach to take. He’s done this before, but every woman is different.

“Well you could find ways to supplement your income. Kind of like extra credit in school.”

The thought was vague but out there.

“Like a second job? I can’t work two jobs and raise a daughter.”

“Second job is not the answer. Too many hours and really the compensation isn’t that much better. Besides doing two jobs, they both suffer. No that’s not the answer.” Sam replied.

“You said supplemental income, I’m confused Sam. Where is this magical income?”

It was now or never. Time to see how she reacts.

“A lot of women in this world, use their charm and companionship to increase their income. Those women have nothing on you. If you think about it, you have everything you need to increase your finances.”

Becky sat quietly unraveling the riddle she was given.

“Wait a minute, are you suggesting I whore myself out? What the hell!” Becky said with a tone of anger.

“I was just putting it out there… And no, I would not suggest whoring around. That is such an ugly term to start with. You are way to classy for that. Forget giving it a label, but you could make significant money for time spent as a companion. For example Becky, say someone like myself was interested in an evening of your companionship, I would buy dinner like tonight. Then a couple hours at my home. For a lady of your style and class, I’d offer a reciprocative gift for your time and attention. And that is just a couple hours. This is all hypothetical of course.” Sam Denton told her.

“Reciprocative gift huh? The other side is everyone in the office finds out I’m banging the boss, you know people gossip. Then what? And if I decide not to, what I’m fired?” Becky said with anger growing in her tone.

“Let me clear up a few misconceptions you have, Rebecca.” His tone growing more stern. “To begin with I already told you I don’t have the ability to hire or fire you. Sure I would have some influence, but asking to have digitalbahis giriş a good employee released without justification, well that would draw unwanted attention to me, even legal implications. Besides, you handed me your resignation this morning. Can’t very well fire someone who plans on leaving.

Nobody ever finds out. This has been going on for many years and always very discretely. Allow me to tell you about a couple of my past companions. One lady, I enjoyed her company for about three years. During that time she got out of her financial pinch, improved her situation and decided to move to a better position with another company. We discussed her goals and career, I helped her along and even wrote a personal recommendation. She still visits me once or twice a year. We remain good friends.

Another lady, was a companion for a shorter period of time. She also improved her situation, put a little aside and decided she was done. She is still in the company. Never punished, not fired, just happily doing the job she wants.

As for the reciprocative gift, I can assure you the previous women always found such gifts to be generous.

Look Rebecca, all I’m doing is presenting a possible solution for you that can really help, not just $15 a week. This could change your financial situation to something better. A situation where you don’t need to worry about a few dollars.

Monday morning you get to choose your path forward. You can take the other position, which I will wish you the very best on your future. You can seek other opportunities, and as I promised, I will write you a wonderful letter of recommendation. You can continue your current job as though nothing happened. There will not be any repercussions. You can consider the opportunity I just offered, if that works for you, wonderful! If you try it and it doesn’t work, the other options are still there.”

The choice is all yours to make, no pressure at all. Take your time, and you decide what is best for you and your family.” Sam told her as he pulled into her driveway.

“Sorry for the way I reacted. I’ve never even thought of such.” Becky said.

“Don’t worry about it. The very first time, many years ago, it was an older woman that worked for me. Believe it or not, she presented the proposition to me. I felt trapped, and kind of like I was being set up. I almost fired her on the spot. After a lot of careful consideration, it started to make sense. Well that companionship arrangement worked so nicely for both of us, I have repeated it since, helping others just like you.

Think it over and let me know next week.

Now please allow me walk you to your door.”

Sam got out and walked around the big car, opened her door and helped her down. He walked her to the door in silence. At her door, Sam politely told her he had a wonderful evening and wished her a good night and nice weekend.

Becky recalled the whole evening over a rum and coke. With the exception of the discussion on “companionship” he was a perfect gentleman. Mr. Denton insisted on opening doors for her. Held her chair to sit in for dinner. He stood at her door at the end of the evening, until he was sure she was safely inside. Not even a peck on the cheek. She would replay the night several times during the weekend.

******* Monday at the office *******

Becky though she had the best plan figured out. She called the company that wants to hire her, and told them she needs to work out a three week notice. She just can’t bring herself to leave her current employer in a bind. The other company was disappointed, but agreed. Next she, knocked on Mr. Denton’s door.

“Come in Becky, please take a seat. “

“May I close the door?”

“I would rather it stay open, less office gossip.”

“Mr. Denton, I gave a lot of thought to what we talked about last week. I really don’t know if this is right for me, but if the offer still stands, I’d like to take you up on it. At least give it a try.”

“Just to be clear Becky, you are talking about the offer that is the most financially beneficial, not just status quo or just a letter of recommendation. Is that correct?” Sam asked to clarify.

“Yes, that offer.” Becky said, looking down to avoid eye contact.

“Becky, I must tell you there is one other person who knows the details of these arrangements. My personal assistant, Ms. Martin, is a very trusted confidant. So if you accept, you will also need to confide in her. Believe me, she has been involved for many years and is very trustworthy. She does not breath a word to anyone. Will you be able to talk with her openly?”

“I think so.”

“May I call her to join us now?” Mr.Denton asked, giving Rebecca the illusion of control.

With Beckys agreement, Ms. Rosa Martin joined them in Sam’s office. Sam also told Ms. Martin to leave the door open.

“Rosa, this is Becky Sutherland. Becky here is having some financial issues. Together we brainstormed the problem last week and digitalbahis güvenilirmi came up with a few ideas. The idea Becky and I will explore together, is the one that will provide her with the greatest financial potential. This is where you come in Rosa. We will need you to help facilitate, with the utmost confidentiality all future steps and arrangements. Will you be able to help?” Sam laid out what was happening in a manner that all of them understood, but nobody else who might overhear, would have a clue.

“Absolutely Mr Denton. I will work with Mrs. Sutherland and keep you appraised like usual. Becky, can you join me for lunch? Just so we can iron out some of the finer details.” Rosa said turning to Becky.

“Ah, Yeah Okay.” Becky replied a bit unsure.

“Okay ladies, I think we are all on the same page here. Let’s all return to work.” Sam said raising from his chair and shaking both of their hands like a normal business deal.

******* Lunch with Rosa *******

Rosa called Becky to her office about 20 minutes early for lunch. Rosa drove and chatted with Becky during the drive. She was getting a feel for the woman her boss would be spending time with. Rosa was very loyal and protective of her boss. Sam knew this and appreciated it beyond words. If Rosa got even the slightest negative vibe from Becky, she would kill the deal. Sam knew Rosa would have their back, and if Becky was acceptable, she would have her back too.

Rosa was a tall woman with classic Italian features and olive skin. She was curvy and had a certain classic beauty about her.

At the restaurant, Rosa went into more details.

“I can see why Sam brought this opportunity to you. He is very careful who he discusses this type of business deal with. You need to understand Becky, you are not some hired high class call girl. Sam will be trusting you with very personal details.

My role is to be the buffer, I set things up. I protect both of you from workplace busybodies and prying eyes. Sam trusts me explicitly, you will need to do the same. If you have something to say to Sam during business hours, you bring it to me. For every person in the office, it must not look like you are closer to Sam than you were a month ago. This protects all of us.”

“Okay I understand.”

“Good. You can see me, now and then, but personal texts are best. Please use the app on this paper. All texts through there are private and very temporary. Now Sam prefers to have company on Friday evenings, however he may request company at anytime. This is all consensual, you can refuse at anytime. You can also quit this arrangement at anytime. There will be no harm to your reputation or any retaliation in the office. The only time anything negative would happen, is if you try to expose or blackmail Sam, or the company.

I’ve helped others with similar arrangements, and they always benefitted and were quite pleased with the situation. I suspect you will be also. As I said earlier, you are not a call girl, you are the companion of a high level executive. Sam will be taking you to very high end clubs, dinners, and entertainment venues. You should always dress and have your self ready for these. Always better to be over dressed than under dressed.

Next, I suggest start using Rebecca, at least when you are with him. It’s a touch more old fashion, and if you haven’t noticed yet, Sam has some old fashion ways.

Any questions for me?” Rosa asked.

“A couple. Mr. Denton said, a ‘few hours of companionship.’ So no overnight stays?” She asked.

“The time you both spend together will be entirely up to you. Sam knows you have a daughter and can’t just take off every Friday, not returning till the next day. Most of your… lets call them dates, will be dinner and a few hours at his house. You will return home before one am. Earlier if necessary. Of course if you have the ability of an overnight, say your daughter is away, then you can arrange overnight stays. Does a midnight or one am curfew work for you?” Rosa asked

“Yes midnight will be perfect. Now I hate to be crass, but financially…”

“Say no more. Here is the deal, you have 100% control of what happens on your dates. Dinner and a little kissing and light touching on his sofa, that is probably worth a $50 gift from him. Obviously the more you are willing to do, the more generous gift you will receive. Sam is a kind man, but he is still a man. If all your dates are just going to be kissing and light touching on the sofa, he will move on. That is usually not an issue, but I wanted that out in the open.

Payments are always cash, so completely under the table, also why he insists on calling then ‘gifts’. You will receive a ‘gift’ before you leave. The details of your date and gift remain between both of you. I will neither have or want any knowledge your activities, or the gift.

My involvement is to help set up things and make sure you are both happy. So if at any time you have a concern, don’t waste a moment to contact me.” Rosa stated.

“When do we begin?” Becky asked.

“As I said, Fridays are preferred. If you are open to this Friday, I will get things going.”

“Okay, I’ll have to think of something to tell my daughter. I also need to go shopping for some nicer dresses.” Becky said.

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