


Chapter One: Photo Shoot

The sky was cloudy, and some might have considered it to be a little dreary.

“Perfect day for this!” he said to himself aloud as he looked through his camera’s viewfinder. To him, the clouds could transform the sun into a diffuse, omni-directional light source. The morning had been a photographic bonanza as he methodically made his way along an urban greenbelt path. Walking slowly along the path, he looked for interesting views that might provide good images to be captured in his camera. It was a different way of looking at the world, seeking out shapes, colors, textures, that might otherwise seem mundane. Sometimes, he saw treasures in the completely natural scenery of plants and earth. With others, he contrasted natural elements with nearby buildings and other man-made structures in the background. Objects were reduced to their visual impact. Their history and purpose didn’t matter. The previous function of a piece of rusted machinery was of no importance. However, if its rough texture and ruddy color could be utilized as a powerful visual element, he was there to find and capture its beauty. What some might see as dirty and nasty, could often be appreciated, if one had the right perspective and took the effort to find it.

He was currently taking the last few photos from a scene that he had setup on a tripod, when he was approached by a woman who had been walking along the path.

“Hello,” she said to him. “Any luck today?”

He looked up to see the woman smiling at him in a yellow sun dress.

“It’s been an excellent morning for me,” he replied cheerfully. “The lighting is wonderful, now. With clear skies, the shadows tend to be harsh. But with these clouds, it’s been dreamy this morning!”

“I like your enthusiasm. Are you a professional or is it a hobby?” she asked.

“Just a hobby,” he replied, “but an obsession, sometimes.” He noticed that she was stunningly beautiful.

“I like that,” she said. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

“Oh, no. I was just wrapping up a shot. I’ve been shooting all morning. And it’s good to see a friendly face.”

“What kind of photography do you do?”

“I’m an opportunist,” he responded. “I shoot whatever I see and whatever comes to mind. Right now, I’m just shooting some semi-abstract scenes. Would you like to see some?”

“I’d love to. I love photography, but I don’t do much of my own.”

“I still have the last shot setup in the camera, if you’d like to look through the viewfinder.” As she excitedly stepped over to his tripod, he noticed that she was wearing some rather large, dangling earrings, swaying with each step. Before she could look through the viewfinder, he pointed into the direction that the camera was aimed.

“This one is kind of abstract, so let me explain what you’ll be seeing. See that tall tree over there?” he asked her.

“Yes,” she replied. The scene didn’t look that interesting to her so far.

“I’m using that trunk and the vine-covered limb to frame part of the image. I have a long lens on it now that only sees a tiny keyhole in that direction.” He held out his hand and held two fingers an inch apart to indicate the narrow field of view. “The only other thing you see in the camera is a bit of that big tree and part of the grungy side of that warehouse over there. “He noticed that her hair was styled immaculately, and that she was wearing brightly colored lipstick. It seemed a little out of place on an urban trail in the mid-morning.

“Holy shit!” she exclaimed as she looked through the view finder. “That’s fucking awesome!”

“I like your enthusiasm,” he said.

She moved her head from behind the camera to see the view without the camera, and then looked through the camera viewfinder again.

“Sorry, I couldn’t help it, but this is beautiful!”

“I’m not offended by much. Glad you like it so much.”

“You can’t really tell what it is from the photo, but it’s rich with texture. I just want to keep looking at this,” she commented.

“Take your time and enjoy it. Most people just take a peek and they are done. Would you like to see some of the ones I took earlier this morning?”

“Sure! I’d love to, if you don’t mind… and have time.”

“No problem at all.”

He removed the camera from the tripod and stood next to her as he showed her how to scroll through the images from earlier that morning.

“She’s a feisty little woman,” he thought to himself. She pressed her body against his as they looked through the images together.

“What other types of photography do you do” she asked.

“A little bit of everything, but I think that I like shooting people the most. Portraits are fun. I usually just shoot friends and family.”

“Do you need a model?” she asked.

“Are you offering?” he asked as he began to inspect her more closely.

“I’d love to!” she responded eagerly. He noticed her breasts jiggle beneath her sun dress and she spoke energetically. He suspected that she wasn’t wearing a bra.

“I bahis siteleri don’t have a modelling budget, but would you be willing to accept a digital copy of the proofs for your work?”

“Deal!” she exclaimed. “Are you ready to do me now?”

“Now’s a perfect time. Have you done any modelling work?”

“No formal modelling, but it sounds fun.”

“How about we start over here?” he said as he pointed towards the center of the trail. “Let’s use the trail as a visual element behind you.” He watched her long legs project beneath her short dress as she strutted to the center of the trail.

He took a few steps backwards and studied her appearance. It was the first chance that he had had to get a really good look at her. She was beautiful, yet something seemed a little out of place. The thin fabric of her sun dress draped over her body, silently giving a teasing discernment of the curves underneath. He couldn’t help but linger at the sight of her neckline which dipped between her breasts. Her hair was immaculately sculpted, and her lips eloquently highlighted the bright expressiveness on her face. Yet, she seemed as if she were more prepared to enter a night club, rather than being seen among the occasional joggers, bikers, and power walkers along the trail. Nevertheless, she was a beautiful sight, and he looked forward to having her model for him.

He stepped back several more feet down the trail away from her. “Now walk towards me very slowly.”

She smiled at the camera and slowly sauntered towards him.

“Very nice!” he said as the camera shutter clicked repeatedly.

“Now, hold right there. Turn your body a quarter turn, but keep your head turned towards me.”

She followed his instructions while he continued snapping the shutter of his camera.

“You’re a natural at this,” he said. “Okay, now turn your body the other way, and turn your head back towards me again.”

She turned the other direction, looked at him, and reflexively put her hands on her hips.”

“Good. I like that.” he said.

“Do you still feel comfortable with this? With all the photos?” he asked.

She stood on one leg, raised her arms over her head, and made a silly face. “Do I look like I’m uncomfortable with you taking photos of me?” she asked.

“Okay, just checking,” he responded laughingly. “Some people are a little self-conscious about their body.”

“That’s not one of my faults. Shoot away. But that’s sweet of you to ask.”

She confidently arched her back and pressed her chest forward into the fabric of the dress. Her breasts pressed more tightly into the cups of her dress, and the outline of her nipples pressed clearly into the fabric.

It’s not polite to stare, but he wanted to stare at her. Behind the camera, he could stare all he wanted, but he was distracted by the mechanics of exposure, composition, focus, and timing. Still, he was thoroughly enjoying the visual attention that he was able to give to her body. “Oh, to be that dress draped over her body like that,” he thought. “Across those shoulders, her breasts, and her hips.”

“What a fantastic ass she has,” he thought to himself. He stared at the indentations in the fabric over her nipples some more. He wondered if he could perceive any of the color of her nipples through the fabric.

Proper behavior required him to behave in a manner that was completely at odds with his actual thoughts, hungers, and desires. He felt desire to see and touch her pink nipples. He felt desire to see and touch her hairy bush, and he wondered if she had shaved it. Being a gentleman was to pretend that he had no such desires and give no indication that those types of thoughts ever existed. Yet, he continued to desire and imagine. He had no choice.

He stepped closer to her and framed his camera for her upper body. Her playful facial expressions complimented her partially exposed breasts in the viewfinder. He admired the valley between her breasts beneath her neck. Part of him was thinking “how elegant.” Another part of him was thinking, “Those are fantastic tits.”

He then moved closer and got some head shots. She had a beautiful face and he enjoyed this part as well. The lure of the rest of her anatomy did not detract from her face. They were all part of one beautiful body.

“There’s a park bench over there. Would you mind sitting down where I can get some sitting shots?”

“Sounds fun,” she responded as she walked to the bench. She took a seat and paused for a second before she crossed her legs in a modest manner appropriate for her short sundress. He couldn’t help but notice a glimpse the crotch of her panties before she crossed her legs. “How’s that?” she asked as she sat up in a formal, but friendly manner on the bench.

“Very nice. You are beautiful no matter what you do,” he replied honestly.

“Thank you. This is fun.” She uncrossed her legs, paused, and re-crossed them with the other leg on top. His eyes darted to her panties while they were visible between crossings. She smiled a little as canlı bahis siteleri she looked into the camera.

“I’m enjoying being the center of attention,” she said as she leaned forward towards the camera. This caused her dress top to hang downward, a little away from her breasts. As he stared into the viewfinder, he couldn’t help but peer into her shirt.

“Are you okay if I just start trying things, and we see what works?” she asked.

“That’s great idea if you are up for it,” he answered. “Just do what feels natural and comfortable. Or fun.”

“Let’s try this,” she said as she scooted to one side of the bench and turned her side towards the camera. She leaned into the arm rest into a slightly reclining position.

“You look relaxed.”

She leaned further back into the arm rest and placed one of her feet onto the bench and the other on the ground. Her long legs looked very sexy in this position, and her raised leg inched her dress upwards a bit.

“You look stunning” he said as he continued to snap the shutter. She really was stunning. She inched her knee upwards some more, causing the dress to again expose her panties. She intensified her grin as she did it, and he wondered whether it was intentional.

“How about we find another backdrop?” she asked as she looked around. “Maybe some place away from the main trail a little bit?”

“Sure, there is a nice wooded area closer to the creek over there.” She took the lead and walked in the direction that he had indicated. “This does look nice. I can’t believe that I’ve never been here before.”

“It’s a very nice location here. I usually don’t see many people. I don’t think that many know about it.”

“Is this where you mean?” she asked as they approached a group of trees.

“Yes, anywhere around here that looks good. There are some nice bushes over there for a backdrop, or the trees themselves here would work nicely, too.”

“You are so sweet,” she said. She waited for him to raise his camera, and she blew him a kiss as he snapped.

“How about I try something a little something artistic and dramatic?” she asked as she assumed a ballerina pose with her arms arched around her. She then raised her arms high over her head, arched her back, and pressed her chest forward again.

“Nice. It works.”

“Or how about playful?” she said as she began prancing around the area.

“I’m enjoying the variety and your enthusiasm,” he responded. “You are already becoming one of my favorite models.”

“Okay, then. How about sultry?” She moved closer the camera. She raised her eyebrows, and then licked her lips.

“Very effective.”

“How about daring?” she said. She grabbed the front of her dress near her waist and tugged downward, pulling top of her dress downward to reveal more of her breasts. Her nipples weren’t showing, but they were close.

“Wow!” he said. “That’s pretty hot. I like your idea of daring.”

“So, you approve? Good to know.” She seemed pleased with herself and made the most of her barely covered breasts with various poses.

She looked around in all directions and inspected the area, and then turned her eyes towards the camera again. “How about naughty?” she asked as she cupped the base of breasts with her hands and gently squeezed them.

“Extremely hot,” he said. His heart rate sped up.

She took the continued shutter snaps as a sign of more approval. She was pleased with herself, and it showed in her facial expression. She then moved her hands upwards and began sliding her fingers over her nipples. She heard the shutter continue to snap. She began kneading her nipples through her dress, and she licked her lips again as she smiled at the camera. She stopped the nipple kneading, and by now, her erect nipples were about to pierce through the fabric.

She looked around again to make sure that there were no onlookers. “You want to see more, don’t you, naughty boy.” She pulled one of the straps of her dress away from her shoulder and down her upper arm. She tugged it downward until one of her breasts fell completely out.

“Oops,” said calmly. “How did that happen?” She chuckled as she gazed mischievously into the camera. The continued shutter snapping confirmed her ability to read his mind. “You really like that, don’t you?” She closed her eyes as she began to touch her exposed nipple. She then began to pull the other dress strap away from her shoulder and down her arm.

“Oops, there goes another one. I should be more careful. Or, maybe not.”

It wasn’t the first time that he had a model expose her breasts in an unsolicited, but welcome manner. However, it was still a big deal. His desire was intense. His imagination was vivid.

She then began to slowly strut about the area, both breasts exposed, as if nothing had happened.

“You like my tits, don’t you?” she asked.

“They are quite nice out in the open,” he replied. She strutted around some more with a prideful look on her face.

“Oh, look, a flower!” she exclaimed as she squatted canlı bahis down to examine it. As she lowered herself to the ground, her thighs lifted the front lower part of her dress, clearly exposing the crotch of her panties.

His eyes darted to her crotch, and he noticed a wet spot in the center of her panties between her legs.

“You seem to be enjoying herself,” he mentioned to her, thinking of the wet spot.

“I am!” she said. “And are you enjoying a little exhibitionism for your photo session?”

“I’m loving it,” he responded. “You seem so open and playful with your body. It’s wonderful and refreshing.” It was an honest response.

“You can see my panties, can’t you?” she asked coyly. “The ground looks pretty rough here. Kneeling like a lady would be painful on my knees here. You understand, don’t you?”

“I’m a very understanding guy.”

“I know what you want to see,” she said. “Free the nipple? Fuck that, free the beaver!” She then grabbed one side of the base of panties and pulled them over to reveal her pussy. He continued to snap the shutter as he enjoyed the view of a nicely trimmed bush over her pink little pussy lips tucked beneath her legs.

“She doesn’t shave it,” he thought to himself. He inadvertently stopped shooting for a second, but then resumed. “I don’t want to miss capturing any of this,” he thought. She beamed as she viewed his intense attention towards her.

“These damned things. They just get in the way,” she said as she stood up again and began to remove her panties. She extended her index finger, placed the panties on them, and raised her finger next to her cheek. “Now what are these things supposed to be good for?” she asked with a faux perplexed look on her face. She then tossed them aside onto the ground.

“Oh, you haven’t seen my ass, yet, have you,” she asked rhetorically. She turned away from him and raised the back of her dress.

“It’s as perfect as I imagined,” he thought to himself as he saw bare skin from her shoes to the small of her back. “It’s amazing,” he said aloud.

“Here you go. Here’s the whole thing,” she said as she bent over forward and touched the ground with her fingers. His camera caught beautiful images of her pussy lips beneath her ass as he continued to snap the shutter. He could catch just trace of her public hair at the bottom.

She looked around her legs back toward him. “Enjoying the view?”

“Immensely!” he responded happily.

She spread her legs slightly and he framed the camera to capture her upside down head near the ground between her legs. Her earrings were now dangling towards the top of her head. It was actually quite a good image in a technical sense, he thought. Her ass was at the top of the frame, her head at the bottom, and her long legs provided leading lines. There were also multiple instances of the rule of thirds being displayed. Despite the frantic pace of lustful thoughts, his technical mind still marched onward.

She stood upright again, turned to face him, and took another look around. With her breasts still fully exposed, she raised the bottom of the front of her dress to expose her pussy. With her other hand, she pinched one of her nipples between two fingers and tugged.

“So, you like playful and naughty. Can you capture pleasure and desire?” she asked.

“I’m up for the challenge,” he responded.

“I want you,” she said as she gave him a sultry look.

“You are very convincing,” he added.

“Oh, but I do,” she said. “I really do. I want to rip those clothes off of you,” she said as she began to step towards him. “And I’m going to have you.”

“How do you know you can have me?”

“I have skills,” she answered. “And I can see that cock of yours bulging in your pants.” His cock was indeed bulging. It had been for quite some time.

She kneeled down directly in front him. Looking downward from his camera, he captured her desirous face framed by her exposed tits beneath. She reached up and with both hands and placed them onto his hips. She slid one hand over the front of his pants.

“Your cock feels hard. You’ve enjoyed watching me, haven’t you? I’ve enjoyed being watched.” She began rubbing her hand repeatedly over the fabric covering his penis. He looked down at her, looked up at their surroundings, and back down at her. “This must be so uncomfortable,” she said. “Would it be okay if I helped you out there?”

“Sure,” he said quietly.

She quickly unfastened his pants and lowered his zipper. She then lowered his pants slightly, and then pulled the waistband of his underwear down to release his swollen cock. She seemed very familiar with the procedure.

“That must be nicer,” she said. “Don’t stop your camera. I’m sure that you’ll want to remember this.” She moved her lips close to his cock and blew a small stream of air onto his sensitive skin. His cock surged upward as he felt the cool sensation.

“You’ve got a really nice dick,” she said and gently touched it with her fingers. He inhaled suddenly from pleasure. “You like that don’t you?”

“Oh, yes,” he uttered. He quickly looked up from his camera again and scanned the area to verify that no one else was around. He then resumed viewing the image of her face near his exposed cock.

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