
Renee’s New Talent

Alli Rae

I could hardly wait until I got home from college. I had missed my best friend in the whole world since leaving after the holidays. She was someone I had confided with all my life. Well, at least, ever since she was old enough to understand. You see she is my younger sister, Renee. She is two and half years younger then me having just turned eighteen. And we had a very special relationship. Much stronger then most brothers and sisters. There are no others siblings in our family and she always was special to me, so we rarely got involved in any long rivalries that I heard many others have. Renee has always been a very affectionate person, so she seemed more like a girlfriend then a sister. We grew up on a farm, so there was always lots of places where we could be on our own. But our favorite place to be alone was up in the hayloft where we used to swing from the hay bales into the loose hay on the other end of the loft. But we not only jumped up there we often just lay down in the hay and would have some of the most intimate conversations. It really was one of those conversations I was looking forward to. As I approached the farm, I could see Renee could hardly wait either, since she was waiting on the steps waving at me as I drove up the long driveway. What I wanted to talk to her about were girls that I have seen around the campus at the college I attend. I didn’t have any real experience relating with any other then my sister and thought maybe she could help me out in that department. I knew she would be very open to helping me out. What I didn’t think of was a summer with her that would make me consider taking a break from college for a year so I could stay with her until she finished her last year at W.I. Rural High School. But I am getting ahead of myself here.

As I mentioned, Renee was waiting for me on the steps as I drove up. She greeted me with a big hug and asked if I could help her with the chores.

“Tom, it’s sure great to have you home. Can you come help me in the barn?”

“Oh, thanks, Sis. I come home from college and not only can’t unpack, but not even get a moments rest and you have me getting to work with the cows.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way. Really, I didn’t. If you want to take a nap first, go ahead. We can chat later.”

“No. Give me a few minutes. I’ll be right there.”

With that I carried my bags into the house and Renee went to the barn. It felt great to be home. I knew that Renee liked my help but also liked the time together, especially before our parents got home from their daily activities. That plus I loved mom’s cooking but that’s a different story. I quickly changed clothes and hurried to the barn. Renee was just finishing bedava bahis throwing the hay to feed the cows. When we both were still living at home, we usually relaxed after throwing the hay by swinging on a rope from the baled hay to the hay pile and Renee seemed to have that in mind again today. She was already standing on the high point of the mountain of hay bales.

“Hey, Tom. Come on up.”

“Are you already finished with the chores?”

“For the time being, yes. Come play Jane and Tarzan with me.”

“Don’t you think that is kind of childish, Renee? I mean we have done that game since we were like 7 or 8.”

“Come on, Tom. You haven’t turned into an old fart at college, have you?” Renee teased.

“Okay, but just for a few minutes. Wouldn’t want mom or dad to find us playing and think I am some kind of child still.”

“Tom,” Renee responded angrily, “Get off the high horse and come have some fun.”


I followed her swinging to the haystack. I think we had each done it 4 times when I landed next to her and she kissed me. Full on the lips. It kind of shocked me. Not like we hadn’t kissed each other in a passionate kind of way before, we had. Lots of times. I remember it started innocently enough when we were little, but somewhere along the way we started lip locking like we were boyfriend/girlfriend, not brother/sister. But this time it was definitely different. Renee had matured somewhat since I last saw her. I am not only talking about physical differences that I am sure many guys noticed about her, but also how alluring her visual expressions had become. She was stunning to say the very least. When I realized this, I almost forgot that she was my sister. I took her in my arms and kissed her again. As I held her tight, she could feel me getting turned on. Her eyes got big and excited. She then put her hand between us and smiled. She could feel my erection developing.

“WOW!” she whispered in my ear excitedly.

I got the feeling she wanted to try some more adult oriented fun so….

“Sis, do you want to see what you’re doing to me?”

She just nodded quickly and kept smiling, occasionally biting her bottom lip, which was sooo hot. I had unbuttoned and unzipped my pants, but then she decided she want to take over. She pulled my pants down a few inches and could see the head peaking out from the opening in my undershorts. She opened it up wider and it poked through. Renee then took it in her hands. I couldn’t believe it. It felt so fantastic. My sister, the one I had been enjoying the company of since we were little, who was my special little angel and probably my best friend in the whole world was holding casino siteleri my cock. Then she started stroking it, which even excited me more.

“Ahhh, ohhh, Renee. Ohhhhhh, Renee,” I tried to whisper in her ear. I couldn’t believe it. My sister was going to get me off. Of that I was sure. And to top it off, she was the one that thought of it and was definitely enjoying it. Neither of us could really make up our minds, which we wanted to watch more – what she was doing or each others’ facial expressions to what she was doing. But then she got this almost evil broad grin and did something I never would have expected in a million, trillion years. She bent down and kissed it too. I thought I would cum on the spot.

“RENEE! THOMAS! Are you up there?”

“Oh, shit. It’s mom,” I whispered. I quickly pulled up my pants and Renee answered that we were finishing with the hay bales and would be right back down. I sure was glad mom hates coming up to the hayloft. She rarely does because of the dust the hay produces. Otherwise, we would have been caught for sure. I’m just not sure how I finally lost the strain in my pants enough to finally follow Renee down from the hayloft to help milk the cows.

“Oh, well,” I thought. The next few days we tried to play it cool around each other. I sure didn’t want to be caught. But, damn, I was horny. I wanted so much to experience some more of what Renee and I shared. And it didn’t help when that hot sister of mine would eye my crotch and then give me a shy smile when I caught her doing it. Well, my opportunity came one morning, after we had finished the milking and mom and dad took the milk to the local creamery. Renee had returned to her room and so had I. While I was lying on my bed I thought of what Renee’s tits must look like and got an instant hardon. I checked around the house and after finding that no one else but Renee and I were home, I walked up to her bedroom door. I took my cock out of my pants and knocked on her door.

“Renee, are you awake?” I asked.

“Sure, Tom,” she replied.

“May I come in?”

“Of course! Come right in.” When I did, she gasped with excitement when she saw me. “Can I help you, honey?”

I loved hearing her call me that. “Well, sis, I was wondering. Would you …?” I approached her on her bed where she was lying and tried to finish the question without sounding too crude or gross. “Would you kiss me like you did the other day? Like you did up in the hayloft?”

“You mean?” sounding like she was scared, “You mean on your thing?”

I nodded. “Yeah, on my cock,” I said rather brashly.

She giggled when she heard me use the `c’ word. “Okay. Come closer.”

As bahis siteleri soon as I was close enough to be reached, Renee took hold of my cock. It felt so wonderful having it in her grasp that I almost got pulled over. Her hand felt so soothing and yet I yearned to feel it in her mouth.

“Tom, would you pull down your pants for me? At least, down to your knees, so I can do this easier?”

She started planting kisses along the sides of it and then down on my balls. They were soft, yet wet kisses. Occasionally, she would even stick out her tongue and lick it. It was so overwhelming. Then she reached the head of my cock and planted her kiss there. When she started to lick there too, I pushed the head in between here lips. She looked a bit shocked but still let me slide it in farther and farther. Just when I had pushed in almost all of it….

“Oh, shit!” I yelled.

I tried to pull back out quickly. But it wasn’t fast enough. I started to shoot my jism down her throat. I couldn’t believe I was actually doing that. I didn’t know how she would respond. When I got it out, my cum shot all over her beautiful face and neck. I thought for sure she would be upset but instead she just had the biggest grin I had ever seen on her.

“Thank you, Tom, honey. But why did you take it out of my mouth?”

“I thought you might be upset when I started cumming. I thought I had ruined it when I did.”

“No! You were delicious. Do you have anymore for me?”

“No, you were too hot. I don’t think I have any for awhile.”

“Can we do it some more, later?”

“I don’t see how we can. Mom and dad will be home in about 30 minutes to an hour. I sure as hell don’t want to be caught by either of them like what almost happened last time.”

I pulled up my pants and prepared to leave Renee’s room.

“Tom, you know mom would never come up to the hayloft,” she noted quickly before I could leave, “She starts sneezing and coughing when she does.”

“Well, that wouldn’t stop dad from coming up there.”

“Hey! I know. Let’s go to the tree house later. Nobody else ever goes there, except during deer hunting season that is.”

“Yeah! OK, Renee. When?”

“How about after lunch?”

“Sounds fantastic. I can hardly wait.”

“If you can’t wait, let’s do it some more.”

Although I would have loved taking her up on it, I just wasn’t sure I was ready to or that it was safe to keep on since our parents wouldn’t be gone long.

“That’s not what I meant. Ah, you know.”

“Yeah, I do and thanks, Tom.”

“No. Thank you, Renee. Hope you enjoy your rest.”

Renee just smiled.

“Yeah, cya.”

I finished zipping up my pants and left Renee as she closed her eyes with her beautiful smile on her face. I can just imagine what she was thinking as she closed those intoxicating eyes of hers. Meanwhile, I really did look forward to what would be just the first of many rendezvous to the tree house.

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