


Subject: Robbie’s True Love III Chapter 20 20. Robbie and Tommy were finishing dressing when the phone rang and Robbie answered and the front desk said they had a visitor named Dean at the desk and he has asked to come up. “Yes, please send him up and put him on our permanent guest list. Thank you!” Just then the coffee service was brought in by Bradley and that was great as both men needed coffee badly. He poured two cups when the doorbell chimed and Bradley answered the door. He admitted Dean, who was nicely dressed in slacks and a button-down shirt. He was about 5’11″/209 and had light brown hair and hazel eyes. Dean was well defined, had a bit of brown hair peeking out of the top of his shirt and was very good looking. He was all smiles as he entered the living room of the spacious suite. Dean walked right up to Robbie and reached to shake his hand saying, “Mr. Blackford, I am so glad you called so we can get this mess straightened out. I loved working for you and the restaurant was doing very well!!” “It’s just Robbie, please, and I think you have met my husband, Tommy Gilman Blackford, who you may know is Chief Lawyer for the restaurant chain.” Dean reached over to shake Tommy’s hand. “It’s Tommy please. Thank you for coming this morning. Before we get into heavy business, let’s order breakfast, anything you’d like is fine. Bradley would you bring Dean a cup of coffee please, cream and sugar??” “Just black and thank you!!” The coffee was offered and Dean asked, “So boss, what is the agenda for today after breakfast?” “Let’s order please first and we can discuss this while we eat!!” Robbie replied. Bradley took their orders and they were: Robbie ordered Pork Belly Hash with poached eggs and home fried potatoes with a spicey hollandaise sauce and sourdough toast. Tommy ordered a spinach, mushroom and cheese omelet with hash browns and sourdough toast. Dean asked for a scrambled egg skillet with sausage, peppers, potatoes with sharp cheddar cheese and wheat toast. Bradley had set the dining table and brought fresh squeezed orange juice in a crystal pitcher. The fresh flowers on the table set everything off. “So, Dean tell us what you have been up to for the last three weeks since you got kicked out of the restaurant? Did you get to collect un-employment?” “Well Robbie and you as well Tommy, working in and managing a restaurant doesn’t give you much time for the little things like keeping up your apartment, dating, or sleeping!!” Then he started to laugh!! “And yes I was able to collect unemployment, but only one check so far. I had some money saved, so I got on well enough and was able to keep things going! But everything is OK.” Tell me Dean, just to refresh my memory, what was your salary?” Dean blushed and said he was making roughly $6k and month plus benefits; Health/medical, a car allowance, all the food I could eat and I was allowed to bring guests once a month who would dine for free. Oh, and a two-week vacation, per year. It was very generous and I thank you very much!” “I am single at present, although I would like to meet a nice guy and date. I was in a relationship some time ago, but he couldn’t take my hours and thought it would be fun have guys over in the evenings while I was working and busy. I came home early one night and caught the SOB in bed with one the waiters from the restaurant I was working in at the time. The waiter lost his job then and there, and my EX-boyfriend got thrown out with his clothes from the floor thrown at him!! I had the locks changed the next morning and never heard from him again. I gave what little crap he had to a shelter, some nick-nacks and all the rest of his clothes. Good riddance!!!” Breakfast arrived just then and Bradley called them to the table while he put the dishes in front of each and poured more coffee. Everyone dug in and found it was all delicious. Robbie thought for moment, smiled and then said, “Dean, after all you’ve been through these last three weeks, I really want you back to be general manager of Blake’s! I will give you a raise to $7.5K a month, a vacation of three weeks and all the other benefits as well. Will you accept the job, PLEASE?? I will add a signing bonus of $1000. Does that work for you?” Dean was totally gob-smacked and tears ran down his smiling face. “You’re totally serious with this???” Looking at both Robbie and Tommy. Tommy said, “Dean believe me, my husband doesn’t make offers like this to just anyone. So will you take the job and make Robbie happy?” Dean stood up, gave both men hugs and said, “OH, HELL YES. Does this start today?” “Yes it actually started the other day when I called you and asked if you were employed yet!” Robbie replied. “So, what is on the agenda for today?” Robbie exclaimed, “We are headed to the restaurant, meeting with Chef John so he and Carlos can ensest seks hikayeleri get put kitchen back together. I need you to help us call other staff who have left (and you want back) and see if they want to return.” “How Ralph pulled this off is beyond us!! We found thousands of dollars hidden in the office and we are still looking for more. Sgt. Tyler has the SOB locked up and charges are pending for Grand Theft, Assaulting an Officer, Lude Comments, Slander and Resisting Arrest,” Tommy explained. “Other than that, he is a fine upstanding piece of crap!!! We are charging him with everything and, I forgot, Forgery as well. How was he acting and what did he do when you were still there?” asked Robbie. “He just walked in one day and asked to speak to me, shoved that letter from your head office in front of me, saying I was to leave right then! He never even let me collect any of my things from the office. I told him that was bull and I was going to get my stuff! I would call you at the office right away and there was nothing he could do about it” He said, “Don’t bother calling, asshole. as you can see this is signed by that faggot, Robbie what’s his fuck, and he is out of town and can’t be reached. Now get the fuck out of my restaurant right now!!!” Some of the other server’s were standing there with gaping mouths. Lunch was over and very few customers remained. Four of the servers just collected the checks from tables and their tips and walked out with me. They said a big ‘FUCK you’ to the asshole. He just stood there laughing. GOD what a total ass!!” “I am so glad to be back with you and your restaurant. I will do every-thing to help you put that SOB behind bars for a good long time!” Tommy said, “Great to hear and we welcome you back with open arms!! You may have to give a statement to Sgt. Tyler but I will call him when we get to the restaurant!!” When breakfast was over and last sips of coffee were gone, the men rose. Robbie and Tommy went to get briefcases and light jackets. “Dean, just follow us to the restaurant. We have major work to accomplish today. I want to bring in painters, have the carpets shampooed and get everything shipshape when we try to open next week. So, let’s hit the road and get to work!!!” Robbie called down to have the valet bring their car to the front and also retrieve Dean’s car. Tommy covered the tips when the cars were brought around. They drove to the restaurant with Dean following and pulled into the supposedly empty parking lot. There were three cars also parked in the lot and since the place was locked, it was not any employee’s and there was a very visible big sign that said ‘Restaurant Parking Only for Blakes at Blackford’s’ in large red letters. ‘Offenders will be towed at car owner’s expense.’ Robbie called Sgt. Tyler to ask if they should be towed. There was supposed to be a chain fence at the entrance, but it was gone. Tyler said he would take care of it and he did! Shortly after they went into the restaurant, there was a knock at the door. There were several tow truck drivers from the police station along with Sgt Tyler. The cars were being loaded on the tow trucks when a girl about 30 came running up in jeans, a tank top and sandals. She was pretty and in good shape but loaded for bear and asked, actually screamed: “What the fuck are you doing to my car? You can’t tow it like this, I have rights!!” Sgt. Tyler looked at the young woman and simply asked why she was parked there? The girl, flabbergasted, said, “I was doing some errands and we have a reservation to eat here at lunch.” “Oh really, and when did you call for your reservation?” “Why,” she stamered, “About 10 minutes ago!” “That’s rather difficult to do my dear,” Robbie said, “because I own this restaurant and I put a message on the machine yesterday, saying it was closed for business for at least a week and the restaurant and parking lot were closed. So, you must have called another restaurant and gotten confused and parked here by mistake since the restaurant has been closed and padlocked. Your car is being towed and all expenses are on you according to the sign that is clearly posted in plain sight with big RED letters!!” “You can’t do this. I can’t afford this mess!” starting to cry big time. She sat down on the ground shaking her head. Robbie said to Tyler quietly, “Just let’s let the poor thing go with a warning and a ticket only for illegal parking. That works for me if it’s ok with you.” “Give me a minute with her and I will explain things and maybe I can help her somehow.” He walked over to her, handed her a handkerchief and said, “Stand up and talk to me. Tell me your name, the truth and what is going on. I am not having your car towed, but you will receive a ticket for illegal parking. There is nothing I can do about that.” Through a tear-stained face and a slightly runny nose, she said her name was Sandra and she had just lost her job. She had been looking for work as a waitress/server in a good restaurant and explained she had experience. She had come down to set a time for an interview and would come back better dressed at that time, but then saw the closed sign and was depressed. She ran to do a quick errand and came back to this mess and said she was sorry, so very sorry. She needed work and she had upcoming bills and was behind in her rent. She was a hard worker but had no family that could help her. Robbie sighed and said to Tyler to not give her the ticket and he would handle everything personally. The other two cars were already loaded and were being towed as they were speaking. “Sandra, come into the restaurant and we will talk. I may need your help now. We are doing some remodeling and going to re-open next week, but I need all the hands I can get. I will have you fill out an application and we will check references. In the meantime, you can help us today if you don’t mind, and we will pay you for your time of course!” “OH, Mr. Blackford, I will work hard and do anything to help you if you can possibly help me!!” The group walked into the restaurant and found John and Raoul hard at work in the kitchen, sorting and cleaning. Carlos had the dishwasher going full speed. John had started an inventory of the walk-in freezer and pantry. Robbie, Tommy and Dean walked into the restaurant office and it was a mess!” “We need to get this office straightened out ASAP. Dean do you think you can make heads or tails out of this mess? First, I need a list of all employees, names addresses and their phone numbers. I need to bring as many of them back as I can, if they are not already working somewhere else and meet with your approval. Can you do that for me now? Please hand Sandra an application and get references from her. Could you please call and check her out for me, I’d really appreciate it!! Robbie walked out to the dining room and found Ryan, the bartender, working behind the bar, cleaning and organizing things. He suddenly called Robbie over and handed him a large envelope that he found hidden behind the register. Robbie took the envelope and opened it. It was full of cash! He pulled out the money and he, Ryan and Tommy counted the money. There was almost $3K in mixed bills. Ryan just said, “WOW!! I never even saw that there before and I thought I knew this bar very well, but this is new!” Robbie said, “Not to worry my friend, it will be interesting to see how much more money we find in this place that has been hidden. We have already found almost $10K hidden in the office and now this. I will ask Sgt. Tyler, if he has already done a bank search to find money, we believe the fraudulent manager stolen. Also, we need to check all credit card transactions as well or was it all cash hidden here in the restaurant? This is really getting interesting, but we will get to the bottom of it all very quickly. Oh, and thanks for all your help and for staying with us!!” Ryan replied, “You got it boss and thanks for your confidence!” Dean came out of the office and said he had found the employee list. After calling several of the former servers, he found that they had already found new jobs and were sorry and thanked Dean for the offer to return. They still had Alex, Melisa, Ryan, John and Raoul but were going to need more staff. Then he remembered Sandra from the parking lot who hopefully was still there in the kitchen. Tommy ran back to check and she was proving to be helpful. “Providing your references are positive, it looks like you’ve found a new job. Welcome!” Tommy smiled. Sandra was delighted the way the day turned out. They had so much more work to do, but it would be worth it in the end and they could reopen with a flourish!!! Meanwhile back at the ranch, Daryl stretched and reached over for Sam. It startled him that Sam was not there. Daryl got up to pee and then walked out naked into the kitchen to get coffee and found a note on the small table. ‘Darling, we had a small emergency in the horse barn. I will be back shortly, lover. I missed waking up with you ’cause I love you so much!! XOXOXOXO, Your Sam. Daryl smiled as he got a cup of coffee and thought he would fix breakfast for his sexy man. He found an apron as he didn’t want to burn anything of importance, then got out sausage, eggs, some cheddar cheese, mushrooms, and green onions. He found some frozen hash browns in the freezer. He then got out a chopping pad and a good 10″ Chef’s knife and chopped the onions. He shaped the sausage into patties and placed them in a skillet to cook. He sliced the mushrooms and broke the eggs into a bowl, added a bit of cream and the green onions, S & P, beat it all together and then turned to sausage over. It had browned nicely. He then graded the cheese. He got out another skillet and added some butter, saut�ed the mushrooms with more green onion and added a hint of garlic powder with more S&P. He took a sip of coffee and leaned against the counter while things simmered away. The food was smelling great! He checked the sausage and the turned off the gas. Then he started to think about what had happened here at the ranch with Sam wondered what would his future be? He knew he finally found a man who truly loved him. They understood each other and were very compatible in bed as both were very versatile. They really liked many of the same things, but there was still more to learn about each other! How much money did Sam have and what was he paid? Was he comfortable as Daryl was? Since they lived rent free and everything was paid for, Daryl had put a lot of money aside and had a comfortable bank balance. Was Sam in the situation? This all had to be discussed between them, maybe over breakfast this morning, while they decided what they going to do for the day. Just then he heard the front door open and in walked Sam. He was smiling at what he saw in front of him. Here was his lover dressed in only a kitchen apron with his gorgeous hairy ass bare and looking hot! The kitchen smelled great and what a surprise, Daryl had started breakfast for them!! Sam walked over and grabbed Daryl and brought their lips together. The men kissed deeply. Sam pulled away and looked deep into Daryl’s eyes. “God, I love you so fucking much baby. Thank you for making breakfast. It looks great and smells fantastic as well. He walked over after letting Daryl go and poured himself a coffee, added a bit of cream, a smidge of sugar and took a sip. “Lover, I could get used to this really quick! Is it about ready as I am starving? I had to get up at 5:00 to see about a problem in the barn. Nothing serious but I tried to be quiet, so not to wake you. You looked so beautiful and sexy laying there. I really didn’t want to leave you, but hey, I still have a job to do. But I am back so let’s eat.” Daryl turned everything back on and then proceeded to make omelets with sausage on the side, crispy hash browns and sour dough toast. Soon, everything was ready, and as Daryl placed the plates on the table he leaned down and kissed Sam. “Enjoy, lover mine!!” The men savored the breakfast, and it was devoured in minutes. Daryl asked, “So, what’s up for today babe?” Sam answered that he thought since it was his day off, they might take a drive, maybe see a movie, and have dinner out somewhere special. He had a place in mind. Then maybe after dinner, we might hit one of the bars in town and do some dancing. I want to show you off to any friends of mine we might run into here or there!! How does that sound, sexy?” “Sounds like a plan and It would be good to see the outside world away from the ranch, although I do love it here, but being with you is so very special. Plus I do love you just a little bit!” He started to laugh, pulled Sam close and they kissed deeply once again. Daryl said with a sigh, “I never get tired of doing that. You’re the best kisser ever!!!” Sam stepped back and said let’s get cleaned up, I do need to check in at the horse barn to see how things are now and then we can leave. I’m sure you want to tell Elsa what we are going to do for the day and see what her plans are.” They headed for the shower. Sam loved walking just behind Daryl, who was still naked except for the apron, and it showed off his hot hairy ass so well. GOD, how he loved this man. The water was turned on to warm up and Sam took off his clothes with a little help from Daryl. They loved caressing each other and did it as often as they could, so Daryl leaned forward after removing Sam’s shirt and licked his right nipple and savored the bit of sweat on him from working in the horse barn early that morning. It caused Sam to gasp, and he started to get hard. This man turned him on like no other ever in his life. He pulled Daryl up and they kissed again and slowly entered the warm water in the shower. They looked deeply into each other’s eyes and no words needed to be said! Well, here ends Chapter 20 and I hope everyone enjoyed it!! Lots more to come with Daryl and Sam, then the restaurant goings on with Robbie and Tommy. What a mess that was!! How long will it take to get it all running again and up to par for their high standards? So, stay tuned!! Chapter 21 is coming soon!! As always, now that some restrictions are being lifted, error on this side of caution and please stay safe. Be kind to all and play kindnesses forward!! Play safe ALWAYS and just be yourself and be the best you can be!! Also, as always, many thanks to my dear Allen for his hard work in editing this mess, LOL. I love you babe!!! Please donate to Nifty for this wonderful web site!!! Nifty needs your support so please send what you can to fty/ Cheers, Your Sexy Chef

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