
Rose Ch. 02


Rose sighed at her phone, her friend had just messaged her that she was going to be late as there was an accident on the road. It can’t be helped, she guessed. She looked around bored, she was attracting a lot of looks but mostly ignored them. Rose was wearing a short sundress that hugged her in all the right places showing off her toned stomach and showed off her long toned legs in a pair of opened-toe sandals which displayed her perfectly pedicured toes.

Rose was not oblivious to the effect she had on men, she had taken advantage of plenty of them and could be considered a spoiled Princess to anyone that came across her. Some have mentioned that it was a waste that a looker like her got married so young when she had so much ahead of her. But Rose knew a golden goose when she saw one, a much older man he may be but he was a trust fund baby running a large family business; with a naturally huge submissive streak in him. He had crossed paths with her once and she knew when to grasp onto an opportunity, especially one that just delivered itself into her lap. It was a good investment for her, she was settled financially for life and was still free to explore her other desires.

She breathed through her luscious pouty lips causing her chest to stretch slightly. Rose knew the looks she received. Men were all the same. She was sitting in a coffee shop and her crossed legs had driven her dress higher showing a delicious amount of thigh. Rose spotted a look that she was looking for particularly; a slightly dazed expression of wonder as his gaze rested on her legs and feet. This was a guy just ready to be exploited, she smirked. She uncrossed her legs and tapped her manicured fingers on the table drawing his eyes to hers. She looked pointedly at him and crooked her finger, beckoning him to her as she watched his face turn red with embarrassment at getting caught.

He stumbled to her and sat nervously across the table.

‘And what did you think you were doing?’ Rose asked in a straightforward tone that caused his already red face to turn even redder.

‘I-I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to stare! I am really sorry I didn’t know what came over myself!’ he mumbled görükle escort as he looked away from her, his eyes darting around afraid someone might hear their conversation.

Rose stared at him without a response while he shrank under her gaze.

‘Your words really mean nothing to me. An expresso, 2 shots. Start with that before we work on a way for you to properly apologize.’ Rose finally stated.

He agreed hurriedly and rushed off to order one for her. This was going to be too easy.

He came back to the table and settled the cup in front of her with slightly trembling hands and sat back down, his eyes not daring to meet hers.

As Rose sipped on her cup of coffee, she found out a little more about him. He was just about her age as well but they were obviously a world apart in just about everything. She had time to kill and decided to play with this one before tossing him out.

‘So, what were you staring at?’ Rose got straight to the point, cutting off his idle chatter catching him off guard.

‘Eh? Erm, your l-legs and f-feet looked amazing and I was just admiring them for a while, I didn’t mean to be rude!’ he mumbled silently, becoming nervous again.

‘Really? My legs, you say? Well, I wouldn’t really blame you. Still, you are such a perv.’ Rose stretched one leg out a little towards him watching him gulp nervously as he tried his best to hide his obvious affiliation to her legs.

‘Come, I have decided on a proper apology.’ Rose laughed as she got up and walked out with him hurrying along behind her.

Rose walked into her favorite shoe store as the sales lady beamed at her and greeted her warmly and told them to reach out to her if they needed anything before she continued serving her current customer. They walked towards the end of the store where some of the more expensive selection was on display.

‘Well, I guess since you are buying me a pair, you get to choose which one you like.’ Rose turned to him and said sensually, eyeing him as he tried to hide the boner in his trousers.

She placed her hand on his arm and turned him towards the display as she leaned in closer to him, filling his senses with her perfume.

‘Make bursa merkez escort mommy happy.’ she softly said in his ear, watching his body shudder in arousal. She told him her size and sat on a chair while waiting for him to make his choice.

It was not long before he came back and showed her a pair of white heeled open toe sandals that had a beautiful clasp on it. Rose made a sound of approval and leaned back in the chair, crossing her legs and arching a beautiful eyebrow at him.

‘Well it’s not going to slip on by itself is it?’ she questioned while swinging her leg slightly at him.

He gulped audibly a few times before getting on his knees in front of her and with trembling hands, took off her current sandal. He let out a faint gasp as his hands grasped her free foot, he lightly caressed the soft skin of her foot before carefully put on the new one. Rose uncrossed and crossed her other leg, offering him to do the same. When he was done, Rose stood up and strode past him, her skirt briefly caressing his face as he inhaled deeply, he was slightly dizzy from the excitement.

Rose stood in front of the mirror and modeled a few poses showing off her toned calves and shapely calves while he stayed kneeling as he drank in the sight. Rose walked back to him and smiled, patting his head in approval. Her phone buzzed and she reached over to the seat picking it up as he groaned slightly in disappointment that the moment was over.

Oh she will be here in a few minutes, guess it’s time to wrap it up. Rose mused.

She placed her fingers under his chin and lifted him slowly as she looked into his eyes.

‘I really do like this pair you have chosen, I guess I will allow you to buy it for me as an apology for staring so rudely at me earlier.’ Rose breathed before he could say anything, Rose lightly stroked his chin shutting him up.

‘But what would I do with my old ones? Throw them? Or?’ Rose wondered out innocently as he mind raced to come to the same conclusion as her.

‘What would a perv like you do with them if I gave it to you?’ Rose continued, his hands trying to hide the obvious boner in his trousers bursa sınırsız escort which had now a stain of pre-cum. Unsuccessfully.

‘Would you kiss them? Sniff them? Lick them?’ she paused as he unconsciously let out a moan.

‘Or would you… cum on them?’ Rose teased in a playful tone.

‘P-please, m-may I have them?’ he said in a quiet whisper.

Rose checked her new shoes and kept him on edge with her answer, enjoying the control she had over someone she barely knew. How she had completely taken over him just by simply existing. A few words, a few suggestions and he was putty.

‘Hmm, this pair here costs $200, I guess a perv like you can have my old ones for $500 just because I know how you are going to defile them.’ Rose purred, stroking his chin as he bobbed his head up and down in agreement. She picked up her old pair and dropped it in his eager hands and they made their way to the counter.

Just as he was about to swipe, Rose stopped him with her finger on his arm, her attention completely focused on her phone.

‘Hold on, I forgot, cash out another $200. My friend and I are going to have a few drinks now.’ Rose said in an off hand manner as her other hand was tapping on her phone completely ignoring him.

He stared at her, then at the precious sandals in his arms and then at the credit card before taking a deep breath and gesture meekly to the sales lady who was watching his inner turmoil in amusement, paying for the new pair and cashing out $700 at the counter.

‘What a good boy you are.’ The sales lady giggled as he flushed red.

‘Oh, it’s done?’ Rose looked up from her phone and gestured with her hand for the money.

His face was flushed crimson as he placed the cash in her hand. The sales lady watched the scene in amusement, she was used to her favorite customer’s manipulation of various men that came into the store with her. This one was exactly the same.

‘Well, you can go now. I am sure you have something to take care of.’ Rose smirked and dismissed him as she made small talk with the sales lady, making a flicking motion with her hand.

‘T-thank y-you.’ he mumbled out, he stood quietly around for a few seconds hoping to gain some more attention from the gorgeous beauty he had just handed almost a grand to but she had completely disregarded his existence. He turned and hurried out shamefaced, clutching his prize in his hands as he rushed to the nearest restroom.

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