
Roxx’s Role

Big Tits

Roxx’s Role

She looked at her reflection in the mirror while she attached the clip-on tie at the collar of her white shirt. She knew she wasn’t a pretty girl. Some would say plain others may go as far as calling her butch. She shrugged her shoulders, flexing the muscles hidden under the dinner jacket. Some days it bothered her that she wasn’t the petite cute type of girl, other days she was glad of her size and strength. Topping out at six feet two inches with shoulders made wide from too many hours doing weights, boxing and jujitsu, she knew there wasn’t an ounce of spare fat on her body, and she didn’t have to starve herself to keep it that way.

Besides, working in one of the busiest LGBT clubs in Manchester as security it was useful to be big and strong. Not that there was a lot of trouble, the occasional drunkard, a small fight now and then. There had been that time a stag party caused a stir because they hadn’t realised it was an LGBT or so they said… the place was called The Rainbow, and everything was decorated with different pride rainbow patterns. Fortunately, the security team were always sensible, and the group were quickly removed via one of the side exits.

As head of security, she was very proud that no one had ever received an injury worse than a cut lip and wounded pride whilst being escorted out. And the cut lip had been an unfortunate clash of heads.

She ran long strong fingers ran through the straight cut bleached white hair that covered the right side of her head, the left side being clipped down to a few millimetres of stubble. Most people thought the style was just how she wanted it, but in truth, it had all been the same length until she had experienced a mental breakdown following the sudden death of her parents six years previously. Having been an only child and had grown up very close to them, losing her mother to cancer, then her father to suicide a few weeks after, had left her at a total loss. Then trying to cope with the legalities of funerals and lack of wills logged with the solicitors had proven too much. She had got extremely drunk, shaved all her hair off then climbed into the bath with a razor blade in her hand and opened a cut on her arm. The saving grace had been that she was so drunk she had missed any major blood vessel and she awoke hours later hungover in a bath of cold bloody water.

The cut had required a hospital visit to be stitched and her hair began to regrow, although she kept one side clipped down, in memory of her parents and how vulnerable she had become with their passing. Of course, tonight was the anniversary of that night, and the memories were floating very close to the surface, she had originally planned to take the evening off, but her boss and closest friend Lucy Morgan had phoned in the middle of the afternoon and pleaded with her to come to work. She gave in fairly quickly, she hadn’t wanted to be in company, but didn’t really wanting to be on her own either.

The deep dark brown eyes that stared back at her from the mirror brimmed with tears. Hastily she wiped them away, it was going to be a busy night, there was a new girl working the bar to check on before they opened, and she needed to be focused.

She took a deep breath and let the mask of casual cheerfulness drop over her face.

“Game time Rox.” She told the reflection and walked away from the mirror.

Roxanne left the staff bathroom and walked briskly down the short corridor to the manager’s office. It was part of her routine that she chatted with Lucy before opening, more so that Lucy was not only her boss, but her closest friend and the two had made it a habit to sit and chat for a short time before business commenced. Roxie had lost count of the number of times they had supported each other through the years, they both had joked more than once they were closer than sisters.

Giving a polite rap on the door, Roxie stepped into Lucy’s office. As normal Lucy was sat at her desk amidst a whirlpool of calm chaos, a steaming mug of some fragrant tea, probably homemade, clasped in one hand and a fist full of paperwork in the other. She looked up as Roxie entered the office, a warm grin gracing her face.

For a moment the fixed smile on Roxie’s face became genuine, Lucy always brought out the best in her, and a few minutes conversation with her was a guaranteed mood lift.

“Hi babe.” Lucy greeted. “Glad you decided to come in, honestly I have a crap ton of things to do, and we have the new girl starting tonight. Really didn’t relish the idea of not having my right hand here.”

The words leapt from Lucy’s mouth like river, as always, her enthusiasm fuelling her conversation. So alike Roxie in so many ways, yet so different in many others she mused silently. Still her grin widened, it was impossible to be near Lucy and not be cheerful. She exuded energy from the long dark brown hair that dropped over her shoulders in tight waves, to the Dr Marten boots that Roxie had never Demetevler Escort seen her without.

“You know me babe, always on hand in a crisis.” Roxie replied, her voice soft and calm.

“You’re using your official voice Rox. You know the one you save for when you are controlling your emotions.” Lucy commented a slight expression of concern replacing the humorous one. “Are you sure you’re okay to work?”

Roxie breathed out slowly. holding back the ragged emotions inside her. It was impossible to hide her true feelings from Lucy.

“Been better hun.” She replied. “But better to have something to do than be sat at home on my own.”

Standing and moving around the desk, Lucy placed her arms around Roxie’s waist, hugging the taller woman tightly, her head coming up to just under Roxie’s chin.

“It does get easier with time babe. You’ve just got to look after yourself.” She reassured.

Being a lot more awkward at personal contact Roxie tensed a little, then after a few moments, relaxed and returned the hug. Her eyes misting over slightly.

“If you weren’t into guys and weren’t with someone, I would marry you tomorrow.” Roxie told her with a voice that deepened as she struggled to speak.

“You would hate me inside twenty-four hours.”

“I could never hate you.” Roxie replied automatically. This same scenario had been played out a hundred times with the same words. It was this type of conversation that bound them together, closer than friends, more understanding than siblings. Platonic soul mates.

A knock sounded at the door and the two women parted and turned as someone else entered the office, Lucy towards the door, Roxie away as she hastily wiped her eyes to clear the tears that had gathered there.

The newcomer smiled confidently. “Lucy Morgan?” A light voice with maybe a hint of a Scottish accent asked.

“Me.” Lucy replied her exuberant demeanour returning immediately. “You must be Isla McKellar.”

“Hello, yes. I was told to speak to you for the welcome tour.” The girl’s voice was smooth and even and definitely Scottish in origin.

Lucy, tactile as ever placed her arm around the younger girl’s shoulder. “Great, Isla this is Roxanne Devon, our head of security. She will be showing you around.”

Fixing her fake smile back in place, and silently cursing Lucy for lumbering her with showing the new girl around, Roxie turned around. Just for a moment she could have sworn something had removed all the air from the room.

Lucy was short compared to Roxie, although most women were short compared to Roxie, but Isla nestled easily under Lucy’s arm hinting her to be only slightly taller than five feet, easily a foot shorter than Roxie. This immediately triggered Roxie’s protective nature. She didn’t know why, but small slight women just made her want to ensure they were safe all the time. Not in a motherly way, it was far baser than that, a need to watch over them in a fasion she couldn’t explain.

With her primal instinct firing on all cylinders, Roxie took in every detail of the new member of staff. Gleaming copper coloured hair tumbled to her shoulders in a cascade of colourful waves. Her slender face was pale, not sickly pale, more the pale of someone who has very fair skin and would burn in moments in the sun. The sort of skin she wanted to ensure was covered by a sun hat in the summer. There was a light dusting of delicate freckles across her cheeks and nose, while a pair of full red lips formed a slightly amused smile.

All these however seemed insignificant when Roxie met her eyes. Two deep green orbs that looked like they were emeralds cut at the world’s finest jewellers and living flames placed inside them. Not only did they dance with humour and intelligence, but they were also very firmly fixated on Roxie.

The air returned to the room in a rush, and Roxie realised she could breathe once more.

“Erm… hi.” Roxie finally managed to say her face warming under the intense gaze of the much smaller girl.

“Hello Roxie.” Isla greeted warmly, her smile growing it too wide grin exposing a set of pearly white teeth that a small pink tongue ran over very briefly.

A small dainty hand was extended out, but the emerald gaze didn’t leave Roxie’s face.

Sparks flared inside Roxie’s mind, torn between her primal need to protect the smaller lady, and the unwavering stare that hammered at her ability to act like an intelligent human being, she finally settled for reaching out her own hand that swallowed Isla’s.

While the handshake happened, Roxie took a few seconds to tear her gaze away from the bewitching gaze, to allow herself to look Isla’s body. Everything was beautifully proportioned, slight but straight shoulders, proud breasts that lifted the plain black blouse away from a narrow waist. Shapely hips and legs that were encased in a pair of very close-fitting white jeans that topped a comfortable looking Otele gelen escort pair of ankle boots.

The handshake was more a contest of wills than a greeting, with Roxie slowly burning under the unbreakable gaze of the smaller Isla.

A polite but humorous cough finally snapped the two away from each other and over to Lucy, who was smirking silently whilst watching the wordless interaction.

“If you two can let go of each other for a moment, we’re due to open in half an hour.” Muted laughter edged the words as she spoke.

Realising she was still holding Isla’s hand, Roxie blushed further and hastily released her gentle hold and stuffed her hands in to her trouser pockets to keep from wanting to reach out and touch the waves of copper hair that rested on Isla’s shoulders.

“Erm… yes of course.” She struggled. “If you would follow me Miss McKellar, I’ll show you to hair you will be working.”

The emerald eyes flashed with hidden laughter.

“Hair I will be working?”

Roxie felt her face burn hotter, her embarrassment at the verbal slip made worse by Lucy’s obvious mirth.

She swore to herself then took a breath. “I meant where you will be working.” She finally managed to say whilst trying to ignore the sparkling green eyes that were still fixated on her.

“I’ll follow your lead then Miss Roxanne Devon.” Isla replied innocently.

With another deep breath Roxie turned and hurried away, needing to be away from people until she could fathom out what was unsettling her. She swore to herself once more as Lucy’s giggles chased her along the corridor as she escorted Isla down to the main bar.

The evening had been uneventful. Which was a good thing as Roxie had been unable to concentrate and anything relevant to her job. She wanted to blame it on the anniversary of her attempted suicide, but her mind kept dragging her back to the unwavering gaze of Isla McKellen. There was something about her that made her feel different, and she could not for the life of her work out exactly what it was. Yes, there was an obvious attraction, and the fact she felt her primal need to protect the smaller woman, but she had felt those emotions before, and it hadn’t been like this.

It was something that made her feel comfortable but at the same time a little afraid.

Roxie had always been comfortable and confident with herself, but since her breakdown, a lot of that resolve had evaporated. She had stopped dating and thrown herself in to her work and training. Constantly pushing herself harder and further trying to fill a void that had opened up inside her. She had surmised that if she drank a lot, she would have been an alcoholic, but as it was, she became addicted to punishing herself physically at the gym, craving the exhaustion that it brought.

“I need a good workout.” She told her reflection, hoping to convince herself that would help with the yearning she was feeling. She closed her eyes and concentrated on her breathing. At least the shift was over, and she could finally escape to the safety of her flat.

The bathroom door opened behind her, and she glanced in the mirror to see who of the staff hadn’t yet left. A pair of green eyes surrounded by freckles and copper hair met her gaze and Roxie felt the floor wobble under her feet.

“Hello Miss Roxie Devon.” Isla greeted her with that same tone she had used earlier. Something between curiosity and mischief.

With her cheeks burning already Roxie remained with her back to Isla, choosing to watch the steady gaze via the mirror as if it was a barrier between herself and her feelings.

“Isla.” She replied forcing a neutral tone into her voice. “Thought you would have left by now.”

Isla rolled her eyes, thankfully breaking the penetrating stare. “Oh, I did but my taxi didn’t arrive so now I have to walk home alone.”

The soft Scottish voice faded away as all Roxie could hear was her own heart beating.

“I’ll walk you.” She heard the protective part of her say, whilst the part that was a little fearful screamed at her to run.

A small star went supernova as Isla smiled joyfully. “Really?” She asked hopefully. “I live a few miles away and didn’t relish walking home all by myself at this time of night.”

Turning around to face Isla, Roxie opened her mouth intending to state that she hadn’t meant to say yes, then the eyes fixated on her once more. Now no longer penetrating, just wide open and hopeful.

Roxie’s resolve crumbled in to a million pieces.

As it turned out Isla’s home was more than a few miles away, but Roxie’s protective instinct wasn’t giving up, so she trudged along, her hands stuffed deep in her trouser pockets with her mind in utter turmoil. If she was supposed to be protecting Isla, why did she keep getting a nagging sensation that she felt like she was the lesser able one of them. She risked a hasty glance to her left where Isla was walking alongside Balgat Escort her chattering away about something. It wasn’t like the small girl was threatening in any way, so why was it that when Isla looked at her, she felt like dinner to a lion or something.

A beam of light from a passing car illuminated Isla’s hair as they walked, the glorious copper gleaming like fire.

Tigress Roxie decided. Not a lion, a large tigress wrapped in the body of a young woman.

“Are you okay Roxie?”

The words filtered into the foggy haze that currently filled her brain. “Oh… Yes, sorry I was miles away.” Roxie admitted hurriedly.

“I was just saying, I hope you don’t mind walking all this way just for me.” Isla asked politely.

Trapped by her own unwavering neediness to look after the petite woman, Roxie forced a smile. “No problem at all, the exercise will do me good.”

Another brilliant smile opened up on Isla’s face as she looked up to Roxie. “You’re so sweet.” She informed as she slipped her arm through Roxie’s and nestled closer as they continued walking.

The bustle of the city began to drop away as they pair walked further. Bars turned to shops which turned to flats and terrace houses then they morphed into leafy suburbs. Roxie felt Isla shiver as a cool breeze found its way between the spacious dwellings.

“Are you cold?” Roxie asked genuine concern in her voice as she realised for the first time Isla was only wearing the jeans and blouse, she had seen her in before.

“A little chilly.” Isla confessed. “But it isn’t far now.”

Roxie’s heart skipped a beat and before she realised what she was doing, she slipped her tuxedo off and placed it around Isla’s shoulders. “Better?” She asked.

An expression of astonishment played across Isla’s face, which rapidly turned to one of gratitude as she slipped her arms into the sleeves. Of course, the jacket drowned her and looked more like a mid-thigh coat, but she bunched the sleeves up so her hands peaked out and pulled the jacket, warmed by Roxie’s body heat around her as she gazed upwards looking more like a puppy than the apex predator Roxie had sensed earlier. The deep green eyes now dark in the lack of light. Dark and inviting like the ocean. Roxie felt her breath catch in her throat.

The breeze gusted momentarily causing Roxie’s tie to flutter breaking the eye contact and the spell that had fleetingly held them both.

Suddenly irritated Roxie reached up to remove the offending item, but her hand was halted by Isla’s on her arm.

“Let me.” Was all she said as she reached up and unclipped the tie, folded it up and slipped it in to one of the jacket pockets. She then returned her attention to Roxie’s dress shirt and undid the top two buttons, folding the open neck back a little and smoothing the material down as her hands gently brushed across Roxie’s broad chest.

“Roxanne Devon, the big bear” Isla breathed. “But you’re really a big old teddy bear aren’t you”

Arms slipped around Roxie’s waist as Isla drew her in to a close hug.

Roxie had never been a great one for hugging and after her breakdown she had withdrawn even more, placing personal barriers between herself and the rest of the world. The only person she could really cope with being affectionate towards her was Lucy, and that was mainly because they were too close mentally not to be physically. Now standing on the side of a road in the early hours of the morning the girl who was casing her so much confusion had just smashed through all of Roxie’s barriers and embraced her. Every muscle in her body was ridged with tension. Her arms halfway towards hugging Isla back had paused as she struggled to relax in to the embrace. Roxie looked down and met Isla’s gaze looking up to her.

“It’s OK big Teddy Bear.” Isla reassured. “You’ll get there.”

A tiny crack in Roxie’s wall opened, and she gently placed her hands on Isla’s hips. Not hugging, just holding.

“See. Wasn’t so hard, was it?” Isla asked teasingly. Then a large drop of rain splattered on her pale skinned forehead. “Eww.” Isla squealed as more drops began to fall.

“Bugger.” Isla swore. “Quick we’ll get soaked.” She urged as she broke away and tugged at Roxie’s arm.

Within minutes the pair were caught in a heavy spring downfall as they hurried the remaining distance to Isla’s home. Pausing only so Roxie could adjust the jacket she had leant Isla, so it covered the smaller woman’s head and wrap her arm around Isla’s shoulders protectively.

By the time the two of them stepped into the dry comfort of Isla’s home, Roxie was soaked to the skin, but thanks to the oversized jacket Isla was relatively dry.

As Isla extracted herself from the wet suit jacket, Roxie stood back a little, her soaked clothing forming small puddles on the floor by her feet. A quick glance around showed the entrance hall to look homely and inviting, period floor tiles ran alongside a carpeted stairway leading to the upper floor, and three panelled wooden doors led off, two on the left one at the far end.

With Isla free of the jacket Roxie made a move to take it back off her, intending to leave and start to walk all the back to her small flat.

“Why don’t you wait out the rain Roxie?” Isla suggested, her eyes roving over the white shirt that was plastered to Roxie’s upper body.

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