
“RUNAWAY” Chapter 10 “Feeling The Pain”


While Joseph was focused on driving and delivering his load on time, Sammi got him talking more about himself, what it was like being married and having two sons. Once he got to sharing stories there was pretty steady conversation and Joseph seemed to really enjoy reminiscing.

Around midday they drove through a fast food restaurant right off the highway taking lunch to go. Once back on the road Joseph was able to get Sammi talking about dance recitals and gymnastics competitions she did when she was younger. He got her smiling and laughing sharing stories and that made him feel good.

As the afternoon grew later the conversation slowed as he focussed on traffic and trying to make the delivery on time. The hours and then minutes ticked down as he got closer and closer to his delivery destination.

At 4:20 PM Joseph pulled the eighteen wheeler into the loading dock of his customer. Sammi waited in the truck with Ol’Jack while Joseph hopped out to greet his client. His driver’s side window was open so Sammi could hear the two men talking.

“Greetings Joseph, cutting it a little bit close to closing there aren’t ya” the customer asked?

Joseph quickly replied, “Were you doubting I’d make it Doug? How are you doing?” He asked as the two men shook hands and then embraced.

The two men went to the loading dock and Sammi could not hear any more of the conversation. But soon she was hearing noises in the back of the truck as the trailer was being unloaded. It didn’t take as long as she thought it would and before long she heard Joseph open the driver’s door and get back into the cab of the truck.

He looked a bit nervous about something but after starting the truck he turned to Sammi and asked, “Normally once I deliver a load, I take the truck to the truck wash and get the trailer washed out and the exterior too, I know I mentioned a steak dinner but could we do that tomorrow and get the truck cleaned up and do some laundry too and just have a lighter dinner this evening?”

“Sure, that’s fine with me” Sammi quickly agreed and he looked more relaxed.

He drove the truck to a large truck stop and first parked along side of several other eighteen wheelers. He then got into the sleeper and grabbed a bottle of laundry detergent and a big bag of dirty clothes. He asked, “I assume you would like to do some laundry too?”

“Absolutely” she replied knowing she had runaway with very little.

After Joseph got out of the sleeper Sammi collected her dirty clothes from her backpack. As if anticipating what she’d need as she came forward he offered her a shopping bag to put her clothes into. He was surprised how few clothes she placed in the bag.

They walked to the building and there were more laundry machines then she would have expected. He got change from a machine and then headed to a washer, “Want to just put your clothes in with mine” he asked. She thought about it knowing how little she had and just tossed her clothes into the washer where he was placing his.

As soon as they got the washer running he led the way back to the truck and he drove it over to the truck wash.

Once parked they got out of the cab along with Ol’Jack and he got out a broom and opened the trailer. Knowing that he had been paying for her meals Sammi grabbed hold of the broom and asked if she could sweep the trailer.

Joseph smiled and said, “Sure” letting go of the broom. His smile grew as he instructed Sammi where to hold and place her feet to crawl up into the back of the truck knowing he got to watch the attractive young woman in her short denim shorts. He delighted in the fact she showed a bit of nervousness so he gently placed a hand on her bottom to support her and prevent her from falling.

Out of instinct when she felt the hand on her butt, and with everything she had been through with Roger, she looked back at the man who’s hand was on her butt. For a second her anxiety shot through the roof, but when she looked back and her eyes found Joseph and Ol’Jack and she knew it wasn’t a touch of aggression but just to help her get into the truck she climbed the rest of the way in.

Joseph couldn’t help but watch the attractive young woman sweeping out the back of his truck trailer. She did so with energy and he realized she had started to hum and even sing softly a few words to the pop song she was humming. She even started to move her body with the rhythm of the song.

Besides the almost dancing she appeared to be doing a good job sweeping so he decided to get other tasks done he usually took care of after delivering a load. After a bit he checked on her again and she was sweeping the last of the trailer out closest to the door. He watched her finish so she pretended to sweep a pile of debris at him but didn’t so he stepped more to the side and a bit further back.

When she finished she squatted and lowered the broom to the ground and started to turn her back to prepare to climb down from the trailer but Joseph quickly said, “Come here, I’ll lift you down” and walked right up the the trailer reaching up towards her.

She laughed and joked, stalling for time to think about it saying, “I’m too fat, you’ll hurt yourself.”

While she definitely didn’t want to risk hurting Joseph, she realized how much everything that Roger had done to her effected her thoughts and trust of other people, especially men. As nice as the truck driver had been to her she could feel the anxiety build in her body and thoughts of him grabbing her breasts or her sex pushed into her mind and she hated herself for that.

Joseph quickly replied, “Don’t be silly, you might be a lot of things but fat is not one of them. Now don’t insult an old trucker I’ve lifted product much heavier then you down from there.” As he finished saying that he waived with his hands for her to come to him.

Her own mental internal dialog was in a debate but she decided to try not to let Roger win so she moved to the edge of the trailer, squatted and leaned down to Joseph’s out stretched arms. She was so anxious and unsure of herself she closed her eyes tight and let herself fall into his arms.

She felt Joseph take hold of her right under her arms and she felt her feet leave the trailer and he very slowly, smoothly and easily lowered her to the ground as she wrapped her arms around his neck to hold on. He did catch her completely off guard as the moment her feet touched the asphalt she felt Joseph touch his lips to hers.

It caught her so unprepared that for a moment sent her into a panic, but this wasn’t Roger or one of his ‘friends’ this was the kind trucker who had picked her up hitchhiking. It took her a moment to overcome the rush of anxiety and to kiss back, long enough that Joseph was about to break the kiss when she opened her lips and held tighter onto his neck so he wouldn’t pull away. He still could feel and sensed the difference in her kiss so he was careful to not kiss too deeply or passionately.

He immediately felt an arousal in his pants but with the tenseness in her body he quickly controlled his own excitement. He did feel better though when even as he broke this kiss, pulling his head back from hers she held onto his neck. Being only inches from her face he softly asked, “Are you okay?”

As best as she could, she pushed a smile that she knew was not authentic to her face and quickly replied, “Of course.” It did give her a desire to calm her anxiousness as she realized his motives were pure. But she couldn’t help feel ashamed and feel like the words tattoo on her ass for anticipating that the kind man would do to her the same as Roger and his ‘friends’.

As always, Joseph seemed to know when to change the subject and he said, “Well let’s get the truck washed.” And with that he closed up the back of the trailer and moved to the cab, got in and started the truck. Sammi stepped over to where Ol’Jack was lying and then the two followed the truck as Joseph drove into the oversized truck wash.

Once he got out of the cab he said he was going to go move the laundry to the dryer but Sammi quickly said she’d do it and put her hand out for coins. He gave her the change for the machine and she ran to the laundry room while he put coins into the truck wash machine and started with the soap mode and began to spray the truck with the high pressure wand.

Sammi went to the laundry mat and found the wash machine they had put their clothes into and it had finished running. She found a nearby available dryer and started moving the clothes over to dry. But it was strange as she again felt anxiety that he could simply drive away and leave her and his clothing behind and she couldn’t help worry.

She did her best to hurry and finished moving all of their garnents over and put in the required number of coins to run the dryer. She then hurried back out to the truck wash and slowed a little when she saw Joseph’s truck still there.

Joseph had finished muğla escort the soap cycle while she was tending to the laundry. As she was walking back to the truck wash she saw something she found odd and interesting. Ol’Jack had always seemed to be the take it easy type of dog. Knowing he was older that of course made sense. But as Joseph was washing the truck the dog would move someplace where overspray from the water rinsing the truck would fall on his body like he loved the water.

As Sammi approached when she made eye contact with the trucker, she pointed in the direction of the dog. Joseph looked at his dog and then said, “You think that’s funny watch this.”

The wand had two different pressure settings, low and high. While he sprayed the truck, Joseph had the pressure on the high setting but he changed the setting to low and then sprayed water directly in the direction of his dog. Ol’Jack barked but then lifted his mouth and face towards the spray catching water in the air and drinking. After drinking what he wanted he then continued to move his body under the direct low pressure spray.

Then Joseph turned the pressure back on high but shot the water up high into the air letting it rain down onto the dog. Again the dog delighted in getting into the falling water. Sammi couldn’t help but laugh it was hilarious seeing how much the old dog loved water.

Then to her total shock Joseph pointed the wand in her direction first making it rain down water from up high and then as she tried covering her head from the falling water he changed to low pressure and pointed the wand directly at her.

Sammi screamed but also laughed. Suddenly Ol’Jack trotted towards her and with water spraying in her direction got into the spray and even part way lifted his front legs up onto her. She couldn’t stop laughing and neither could Joseph.

She patted the dog on the head and scratched his chest and after a few moments he once again was back on all fours.

Once he did Sammi made a dash towards Joseph she got to him pretty quickly but surprised him by what she did, she simply wrapped her arms tightly around him and hugged him. As wet as she was her body wet his clothing anywhere she made contact.

Ol’Jack also trotted towards Joseph and lifted up his front paws placing them on Joseph. That gave her a chance to grab hold of the wand. When she did she hit the trigger and the wand sprayed them both with high pressure, blasting a good amount of water into Joseph’s face and he got water up his nose and immediately coughed and choked.

Sammi started apologizing right away, but he then started laughing grabbed hold of the wand quickly making sure the pressure setting was on low and squeezed the trigger. With them both holding the wand, and as close as they both were to one another, even on low the wand blasted them both with an incredible amount of water.

Despite water now drenching them both, they continued to wrestle control of the wand. Joseph made sure to keep his hand on the trigger and both of them erupted in laughter. O’Jack even started barking and pushed between the two of them trying to get his body in the water too.

Finally Joseph took advantage of his superior strength and muscled the wand away, but the moment he had it pulled free he dropped it and grabbed hold of Sammi under the arms, lifting her off her feet. He then began to spin around pressing her up into the air, centrifugal force pushing her legs away from his body as he turned around and around like he would with a little kid.

For just a moment she tensed when he lifted her off her feet and felt anxious but as he spun her around and around she once again started laughing although she did make a point to hold onto his arms tight.

He finally set her back down as he was starting to feel dizzy. He couldn’t resist and within seconds of setting her back on her feet he leaned down and kissed her. One thing he was sure of was she made him feel young again.

His clothes clung to his body as did hers and he loved having his arms around her. He realized she had the most amazing body of any woman he had ever kissed. His wife was more the girl next door but Sammi had such feminine curves and her petite size and shape felt amazing for him to hold.

Like with every other kiss he had given her she quickly opened her lips and this time he felt a greater pull and passion to kiss her. There was something different about her kiss. It felt like a strange invitation to consume her or at least that’s how it felt to him.

Sammi was caught off guard by how quickly the mood changed. It went from child like laughter and playing in the water to a serious passionate kiss. It was by far the most intense kiss she ever received from Joseph and she struggled to push the rush of memories of Roger’s cruel dominance out of her mind.

Joseph’s arms were wrapped more fully around her then they had ever been and because of that she felt her body and kiss surrender to him out of fear of being punched, slapped, pinched or squeezed. She felt the instinct and need to open her jaw as wide as she could and she let her body go limp like she’d learned to do with Roger with the fear that if he sensed any resistance he would hurt her immediately.

She struggled to keep her mind in the present and not let it pull the entirety of her being back into Roger’s world a place she left just a few days ago.


Holly still felt in a state of shock. She wasn’t sure where she was or who the woman in scrubs was. The room had cabinets and the counter that she had been lying on and was now sitting on. Her wrist hurt and she couldn’t help look at the bandage. The lady in scrubs handed him two pill bottles but Roger handed one back to her and said, “She won’t need anything for pain, she enjoys it.”

The woman in scrubs brought Holly a pill and a paper cup of water, “Take one of these every four hours for the next week to prevent an infection” she said.

She then addressed Roger, “Make sure you change that dressing at least twice a day till it looks better, you don’t want it getting infected.”

“Ok” he agreed.

She then asked, “Let me take a look at this.” She pulled the bandage off of Holly’s breast where the tattoo artist had used the tattoo gun. It was very red and bruised but when Holly looked down she was shocked there was no ink there. But the lady in scrubs looked concerned with the bruising and said, “This looks painful. Does it hurt?”

Holly nodded and watched Roger have a look of satisfaction.

He then said, “Check the one on her bottom.”

The lady gently rolled Holly onto her side and peeled the bandage off of Holly’s butt and said out loud, “Dirty, Filthy, Pain Slut.” “Not the tattoo I would choose” she added.

Roger quickly replied, “But it describes perfectly who she is.”

The lady simply shook her head no in disbelief.

Holly was horrified to realize those words were tattooed on her body.

The lady then said, “That looks okay and doesn’t need a bandage any longer. But you really need to be careful bruising your breasts that much. It can cause lumps also called fat necrosis. So try to avoid doing that.”

Roger walked over to her and gave her a hug and kiss on the cheek. To Holly it looked like the kiss on the cheek seemed awkward to the lady. She watched her walk to a place where there were lots of white material covered in blood, she couldn’t help assume it was her blood.

Roger walked over to where Holly was on the counter and lifted her to her feet. When he did she felt dizzy but he held her up, “Let’s get you home” he said walking her to the door to the room. He told the woman, “Thank you” and hey walked out through what appeared to be an empty waiting room with a reception desk but there was no one anywhere to be seen.

Roger walked her to his car opening the door for her and helping her into the car. He made sure she buckled her seatbelt. She told herself to pay attention to the direction he drove but she felt dizzy and her eyes felt heavy. Before too long she fell asleep.

She woke when he opened her car door, unbuckled her belt and helped her into the house and to her room. He helped her into bed, stepped out a few minutes then returned with a glass of orange juice. “Here drink this, it will help replenish your blood” he said and handed her the juice. He sat on the edge of the bed and watched her drink the juice. He put his hand under the covers and pushed it between her legs rubbing on her sex.

Holly was so drained of energy but felt dirty and ashamed because she couldn’t find the energy to resist him, it made tears start to run down her cheeks. But he delighted in that and first pushed one leg out, then the other then once again started rubbing. For a few minutes she couldn’t help be surprised as he was rubbing softly. She didn’t comprehend why he would do that but muğla escort bayan she soon figured it out as her clit pushed out from out of its hood.

It was surreal how quickly he noticed and whispered, “That’s my dirty, filthy, pain slut you need me to hurt you.” The minute he said the last word he started alternating between rubbing and pinching her clit. She would tense and grimace with each pinch yet it sent sensation so deep in her body. He began to whisper again, “That’s a girl, feel how deep inside you, you can feel it when I hurt you. It’s who you are Holly, it’s who you were born to be. I knew it the first time I slapped your face, the first time I smacked your butt and the first time I pulled your hair. You didn’t wilt and sob and cry. You accepted it despite your resistance. The felt time I spanked you hard your entire body prepared for each additional spank. You wanted to feel another, then another. Just as right now you wait, anxious, even excited for the next pinch.”

With that he squeezed her clit again, hard feeling her entire body jerk. “Most people Holly, especially girls, cringe, curl up, cry and fight not to be hurt again, but not dirty, filthy, pain sluts like you Holly. Sluts like you anticipate the next pain, just like you are now, waiting for me to do it again and again because it feels like nothing else you’ve ever feel.”

Then to her shock and horror she felt his hand squeeze where she cut herself. Not too hard but even a soft squeeze hurt terribly. When he let go of her wrist she realized something hard and metal had pushed into her sex. He had moved her panties to the side and pushed something inside her. “See Holly, your growing so accustomed to pain you hardly noticed I inserted something inside you, but now you feel it, don’t your? And Holly, before I do so, you anticipate feeling it push deeper, don’t your? There you go! Don’t worry Holly, I only want to feed your anticipation.”

Holly wasn’t mature enough to understand her anticipation was normal, that many people would experience the same thing. Because she wasn’t mature enough to understand his words were sinking in, convincing her she was dirty and filthy. She didn’t understand that most people would react the same way to pain. He moved his other hand to her sex and rubbed her clit with his thumb while he started to push the hard metal object first in a little deeper, then out, then once again deeper and out again.

When it pinched inside she out of instinct rotated her hips but again he used this against her, “That’s a girl Holly, adjust for it so I can help you feel it even deeper. You know you moved your hips so I could push it deeper inside you, don’t you Holly?”

As he asked her this and she felt ashamed believing what he was saying his hand moved to her wounded wrist and squeezed just a bit, but as she had no choice but to react to that intense pain he pushed the hard metal object harder, forcing it to push against the natural curves of her sex but forcing it to push hard against the natural curves inside her. The long hard metal rod forced the soft flesh of her vagina to adjust to its shape.

He bent down over her putting his mouth next to her ear, “I love giving my dirty, filthy, pain slut what she wants and needs to feel Holly, I like hurting you.” He said pushing hard on the metal rod inside her and at the same time biting her ear lobe.

He then sat up and pulled the covers off her and pulled the bandage covering the tattoo on her leg off. Look at it Holly, the tattoo you wanted for a long time, that your mother wouldn’t let you get, but I did. You knew tattoos hurt Holly but you wanted it anyway and I helped you get it, I helped you accept the pain for what you wanted.” As he said that he pushed hard on the metal rod and she groaned.

“You are special Holly, I was meant to find you, to help you, to help you experience pain. Especially here” he said and again pressed hard against the rod. “Such a good girl. Such a dirty, filthy, pain slut you are Holly. Just like the tattoo on your bottom says and that will be with you for the rest of your life.”

Suddenly he withdrew the metal rod from inside her and quickly got on top of her and pushed his cock into her sex. He pushed his mouth hard to hers and when she hesitated to open his hand smacked her cheek. She quickly opened her mouth and he thrust his tongue deep into her mouth as he thrust his cock deeper and deeper inside her. He continued to kiss her and grabbed firm hold of her hair with one hand moving his hips as hard and aggressive as he could, raping her with no protest at all. Out of instinct and to relieve the pain of the angle his cock was penetrating her she lifted her knees, unintentionally helping him push deeper.

He softened his kisses ever so slightly to reward her for pulling her knees up and softened the pull on her hair rewarding her instinctual physical response.

Holly was so physically drained from the blood loss she had no energy to resist or struggle against him but it felt humiliating to her. She was getting used to him raping her, she resisted so much less and felt the natural movements of sex more. With the clit attention followed by the metal object her sex was wet and his cock much softer and less harsh then the metal rod. But that confused her mind because the rod felt so different to the feeling of his cock inside her. Her body was adjusting to him, growing used to him fucking her.

This hurt nothing like the first few times he raped her or like the harsh metal rod. She was getting used to being raped by him. Her body started breathing in rhythm with his thrusting. He softened his kissing more as he felt her body moving with the rhythm of his fucking her. As he softened his kiss he felt the tension in her jaw and face ease so he softened the grip on her hair and began to stroke her hair on the side of her face as he continued to fuck her hard.

The tenseness of her body softened she wasn’t resisting him raping her so he slowed his pace slightly rewarding her for accepting him fucking her.

He smiled to himself she was accepting him raping her resisting very little if at all. He slowed his movement even more wanting to last longer wanting her to experience this longer since she wasn’t resisting, He even thought to work one hand to one of her breast but rather then maul it like he typically would do he gently squeezed and kneaded her breast and then more gently pulled and squeezed on her nipple.

For the first time ever he wanted her to feel good sexual stimulation of her breast, associating that while he raped her. He hoped she would feel shame for her bodies natural responses to breast stimulation while being raped. He felt her body moving more with his stroking and changed hands giving attention to her other breast. He slowed his hip movement even more wanting to last longer if he could.

When she wasn’t expecting it he moved his free hand to her wounded wrist again and squeezed it just a bit at the same time doing very hard energetic deep thrusts. He then once again released her wrist and slowed his thrusts again. He then once again took hard hold of one of her breasts squeezing as hard as he could and once again intensified his thrusts.

He could feel he was getting close and slapped her face hard twice with each hand and then intensified his thrusts. As his hands both gripped each of her breasts as hard as they could he thrust his hip hard several more times before exploding inside her.

But even though he was exhausted he forced his body to roll onto one side of her removing his cock but quickly grabbed the metal rod and forced it immediately inside her sex.

With both his and her fluids inside her the rod too easily pushed into her and too easily he managed to force it as deep as his cock had been thrusting.

He’s very deliberate, trying to be careful not wanting to damage her sex but having the desire to force the object, not intended to penetrate a woman’s vagina, deeper to where Holly never felt anything touch before. His own relief and exhaustion helping him be a bit more careful and not over anxious. He paid special attention to where on the rod his and her body fluids made it wet and very carefully tried to work the half inch diameter, straight, stiff rod just a little deeper.

As he worked it just a bit farther inside he carefully watched her body react, her facial expressions, her breathing, even how she moved her hips.

He had had lots of opportunities now to learn her expressions of both minor discomfort and greater pain and he used what he’d learned to experiment more. He delighted when he could tell she was experiencing new sensations inside her where nothing had ever touched before and studied her facing expressions closely.

He carefully added a bit of pressure on the handle of the rod delighting when a little more disappeared inside her. He even listened for familiar or new escort muğla groans from her. He watched with excitement as she needed to move her hips, the arch in her back and her legs adjusted to the new sensations deeper inside.

He couldn’t resist carefully easing her legs a little higher and wider apart again watching her face to determine if that increased or decreased the pressure inside. He even told her when he could tell, “There that helped a little didn’t it? You need to feel it touch you deeper Holly” he added warning her he was going to push more.

As he increased the pressure once again he heard her groans intensify and he felt more resistance on the rod, but suddenly, out of instinct she rolled her hips more pulling her knees up and he felt the pressure give way and the rod ease a few millimeters deeper which caused her to let out a hard exhale. He quickly replied, “That’s a good pain slut, feel it touch you even deeper inside like you needed.”

He held the pressure there but didn’t push more watching her still moving and adjusting her body. He delighted as she seemed to work her hips a little wider then push her knees a bit more towards her shoulders.

He gave her a few minutes to adjust and delighted as she seemed to constantly move her body trying to find comfort. After she seemed to minimize her movements he began to carefully increase the pressure.

For the first several moments it does not seem to go any deeper and just before he’s convinced it can’t go farther he sees her bite her bottom lip and push her ankles and feet wider and that tiny adjustment suddenly allows the rod to penetrate a few more centimeters.

After the time he’s spent with her he has been learning her sounds, expressions and reactions and when the rod worked that bit deeper he could tell it was causing her discomfort deep inside. He didn’t try to work it deeper but he kept his hand on it keeping pressure on it.

It was at that moment, more then any moment before that Roger realized just how much he enjoyed power and control over another person and watching them struggle with pain he was causing. She didn’t even realize when he first made contact that fingers from his other hand had moved to her clit. But unlike any time before his intention was to stimulate and pleasure her clit while she experienced pain in a place she had never felt anything before.

Holly’s body and mind were so confused. She felt a painful pressure deep inside where she didn’t even know she could feel anything, let alone pressure and pain. Yet the stimulation at the top of her sex sent different sensations deep in her body but in a very different way.

“I can see the fluids just gushing out from you Holly. Do you feel then oozing down to your bottom? It hurts but you want…no…need more. I won’t let you down Holly” he said his voice soft and for the first time he really focused on stimulating her clit wanting to fill her body and mind with confusing, contrasting sensation. While he had zero desire for her to feel pleasure he hoped he could convince her that the pain was pleasurable or sexually stimulating.

Just to have a bit more fun after he was confident his clit stimulation was working at making her feel pressure even with the painful pressure deep inside her sex, he decided to try one more thing he thought to be cruel and he stopped rubbing her clit and used that hand to tap, tap, tap, over and over on the end of the metal rod. Doing so made her immediately let out groans, winces and cries and he knew he achieved his goal of wanting her to hurt and suffer.

“NO, NO, NO…” she cried and then begged, “PLEASE, PLEASE STOP” and her crying intensified. He watched in delight as she wiggled and squirmed appearing to be unable to hold still.

He smiled and decided he had done enough not wanting to do something that might require medical attention so he quickly pulled the rod out from inside her, stood up, bent down to kiss her forehead and told her, “Get some rest. I have a special day planned for us tomorrow.”

Holly without thought, the minute he walked away, rolled onto her side and curled into the fetal position. But it hurt too much to have her knees together so she straightened her top leg partly. Doing that only added to her humiliation as she could feel fluids escaping from her sex.

Holly cried, but it wasn’t a typical frightened, or upset cry, it was the a low deep wail from the center of her being. How had she gotten here? How had her mother brought this man into their lives? How could her mother be right there when he hit the daughter she was supposed to love and say nothing.

The pain deep inside her tummy and between her legs was bad, but there was an overwhelming feeling of despair in her soul. She put her fingers on the bandage on her wrist over the wound she made trying to take her own life. She couldn’t help wonder if she would have been better off if she had died from cutting her wrist, but she wanted to believe that wasn’t the answer.

She had known of a girl at school who was a cutter and most of the students thought she was a freak. But when Holly pressed on the bandage on her wrist, it distracted her mind from the pain in her soul, at least for a few seconds. She had always wondered why there were people who would cut themselves but now she understood that it took away a deeper pain. Maybe she too was a freak, or what Roger called her a dirty, filthy, pain slut.

Why had that man given Roger money after he raped her before he left the hotel room? Why had Roger let those men rape her at the tattoo shop?

Things only seemed to be getting worse and Roger already said he had plans for tomorrow. The thought of that was horrifying.

She knew she had to come up with an alternative plan of action.

She occasionally over the next several minutes would press on the bandage until the exhaustion from the day was enough to take control and she finally despite the physical and mental pain drifted into sleep.


Sammi was startled back to the present as Joseph broke the kiss and immediately asked her, “Are you okay?”

She looked up at him her mind feeling glazed over. “Yeah…I’m sorry” she said.

“Nothing to apologize for” he added then continued, “I guess I should finish rinsing the truck.

But as he stepped back he couldn’t help looking at her standing there in soaking wet clothing. He continued, “You know you look amazing, even soaking wet.” He couldn’t help chuckle knowing it was his fault.

Sammi blushed feeling a bit self conscious. She knew her clothes were clinging to her body and was pretty confident her nipples were visible even though she was wearing a padded bra. Besides feeling self conscious she couldn’t help feeling shame as well,

She remembered the clothes were in the dryer and decided that might be a perfect moment to go get the clothes from the laundry mat hoping he didn’t see her for that and said, “I’m…going to run get the clothes” and pointed towards the laundry mat and quickly jogged in that direction.

Joseph couldn’t help watch her jog off enjoying watching her from any angle. He did notice she seemed a bit off but told himself not to worry about it too much.

He finished rinsing the truck and trailer trying to minimize how often Ol’Jack got into the water knowing that they would soon be getting in the truck. He could hardly believe how much he desired and anticipated her return. He felt like a silly old man because he was smitten by this young woman.

He couldn’t remember the last time he laughed so much or had so much childish fun. The water fight was a blast. He kept watching for her return and he felt himself smile when he saw her walking in his direction carrying their laundry. He helped her put it up in the truck and asked, “So why don’t we move the truck, grab some clean clothes and I think they have shower facilities here. We can take a shower and then get something to eat. What do you think?”

“Sounds good to me” Sammi agreed and crawled up in the truck. She was so grateful that Joseph did not seem to dwell on her strange mood swings. She was amazed by his calm and cool demeanor.

He moved the truck from the truck wash area and parked it beside many other tractor trailers. He grabbed clean clothes and she did also and they walked into the building. They were fortitude that the truck stop had large shower facilities and each headed to the appropriate shower for their gender.

Sammi had not been in a communal shower since before Roger met her mom on occasion showering at school. She felt extremely uncomfortable and hurried as much as she could, especially knowing on her bottom the words, Dirty, Filthy, Pain Slut were permanently tattooed.

She was relieved when she didn’t think any of the other woman noticed. But she felt ashamed and humiliated not being sure.

She quickly dressed and waited for Joseph by the entry to the shower area. He arrived not too long after her.

“Hungry” he asked?

“Starving” she quickly replied and they headed to the truck stop restaurant for dinner.

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