
Sails, Sand and Sex

Big Tits

My name is Pam, I am seventeen. On my school holidays I wanted to learn how to sail, so joined a sailing club. Being a female with no experience in sailing did not endear me to most of the guys who were keen sailors. It was considered a sport for guys only. A very few girls did sail but were normally girlfriends of the skippers. I was breaking new ground as girls were only considered good for one thing and I was probably more experienced in that than any of the guys were in sailing. As I had recently moved to the area, I was not known by anybody in the club. For most of my holidays, I virtually lived at the boathouse attempting to get accepted, without owning a boat. Vaucluse is a suburb on Sydney Harbour which is very popular with all types of sailing craft from dinghies to ocean racers. The VJ was a 3.5-metre sailing boat originally designed in the 1930s and became very popular again in the late 1940s, after WW2. The VJ and a larger version the VS, are still popular sailing boats albeit in a modified design. It is a good boat for novices to learn how to sail. From the VJ one can easily graduate to the Vaucluse Senior (VS) which is slightly larger and more suitable for a crew of two. Both boats became very popular sailing boats with teens who lived in the vicinity. A club and a boat shed can be found on the harbour in an area known as Watsons Bay. School holidays and weekends were very busy times at the club as kids can prepare, rig and sail a VJ alone, or with a crew of two and don’t need adult supervision. I would hang around and offer to help rig the vessels or anything else required just to be asked if I would like to sail with them. I would do anything that was necessary to become accepted as a crewman (or sheet hand). I would also offer to help hose down and store the hulls after racing to gain exposure and acceptance. Being on my own and not owning a boat, it took some time to be recognised and become better known. A couple of guys who sailed quite a bit would occasionally invite me to have a sail with them. I had a feeling they felt sorry for me and wanted nothing in return. Both boats can easily be sailed by one and the VS better with a crew of two. Impromptu races would occasionally occur if two skippers agreed. Sydney Harbour is perfect for such events. Race day was Saturday. After the holidays, it took me another few weekends before one or two guys, who I think took pity on me, would take me out for an hour or two on a sailing boat called a Vaucluse Junior commonly called a VJ. One day I was hanging around and a guy who I had not sailed with before invited me to crew with him. That trip was wonderful, and I soon convinced Peter that I was interested in sailing and not his body. We had a wonderful day and Peter gave me a few lessons on how to skipper a boat. Peter took an interest in me and taught me the ropes (excuse the pun) and I eventually could ‘skipper’ his boat on a couple of occasions. Peter also had a regular girlfriend who had sailed with him, so I only got to be asked if she was not available. One day Peter and his girlfriend had gone sailing and another guy, Jack, who I had become friendly with, asked me if I would crew for him. I could not say yes fast enough. His usual crewman… his girlfriend, was not available. Jack was a completely different guy to Peter. He was a good sailor and from all accounts had a reputation with the women. He and I had not really had much to do with each other as I was more interested in learning to sail from Peter. Once Jack realised that I could handle a boat reasonably well he showed me a few tricks about racing and spinnaker setting, as he was a competent competitor. We became quite good friends, but I kept clear of him when his girlfriend was there with him. She didn’t like me. One day as we were sailing he asked me if I could handle a rollover which happens often in high winds. I said I believed so but Peter always took control in those circumstances. Jack then deliberately turned the boat over, something that is easily done and easily recovered from. To get the boat upright again you just stand on the keel and pull the rope attached to the top of the mast and you are upright and underway again very quickly. It is possible to turn turtle a couple of times in heavy winds and still win a race. Jack did this a couple of times and allowed me to get the boat upright in varying winds. I proved to be quite competent. Following the dunking in the water, we were both soaking wet and Jack suggested we head for a nearby beach to dry off. As the design of the boat incorporated a self-draining hull, it didn’t take on any water and it was unnecessary to empty it out. It didn’t take me long to realise what he had in mind, the spot he chose was a nudist beach. I didn’t say anything about the fact I knew where he was taking me. Once we landed, we pulled the boat up onto the sand he told me, “I usually strip off and peg the clothing onto the rigging to dry. You can leave your shorts on if you are embarrassed.” As I began to disrobe, I said to him, “Nudity doesn’t embarrass me. You picked a good day there is nobody else here.” “There rarely is during the week,” he commented. “Obviously, you chose the right spot. It just happens to be a nudist beach,” I said. “Oh, you know it’s a nudist beach?” he asked. “A couple of my girlfriends use it occasionally to brush up our all-over tan.” “Oh,” was his only comment. He was as nonchalant as I was about stripping off. He had no inhibitions about getting undressed with a girl watching, and one he didn’t know that well. Neither of us showed any embarrassment. Once we were both naked, I pegged my shorts and T-shirt to the rigging. Obviously, he did this before as he had pegs in his sail bag. “You don’t seem to be phased by being nude. It wouldn’t be your first time, from the look of you,” he said. “Am I safe with you?” I asked as ankara travesti I laughed. “As safe as a bank. Unless you wish me to make a deposit,” he joked back. It was only then I really looked at his pubic region and noticed his rather attractive cock. The head of it was prominent as he was circumcised. The tight folds of skin and its truncated length due to the cold water made it look interesting. It was about six inches slack and thick. I guessed it extended to about seven or eight inches when erect. Even slack and truncated it looked very natural resting on his balls which were tight due to being cold and wet. He saw me looking and looked down at his cock, “Impressed?” He asked. “Not bad, actions speak louder than words though,” I quipped back thinking to myself, I am sure I know what he has in mind. He ignored my comment and as he spoke. He was looking me over from top to toe. “My God, I have not seen a body like yours for ages. You are beautiful. You keep yourself nice and trim. I cannot believe those breasts, they are amazing. Nice and firm and no white pointers,” Jack said as he really stared at them. I have always shaved and keep my pubic hair in the shape of a strip. Then I must admit my uplift and the positioning of my dark skin areola on the upturned tip of my breasts do look attractive. I have received many compliments regarding their shape and firmness. As to the reference of White Pointers…They are breasts that have been covered by a bikini top and are not suntanned. The bare skin is white, triangular, and usually look like the fin of a shark of that name. “I try and keep myself looking good. You never know when I might meet a horny young sailor on a nudist beach,” I laughed. “You say nudity is not new to you? Has Peter bought you here?” “No way. My friends and I come here occasionally to get our all over tan without having to get it out of a tube. Hence the lack of white pointers,” I replied. ‘I gather you would be one of the girls that are not afraid to skinny dip at some of the parties I have heard about?” Jack questioned. “I am surprised you haven’t seen me before. If I am not the first one into the pool, then I am not far behind,” I replied. “You are the first girl I have bought here that is aware of the place. I am used to it myself as we often come over here to dry off.” “And?” I questioned. “And what?” he asked. “That turning turtle was just an excuse to get me wet. All you needed to do was ask was I interested in going to Obelisk beach,” I told him, ”I would have had no objections.” (Obelisk beach is known by that name due to a large concrete obelisk erected as a navigation mark on the shoreline.) “I had no idea you were aware of it,” He said. “I swim here often, my parents have been coming for years,” I replied. Oh, damn, most girls seem to freak out when I tell them it’s a nudist beach. They are concerned they may be seen here,” he commented. “What would Jill say if she realised what we were doing here?” “Who is Jill? What is that all about?” Jack asked. “Sorry, I always referred to you to as Jack and Jill. Sorry. I mean Louise.” Jack laughed, “That is the first time I have ever heard us referred to as Jack and Jill.” “Well, it isn’t her name but you two are pretty close. You know. Jack and Jill went up the hill,” I commented. “Not close enough, I have been trying to get into her pants since we met but she is the original virgin.” “Louise is a challenge, then. How do you see me?” “As a challenge. All girls are a challenge,” he said. “You like a challenge?” I asked. “Everybody enjoys overcoming a challenge. Your comments though, leave little to the imagination,” He quipped. “It depends upon how you spell come,” I quipped back, but he didn’t reply. I had noticed since we had begun to chat his cock had begun to soften and extend, it was no longer that cold little pecker. It was now beginning to look like it belonged to a real man. It was still not erect, but it was firmer and longer and still hung down. Obviously, the warm sun was working. I silently admired it, and if I played my cards right, I might get to find out if it worked as good as it looked. “It seems you are no shrinking violet either. I take it you are not the original virgin?” He said. “Her name was Mary, and you are right I am not a virgin, anything but.” “I see that you are not altogether unmoved by our conversation,” He said as he smiled. He had noticed my nipples had hardened. “Let’s not waste time talking, I believe you bought me here for one thing. Do you want it or not?” I directed my question directly to him. “It seems you leave me no option. You don’t waste words do you?” His cock began to grow and become erect. It looked very enticing. He swung the boat around on the sand and secured the sail, so it was broadside to the harbour, and I knew immediately this was to shield us from the view of others sailing by the beach. Not many landed here because of its reputation as a nudist beach. He had done this before obviously. By the time he had everything in place, I was getting down next to the boat ready. His cock was now fully erect. I was impressed. I lay on the sand waiting for him to join me. His cock looked great bobbing about as he moved. I spread my legs to give him a better view of what he was going to enjoy. The feeling I was enjoying myself was one I had enjoyed often… the anticipation of the guy slipping his cock into me. It was a feeling or sensation I had enjoyed many times and was eagerly awaiting and once more enjoying the experience of a good fuck. Before he got down with me, he stood and looked at me laying there, slowly stroking his cock. I could tell he was enjoying the scene I had laid out before him. He was enjoying the view and I gather the anticipation and was in no hurry to perform his duty in me. His cock had extended itself to its full potential and looked lovely protruding travesti ankara from his pubic hair. He stroked his cock a couple more times to ensure it was totally erect to satisfy me. I knew immediately I was going to enjoy this. He was in no hurry. There had been no foreplay or kissing. This was to be two people enjoying a fuck, and nothing more. I was more than happy with the way things had worked out. Jack and I were just a couple of friends having a fuck. No nonsense, no romance, just a good old-fashioned fuck, I hoped. Jack wasn’t getting over-excited and it was obvious to me he had done this before, probably many times, with more than a few girls. I was just going to be another fuck I hoped, nothing more. I felt more than comfortable with everything so far. I did wonder what Louise would say if she knew. From my very first fuck, I have always enjoyed being fucked. Even guys who came too soon for me. Big cocks and little cocks and none that I haven’t been satisfied with. I have never regretted having sex at any time. I don’t like guys getting too sloppy and telling me they love me. I was not the girl to get serious with anybody, yet. Previously I had lived in a rough neighbourhood before we moved to this area. Sex to us there was a fact of life. There was no regard for who you did it with. There were no serious boy/girl relationships we were all friends and at sixteen, too young to get serious. You just did it whenever you were asked. I did not lack experience. Jack was now down on his knees ready to fuck me. “You look beautiful. I cannot believe that I can be this lucky. I didn’t think you would be as interested in me doing it with you. You don’t have the reputation some of the girls do,” He told me. “That’s because they don’t know me and none have done what you are going to. This might change things,” I replied. “I won’t be saying anything, unless you do,” Jack told me. “Then I will keep it a secret, if you can,” I replied. “Has Peter tried? that girl of his is the original virgin. Nobody can get near her,” He told me. “No, I know he has Jenny and he seems pretty keen on her. He has never shown the slightest interest in me sexually,” I told him. “She is a cold fish. I can’t see what he sees in her,” Jack said. “I can’t even get her to talk to me,” I replied. Jack’s girl Louise was not that much more social toward me either. I wondered what she would be like if she found out I was doing this with him. Jack was now guiding his cock toward my waiting pussy, now damp with anticipation internally and wet externally with the salt water from the harbour. I looked down over my breasts and strip of hair. His strong naked body was framed between my legs. It was impressed with the firmness of everything. I was in for a really good time. He looked really fit and my eyes were then drawn down to his long, hard and thick cock. I thought this guy has got the whole package together. I am going to enjoy this. “I can’t wait for you to get that inside me, it looks good enough to eat,” I told him. Jack didn’t waste any time as I drew my legs back further to accommodate his body. He had no difficulty in guiding his cock into me easily. I was really wet in anticipation of us fucking together. I felt the pleasure of his cock head entering me as he guided it between my labia and straight up and into me. It was slow and deliberate. He was looking down as I was, watching his cock disappear into my more than an appreciative body. Obviously, we both knew what to expect. It didn’t just look great, it felt great as well. It was in as far as he could get it. The sensation as his cock penetrated me was amazing. I felt it going all the way into me and up as far as it could go. His cock would be close to the thickest cock I have ever had fuck me, the length of it wasn’t, if I had imagined earlier. It didn’t extend much further than when it was slack, but it did thicken. He slid his seven inches of man meat inside me and I shivered with the excitement and pleasure of it going in. He took my legs and put them on his shoulders and leaned forward, which virtually tightened the grip of my cunt around his cock. There were two experienced people fucking each other now and obviously enjoying the experience. What we were doing was nothing new or different to what we had both done more than a few times before, but never with each other. I just hoped he was enjoying the feeling of being inside me as much as I was having him there. I could feel how tight it was. It had really filled me. The friction as my cunt gripped him as he thrust and withdraw his cock within me felt awesome. There had been no foreplay, so I was gradually getting wetter and the feelings were constantly changing. I had not enjoyed being fucked like this for some time. I said to him, “it’s obvious you have done this before. You are good, I like it.” He was leaning forward and holding himself up on his arms above me. “You are not bad yourself; I would never have picked you as a girl with experience. You always looked so young and innocent to me. I hope you are old enough.” “I am seventeen.” “Are You being really comfortable with me doing this? Most girls your age are a bit scared,” He told me as he looked down at me and smiled. “Kiss me,” I demanded. In order to reach my lips, he had to push my legs back as they were still over his shoulders. My knees were almost touching my ears. It felt fantastic. I think he got his cock into me another inch. I was more than enjoying having him in there. His lips met mine and the feeling was amazing. My nipples had softened and the moment I felt his tongue slip into my mouth my nipples hardened to be like two little rocks. My breasts are normally firm but they felt firmer with this experience. My entire body was enjoying the pleasure of this fucking he was giving me. He had me under his complete control. The feeling of ankara travestiler him fucking me was one of the best feelings I have ever had doing this. I always enjoy having sex in the open air feeling the breeze on my body. This felt great it was my first time doing it on the sand. The feeling of his cock inside me and his tongue working wonders with mine in my mouth virtually gave me goosebumps with the amazing sensation of it all. I shivered with the excitement and feeling his cock was giving me. I could feel him rubbing my clit with his cock, he really knew how to make a fuck feel good. Kissing him at the same time added a new dimension to it. His cock hit my cervix as it was so far into me. My body shook and I gave a grunt. He broke the kiss. “Are you OK? Am I hurting you?” he asked. “No, you just hit my cervix a bit hard,” I told him. “I thought you were not enjoying being kissed. Not many girls like being kissed when you are fucking them,” he said. “Why not?” I asked. “One girl said no to me when I tried. Then she told me only sluts kiss when they fuck.” “Then I must be a slut because I like it when a guy kisses me when we are doing it,” I told him. “Pam, you are not a slut in my eyes. You are somebody special, believe me.” “Thank you. I must get you to explain yourself after we finish this. For the time being, I want to continue to enjoy one of the best fucks I have had. You are really good, but I am a bit confused about Louise.” Jack was probably the oldest guy ever to fuck me. He was twenty. Jack began to apply himself and seemed to be concentrating on giving me a good time and enjoying one himself. We both fucked in silence and enjoyed the physical pleasure of it. Occasionally, I gave a grunt as he did something I liked with his cock or he touched my cervix. I was really enjoying this. It was beautiful. We were both relaxed and enjoyed what we were doing without any effort. I had not enjoyed being with a guy like this for some time. We had both established a rhythm to our fucking. It is a pleasure that you can only experience when you are in harmony with a guy you like, and we were in perfect unison. After about seven or eight minutes of comfortable and enjoyable fucking in virtual silence, he asked, “Would you like to change places? We were both enjoying ourselves. This is a great fuck.” I assumed he meant cowgirl. “Not really, I want to save that for afters. I am sure we have time to do this again. Can we go doggy?” I asked. He didn’t say anything but withdrew his cock. As I repositioned myself, I looked at him sitting on his haunches with his long, thick hard cock glistening in the sunshine with the moisture of our lovemaking waiting to fill me with it again. He just smiled and didn’t speak. He looked beautiful. After repositioning myself ready for him to get his cock back into me, we were both ready to resume our fuck. He brushed the sand off my ass and from around my vagina which he did gently, and it felt lovely. After making sure there was no sand around the lips of my vagina, he slipped his finger into my ass and rimmed me to tease me. My whole body stiffened and gripped his finger with the amazing feeling it gave me. “Nice ass,” He commented. “Nice and firm, like the rest of you.” “It’s your firmness I am missing,” I told him. He then reinserted his cock. In this position, the lips of my cunt could really feel the stiffness of his cock as it pushed its way into me. It opened, widened and filled my now very moist vagina as it slid in easily. “Have you ever been fucked up the ass?” He asked. “Let’s save that for another time, I am enjoying this more,” I had been fucked up the ass, as he put it, a couple of times, but I didn’t want that now. What I wanted more than anything was to have an orgasm. It felt completely different now getting fucked this way. I always enjoyed it like this. Once he got himself comfortable he began to regularly stroke his cock back and forth within me. We soon had our movements in unison again. The rhythm we created had both of us enjoying every glorious moment. I had leant forward and resting on my forearms. My breasts were gently swaying with the rhythm of his thrusts making them feel even harder as my nipples gave me erotic sensations. He held my hips to steady himself as he continued to use his cock perfectly inside me. After fucking me like this for another five minutes, I could feel my climax approaching. My tummy muscles began to twitch and spasm. The feeling in my clit was very familiar and I knew I would only be seconds away from my orgasm. “I am going to cum Jack… go harder,” I demanded loudly. Jack responded to my cry immediately and increased the speed and force of his thrusts and how deep his cock was going into me. There was the familiar slap as our flesh came together. His pace increased and everything was beginning to make my head spin a bit … it happened… I came. “Fuck me…. Fuck me HARD,” I screamed. “Oh shit… fill me… fill me…fill me… Cum in me… cum hard.” I begged. I was loving it. This orgasm was so intense. I don’t normally make as much noise, but today I was extending myself. We were on a beach with nobody within hearing distance. I had let it all out and I had no idea why this fuck had been so more intense than any of those I had enjoyed before. I could feel the head of his cock rubbing my clit, it was so sensitive. This was one orgasm I would not forget. “OH GOD… OH GOD,” I screamed. My body was shaking with the sensations surging through my whole body. My head was spinning, my tits were swinging, my clit was so sensitive with the pleasure of his cock thrusting hard and fast. I was having one great orgasm. I could feel the flow of my juices filling the area where his cock was working to make me juicy and happy. My orgasm was amazing, it took almost a minute for the sensation in my clitoris and vagina to ease. I shook and shivered with the feelings they were giving me. It was amazing after everything that had been giving me those beautiful sensations, I began to feel numb there. I had reached the climax and the conclusion of my orgasm. He had not withdrawn from me as he had not cum himself, yet.

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