
Sameena Does Dares Pt. 04


‘I’d say flattery will get you nowhere with me but I don’t think I could keep a straight face.’

Lucy smiled, but was focused on getting the awkwardly slippery foodstuff into her shoes. Unlike Sam’s thong, the shoes had plenty of space for it, but whether that would remain true when Lucy put them on was dubious.

‘Oh my,’ she said, trailing off as she forced her feet into the slop-filled shoes. Her voice managed to create a tremolo effect with just two words.

‘Could be worse,’ Sam said, nodding down at her own chest.

‘Maybe,’ Lucy agreed. ‘But who’s going to have the harder time walking?’

‘Me! All this crap is going to be shifting and wriggling all over the place.’

‘Yeah but you won’t be squishing it like — ugh,’ Lucy stopped mid-sentence, cringing at her own demonstration of picking up one foot and putting it down again. There was an audible squelch.

‘Alright. Let’s just agree that walking isn’t going to be fun for either of us.’

‘Or that it’s going to be a lot of fun.’

‘Please. What kind of weirdo could possibly enjoy something like this?’

Lucy laughed. ‘Right, come on, I do believe it’s your dare again.’

‘Hardly seems fair, but fine, go on then.’

‘You know, all this hanging around restaurants has made me hungry. What time is it?’

Sam swiped her phone without taking it our of her handbag. ‘Not quite twelve o’clock.’

‘By the time we’ve sat down, chosen what we want, it’ll be fine.’

‘It’ll be busy,’ Sam said with a hint of wariness in her voice.

Lucy shrugged nonchalantly and Sam almost bought it. ‘Come on, what do you fancy?’

‘Is that a set-up for me to say you?’

‘Gosh, how kind of you. No, come on. I’m not saying you’re not going to get messy, but I really am a bit peckish. Must be all that adrenaline.’

‘That Indian place next to KFC is supposed to be okay.’

‘Of course.’

‘Piss off. It’s good. Apparently.’

‘Alright, fine. To be honest I’m glad you brought it up because I fancied it, too, but I didn’t want to make it look weird.’

‘Look weird? Us?’

They shared another laugh at that, Sam walking with her legs spread and trying to avoid moving her upper body as much as possible, Lucy stepping as lightly on her tip-toes as she could manage.

‘You didn’t say it was vegetarian,’ Lucy said, glancing at a menu in the window.

‘I’m watching my figure,’ Sam replied.

‘Lots of people are watching your figure.’

‘Can you blame them?’

That spark was there again, and again they let it pass.

‘No,’ Lucy replied, somewhat subdued. ‘Come on, then, what’s good?’

‘I’m fancying the lentil dhal.’

‘I guess kilis escort I’ll have the sweet potato and spinach one. Your dare, your turn to order.’


‘Not my fault you panicked.’

‘Fine, two dhals. Drink?’

‘Anything wet. Oh, and get some lassi if they do it,’ Lucy added with an all too familiar grin.

‘What kind?’ Sam asked, raising an eyebrow.

‘Oh, it really doesn’t matter.’

‘Because you like them all, or?’

‘Oh, no, I can’t stand the mango one, but it’s a lovely colour, don’t you think?’

‘Yeah, I thought so.’ Sam tried to look exasperated but she just couldn’t take anything seriously by this point.

‘Atta girl. Now run along.’ Lucy gave Sam’s arse a playful slap, momentarily forgetting the mess she had just made of it. Sam yelped, taken by surprise, and glowered theatrically at Lucy, who was too busy looking at the noodle grease now covering her hand to notice.

Sameena, reflecting on the fact that she had managed to get back-to-back restaurant dares, almost didn’t notice the young woman asking for her order. ‘Oh, sorry, can I get two dhals? One spinach, one lentil. A couple of cokes and one mango lassi.’

‘It’ll be a minute or two for the dhals. Can I get you any sides? Rice? Naans?’

‘No, thanks.’

‘Alright. Eighteen-fifty then, please.’

Sam pressed her card to contactless sensor and turned back to see what Lucy was up to. Unfortunately for her, she did so at a speed which failed to account for the slop currently populating her underwear, causing the greasy noodles to shift around, rubbing her breasts and pussy in ways that made her squirm. Whether it was happy squirming or not, she wasn’t sure. Either way, Lucy must have noticed Sam’s expression because she guffawed and offered her friend a thumbs-up.

‘There you go,’ the girl behind the counter said. ‘Enjoy your meal.’

Resisting the urge to scoff, Sam smiled a thank-you, lifted her tray, and waddled uncomfortably back to the table Lucy had picked out. In fact, she had occupied a taller-than-usual table, surrounded by four bar stools. Lucy was occupying none of them, however, choosing instead to stand beside them. As the noodles continued to shift with her every step, Sam understood why.

‘Here we go,’ she said after a slow, steady walk.

‘You were right,’ Lucy replied. ‘This does look good. Smells good, too, which is good news for you.’


‘Yeah, looks like they’ve run out of cutlery.’

‘What? No they haven’t. I can see — oh.’

‘Yeah. I haven’t entirely decided what’s better, though. Making you eat with your hands, or making you eat like a pig from a trough. escort kilis Now that I say it out loud, it’s obvious.’

‘Is it?’ Sam asked with a nonchalance she wasn’t feeling, staring at the sloppy meal and trying to come to terms with the fact that it would soon be all over her face, one way or another.

‘Sure. A bit of both.’

‘How’s that work? You only get to give me one dare.’

‘Okay, but what if the dare is,’ Lucy paused for a moment, trying to work out the exact wording in her head. ‘What if the dare is this: you have to eat the food without your hands, but you can use them to move the food around the plate?’

‘Is that it?’

‘Yep. I think that covers it, like that dhal is going to cover your mug.’

‘Very clever,’ Sam replied with a sarcastic drawl, but her eyes had yet to leave the plastic plate in front of her.

‘Well, what are you waiting for? At least you get to eat this one. Well, some of it.’

‘Right. Bon apetit, eh?’ Sam said, hesitantly leaning in and lowering her face to the plate.

She paused a moment, questioning her own willingness, eventually reasoning that, although this act of getting messy was going to be more degrading, at least the resulting mess would be less dramatic than what she had done so far.

It was scant consolation, growing less and less consolatory every second her face was in contact with the mushy green food. She found she was able to suck it up fairly easily, though noisily, without getting too much of her face dirty. Her nose was a lost cause, but her forehead, cheeks and chin remained relatively clean for the time being.

Unfortunately, the time being didn’t last long. Before she knew what was happening, Sam felt Lucy’s hand on the back of her head, pushing it firmly into the gloop. ‘Don’t you–‘ Sam started to protest, but found herself needing to close her mouth before it flooded with dhal. Seconds later, she was as deep in the food as the shallow plate allowed. It was enough to cover her whole face but Lucy apparently wasn’t satisfied with that. She tightened her grip on Sam’s hair ever so slightly, enough to use Sam as a dish cloth, making sure Sam felt the lumpy, mushy food squelching against every inch of her face.

‘Not hungry?’ Lucy asked smugly, pausing to let Sam up for a moment.

Sam couldn’t think of a smart comeback, her mind still coming to terms with what had just happened.

‘It’s a bit difficult to eat when you’re using my face like a mop,’ she said.

‘Oh, I’m so sorry. Well, go on, get it down you. Make sure you use your hands. I don’t want you to waste it after we’ve paid for it.’

‘After I paid for it.’

‘All kilis escort bayan the more reason to get your money’s worth.’

Sameena rolled her eyes at that, but Lucy was still standing over her from behind. She contemplated her next move for a moment and found that, despite all the mess nestling against her breasts and pussy, the thought of getting her hands messy still made her squirm. Yes, the mess rubbing between her thighs was distracting, but she actively needed the use of her hands. There was no way of ignoring them, and she would feel the uncomfortable sticky, goopiness the whole time.

Still, a dare is a dare, she reasoned. With that unconvincing thought in mind, she scooped up two handfuls of orange mush — all the mushier for its run-in with her face — and stuffed them into her mouth, one by one. At least it tasted good.

‘Aww, little baby’s made such a mess,’ Lucy quipped.

Ignoring her, Sam was determined to get this dare over with. Similarly, she tried to ignore the cringe-incuding feeling of the mush between her fingers and under her nails. It didn’t entirely work, but she forced more and more dhal into her mouth and allowed herself the occasional shiver of discomfort.

It was mercifully quick going, at least. The texture of the dhal meant she didn’t need to waste time chewing so she could shovel it in without pause. It was far from a dignified way of eating, but dignity was already a distant stranger by now anyway.

‘Well done,’ Lucy said as Sam finished up the last handful. ‘Now lick the plate clean.’

‘Seriously?’ Sam huffed, twisting to look over her shoulder at Lucy. ‘That wasn’t part of the dare.’

‘There’s still food on the plate,’ Lucy replied flatly. ‘I’m pretty sure I said your dare was to eat the food without using cutlery. There’s still food left, isn’t there?’


Lucy shrugged. ‘I understand if you want to give up. Did we agree on what happens to the loser, by the way?’

‘I didn’t say I give up,’ Sam replied, surprising herself with her vehemence. ‘I’ll do it,’ she added, calmer, lifting the plate with both grubby hands. She glanced around it, noting a few flabbergasted onlookers, then pressed her tongue against the thickest smear of leftover dhal. It was lukewarm by now, but Sam wasn’t going to let that stop her. She lapped up every last drop of dhal, making a show of how far she could extend her tongue to get the last couple of streaks.

‘I’ve never been jealous of a plate before,’ Lucy said with a wicked laugh. It was infectious, too. Sam found herself giggling along, despite her recent grumpiness. ‘Alright,’ Lucy went on. ‘Fair’s fair. You pass with flying colours. Well, mostly orange.’

‘Thank fuck for that,’ Sam said with a laugh, wiping her forehead on the back of her hand. ‘But you forgot something.’


‘There’s a whole other dhal to get through. Try and guess what you’re next dare is going to be.’

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