
Sandi’s Erotic Interludes Ch. 30


Chapter 30. Pravin, early forties. August.

It was only when the car began losing power before coming to a standstill that I remembered about the petrol. In too much of a rush to call at the service station last night I’d intended doing so on my way to B*** in the morning.

Damn, I had no idea where the nearest petrol station was to be found. I stood irresolute, wondering which way to start walking and thinking that at least I was wearing my flat driving shoes, when a sleek looking black car appeared. Desperately flagging it down I explained my plight to the driver who top me to, “Jump in, I’ll take you to the service station about three miles ahead.”

I climbed in beside the guy expressing my gratitude. Telling me it was nothing, the service station was on his route anyway, the guy introduced himself as Pravin.

Medium height and of slight build, Pravin wore glasses, his short black hair well groomed. In his early forties he was well dressed, polite and articulate.

We chatted as he drove and I told him I was about to begin a two year training period with a London solicitor as the culmination of my law studies. Commending me on my choice of career Pravin went on to tell me how his parents had settled in the UK from a village near Delhi and eventually owned several newsagents.

By this time we had arrived on the forecourt of a service station and Pravin said he’d pop inside for a petrol can. He did so and after filling the can with petrol refused payment for the can or petrol. In fact he simply waved at the attendant and climbed back into the car. His strange behaviour was explained when Pravin told me that he and his brother owned the service station, along with a string of others!

“We didn’t fancy the corner shop trade,” he explained. “Decided to try our luck with this instead and it’s paid off handsomely.”

Returning to my car Pravin poured the petrol in for me and then we drove in convoy to the petrol station where the attendant was instructed to fill the car up for me, free of charge. I realized it was my lucky day, though at that moment didn’t realize just how lucky.

“My house is a couple of miles further on if you fancy a coffee,” he told me, to which I assented.

Again we drove in convoy, Pravin soon turning off the road and through an open gateway. Following his car up the drive I caught my breath on seeing the huge and imposing house ahead. His service station business must be doing well, I thought.

Ushering me inside Pravin went to ‘freshen up’ and I looked round the huge lounge in his absence. From the numerous photos I guessed correctly that he was married with several teenage children. On his return Pravin told me they were all away visiting relations in India.

“So we have the house to ourselves,” he concluded.

“And have you an ulterior motive in asking me in to your empty house for coffee,” I smiled at Pravin, ensuring my skirt rode higher as I crossed my legs.

Pravin’s freshening up had included removing his Urfa Escort jacket and tie. He now undid a few buttons of his shirt while looking at me speculatively.

“My wife’s been away over a month now and I’m missing female company.”

He was staring openly at my legs so I uncrossed and parted them slightly, smiling at Pravin as I did so. I was missing my weekly sex sessions with Mousy now that I’d finished at Uni and really fancied the suave and handsome Pravin. I was also enjoying the role of seductress and saying it was rather warm slipped my cardigan off, making sure my skirt rode even higher in the process.

“You’re a very attractive young girl Sandi and not inexperienced in the ways of the world, I think,” Pravin said as he sat down beside me.

“I know how to enjoy myself with the opposite sex if that’s what you mean.”

“And no virgin I suspect,” he placed a hand on my knee as he spoke.

“No, I lost that years ago,” I smiled, resting my hand on Pravin’s trouser clad thigh as his began running up mine.

Pravin’s breathing quickened when his fingers reached my panties, and he kissed me. It was a very gentle kiss, his tongue pushing between my lips only after the kiss had gone on for sometime. Simultaneously his fingers stroked the strip of material between my now well spread thighs.

I moved my hand to his crotch and found a promisingly long bulge. I traced my fingers along its length excitedly while Pravin’s fingers wormed their way inside my panties. We were kissing repeatedly as his fingers penetrated me, one, two then three probing inside by the feel of it.

Passion rising I whispered that I wanted his penis, wanted to suck it and feel it inside me.

“A girl who knows what she wants,” he said, though clearly surprised by my blatant words.

Standing, Pravin rapidly shed his trousers and boxer shorts before presenting his penis to my lips.

I studied the long brown member before gently nibbling the tip of it. Then, cradling Pravin’s balls in my hand I went to work in earnest on his penis, licking, kissing and finally sucking it into my mouth.

While I sucked his penis a gasping and grunting Pravin removed his shirt to stand before me naked, but for socks. Seemingly unable to take any more he suddenly knelt and with my skirt already high he pulled my panties down and off. Lifting my legs to put one up over each shoulder Pravin buried his face between them. Proving to be an expert at cunnilingus Pravin brought me to orgasm after which, and feeling very daring, I pushed the guy onto his back on the carpet and straddled him. Swiftly removing my top and bra I tucked the hem of my skirt into the waistband and squatted over his waiting erection. Lowering myself slowly onto it I uttered a long drawn out cry of pleasure to feel him penetrating deep inside me.

I was fully impaled on his marvellous penis and Pravin took my breasts in his hands as I began riding him. Soon though, his hands dropped to my bottom as we ground against Urfa Escort Bayan one another.

It wasn’t long before he came, penis jerking inside me, my ecstatic cries echoing around the lounge.

After a very brief respite Pravin picked me up in his arms and carried me upstairs to a large and very plush bedroom. We lay on the giant sized bed caressing one another for ages until Pravin slid on top of me in the classic 69 position. After a very long and satisfying bout of mutual oral sex Pravin moved round to kneel between my feet.

“Your cunt looks and tastes exquisite,” he told me, staring fixedly between my thighs.

Lifting my legs he doubled them back to my shoulders and entered me for a second time. Pravin fucked me slowly and I loved every second of it. With his body on top of mine, the weight of him holding my legs doubled back, I was to all intent and purpose held motionless beneath him.

It’s a position I would come to love, chiefly perhaps because of the seeming helplessness of my position but also the depth of penetration it enabled.

Excited beyond belief I achieved orgasm almost simultaneously with Pravin’s penis jerking and expelling his semen into my very depths.

We lay side by side for ages afterwards and I think I was drifting off to sleep when Pravin asked if I’d be living in London while finishing my studies. I replied that I’d love to but my parents had decided that the cost of living and price of accommodation in London were prohibitive and wanted me to commute daily; the prospect of which appalled me.

Pravin was silent for a time as he digested the information while idly stroking my thigh. Then he told me that beside the service station business he and his brother also owned rental properties in various parts of London.

“I’m sure I could find something suitable and convenient for you.”

“Perhaps you could but my parents would never agree to the costs as they maintain we have a perfectly good rail link which is cheaper than living in London.”

“It wouldn’t cost them a penny. I’m prepared top put you up rent free for the two years, as you’re pursuing such a worthy career and seem a determined enough young lady to make a go of it. Maybe you could tell your parents a little white lie about the accommodation coming free with your training contract.”

“That’s an incredibly generous offer!”

“Of course I would make occasional weekend visits if that’s acceptable to you.”

Pravin laid his hand gently between my thighs, perhaps to emphasis his meaning.

“Very acceptable.”

I spread my legs further and feeling daring pushed my sex against his hand saying, “This will be yours whenever you want it.”

I felt my face growing warm at my vulgar response but Pravin merely smiled and said it could prove a mutually beneficial and satisfying arrangement.

“I’ll be your mistress. A kept woman!” I enthused, the idea generating a feeling of excitement in me.

“That’s right,” Pravin said Escort Urfa moving on top of me. “You can be my mistress for the next two years in exchange for rent free accommodation.”

My loud cry as his penis entered me was a mixture of excitement at the idea of acquiring the label ‘mistress’ and the sheer joy of feeling him inside again.

This time it lasted an age and was probably the most satisfying bout of intercourse I’d enjoyed up until then.

Two days later I drove to Pravin’s house as arranged and after we’d had sex he told me he’d found the very place for me. We could drive to London next day to check it out. With my parents living very busy lives I would easily be able to get away, having already primed them with the little white lie Pravin had dreamed up.

Naturally, we had intercourse at Pravin’s house next day before setting out for London in his car.

The flat was situated over a newsagents that had once belonged to his parents.

“It’s handy for the underground which serves your area of London,” he commented.

Pravin agreed that the flat was a little run down and in need of refurbishment but told me he’d see to all that. I asked if I could do the redecorating myself and he agreed, telling me to keep all the bills for paints, brushes and anything else I used so he could reimburse me.

“I’ll also make you a small allowance each month.”

“Oh but there’s no need, you’re being very generous as it is!”

I was leaning back against the wall at the time and hiking my skirt up Pravin hooked my panties aside to enter me. He began fucking me and throwing my arms excitedly round his neck I told Pravin I hoped it would be the first of many such encounters in the flat.

When I moved in the following week I found Pravin had been as good as his word. All the furniture and appliances had been replaced by top of the range goods, as had the carpets. It must have cost him a small fortune by the time Pravin had paid for all the paints etc. I used for the redecorating but he assured me it was no problem as the flat needed doing up anyway and would be ready for a paying tenant when I left in two years time.

“In the meantime I’m yours whenever you want me,” I told Pravin excitedly, revelling in the role of mistress, his kept woman.

During the Friday evening at the end of my first week in London Pravin arrived to spend the weekend with me. We slept together for three nights Pravin departing, fully satiated by all the sex we’d had I shouldn’t wonder, early on Monday morning.

It was the first time I’d actually spent the night with a guy and drifting off to sleep in his arms was blissful. Even better though was waking in the mornings and finding a fully erect penis to play with! I soon discovered that guys often, perhaps usually, wake up with an erection for some unknown reason. At least unknown to me but there’s probably a scientific answer for the phenomena.

With Pravin’s monthly visits continuing I soon realised they would probably coincide with his wife’s periods, even teasing him one day that it was a good job I didn’t have mine at the same time!

He took me out to various restaurants in the evenings but most if our days were filled with sex, the guy seemed insatiable, but so was I.

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