
Santa II


John Timberland was getting frustrated no matter how calm or at peace he was still nothing happened. Sighing again John tried to move the toy that was in front of him with his mind. A small smile lit up his face when it started to slightly vibrate, then nothing.
The elder from… John was starting to lose track of time so far he’d seen the? He guessed it was a sun set twice that meant according to them that two years had passed already on the outside. So far the only magic he could do well was the thought talking to the elders and a few others. Sitting John tried to go through everything the elder elf Granle had told him.

 Another failed attempt later there was a knock at his door, “I thought you might want something to eat and drink. You have been at it for over two days now.” Triance said as she put the tray down on the table. “If I may say sir,” Triance asked to which John nodded. “I think that you are just trying too hard. Eat and rest a bit, and then try again, I imagine that it will help. Please remember that you have much time to accomplish what you need sir.”

 John looked at Triance with wide eyes. Could it really be that simple? No, there was no way that was the answer! “Alright I’ll give it a try. Perhaps you’re right and I am trying too hard.” John told the elfin woman who smiled at him then nodded. 

 Sitting at the table John tentatively took his first bite. When his eyes flew wide at the rich delicious taste, Triance knew she’d done very well. “Remember sir, one can’t think well when your stomach is demanding attention. Many here find that most problems can be easily solved after a satisfying meal!” 

 Triance started to leave when John stopped her a moment, “I wanted to thank you before you go Triance. I have been at this for a while. Thank you for reminding me to rest.”

 Triance blushed; she still was having a hard time with the praise that a human was giving her. “Though you don’t have to, I an honored to help sir!” John nodded taking another bite as he watched Triance exit in a hurry. Wolfing the meal down he had to admit it was rather excellent filling his stomach.

 Pushing his plate aside John sat back and thought of everything that had happened. Torran and Triance, and the things that Granle the elder had tried to show him. John smiled the elf was very kind he wondered what Granle was doing? His vision blurred for a second the he was standing outside a large round building next to Granle!

 “What!? I’m sorry Granle I didn’t mean to, I was thinking about you and I was here!” A worried John said.

 “Ah! I see you used the thought walk for the first time! Very good sir! Judging by how fast you appeared it was a normal move.” Granle said with a wide smile. “Remember each time you use it makes it stronger. Plus it will be easier to do also.”

 John looked at the elf as if he’d lost his mind. Easier? Stronger? “Granle I have no Idea how I did that! It just happened! I thought of you and poof! Here I was!”

 “Ah! So you are finally starting to get the concept of the magic! Very good for one so young! You should discover the others very quickly now!” The elder elf told him. “Try again to move home.”

 Nodding his head John thought of home appearing back in his house behind the lodge! What?! According to the clock in the living room he’d only been gone a few hours. Sitting down John started to write with a furry. Calling his Lawyer he made arrangements and put all the documents in the mail. Sitting down with a sigh he nodded, that should take care of things. Thinking of the house where Triance and her sisters had taken him, his vision blurred again though this time it seemed a very long time before he appeared in the outer room.

 Torran and several others were there a moment later each with a worried look on their faces. “Thank goodness sir! We’d thought you gone for good! All of us felt you as you thought walked back. It was so slow we weren’t sure if you were going to make it! Thank the creator you were strong enough!”

 “I have to agree!” Came a voice from the back of the crowd, they parted revealing the elder Granle. “Traversing the rift is hard enough, almost impossible physically. You used the magic to cross, though it took a bit, you made it. I apologize about earlier I had meant this home not your old one. It is joyful that you are indeed as strong as you are! Well done sir!”

 “I forgot to concentrate I just thought of this building. I guess that I tried a little too hard. That might explain why it took so long.” John stated.

 The elder looked at John with a curious look, “Perhaps, you will discover why and how soon, Santa. As I stated before you are advancing very well for one so young.”

 John bowed to the elder and thanked him drawing a round of gasps from all those present. Looking around John could only shake his head; this was just meant as respect that was all.

 “Thank you young one,” the elder told him. “The fact that you show respect speaks much about you.”

 “It is only the way I think bycasino everyone should be. I apologize again to all here if it embarrasses them.” John replied. This was again met with several more gasps.

 “Yes well, it may take some time for them to get used to. All humans before now have been rude and unaccommodating.” Granle told John.

 “That’s really a shame as your people are very decent.” John replied.

 For a third time there were gasps from the now growing crowd at the doorway. Torran and Triance both were blushing as they appeared at the front of the ever growing crowd. “Now that many have met him, I expect that we will be able to continue? I know that many were anxious to meet him and therefore there has been a stoppage.”

 John stepped forward, “I apologize if my presence has caused worry amongst you.” Bowing to all assembled to a fourth round of gasping John continued. “If as Torran said I am to lead you, then I will do the best that I can for you and me.”

 There was a moment of confusion at the back of the crowd again as they parted again. A much older elf stepped forward staring straight at John. “At last you are here! I have held on as long as I could. I knew you’d make it sir, I just…” John ran forward catching the aged elf before he hit the floor. “I saved what I could sir. I have lost some but there is still much there,” this last spoken in a whisper.

 The old elf reached out his hand out touching John’s head. John’s eyes flew open, and then with a jolt was pushed back against the wall. “Handral, old friend!” John said as he ran back to the older elf.

 “I have waited far longer than I thought I could sir. I thank the creator that he allowed me to see you once again!” Handral said as the breath slowly left his body.

 Tears starting to fall from his eyes John whispered, “I am also thankful that you were as loyal as you were. I thank you my good, good friend. I will miss you and see you again, soon. Rest now with the creator you’ve earned it.”

 The elder, his eyes wide was standing next to John. “Sir? You knew him? He was the last of the adults that made their way into the rift long ago.” The elder’s eyes flew wide. “You truly are him! You have the knowledge of the old and new!”

 John stood a new light shining in his eyes. “I do now my good friend Granle, I do now. Please have a ceremony of honor for him; he has withstood much waiting for me. I cannot let his sacrifice be for nothing. I pledge now to make things better, starting today!”

 Granle and all those present bowed as they gingerly took the body out of the house. “The ceremony will take time sir. Will you be present for it?”

 “I would but your people still aren’t used to me yet. I have much to do before I can properly lead you. I will soon but not right now.” John told the shocked elder.

 John watched as they all left then sat to sort out all the information that his friend had given him.  Thinking for perhaps an hour he finally started to formulate a plan. Not the greatest of plans but something to start on at least. First off if he was going to do anything at all he had to increase his magic use. The rest of the day he began to flash in and out of the building getting further and further away ’til he reached what he called a boundary. Pushing on it, it felt a lot like jello only a whole lot harder to get through.

 Standing in front of the boundary he turned back looking for the town. To his astonishment there was no sign of it! Was this place really that large? Thinking of his building again he was there in a matter of seconds. Sighing this was a good start but it had to be instantaneous. Well he thought, there was time after all.

 It would be at least a week before he expected to see any of the elfin people. Perhaps he could be ready mostly in that time. Two days later he was finally moving like he wanted to, well he thought no time like the present. Appearing at the cave opening that Triance, her sisters, and he had appeared from John walked in. This should be the least hampering as I won’t have to go as far he thought. 

 Thinking of the opening that he’d walked into and the area around it John’s vision blurred for a minute then cleared. Instead of a mountain there was just a huge pile of snow, looking all around John didn’t see any evidence of a mountain at all! Just then John heard shouting further up the slope; ‘darn,’ he thought then was in his house! ‘Ok now that was weird!’ Looking at his desk he could see that 2 days had passed. Checking the mail at the door he saw that his lawyers had responded.

 John smiled as he read all that was being done. Good it would keep the money grubbers like that obscenely obtuse woman from the other day from ever gaining control of the resort. Satisfied John thought of the rift
appearing again at the same snow pile. Nodding his head, good, baby steps first then the bigger things. The cavern was as good a place to start. Again his vision blurred for almost a minute then he was there! ‘Not as long, good,’ bycasino deneme bonusu John thought, ‘I just need to practice more.’

 Appearing back in his house John sat somewhat tired though not as badly as the last time. He’d just sat in his chair when a vision of Handral appeared. “Hello sir, if you are seeing this it means that I have passed. Please don’t be sad you’ll see me again, as I will you for the first time. The fact that you are seeing this means that you are accessing almost the full magic now. I know you have questions I am sorry that I am not there to answer them. Just remember what you have always told me don’t push it will come when it is ready. Be well sir.”

 John sat there in a daze, all the memories that he hadn’t experienced yet flooding his mind. A good hour later John in tears nodded he could see what he needed to do now. ‘Then again,’ John thought, ‘he could see it but as of yet he wasn’t sure he could actually accomplish it.’

 What I really need is something that will help me decide. Something that will let me know  when and where I need to go doing what needs to be done. I need something I can… as his vision blurred he wondered where he was off to this time. Appearing what seemed like hours later John could only stare at the, he guessed she was a female in front of him.

 Averting his eyes and bowing John told her, “I apologize for staring. This is obviously your home and I was rude for staring. I admit I have never met one who looks as you do.”

 “Ah!” The female said her green body vibrating slightly. “You must be the one that I was told of eras ago. So polite and respectful, though you don’t know me. Rise young one how may I aid you?”

 John stood almost afraid to look at the female. “Again I mean no disrespect but just who are you?” John drew back half expecting her easy going demeanor to suddenly turn sour.

 “You have no fear young one.” The female said gently causing John to look at her face. He could almost swear that she was made of plants, water, earth, and fire. “I find it rather refreshing for one so young to show the respect that you have. Now then, on to your question, I am who your kind call Mother Nature or rather the idea of it. Now then if we may on to my first question, how may I aid you?”

 Embarrassed a moment John decided that honesty was the best thing, always had been for him why stop now? “I was sitting and thinking. I had decided I knew what I needed to do, I could see it but wasn’t sure how I could accomplish it.”

 “So you thought of me?” the female asked.

 Blushing John replied, “No ma’am I didn’t. I started to think that I needed something that will help me decide. Something that will let me know when and where I need to go doing what needs to be done. Suddenly my vision blurred for what seemed like hours and I was here. I apologize if I am intruding on you.”

 “Ah! I see young one. The great creator has sent you to me. A friend of yours visited me a long time ago. I have prepared this for you.” The female reached into the darkness beside her and pulled back a mirror. “This will help you for now. What needs to be done will be shown. At first it might seem a little confusing. As eons pass you will manage the images far better.”

 John gingerly took hold of the mirror handling it like a precious and fragile, priceless piece of art. “I… I thank you, it is such a lovely gift do I owe you anything for this?”

 “If you do the work that your friend told me of long ago, then this is just something to help aid both you and I. Be well Santa remember if you have need call on me as I on you. As your use of the ancient magic increases so shall your manipulation of all the forces. When you have achieved that Santa, then, you may be able to repay what you obviously think you owe me.”

 A startled John could only stare at the
female again his mouth hanging open. “I… I… I…” Was all that John seemed to get out of his mouth. 

 “I again thank you for the visit. I feel we shall meet again young one.” Mother Nature told John. Nodding his head John felt like an idiot in front of her. Turning John thought of the Elfin home in the rift. His vision blurred and again for what felt like hours he waited. Landing with a thud in his chair John thought he ought to go to bed, but right now it was just too hard to move!

 John felt a shaking on his shoulder it felt like a few minutes later. “Sir?” He kept hearing. “Sir are you ok? Oh dear Torran what if he never awakens? Such a strange energy earlier today.” John thought he heard Triance’s voice.

 “He seems to be alright though it appears he used almost all of his magisk energi getting Tilbake til rift!” John thought he heard Torran say.

 Groaning John opened one eye and looked at Torran. “Why can’t I understand your Alfheim?” A slow and slurred voice John asked.

 “Finally sir you’re awake!” An excited Triance shouted.

 Sighing Torran took John’s wrist and felt it for a moment. “You used up almost bycasino giriş all of your magic energy. Where you went you almost weren’t there long enough for your tilbaketur.” 

 John shook his head this had to stop. “Give me a moment it appears that I am still at a low. I am only getting most of what you said.”

 “Here sir drink this,” Triance said as she handed him a glass of a green liquid.

 Thinking nothing of it as he downed the glass. John had noticed that Torran had grabbed a bucket a moment before why?… That’s when the liquid hit his stomach. “What was that, it wasn’t that bad…” John started then his mouth hung open as everything he’d just drank decided on a return trip! “What was that!” A now pale John was asking a timid acting Triance.

 “A very old remedy for exhaustion of magic energy.” Leaning close Triance added, “I have heard that it has an incredibly horrible taste. Personally I have never had to use it I never try to use my magic to that extent!” 

 “Uh huh, I think that you heard correctly! That my dear Triance was as horrible as you have heard if not worse!” John said as he felt his strength and energy rapidly returning.

 Triance smiled a true smile the simple fact that the man wasn’t angry was further proof to her that HE was the man. “May I ask sir?” Torran stated. “Where did you go that used so much of your energy?”

 John sat back feeling almost normal though different. “I was sitting here thinking, I knew what I needed to do, I could see it but wasn’t sure how I could accomplish it. I started thinking that I needed something that will help me decide. Something that will let me know when and where I need to go, doing what needs to be done.”

 “Ah I see so the answer came to you?” Torran asked.

 “Uh no. You might say I went to the answer.” John replied.

 “You went to the answer? I’m not sure I understand sir.” A confused Triance told him.

 “It took a very long time for me to get there. When I appeared it was in front of a female like person. She seemed to be made of plants, water, earth, and fire.” Both Torran and Triance gasp as John continued. “I wasn’t there long though I could almost sense that she wished me to stay longer. She gave me this,” John said as he unwrapped what had been in his shirt. Again both of the elves gasp.

 “By the creator!” Torran said. “You have been to see Mother Nature! The fact that she gave this to you is further proof that you are him! You are The Santa! Please forgive me sir! Any doubts that I might have had are gone! With this you should be able to accomplish what you have to!”

 Both of them bowing low Torran ran from the room. “Where is he off to in such a hurry?” John asked of Triance.

 “He is going to spread the news that you have proven beyond a doubt as to who you are. If he is as excited as I am, you might not see him for a time. Well not ’til after the ceremony any way. Rest Santa, you have had a very long and tiring trip.” Turning to leave Triance stopped abruptly then turned back to John. “Please sir, remember, before you do something like this again, ask me or Torran. If we lose you sir then all of this would have been for naught.”

 “I will Triance, though it seems to happen when I have a question I can’t answer or a problem I can’t resolve.” John told her.

 “Yes sir, we will do all we can to help you with answers. As I said though, if we lose you then everything that is here that we have been building will have been for nothing.” A sighing Triance told him.

 “I will remember that, I want nothing to happen to any of you. You might say that you, all of you are the family that I never had. The family that I have so desperately wanted all of my life.” This last was spoken in a whisper as unnoticed Triance left the building tears falling from her eyes.

 Finally able to lift himself from the chair John made his way to the bed. Staring a moment John shook his head a king size bed? He have to get them to remove it the monster sized bed was far too large even for him! His head hit the pillow as thoughts of the last few…? Days? He wasn’t sure anymore went through everything that he’d seen and heard.

 Something was at the edge of his mind what was it that had been said? The elfin elders had appeared and he’d said that… what was it? He’d said, (“I will do all I can for all of us.”) 

 What was it that they said that was stirring something in his memory? Ah! John thought (“We thank you sir but you are in need yourself. This was anticipated many years ago. There is only one out there that can enter here with you. She is much like you, she has been hurt greatly. She needs the love that only you can provide. Sadly you will have to find her and bring her here. You are the only one that can bring her here.”)

 John’s thoughts were suddenly troubled, he had to find her. Would the mirror help with that? Would he know her would… 

 What was that? John thought.  

  John thought.

  Asked the frightened voice.

  Replied John.

  the woman answered.

 John had almost pinpointed where and when she was when he bolted upright. With tears streaming down his face John promised, “I’ll find you my dear Mercy, I will find you!”

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