
Sarah White – A Smoking Fairy Tale


Sarah White

Chapter 1

The sun was beating down on Sarah White as she strolled along the local town high street. She paused momentarily as the sunlight flashed a reflection on something in a window in the corner of her eye; she leaned in and for reasons unknown studied the window of the local Post Office.


Temporary- Sleep in Housekeeper-

8 Bed house- 7 Busy Professionals.

Well paid, all food, drink, and lodgings provided due to remote location. Free WiFi!

Contact Doc


‘That’s so cool; how old fashioned, who leaves wanted cards in Post office windows anymore?’ Sarah pondered, as she slid her mobile from her back bottom pocket and took a photo. She then slid her mobile back into the pocket of her favourite summer denim dixie dukes shorts which with the frayed ends were just about covering her proudly pert bottom. Then looking up noticing in the reflection in the window, that her hair was falling out place, she tugged at and rearranged her large red bandana in an attempt to cover her jet-black silky hair bob. Once the hair was back in place, she triumphantly walked over the road to the local Costa and got herself a coffee. It was hot, but she needed a pick me up.

As she sat outside in the sun and enjoying the warmth on her face drank her coffee she thought about the card. Her plans this summer had been to find a parttime job to enable her time to plan her dissertation for her second year of university. As winced as she sipped her rather too hot a coffee and then pulled her phone back out and opened up Twitter and spent the next five minutes playing on her phone.

She took another sip of the now cooled coffee then she flicked back to the photo of the wanted sign. She antagonised for few minutes then thought ‘Sod it’ as stayed staring at the image of card. She then memorised the number by chanting it out loud a couple of times and then flicking her phone to text, instantly messaged ‘Doc’.

As the introductory text was finally sent, after three arduous revisions of what to write she put her phone back on the table peered at it intently to see if to see if there was an instant response. There wasn’t. They did say they were busy professionals. She glanced up from the screen just in time as a rather pretty gentleman with blonde hair and chiselled jaw sat down at the table beside her with his coffee, and he smiled at her nodding as if to say hello, before sighing as he got a pack of cigarettes from his shirt pocket and placing the filter between his lips. No sooner had he lit it, and Sarah was then trying to politely cough as the gentle breeze blew both his exhale and the constant stream of his smoke from the lit cigarette directly towards her.

With panic across his face, he wave his smoke away as he apologised, “Oh, sorry, I am so sorry, shall I change tables?” he politely and rather posh sounding, asked as they locked eyes and smiled at each other.

She shook her head, quickly gulped down her coffee picked up her phone and got up and away from his reeking smoke as soon as she could.


“Oh darling, Mirror, please do tell me who is the fairest of them all?” Gremelda her voice purred as she asked her reflection in mirror, as she twisted her body to give herself a couple of comforting poses, breathing in hard as she sucked well her developed belly in and pushing her sagging chest out, before sighing and letting all settle back with a flump. She tutted and then brought her hand to her mouth and dragged hard on her third cigarette of the morning. She exhaled the cloud of smoke against the full-size gold-plated framed mirror affixed to the green flock wallpaper covered hallway.

Without missing a beat “Ma’am, you are” shouted Jeremy Hunt from the darkness behind her in his position at the end of the hallway. He raised his eyebrow at this now twice daily activity. She had once stared in the movie with the mirror and kept it. He stood there carrying her ever required ashtray in the palm of his hands just waiting for the beckon. It was to come very soon, he knew it. Jeremy was her trusty assistant.

He had worked for her for years whilst she worked in the movies, doing all the donkey work of her ever-increasing diva activities. He was on hand to grab food, drink, cigarettes, men, anything she wanted depending on her mood. She used to be the main female, sometimes love interest, role in many of the big Hollywood movies, but over the years her need to drink and smoke cigarettes as she needed to kill the boredom of being on set, had meant that her increasing erratic appearances and drunken behaviour and demands on those around her, the roles had all but dried up.

A few years ago, like many great stars, she had moved with her assistant into a large house in the woods as a retreat to wait for the next big roll. She couldn’t really remember asking Hunt to stay, but he had.

So far, the next ‘big role’ she escort izmir expected ‘very soon’ as she had told anyone who ever asked, on the phone had never come. When infrequently she ventured beyond her large house and estate everyone assumed they were a couple. But so far in the last twenty years, and rather frustratingly for Jeremy, she had never asked him into bedroom for anything other than help in menial bedroom tasks, like getting up or finding her clothes. Several years ago, there had been a constant stream of male visitors to the boudoir, but even they had dried up more recently.

As the exhaled smoke dispersed and dissipated against the mirror to reveal the long blonde greying hair, the sagging body and face of what would have been ten years ago a beautiful woman. With the hint of what would have been a very pretty face, laughter wrinkles deepening on the forehead, large bags forming under her slightly bloodshot and hungover eyes with the slight presence, when looked at closely of red veins on the cheeks.

She was wearing her rather old and tatty, but very much her favourite blue transparent nightie, as she refused to sleep naked, but it has been so hot recently. The nightie revealed everything to the mirror, her large, full, saggy breasts with large areolas pushing against the top along with her now swollen tummy. Protruding below the nightie was her favourite parts of her body her still long, but now slightly bruised and chubby legs.

Gremelda studied and whilst nodding admired herself for a few more seconds and with a deep breath clicked her fingers of the right hand and Jeremy removed his hand from within his trousers and from around his crutch as he had been standing in the darkness, enjoying watching, in his mind, the still gorgeous semi naked boss doing her morning routine in front of the mirror.

He stood there full well knowing they would be doing it again this evening when she was completely drunk before bed. He enjoyed that she had no care in the world that he could see her practically naked, he enjoyed watching her body. It pleased him greatly that she often didn’t bother to get dressed beyond her nighty and lounged around the house in whatever she could be bothered, or not, to get dressed in for bed. He enjoyed watching her smoke and drink, he had that down on his chart as that as being an extreme positive, against negative of her endless daily demands.

The click of the fingers dislodged him from his smoke filled daydream like state he was in still admiring her large arse cheeks wobbling through her nighty and he jogged quickly along the hallway carrying the decorative bowl, and he gently coughed as the latest exhale rebounded off the mirror, and Gremelda then nonchalantly flicked the now inch long ash from her morning mirror Marlboro Red which was extended between her long fingers of her left hand which at the end had her once manicured weekly nails, were now clearly bitten short.

“Hunt, breakfast and this morning’s pick me up now!” Gremelda barked, and then coughed, shook her head, and instantly placed the filter back between her lips and inhaled deeply on her cigarette. As she exhaled again, she swished and swashed and wobbled off down the hallway towards the stairs, she lurched for the banister as she tried to stay balanced in her stocky leg enhancing green 3″ high heels.

Chapter 2

A few short weeks later Sarah was driving her mums old green battered Opel Corsa up into the hills above the city. The radio was on full blast, and she was singing out loud, the road was long, windy, and incredibly dusty. The car’s little engine strained and whined as they went up higher up into the hills. The sun was hot, and the drive was taking for ever.

The heat was unbearable and with the windows wound down as the air conditioning had broken long ago and she was continuously swigging from the collection of water bottles she had rolling around on the passenger side chair. As she got higher and higher, the trees got thicker and thicker and the road got darker and darker. Sarah glanced at the sat nav stuck to the dusty windscreen and clocked 45 more minutes as her bladder annoyingly twinged.

Jeremy as heading into town as he drove Gremelda trusty 4×4 around the corner, out in the distance he could see a cloud of dust being thrown up, he scratched his stubbly chin, noting he should have shaved, otherwise Gremelda would be cross. Out of curiosity, just before the merger of the Y junction, he pulled over and crunched the car deep into the trees and parked up and turned the engine off, so he could quietly see who was coming. He was concerned, he looked at his watch, it was 1130, and bit his bottom lip, he may need to take the cross-country route back to the house to protect Gremelda from whoever this visitor was, as she was probably starting her third or fourth of her pre-lunch ‘pick me ups’.

As he got out of the car to watch from within the trees, a battered old car escort izmir took the road in the other direction towards the mine house, rather than towards Gremelda’s. He smiled and was about to head back to his car, but then the old car slowed and stopped. Jeremy turned and slid behind the tree in the darkness of the woods, and observed as a very pretty young girl with, in his option and from a distance, rather cute breasts and the pert bottom which was presented and highlighted by the very short shorts.

He enjoyed the moment that the short shorts, pert bottom and athletic legs jumped out of the car and run towards him in the woods, he panicked and held his breath as she stopped a few trees in front of him, rustled around for few seconds. Jeremy slowly leaned forwards from the tree he was hiding behind to watch as the girl quickly pulled her shorts down to reveal her pert bright white thong, that was then quickly liberated from between her equally white buttocks contrasting to the darkness of the leafy and wooded woodland around them, she then sighed loudly and started to pee.

Jeremy smiled, watched, and enjoyed the show. He frequently had to held Gremelda in the bathroom. He enjoyed these moments. As the loud thunderous hissing and loud splattering of water on the undergrowth slowly came to a stop she wiggled and pulled her knickers and shorts up in one sharp movement, and then the pretty girl headed back to the car doing her top button up as she went, then wiped her hands on her buttocks. Jeremy’s jaw was wide open as he enjoyed watching the cute bottom as it jumped back in the car. As she speedily drove off, Jeremy realised he had stopped breathing for far too long as he gasped loudly breathing out and then deeply inhaled the dirt kicked up from the cars fresh dust cloud that quickly filled the wooded area he was standing.

Jeremy rearranged his cock in his trousers and jumped back into his own car and wiped his sweaty brow with the bottom of his t-shirt, leaned over to the glove box and picked out a cigarette pack from behind the half full bottle of vodka, shook a cigarette out and lit it with his own sigh. He started his car and slowly headed back on to the road and main purpose of going into town for her majesty’s fresh cigarette and alcohol supplies.


Finally, Sarah pulled up outside the house as the sat-nav had loudly and informatively suggested she was at her destination which was on her right. She paused for a few seconds taking in her surroundings then guzzled the last of her water, wound up the window and opened the door to hear nothing but birdsong. She again paused and listened again to the darkness of the trees rustling and creaking in the gentle breeze.

She leaned on the hot car roof and quickly removed her elbows cursing herself rubbing in the process as she tried to look around at the woodland that completely surrounded herself and the house. The clearing that the house was located in in was bright and sun lit, but even in the bright light of the afternoon sun, she could see the non-penetrating creaking darkness of the woods. Just looking at the blackness sent a shiver down her spine.

Sarah popped opened the boot of her car and groaned as she lifted and then dragged out her over packed large green travelling rucksack, she had even strapped her sleeping bag and roll mat to the top for ‘just in case’, the bag was full of clothes, shoes, and most of her life belongings.

Groaning whilst lugging her heavy rucksack from the car to the house, she dumped it on the floor by the bright red front door, which was slightly ajar.


Inside the house, or as Sarah saw it as a pigsty to her left was a large living room with several large red sofas, and to her right the kitchen with a very large dining room table,

There was nobody in sight; she called out to no response. ‘They did say they would be at work.’ She mused to herself. She sighed with despair as she picked up a load of read newspapers off the chair, neatly folded them and put them on the table, she then sat down dumping her bag down on the floor and purveyed her task for the coming weeks.

The dining room table had seven large chairs around it, “these mining guys must be big” Sarah said to herself. The room as covered in cobwebs and dust, no one had cleaned the place for ages.

The counters were full of beer can towers, and the sink full of dishes. Sarah tried to work out where to begin. It looked just like her freshers’ house at university the morning after a party.

With no one around she set about a couple of hours cleaning, nine large bin bags of rubbish were thrown out into the backyard, she then thought about cooking. She opened the fridge scratched her head and then got on with attempting to make enough food for eight people.

With the large shepherd’s pie in the oven, she headed upstairs to have an explore and potentially find her bedroom. There were 8 doors off a long corridor. She yawned and found the nearest bed and promptly fell asleep.

Chapter 3

As the large white battered Ford transit minibus came up the road, Jeremy and his 4×4 sped off in the opposite direction.

“High ho, High ho, home from work we go” Doc sang out of tune at the top of his voice, and the others murmured behind him in their minibus. As they drove along the dusty winding road.

Eventually Doc led them off the bus and the seven of them congregated around the red front door.

“Hey Doc, the lights are on in the house!” Sleepers said, before he as usual yawned.

“Ok, which one of you forgot to turn the lights off?” Doc asked.

“Wasn’t me” the guys said in unison to the tune of Shaggy.

“It certainly wasn’t me” said Grumpy, the oldest of miners, and the certainly the grumpiest.

“Doc, has someone broken in?” Happy asked, who can be even more miserable that Grumps.

“I don’t know, shall we go in and find out? Shhh” Doc whispered and slowly opened the front door to find the place clean.

As they creeped into the house the youngest of the group, Bashful, Shh’d the door. The seven of them creeped into the house, looking around them in surprize.

“Hey Doc, this burglar has been and cleaned are stuff, our ashtrays and beers have been tidied up?” suggested Bashful.

“Bash, it’s certainly looking like that!”

“Someone has stolen our dishes, the sink is empty, and who would do a good thing like that?” Grumpy asked

“The oven is on too” Bashful pointed out. “Oh, and why is the outside inside?” asked Bashful.

“What do you mean?” Doc asked.

“There are flowers on the table” Bashful replied.

“Quick, grab his no…” Doc said

“Ahhhhh, ahhhhh chooooo.” Sneezey sneezed. The guys rolled their eyes.

“Shhhh” they followed up.

“Do you know what guys; I think I know what has happened!” Doc said as the group gathered around him.

“What?” They asked quietly in unison.

“The girl who took the cleaning job has turned up!” Doc said triumphantly.

“The girl?” they said in unison.

“The one that I said the other week had finally read the note in post office and has agreed to turn up!”

“Where is she?” Bashful asked.

“Er good question, she is not in the living room, kitchen or dining room.”

“Maybe she has gone already” Happy, confidently said.

“Let’s hope so” said Grumps taking his cigarette pack out of his jeans and lighting a cigarette.

With that the floorboards started creaking the seven guys looked at each other raising an eyebrow scared that something bad might happen.

“Guys, I assume it’s her car that is still outside?” Sleepy said yawning.

“Oh” they said together as the footsteps on the floorboards got louder and louder. The seven guys looked on in anticipation of seeing ‘the girl’.


Sarah woke up with a jolt on hearing a very loud sneeze, she could hear the commotion downstairs and wiped her eyes and tried to work out where she was, which was not at her home, as the voices and lots of them got louder and louder.

She flicked on the light, shook her head as she tugged down her shorts to sort out her partial wedgy, she yawned and stretched and put her black hair back in its red bandana; she briefly looked around for a mirror then gave up and made her way down the stairs.

She was greeted by fourteen eyes staring in the semi darkness at the bottom of the stairs as she descended.

“Good evening gents!” she stated folding her arms across her under her chest as she clearly saw their chins drop, then their eyes as they looked her up and down. “So, which one of you is Doc?” she asked.

“That will be me ma’am” Doc said.

“No need for formalities, I’m Sarah, great to meet you all. I assume you are aware who I am, so who are you?”

“Are we?” asked Bashful.

Chapter 4

“Mirror, please, fucking do tell me who is the fucking fairest of them all?” Gremelda almost shouted at herself in the mirror as replaced the cigarette between her badly done bright red lips and inhaled as she swayed and almost danced with a cigarette in one hand and the bottle of wine in the other.

“Eh, it’s er,” Jeremy looked around for in “you Ma’am” he said standing slightly closer to Gremelda as if ready to catch her as she wobbled in her heels.

Gremelda smiled and then tilting her head back took a long swig of the wine bottle licked her lips and turned and in a deep voice said, “You will have to be much quicker next time Cu…Hunt” and she then had a cheek caving inhale on her cigarette.

“Yes, ma’am.” Jeremy bowed his head as he said thoughtfully as the exhale went over his head as he smiled sheepishly.


“I hope you like cottage pie?” Sarah asked as she served up a dollop on the plates.

“Its food, we like food!” Bashful said, and the others nodded in agreement.

Sarah smiled “Great, enjoy! I will leave you guys eat and come back in a bit.” And she headed back upstairs carrying a bowl of cottage pie. The seven heads followed her leaving the room.

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