
Scarlett , Violet Pt. 01

Chapter 1

Scarlett giggled nervously as she snapped the crotch of the costume closed. She admired herself in the full-length mirror that hung on the door of her bedroom. The bright red plastic horns sat upon her head, made all the brighter by her long black hair. The scoop neckline of the bright red satin material showed off her 36D breasts magnificently, the bright red bra pushed them up proudly; there was some very nice cleavage showing. The crotch was cut high on her thighs, showing off plenty of her hip and adding some length to her muscular legs, and the little pointed tail stuck out behind her. She made a pretty sexy little devil, if she did say so herself.

She knew her father would not like the costume one bit, but also knew he would not send her home to change as they would be too busy for him to spare her. With Paula out on maternity leave, he needed her to take care of the absent administrative assistant’s duties.

She was a little afraid of her father, but his anger would be a small price to pay if Gary would notice her. She had a mild crush on the twenty nine year old accountant, with his prematurely graying hair, thin mustache and immaculate suits and ties. But Gary seemed to be terminally shy; always tongue tied around her.

She made sure that Kisses, her calico cat had plenty of food and water before leaving the apartment. She double checked her door’s locks and scampered down the stairs, not an easy task in her red pumps with their four-inch heels. That old pervert that lived right below her made a loud wolf whistle as she walked past his door. Why did he always seem to be outside whenever she walked past his door? She ignored him and walked rapidly to her compact car.

The pointed tail dug into her ass cheeks as she drove to her father’s office. She was glad she’d had the foresight to put a panty liner in the crotch and was doubly glad she’d had the foresight to put an extra one in her purse. She was actually drooling from the naughtiness of her costume and the thought of Gary noticing her.

Scarlett was worth noticing. Her long black hair, caramel colored skin, and almond eyes were from her paternal grandmother, Quan Xi. Her large breasts and nicely rounded ass came from her maternal grandmother, whom she’d not seen since she was an infant. Her muscular legs and washboard abdominal muscles were the result of three nights a week at the gym. Most people assumed that the five foot four inch girl was Native American.

Chapter 2

Quan Xi was the product of a South Korean prostitute and an African American soldier. Upon birth, Quan Xi was placed at the door of a Buddhist convent where she was raised and schooled until she was eighteen.


Quan Xi clutched the envelope that contained her passport and all the money she had in the world and rode the bus to the nearest train station. Together, she and the kindly stationmaster counted out enough money for Quan Xi to reach Dresden, West Germany. Why the stationmaster felt that this destination would be good for the dark skinned woman is a mystery; maybe he liked the way it sounded.


Quan Xi wandered the small city for two days, but not knowing the language, and not having any German currency, she turned to her mother’s profession.


Gustav Ubelhorn was a portly fifty three year old man, a lifelong bachelor. He returned from his job as an accountant for the local manufacturing plant and stopped in front of his apartment building. A slight figure shyly approached him.

He looked with suspicion at the long dark hair and dark skin of the girl. Her almond eyes and wide nose told him that she was of Asian heritage; clearly not a German girl.

“Please kind sir, I am hungry and tired,” QuanXi said in South Korean dialect. “I will let you use my body for your pleasure if you will give me money.”

“What?” Gustav asked, the confusion clear on his face.

Quan Xi looked around to make sure that there were no others around, and then looked down at the ground in shame as she lifted the hem of her dress. Gustav’s eyes widened as her sparse bush came into view. The meaning was quite clear to him now and he looked around nervously. He had some very nosy neighbors.

“Ja,” he agreed and unlocked the front door of the apartment building and ushered the slim girl into the darkened hallway.

He pushed her up the four flights of stairs to his apartment and unlocked the door.


Quan Xi looked around the apartment in amazement. This man must be very wealthy to afford such luxuries. She saw a box that she knew had pictures and sounds that would pour out of it, a smaller box that released sounds, music and a narrow bed to lie on while enjoying these delights. Gustav sniffed the air and his eyes narrowed slightly. Quan Xi had been several days without a bath and did not smell very pleasant.

He put his metal lunch pail on the small table and putting his hand on Quan It’s shoulder, ushered her toward his bathroom. Her eyes bursa otele gelen escort widened again as she saw the tub, toilet and sink. This man lived like a prince! She watched, transfixed as he turned on the faucet and adjusted the temperature of the taps.

“You will bathe first,” he ordered.


Quan Xi watched the water fill the tub, but did not react. Roughly, he grabbed her dress and began to pull it over her head. Modesty kicked in and she tried to stop him. A mild slap to her face reminded her what she was doing here, in this man’s apartment and she allowed him to pull the dress from her slender body. He stared hungrily at the cone shaped breasts with their dark nipples, the concave belly and the few strands of pubic hair that did not cover her slit.

Tears of shame trickled down her face as his eyes pored over her body but she resigned herself to his gaze. He shut off the taps and pointed to the tub. He held her hand gently as she stepped over the tall rim of the tub and stood for a moment, amazed at the warmth of the water; she’d expected it to be cold. He impatiently pushed on her shoulders and she sat in the warm water. He grabbed a bar of very harsh smelling soap and a rough washcloth and knelt to the task of scrubbing Quan Xi.

More tears of shame spilled as he briskly rubbed her body all over with the rough washcloth. Terror gripped her as he tried to shove her head under the water and she fought him fiercely, but he was at least two hundred pounds heavier than her and his sheer bulk overpowered her. She opened her mouth to scream for help, but a slap from him dashed that hope. He let the spluttering and frightened girl sit back up and none too gently lathered her scalp with the same bar of harsh soap. When he was satisfied that he’d gotten her coarse hair as clean as he could, he again shoved her back under the water, much to her fear.

He pulled the stopper out of the tub and the sudsy water slowly drained out. The fear and the struggle had left Quan Xi weak; she offered no resistance as she was plucked out of the tub and dried with a rough, stiff towel.

Nude, she meekly followed Gustav down the small hallway to another room. She saw the bed in the room and fear again gripped her.

Gustav began to remove his own clothing and she watched in horror as his pasty white skin was revealed to her eyes. His penis, hard and throbbing, seemed to be as thick and as long as her forearm. Gustav smiled lecherously at the frightened girl and pulled her onto the bed.

Without preamble, he thrust his cock into her dry virgin slit to the hilt. Her agonized screams did little but spur him on and within moments (but not quickly enough for a sobbing Quan Xi), he spewed his sperm into her unprotected womb.

“You were a virgin?” he asked in surprise as he saw the thin stain of blood on his cock.

Quan Xi did not respond, she lay with her eyes squeezed tightly shut, the pain between her legs was intense.

Gustav eased his bulk off of the bed and waddled to the bathroom. He wet the rough washcloth and returned to the bedroom. Quan Xi opened her eyes as she felt the cool washcloth placed between her legs. He smiled reassuringly at the girl and she spread her legs a little wider. He finished his ministrations and waddled back to the bathroom.

Unfortunately for Quan Xi, he was not quite finished with her yet. She found out that her pussy was not the only place a man liked to put his cock.

Gustav pinched her nostrils tightly and she was forced to swallow the bitter tasting semen in order to breathe. Her throat burned where he had pumped his fat cock in and out of it and the bitter tasting semen did not ease that burning. She would have vomited, had she had anything in her stomach to retch up.


Gustave let her put on her dress and he fixed them some sausages and boiled cabbage. She ate heartily of the simple meal and drank deeply of the stout beer he put in front of her. Never having had alcohol before, she was drunk within moments. She giggled and danced around the small kitchen and he laughed uproariously at her antics. He turned on his radio and she danced and skipped to the music.

She hesitated for a moment when he pulled her dress off of her, then shrugged and continued to skip around and tried to hum along with the unfamiliar music. She drank some more beer and giggled and laughed as he pulled her onto his lap.

She hardly noticed as he pushed his cock up into her dry pussy and began to pump in and out of her. This position, however, caused friction on her tiny clitoris and her eyes opened in surprise as she began to feel a pleasant tingling in her pussy akin to the pleasant tingling she felt in her head from the alcohol. She grunted and began to thrust against him and howled loudly in orgasm. He spewed a large load of his seed into her belly and they sat in the chair, wheezing and gasping for breath.


She woke up, disoriented bursa eve gelen eskort and afraid. There was an uncomfortable pressure against her pussy lips and she struggled, but again, Gustav’s weight won out and she cried out as he thrust into her again. Again, the friction began to create that pleasant tingling and she opened her legs as wide as they would go. He smiled in triumph as he felt her shift her weight to draw more of him inside of her.

“So my little virgin is becoming my little whore?” he asked and kissed her full lips.

His neighbors wondered at the strange slapping notices and mewling sounds coming through the thin walls. The wife shrugged her shoulders; they ended soon enough, no need for alarm. The husband was a little peeved to have his deep sleep interrupted; he was having a wonderful dream of that sex kitten, the delightful Brigitte Bardot.

Quan Xi swallowed his seed without his having to pinch her nostrils shut and he allowed her to drift back to sleep again.

Chapter 3

In the morning, he shoved five hundred marks into her hand and none too gently shoved her out of his apartment door. She clutched the money tightly and slowly made her way down the stairs.

She pushed the heavy door open and walked out into the early morning dawn. Soon the streets were teeming with pedestrians, bicyclists, and automobiles as people scurried their way to their jobs. She stood, unsure of where to go or what to do.

She smelled food and discovered that she was hungry again. The hostess regarded Quan Xi with suspicion until the girl showed her the five hundred marks she clutched tightly. She served the girl a steaming plate of food and a mug of sweet milk. Quan Xi tried to give her all the money, but the woman’s Christian upbringing would not let her take advantage of the girl. She took one of the bills and brought Quan Xi the change.

Quan Xi realized that Gustav had given her quite a large sum of money for the brief period of time she’d spent with him.


She gratefully clutched the small purse the hostess had given to her and walked the city. She listened to the harsh and guttural language, observed the antics of the people around her and began to absorb the language and the customs of the Germanic people.


Gustav went to work that day and actually hummed while at his desk, an unusual occurrence for him. He cheerfully went through the tedious duties of his workday and smiled to his coworkers. Sex was a good thing; it put a man in good spirits. He clocked out that evening and walked home, hoping to see that slight figure waiting outside of the building.

She was not outside and he was a little surprised at his disappointment. He looked out of his dirty window quite often that evening and finally went to bed, lonely. He did not hum at his desk the next day, or the following day. By the fourth day, he was grouchy and short-tempered with any that came close to his desk. This was nothing new to his coworkers; they were of the same temperament as he and returned foul mood for foul mood.


Quan Xi looked up at the familiar building. She walked up the short flight of steps to the heavy front door and tried the knob. Someone had left it unlocked and she slipped inside. She scampered up the four flights of stairs and knocked on Gustav’s door. There was no answer, he was at work. She shrugged her shoulders, it was dark and cool in the stairwell; she would just wait for him.


Gustav scowled deeply as he made his way home with the heavy bags. The market owner had tried to cheat him on the meats purchase, he was sure of it. Thankfully, someone had left the door to his apartment building unlocked, and laboriously he carried the bags up the four flights of stairs. He almost dropped the bags as a little face smiled shyly up at him.

“Hello,” she said in accented German.

“Hello!” he said and unlocked his door. She helped him with the heavy bags and marveled at his purchases.

“You live like a king!” she said and laughed.

To a street urchin as this, he had to admit, he did have it pretty good. He fixed them a simple dinner and she ate happily. She drank the stout beer but drank it slowly to not allow it to get her as drunk as before.

She smiled as he led her to his bedroom and slipped out of the dress and waited as he undressed. She hugged him to her and he felt something stirring deep inside of him. They made love and she gasped and groaned in orgasm as he thrust in and out of her wet pussy. He did not need to push her head, he did not need to pinch her nostrils, and she happily bent to the task of sucking his cock clean and then continuing to suck it until he came again.


In the morning, she skipped happily to the door and refused the offered money; she still had three hundred marks left.

“Please do not go,” he said and a tear formed in his eye.

He broke down in sobs as her small bayan escort bursa hand reached up and tried to wipe the single tear from his eye. She hugged him tightly and he sobbed. She quietly pulled him by his hand to the bedroom and they again made love.

Her belly began to show three months later and the local government officer married the two. She would giggle as he lavished kisses on her belly and then would gasp out loud as he would lap at her nearly hairless slit. The doctor assured him that sex was okay for Quan Xi and the baby, but he was afraid of putting his heavy bulk on top of her. Quite often, their love making was limited to oral sex, which was fine with the both of them.


Gustav groaned; he felt absolutely horrible. The nausea would not subside and he sweats profusely, yet his skin felt cold and clammy to the touch. Quan Xi sponged his forehead and sweating face with a cool washcloth and slept on the couch in the small living room to give him his space.

On the fourth day, he willed himself out of the apartment and tried to go to work. He fell down the third flight to the second landing. The doctor told her it had been a massive heart attack; he’s suffered several minor strokes previously to the final one that killed him.


She buried him in the small cemetery next to the Lutheran church they had attended in the five months they’d been together.

His solicitor was surprised to read in the obituary that a wife survived him; Gustav was a lifelong bachelor as far as he knew. Quan Xi listened politely to the lecherous man that kept looking at her swollen belly and licking his lips. She didn’t understand many of the legal terms he threw at her, but she did understand the principle; she now owned the apartment she’d shared with Gustav and also had several savings accounts amounting to several hundred thousand marks. She was quite comfortable now, and Gustav’s baby would not have to sell herself on the streets if it were a girl, would not have to steal if it were a boy.

Chapter 4

Gustav Ubelhorn Junior was born a healthy and rambunctious baby. His dark skin and hair and dark almond eyes garnered him much attention and as he grew to be a tall young man, the fairer sex began to notice him all the more. He excelled in his studies and was approached by several universities.

He elected to attend a local university and concentrated on finances and accounting. Quan Xi smiled sadly and told her son that his father would have been so proud of him.


Eva Schenkoff , a pale slip of a girl, with long brown hair and large brown eyes caught his eye and he began to court the university student in earnest. Against the wishes of her parents, Eva and Gustav married in the small Lutheran church he attended and moved into an apartment down the street from his mother’s apartment.

The apartment was a wedding present from Quan Xi, who did not care for the flighty and finicky Eva and certainly did not like her parents, as they made no attempt to hide their dislike of Gustav or her.

Eva and Gustav honeymooned in a cabin deep in the Black Forest; also a wedding present from Quan Xi. On their wedding night, Eva saw her first glimpse of a man’s penis. It disgusted her, and she was horrified at the tings he suggested to her.

Finally she gave in and let him have his way with her. The pain of losing her virginity was little more than a discomfort, but her discomfort grew and grew as he tried valiantly to please his bride. Dry friction and exhaustion won out and Gustav spent heavily into his bride’s belly. She lay motionless, unresponsive as he tried to hold her, tried to whisper loving words to his wife.

Gustav was not a virgin on their wedding night and knew that most women did enjoy sex. He hoped that his beautiful wife would learn to enjoy these things and become a more active participant in their nightly rituals. Eva did try to talk with her mother sex, but her mother did not want to hear about this; did not enjoy sex either. Her girlfriends, still virgins, were no help and the minister referred to Biblical quotes, that it was a woman’s duty to make her husband happy.

Within months of the wedding, Eva’s belly began to grow, as did her parents’ resentment of Gustav. By the time Scarlett was born (Eva was a huge fan of ‘Gone with the Wind’) her parents could not hide the contempt they felt for Gustav and Quan Xi Ubelhorn.

The fact that their grandchild had the father’s dark hair and almond eyes caused Klaus and Olga Schenkoff to turn their backs on daughter and granddaughter alike.


Gustav graduated from the university and began to work for the government, but even his status with the government and the salary he drew (twice what Klaus made at his factory job) did not sway the Schenkoffs. It was a good thing that he drew a good salary, Eva was a voracious shopper and often put the couple’s finances deeply in the red. They had many fights over her careless spending and whimsical purchases of needless items.

“What of food?” he would yell. “I cannot eat that dress you are wearing!”

“It is not my fault you do not make enough money!” she would reply.


“Enough is enough,” he said one day and called in to his office to tell them he would be in the next day, he had some personal business to attend to.

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