
Scottish Boarding School Ch. 01


It was a shock to be packed off to boarding school- especially at the age of eighteen. I thought my school days were over but due to a very damming report card I was not free just yet. I had enjoyed the last two years of my A’levels a bit too much. Party followed party and my results showed this. I may have learnt how to tease a man’s cock up to greet me but the skills of equations and algebra were left unlearnt.

The journey from London to the Scottish Highlands was long and tedious. I spent the full ten hours brooding over the unfairness of it all. My parents had always been a soft touch so I didn’t see this coming. I guess I had eventually pushed them too far.

Eventually my driver pulled off the winding country lane and up a long drive arched with trees. I craned my neck to see where we were but it was another five minutes until we reached the isolated boarding school. The school was an imposing Hall surrounded by dense woodland. For a school it was very quiet and lifeless. The driver helped me out of the car and brought around my large bags. He glanced around at the school, then shaking my hand, wished me luck and drove away. What a long way from the lovely white avenues of Chelsea.

I pulled my bags along and made my way to the large oak door. I knocked at the door and a beautiful petite girl answered the door. She had a short Scottish checked red pleated skirt on, knee high white socks and her hair was in pig tales.

“Hi. I am the new girl Holly,” I said extending an arm.

“Come in. I am Lucy. Mr Burns would like to see you. He is the headmaster. If I were you I would visit the toilet before hand and pout this tea towel down your knickers. Just trust me.”

Shocked I took the tea towel out of her hands. She pointed to a door to the left marked WC. Without questioning I did what she said and followed her to the headmasters door. Walking, felt like I had a nappy on.

Lucy announced me into the room and then turned very promptly to leave.

“Wait!” The headmaster bellowed.

“Yes sir?”

“Lift your skirt and drop your pants.”

Lucy did as she was told and exposed a light pink bum. The headmaster walked over and placed a palm on her checks.

“Still warm but pink not burning red. You were supposed to alert me when the red was turning pink. I will add two more days to your red bottom week. I expect you to check the colour and report back to me. Come back here in an hour and I will turn you red enough to last until bedtime.”

He gave Lucy a hard smack on the bottom and she pulled up her pants and left the room.

I was in shock, sitting on the seat uncomfortably, karabük escort with the towel in my knickers. Mr Burns turned to me and looked me up and down. He was a tall, imposing man of about 40. He sat on the desk facing me and I noticed the size of his hands. He had smacked Lucy with that hand and the noise had resonated loudly around the room.

“Welcome to Hallgarth School. I am Mr Burns and I believe you are Holly.”

“I am.”

“I am Sir.” He corrected me.

“Sorry I am Sir.”

“You must always address me as Sir. Your parents have sent you here because we specialize in discipline and changing wayward students into valued members of society. I have a consent form in my possession signed by your parents that states I can use any method to make you into a respectful young lady. I also have a list of your past failures which we will address in due course. Now first as is customary, I will break you in over the course of the next week, meaning you will spend it with me. I guarantee you will become a submissive girl as you should be by the end of it. Obviously after this week there are still punishments- for example Lucy received a permanent red bottom for a week after we caught her on the phone to a boy. There are also maintenance spankings. Do you have any questions?”

I had a lot of questions but seemed to have lost the use of my tongue. I had never been spanked before or even really punished at all. I shook my head.

“Very good. Now bend over the desk and I am going to redden your bottom to introduce you to these rules. 20 swats of the paddle and I need you to count out aloud”

I froze and felt I could not move my legs. The headmaster grabbed my arm and yanked me up.

“Fetch the paddle off the wall now!”

I reached up and took down the paddle, handing it to him.

“Over the desk now. Count to 25!”

“But you said 20” I protested.

“Sir. You must always address me as Sir! I will add on 5 more for that and how dare you challenge me?! For that you will get them on your bare bottom. Usually the first time is over clothed skin. Pull down your jeans and knickers now.”

“But I am sorry Sir.” I pleaded, knowing I had a tea towel stuffed in my knickers.


I slowly undid my jeans and slipped them down. I could feel Mr Burn’s eyes fixed on me. His eyes then went to bum and he yanked my panties down grabbing the tea towel. Enraged he jumped up from the desk and opened up the tea towel.

“Where did you get this from?” He asked calmly but menacing.

“I brought it with me Sir.”

“This osmaniye escort is a Blair Castle tea towel and it belongs to the school. Tell me who gave you it?”

“I don’t know Sir.”

He opened his office door and bellowed for Lucy. She came running.

“Sir I am sorry- I thought you had said come back in an hour.”

He yanked her into his office and her eyes gravitated to the towel on the desk.

“You thought you would protect Holly’s bottom from my welcome?”

“I am sorry Sir. I just know how hard it is when someone first arrives.”

“Not half as hard as it will be now for both of you.”

“I am sorry Sir but please punish me not Holly.”

“I will punish you both. I gaurantee you will be sleeping on your backs and not sitting for weeks. Both of you bend over my desk and bare yourselves.”

I already had my jeans and panties around my ankles. I moved forward and bent over the table, feeling very exposed. Lucy followed and raised her already pink bum in the air.

“I want you both to count to 50 when I paddle you.”

“Yes Sir.”

He started with Holly and slowly administered the paddle to her sore bottom. His strokes were slow, steady and hard. Her voice was faltering when she got to 20, so the headmaster paused until she recovered her crying. When she was breathing normally he carried on just as hard as before. When he got to 50 her poor bottom was bright red and purple in nearly two prefect circles on both checks. Without being asked she tucked her skirt bottom into the skirt waist band and stood with her nose against the wall and her hands on her head.

Then it was my turn. The pain was like nothing I had imagined. The hard wood with holes so it could go through the air faster. By 5 I was in tears. The head master never stopped though to let me recover and by the end my bum was red, black and blue.

“Stand by the wall.” The headmaster said softly. I did as he said and copied Lucy’s position. I want you both to remain there until the next period whilst I do my paperwork.”

We were left there with our red bums exposed for the full hour. I desperately wanted to rub mine but thought better of it. Eventually after the hour we were told to stand. The headmaster presented the paddle to Lucy who kissed it, pulled up her knickers and hung it back on the wall.

“Okay Lucy you may go now. Go to Mrs Green’s French class and I want you to sit on the wooden bench at the back instead of your seat. I hope for your bottom’s sake you don’t make any mistakes. I will not see you for a bedtime spanking tonight as I am certain marmaris escort you will still be red enough.”

“Yes Sir. Thank you for my punishment.” Lucy turned and left the room. I was left alone with the headmaster.

“Ok I think for you a scrub, new uniform and an early bedtime.”

“Yes Sir.”

“Follow me- I will show you your quarters for your breaking in week and the bath.”

He headed down the corridor, carrying my bags for me. He opened a locked door which lead into a large room that was more like a suite. The room had a huge bed and a smaller one in the corner. The bath was also in the middle of the room.

“This is my room, which you will share whilst you are being broken in. This is your bed in the corner.”

I was shocked. How could we share?

“Now undress and fill the bath.” He commanded. I walked over to fill the bath, shy to take all my clothes off.

“I said undress then run the bath.”

“Yes Sir.”

I took my clothes off and could sense him staring at my breasts. He stood and watched in silence until the bath was full.

“Get in.”

I slowly jumped in and saw a wry smile on his face when I grimaced as my burning bum hot the hot water. Ouch- it hurt to sit badly.

He walked over to a cabinet and grabbed a soap and a scrubber. Coming over to the tub he rolled up his shirtsleeves and bent down over me. His arms were brown and well toned. He caught me looking at them.

“Put your right arm out.” He asked softly. He carefully took the soap and rubbed it over my arm. His eyes looked kind and his touch was gentle. Then he took the scrubber and scrubbed my skin. It didn’t hurt but it was vigorous. He worked on the left arm and continued with the same pace over my chest. Ouch- that was hurting me.

“Your hurting me Sir.” I ventured.

“I know.” He said softly.

He cupped his hand around my left breast making it stand out. With the other hand he squeezed the nipple until it was hard. Then he brushed the nipple hard with the scrubbing brush. He did the same with the left one until they were left sore and red. He then moved on to my vagina, scrubbing it hard and sore.

“Turn over.” He commanded. No please not my bum- it is already raw. I said nothing and turned over. To my surprise he did not scrub it but gently poured water over it and rubbed. The soap stung like mad but at least my spanked bum was not being scrubbed. I then felt something pushing against my anus.

He was slowly pushing something into me- gently trying to open me up. I wanted to scream. Then with a last hard push it was inside. I then felt water entering me and making my body cramp.

“This is an enema. It is painful but necessary.” He said very matter of fact. Eventually it was over and the water squirted out of my anus. I was embarrassed, sore and exhausted.

He helped me out the bath and I wondered what was next on his agenda.

To be continued…..

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