
Seduced By The Woman Next Door Ch. 02


For this story to make sense you will have to read Chapter one of the same name.

In the morning I woke tired, it had been a very uncomfortable night, the lovemaking with John would have normally sent me off into a deep satisfied sleep, the sleep of the contented but no not last night, last night was restless and filled with strange swirling emotions, the lingering taste of her lips, the soft velvety texture, her probing inquisitive tongue. The feel of her body soft and warm against mine, her breasts crushed against me.

I rolled over on my back staring at the ceiling enjoying the caress of the morning sun ass it cascaded in through the open window.

John woke soon after and as he snuggled against me he muttered. “Morning bub.” Planting a kiss on my shoulder. I gave him a hopefully loving smile.

“So are you going to tell me what was last night all about?”

Shaken from my thoughts I replied, “What do you mean? Didn’t you enjoy it?”

He chuckled, “Enjoy it…. Christ that was the hottest thing that has ever happened to me, but c’mon Charlotte in all our years together you have never behaved like that, I have never heard you so much as swear, but last night holy shit, it was like you were a different woman.”

I sighed, “I’m sorry John, I don’t know what came over me.”

“Well if it was the pot just say so and I will buy a truckload of the stuff, damn I might even try it myself.”

Shaking my head I tried to pass it off and hide my embarrassment I sighed, “It wasn’t the pot, I don’t know what it was.”

As I worked through the housework John kept appearing out of nowhere and grabbing me for a kiss and cuddle. Wow he hadn’t been this attentive since our honeymoon. All day I kept peering over the fence trying to see if Brianna was home, every time I checked my heart skipped a beat, but there was nothing, no sign off her.

Then after lunch I was standing at the sink mindlessly putting away the plates when the garage door opened next door and Brianna backed her car out into the driveway and parked. As she climbed out her eyes caught mine and she froze, standing there staring back at me, neither of us moving, almost afraid to move in case the spell was broken.

Her face eased and a warm smile spread across her face, her mouth curling cutely at the corners. It was then I noticed her attire, yoga pants, so tight I could see every curve and not a sign of panty line. She wore a bright blue tank top that was so tight it was straining to contain her bountiful boobs, and again there were no bra straps, and as she turned I could see her nipples trying to cut their way out.

She was about to wash the car. As she worked away the car covered in sudsy water every time she looked up her eyes caught mine and we held the gaze, it was teasing tantalising torture.

As the dishwasher started I felt it vibrating against my kitty, a warm tingly sensation I had never noticed before, but today I pressed forward enjoying the tingling caress. What the hell was I thinking? As I perved through the window she bent over wiggling her arse at me as she scrubbed and this time when she stood and turned her shirt was wet and clinging to her swelling boobs.

Jesus my mouth was dry and I had to lick my lips to try and get some moisture, I had to literally tear myself away from the window to try and get some degree of relief.

As I wandered into the living room John was reclined back in his favourite armchair watching TV. I couldn’t deal with chit chat I walked through into the bedroom, I paced around moving stuff from place to place, anything to keep my mind busy but I couldn’t get any peace, I tried to focus on getting the vacuum cleaner out but it was impossible there was this mystical magnetic attraction and the drag was to strong.

There was no escaping my interest, there was an fascination, a temptation I couldn’t explain, all I knew is I wanted to see her, talk to her find out more about her. I walked back to the kitchen to find Brianna finishing off wiping down the car. As her hands glided effortlessly over the slinky curves of the car all I could think was, I wish it was me, I wished it was my body her hands were sliding across, my nipples were hard, and as I crossed my legs I felt clammy and sticky god I was so aroused, I had never in my life felt like this. I wanted to walk out and talk to her but I was scared, frightened of what might happen, she might just brush me off, pretend there was nothing.

As she tipped out the contents of the bucket she smiled at me and catching me off guard as she signalled me to go over.

Should I? Could I? I scampered quickly into the bathroom and checked my hair, applied a little lipstick and kicked off my slippers before trying to quell my beating heart. Breathe I whispered to no one, breathe. God how could I compete with a woman like that?

It took ten minutes of foraging through my wardrobe, shit why did I have nothing to wear? All I could find were the same old styles that I had always worn, damnation there Çakmak Escort wasn’t one sexy thing in there.

I found one dress that at least implied sexy, low cut at the front it exposed a little flesh and the hem finished mid-thigh. My mind was a mess, overcome with feelings of inferiority and mediocrity, I could barely breathe let alone think, images of a stupid love struck teenage girl sprang to mind.

She was probably laughing at the stupid bitch next door. No I would stay, she could get stuffed.

I went back to prowling round and round, checking my appearance in the mirror, straightening my hair, to hell with her, I wasn’t even interested.

There was however an unstoppable unexplainable beguiling attraction drawing me to her, she was the spider and I was trapped in her sticky web.

As I approached her she broke into a broad grin, “I’m just going for a drive down to the beach for a walk… want to come?” She asked invitingly.

“I can’t I have to get dinner.” I croaked hesitantly.

“Don’t be silly, we will only be gone a little while, it’s such a beautiful day.”

There was no arguing with her. We climbed into the car she pressed a button and the roof folded back and we were in the open air. Soon we were speeding down the road the wind blowing through our hair, the sun beating down. She turned the music up loud and I leaned my head back enjoying the feeling, it felt so liberating hinting at some mysterious freedom.

I couldn’t keep the smile off my face, “What’s wrong with you?” She chuckled.

Feeling silly I whispered, “I have never been in a convertible, it feels amazing.”

She laughed as she stomped on the accelerator and pulled across into the fast lane and a line of cars disappeared into the mirrors as if they were standing still, the envious looks of the people we passed making me feel somehow superior.

We pulled up at the beach and Brianna led me to a little café looking directly out over the ocean. She ordered drinks for us without asking and I nervously whispered, “I didn’t even bring my purse.”

She kissed my cheek, “You can get them next time.”

“Next time…. There’s going to be a next time?”

She laughed, “God I hope so.”

As we sat in a window seat watching the swimmers and surfers scurrying around, there were kids playing, families picnicking, suddenly I felt stupid, “What are we doing Brianna, I am a married woman.”

“So what! You’re allowed to have friends aren’t you? Surely he isn’t such a tyrant, he seemed rather nice.”

“That’s not what I meant, we…I shouldn’t be doing this.”

“Doing what for god’s sake, we’re just having a drink, two friends enjoying a drink on a beautiful afternoon.”

“The other night…. It was wrong, I should have stopped you.”

She lifted up her glass of wine and held it up to toast, I raised mine hesitantly clinking them together. “Charlotte you are making too much out of this, we are just friends.”

“Friends!” I snapped a little curtly, “How can we be friends? I don’t know anything about you, how can we possibly be friends?”

That damned condescending smile grinned back at me, “Well what do you want to know sweetie? I am single, I’m an author and I think you are the sexiest woman I have met in a very long time… Charlotte I like you and I get the impression you like me, can’t we just relax, I don’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.”

I spluttered, “You think I’m sexy?” I couldn’t hold back a smile, wow she thought I was sexy.

But as she nodded the negative thoughts crept back in. “It’s OK for you but I’m cheating on my husband, I am breaking my vows. Damn it I shouldn’t even be here.” I wiped away a little tear, I felt so conflicted, the drive here had been so freeing and fun and she said I was sexy… flouncy old me…sexy, now under her scrutiny I felt weak, vulnerable and flooded with self-doubt.

We finished our drinks and as we pulled out onto the road instead of heading for home she turned heading up the coast. I said nothing slinking back into the seat as we swept up the coast road, the water glistening in the afternoon sun, the music seemingly serenading us as we went.

I glanced across admiring the way she masterfully steered the car, her hand moving the gear-lever with such skill. We swept in and out around cars overtaking at will the tyres complaining as we sped around the bends. My smile was back, wow what a feeling.

Every now and then I stole glances of her as she drove, her beautiful shiny hair blowing in the wind, her sexy smile, god I was envious, what did she see in me?

At the top of the cliff she pulled into a little layby park that gave us an unobstructed vista up and down the coast.

The engine stopped and her hand fell on my knee as she adjusted her position to look into my eyes.

Her other hand circled around behind my neck, I felt her fingers toying with my hair as she pulled me inexorably towards her, it happened like slow motion, her lips Escort Çakmak edged forward the impending collision irresistible.

The moment our lips touched it was like coming home, an overwhelming feeling of electric shocks coursing through my body now suddenly alive, tingling, trembling.

Her tongue slid easily into my open mouth, it slithered tantalisingly around like a cat playing with a mouse, I could still taste the chardonnay. Instantly lost in the moment my arms circled hers and we sank into a fiery embrace.

We leaned together ignoring the gear knob digging into my thigh, our tongues snuggled together our nipples crushed rubbing together in an erotic massage.

Just as her hand glided over my boob a car pulled noisily in beside us and I jumped in fright as it exploded, a pile of kids fell out noisily laughing and screaming, I turned to see young boys whistling excitedly their eyes like saucers, but as I looked up I saw the mother staring… horrified.

Brianna quickly came to life reversing out and we sped away. She laughed mischievously but I couldn’t stop the tears, “OMG did you see the look on their faces, I thought their mother looked disgusted.”

She giggled, staring at me with a wicked smile, “Yeah maybe but that’s not what the boys were thinking.”

The drive home was quiet as I battled with an internal conflict, what the hell were we doing? I was ashamed and embarrassed and the guilt, it crashed over me like waves on a beach, I was a mother as well and I pictured myself and how I would’ve reacted.

Back at her house I quickly climbed out and wordlessly scampered home.

She stood silently watching.

I walked back inside and got a curious squinting glance from John, “Where have you been?”

Shrugging I muttered, “Just went for a drive with Brianna.”

That immediately piqued his interest. “Oh lucky you, that’s one hell of a hell of a car, is it her husbands? I hope she was careful.”

“She’s bloody single, you idiot, it’s her car and yes it’s very nice.”

“Whoa settle petal, I was just saying it’s a lot of car for a woman.”

I turned walking quickly into the kitchen, “You patronising shit you can be a narrow-minded dick sometimes.”

The horrified stare he gave me made me feel guilty, I had never sworn at him before and I had certainly never called him a dick.

In the quiet isolation of the kitchen I frowned, what has come over me, why did I feel the need to defend her? A month ago I would have probably agreed. That night lying in bed I picked up my book and as I flicked mindlessly through the pages, she was a writer and I wondered what she wrote? I imagined romance novels, or maybe mysteries. I tossed and turned all night a broken restless sleep.

In the morning I couldn’t wait to chase Debbie and John out the door. The moment they were gone I logged online and researched Brianna and was surprised by the results, I smiled, she was very well known, maybe not famous but very popular, she had written nothing I had read but I quickly found a pirated copy of one of her popular books.

The day disappeared with my only break from reading to make coffee before sinking back into it. I couldn’t put it down. It was far racier than I expected, a lesbian love story, her writing was incredible I couldn’t stop reading, initially I blushed reading some of the sex scenes. Yes I had a sheltered upbringing and this was new to me. Some of the terms she used I didn’t even know what they were.

I was dragged away from it when Debbie walked in after school. She surprised me by walking up unheard behind shocking me with a kiss on the cheek, “Holy hell mum, what the hell are you reading?”

Embarrassed I shut the computer down quickly, “Oh nothing, just an online story.”

“Yeah right.” She giggled, “Looked pretty erotic from where I was standing.”

She disappeared into her bedroom leaving me red faced. It was only then I realised the time and scurried into the kitchen to make a start on dinner and do the breakfast dishes.

Debbie disappeared around to her friends place leaving me a brief window before John got home, I dived straight back into Brianna’s book. The moment I found my place I was lost in the story imagining myself as the lead character.

It came as a shock when I realised my kitty was hot and moist, my thighs sticky and clammy and I had an unquenchable desire to rub myself. OMG the urge was unbearable, I reached down grinding my palm against my pouting mound, squeezing the lips between my thumb and forefinger, twisting and squeezing as I squirmed in the seat. With complete embarrassment I realised I was going to cum, oh god I was almost there when the door burst open and I heard John announce his arrival.

‘FUCK’I hissed silently shutting down the computer with a frustrated sigh, god I was so close. I knew I must be red, I felt hot and flustered.

John gave me a quick kiss, commenting, “Are you alright hon? You look peeked.”

Pushing him Çakmak Escort Bayan aside as I got up scared he would see what I was reading I grabbed his hand leading him to the kitchen, “Come on I will make you a cuppa.”

All through dinner my mind was elsewhere, unable to focus on anything Debbie had to bring me back to reality time after time, “Mum are you listening to me?”

“Sorry dear I was off with the fairies.”

“I’ll say.” She muttered, “I was trying to say there is a school camp next week for netball, can I go?”

Staring at john who was non comital I nodded, “Yes, if you think it’s something you want to do.”

It was settled quickly and John was quick to disappear into the lounge to watch some football game he had taped. I went back to the computer dying to read the rest of the story but scared somebody would see. I got my phone and searched for the story downloading it to read in bed.

I left John to watch his football and headed for a shower. Stepping under the powerful scalding hot needle points my body relaxed, the muscles softened under the gentle massage my body trembled enjoying the exhilarating pleasure. All I could see were images from the story, I imagined myself as the lead character, seduced by the beautiful young girl next door. Unhooking the shower nozzle I ran it down my body, over my breasts, with one hand I massaged the soapy suds spreading them across my skin as the stimulating nozzle focused mercilessly on my nipples. I moved it slowly rubbing it across the quivering flesh bringing Goosebumps and nervous twitches. I tried to stop myself, I wanted to stop myself but I couldn’t I lowered the nozzle until it was blasting hot jets of water over, into and across my kitty. I shuddered in pleasure, the intense sensations made it impossible to stand, I leaned back against the cold tiles, my knees like jelly. “Oh fuck I whispered hoarsely, “Oh fuck… yes, fuck me.” echoing the words I had read earlier, stunning myself with the verbal release.

My fingers frolicked, slipping easily into my slippery slit, delving sensuously deep into my moist crevice, the heart of my being. I held the nozzle hard against my clit as my fingers dived in and out pleasuring myself.

“Charlotte, are you going to be finished soon?”

Oh god it was John but I was so close, I almost didn’t care. With the jets pummelling my clit I spluttered, “Yes almost done.”

My fingers went back to thrusting in and out, my clit swollen and red under the needle point jets. My mind blank as my orgasm approached racing over the brow of a hill like a rampaging horse, I was there my body shaking wildly unable to supress a quiet scream, “Oh fuck yes.” I cried out my head sagging back against the wall.

John burst in, “Are you OK? I heard a thud.”

“Sorry hon.” I croaked, “I slipped.”

It took me a few moments to quell my beating heart and wash away my own sticky secretions.

Later as we lay in bed, Johns hand sliding up under my negligee surprised me as I absorbed more of Brianna’s story, his fingers delving into my kitty, “Hhhhmmmmm seems like you like that story.” He muttered.

I put the phone down and turned to him knowing there was no way to deflect his desires. I gave myself up to his rampant manhood as he thrust wildly into my quivering kitty. Normally I need lots and lots of foreplay to cum from just being fucked but tonight I was on fire the story evoking all my emotions and passion. John sensed how close I was and ploughed ahead banging my head against the headboard as he fucked me.

“Jesus Charlotte, you are a sexy thing, god lately you have been so intense.”

“I can stop anytime you want John, just say the word.” I moaned.

Shocked he flopped back, “I didn’t mean to upset you hon, it’s just you seem like a different woman.”

Another night of listless restless sleep, my hand toying impatiently with my kitty, god it seemed like I was on fire my mind pushing me into Brianna’s story.

I was called into work to relieve a sick teacher and that at least occupied my mind.

School was only a short walk and I was almost half way home when a car pulled up beside me, “Going my way.” Brianna asked.

Smiling I muttered, “Hey it’s a beautiful day, perfect for a walk.”

“Has anybody told you how sexy you are today?”

Coughing and staring around to see if anybody heard I spluttered, “No.”

“Well they should a beautiful sexy woman like you should be told every day, so consider yourself told sexy.”

I smiled at her as she edged along the gutter driving slowly beside me, “Shouldn’t you be working?”

Shrugging with a wide hand waving gesture she laughed, “What on a day like today.”

She stopped just in front of me and pushed open the passenger door. “Come on darling lets go for a drive, enjoy the sun.”

Glancing around I jumped in and in a tyre screeching U turn she sped off up the road. “Brianna, I need to get home, I have to cook dinner.”

Peeping at me from under her dark sunglasses she chuckled, “It’s early, we can pick something up on the way home.” With that she changed down a gear and accelerated giving me no chance to argue.

We pulled into a secluded layby at the beach and she opened the boot pulling out a blanket, “Let’s take that walk we missed the other day.”

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