
Sexting Pt. 20


Capt. Fitzsimons PhD entered the room and introduced himself to Major Johnson. After a few preliminaries Dr. Fitzsimons gave Major Johnson the ground rules for the session. Fitzsimons then asked Chip for his story.

“It was our anniversary weekend; we attended the SA Arts Gala Friday night and I arranged to spend the weekend at the Rio Rancho resort. I had thoughts about us taking a Horseback ride and Jennifer doing the spa, normal resort stuff. We got in the room at around 1:00. It was early Saturday morning about 02:30 when it happened. There was a bright flash and a loud crack and boom. The sound rumbled for almost forever. My reaction at the first flash and boom was automatic and I rolled off the bed and hid between the wall and the bed. I would have gotten under the bed, but I couldn’t crawl under it. My wife woke up and found me on the floor. She snapped me out of my hallucination or what ever I was in. The lightning continued for about forty-five minutes. The flashes and the sound were constant. Later that day, when she was at the spa, she contacted Capt. Stark her therapist and she arranged for me to see you. We continued our weekend and resumed out usual activities when we got home. I tried to bug out; I tried convincing her that I was fine. She insisted that I see you, Dr. Fitzsimons.”

About two weeks ago; early morning Saturday

Warm moist air from the Gulf of Mexico travels north and mixes with a colder air mass over Central Texas spawning lines of violent thunderstorms.

There was a bright flash that penetrated the hotels blackout curtains. It was followed by a sharp crack and rumble of thunder. The lightshow and the noise lasted until the line of thunderstorms moved off the south and east. The noise and light disturbed Jennifer and she reached for Chip but did not find him next to her. She heard someone breathing heavily and it sounded like crying. She slid over the bed in the direction of the noise and found Major Johnson on the floor.

This was behavior that Chip never displayed before. There was an immediate flash and a ripping noise followed by a long rumble.

“Chip what is wrong, why are you on the floor?” asked Jennifer.

Major Johnson started to stand but fell back when he heard another crack of thunder. “Major Johnson come to attention right now!” said Jennifer using her best command tone.

His military training took over and Chip stood at attention facing his wife. “Get in bed, darling.”

Chip got in bed and Jennifer hugged his neck and kissed him. “Everything is fine we are in the states, it is just a thunderstorm,” said Jennifer.

“I felt I was back in Afghanistan, at the observation post taking fire,” said Chip.

“Don’t worry your fine,” said Jennifer.

“I have been through thunderstorms without cowering on the floor. What is going on?” said Chip.

Jennifer rubbed his back and the back of his neck and continued to comfort him. The noise started to move away and Chip drifted off to sleep again. She followed Chip and fell asleep. Jennifer woke at 05:00 and slipped off the bed trying not to disturb her husband. She located the clothing that Chip brought and found shorts and a T-shirt. There was a sneaker shoebox in the closet and she opened the box and found the second Anniversary gift. It was a pair of running shoes that she was eyeing. She laced them up and found the key card and walked outside.

Despite the thunder and lightning it did not look like that there was a lot of rain. Jennifer tripped the timer function on her watch and started running. She followed the outline of the golf course. She made two circuits, not having any distance markers she could not judge how long she ran. There were a few other guests that were also running. She monitored her time and after running an hour and a half she headed back to the suite.

When she arrived Chip was still sleeping. She thought that it was better for him to sleep and she left him alone. The suite had two bathrooms and she showered in the bathroom away from the room that they were using.

“It is times like these that I wished I had my fake cocks,” she thought.

After she got out of the shower she took some towels out to the living room and spread them on the couch and lay down naked. On the coffee table there was a leather bound book with lists and pictures of the services of the resort. She consulted the book and found the spa and decided to either book a massage in the room or spend time at the spa. She opted for the spa wanting a deep skin clean after all of the Corporal’s makeup. She heard a noise at the door and saw an envelope with their names written on the face slip under the door. She walked over and picked up the envelope and found several 8 x 10 photos of Chip and her at the party last night.

“He does look distinguished in his uniform, the chick next to him doesn’t look bad either,” she thought.

There was a noise coming from the bedroom. Chip walked out to the living room and his eyes rested on his seks hikayeleri wife’s naked body. “Do you know how beautiful you are?” said Chip.

“I have a good idea. Drop your pants and sit beside me,” said Jennifer.

Chip took his boxers off and sat down next to his wife. He leaned over and kissed her. “I will say this once, I feel about this tall,” said Chip holding his thumb and forefinger about a half inch apart.

“Chip I will say this once, Its OK I don’t think any less of you,” said Jennifer.

“Ok Darling we will talk more later,” said Chip.

“I want to make love, will you make love to me?” asked Jennifer.

Chip leaned down and put his head in her crotch. He breathed in her lovely sexy aroma. His hands found her nipples trying to build her level of arousal. Jennifer moved down and stretched out on the couch Chip got between her legs and kissed his way up to her mouth. “Thank you, Darling,” Chip started to talk. “Chip make love, we will talk later. I love you.”

Chip reached down and guided his cock into his wife’s pussy. He eased in and started to move in and out of her warm love hole. Jennifer moved her pelvis trying to coax Chip to a climax. Jennifer flooded his cock with her spend and it allowed his cock to move in and out even easier. He thrust his cock in and out of her pussy and he suddenly stiffened and he felt his cock jerk and shoot a load of cum into his wife’s pussy. He kissed her and continued to move his cock in and out of Jennifer’s pussy.

Jennifer pushed her tongue into his mouth. Chip captured it and would not let it go. They broke the kiss and Chip slipped off of his wife and leaned down and kissed her again. He moved down to her pussy and started to lick her engorged lips. Jennifer sat up and facilitated his access to her. Jennifer leaned over and started to massage his back.

There was knock on the door that jolted them to reality. Chip went into the bedroom and found one of the hotel bathrobes. Jennifer retreated to the second bedroom to find a wrap, and Chip went to the door.

A waiter announced that he had brought breakfast. Chip suddenly remembered that he pre-ordered Saturday breakfast. Chip stepped aside and allowed the man to set the table. Chip and Jennifer sat down and the waiter pulled the covers off of the plates. After asking if they needed anything else he withdrew, leaving them to themselves. As if on cue they dropped the robes and ate naked. Jennifer remembered the surprise envelop from earlier in the morning. She got up and found the set of pictures that were on the coffee table and brought them to Chip. She hugged him as they looked at the photos together. Both thought the photos looked good. Jennifer’s hand started massaging his cock back to life. When she had achieved the results she wanted; she then sat down to finish he breakfast.

“Will you be all right if I go to the spa, darling?” said Jennifer.

“You have me all excited and left. Can I make love to you before you go?” asked Chip.

“No, Darling I want you primed and ready for me when I get back. I really want to work you over,” said Jennifer.

Jennifer brought her foot and placed it in Chip’s crotch. Small movements caused him to stay excited and after he finished eating he stood up and walked to Jennifer’s side and kissed his wife. She now noticed how the months of his coaching her had leaned his body. She reached up and started to massage his erection which was standing at an almost ninety degree angle.

“Come here darling, I want to have a go at you,” said Jennifer.

She positioned Chip in front of her and started to kiss the tip of his cock. The crown was beginning to glisten with pre-cum as she massaged the length. Her other hand was busy massaging his balls and a finger invaded his bunghole. In one motion Jennifer took his entire cock in her mouth, wrapped her arms around him. Chip started breath deeply.

“Darling, if you don’t stop you will get a big surprise,” said Chip as he bent down and began to massage his wife’s naked back. Jennifer’s tongue moved around the length of his cock feeling the ribs and veins. She used her mouth like a vagina and moved his cock in and out encouraging him to cum. She felt Chip’s crises coming on and she removed his cock and clamped it with her hand. “Not just yet darling, I think I need to extend our session,”

She waited a half a minute and took his length back in her mouth. She was tugging on his balls when she felt his cock jerk depositing several loads of cum in her mouth. She held on to his cock as it became flaccid.

“I guess when I get back it will be your turn,” said Jennifer.

Chip brought her to her feet and kissed his wife. “That was fantastic, darling,” said Chip.

Jennifer kissed him again and found the clothes that she ran in, shorts no panties and t-shirt no bra. She picked up the hotel phone and called and asked for a golf cart to pick her up. She also said that the catering department could pick up their breakfast.

“You have a job to figure out what we are doing for dinner. Make it late 20:30 to 21:00, and dancing after,” said Jennifer.

Jennifer grabbed her purse and walked out to wait for the cart to take her to the resort’s spa. Chip decided that he needed more sleep after his early morning incident. There was a knock on the door and after he put on the robe he let the waiter in to clean up breakfast. When finished he handed the young man a ten-dollar bill.

The housekeeping staff knocked and Chip let them in. He decided to sit by the pool attached to the unit while they worked. He lay on a lounge and noticed a younger couple was in the water. Despite his presence the woman pulled her top off and allowed the young man to work on her nipples. Chip dosed off and when he woke up they were gone. His mind tried to imagine what the couple was up to. There was a dark mass of storm clouds off to the north and he felt a stiff breeze as the air was pulled into the cloud. Chip saw lightning illuminating the cloud in the distance but there was no thunder. The storm moved closer and the flashes of lightning were followed by cracks of thunder. There was a bright flash and thunder almost at the same time. Chip quickly went back in the room.

Despite the noise and the light show he did not experience any of the anxiety from earlier in the day. He remembered that Jennifer had issued orders and he thumbed through the hotel directory and found that the property featured a Japanese style steak house. They could then go to the lounge and dance after dinner.

As he was picking up the hotel phone, Jennifer called; “All you all right, Darling?” said Jennifer with a hit of anxiety in her voice.

“Jen, I am fine, I was out by the pool when the storm formed,” replied Chip.

“I’m almost finished I will see you in a half hour,” said Jennifer.

Chip picked up the phone and made a reservation at the Japanese steak house for 20:30. His task complete he went into the bathroom and ran the shower. He climbed into the warm stream and soaped down. He stood under the shower and watched the soap disappear down the drain. He got out and toweled off and dressed in the bathrobe, hopping that he and Jennifer would be making love in the afternoon.

“Where are you Mr. Johnson?” He heard Jennifer call out.

Chip walked out of the bedroom and found Jennifer’s arms encircling him. Chip could smell the various tonics and preparations that they used on his wife. “You smell so good, darling,” said chip.

Jennifer felt that her husband was beginning to have a raging hard-on, and pointed to the woman standing behind her. “Calm down, darling. This is Melissa and she is here to give you a total body massage.”

The young woman was setting up a portable massage table, and she also had a portable butane burner with a pan and a set of flat stones. Jennifer walked Chip over to the table and started to take his clothes off. “Don’t be embarrassed darling, I’m here to make sure nothing happens, and Melissa has seen a lot of naked men,” said Jennifer, as she took his pants off. She gave his cock a quick stroke.

Chip got on the table on his stomach. Melissa draped several towels over him. She emptied a container of flat stones into a flat pan that was on the burner. Jennifer rubbed Chip’s neck while the stones heated. Melissa pulled off one of the towels; and with a set of tongs she started to layout the stones on Chip’s back. Every time she placed a stone Chip jumped a little. Melissa placed the towels back on his back. Melissa moved up to Chip’s head and started to massage his jaw and face.

She pulled the towels off and allowing the stones slide off his back and using her hands she began to kneed his muscles. Chip began to feel heat on his back as the woman applied oil laced with capsaicin. She continued to work the oil into his back causing the tension in the back to loosen. Chip felt the towel being removed from his butt followed by the application of the lotion. This time the concentration of the active ingredient was higher and the feeling of heat was greater. Melissa squirted two lines of the lotion on Chip’s legs. The feeling caused him to bend his legs back.

“Wait until I put it on your cock Major Johnson, I have some triple X strength your wife will not need to worry about relations for a while,” said Melissa.

Melissa was working on the Major’s legs, and then announced that she was ready for him to turn over. She quickly draped a towel over his raging hard-on.

“That is the best part Melissa,” said Jennifer.

“If you say so ma’am,” said the masseuse.

Melissa started at Chip’s neck and then moved to his pects. She picked up the plate of stones from the burner and with tongs she placed several on his chest and abdomen, and covered him with a towel. She waited a few minutes, and then took the towel off. She grabbed a bottle of the massage lotion and squirted it on his chest and started working it in to his skin. She then moved to his legs and kneaded his calves and thighs. Melissa indicated that she was finished.

“Don’t bother getting dressed darling, I have plans for you,” said Jennifer. She went to her purse and grabbed some bills and handed them to Melissa.

“Join me in the bedroom, Major,” said Jennifer.

“You used my rank I must be in trouble,” said Chip from the table.

He got off the table and walked into the bedroom. That proved to be harder than he thought since his muscles were so relaxed; and embraced his wife. He pulled the t-shirt over her head and admired her breasts. He again embraced her and they kissed. Jennifer massaged his cock, which was already fully erect.

“I don’t think that I told you how much I have enjoyed myself,” said Jennifer.

Chip got on the bed and Jennifer got over him and took his cock in her mouth, she positioned her cunt over his mouth and they engaged in a classic sixty-nine. Chip felt a warm fluid on his face and Jennifer used her hand to stall his climax. She moved to position his cock near her cunt and guided his cock in to her pussy. She settled down and kissed him.

“I love the feeling of your cock in my cunt, darling,” said Jennifer.

Chip put his arms around his wife and took her tongue in his mouth. He moved his cock in and out of her cunt. Chip became a wild man plunging his cock in and out when he shot a load in her pussy

They both took the better part of a half hour to calm down Chip kissed his wife and held her.

Chip slid down and breathed in the aroma of sex from his wife’s pussy. His fingers traced the area around her vagina. His tongue explored her interior and he paused and sucked on her engorged vaginal lips. His fingers found her pleasure center and he massaged her little cock and got a rise every time he brushed it.

“Darling, can you satisfy me with your cock, or do you need some help getting it up? Take me from behind, Darling?” asked Jennifer.

Chip helped her rotate her butt in the air and massaged her pussy before he impaled his cock in in her cunt. His hands traveled down from her pussy to her breasts and played with her nipples.

“Ream my pussy darling,” said Jennifer.

Chip started to ram his cock in and out of his wife. Maybe to soon but Chip felt his climax building. At the moment he was about to shoot there was a very loud crack of thunder. Chip collapsed on top of his wife. There was another crack of thunder, and Jennifer rotated and reached for her husband.

“I really wanted to give you the pleasure you deserve,” said Chip

“It was fine, and I know that you arranged the thunder to accompany your climax,” said Jennifer with a little laugh.

Chip moved to kiss his wife’s pussy and Jennifer rolled over and opened her legs to allow him access. Gone was the feeling of insecurity of the early morning. Chip moved back and the two lovers embraced and kissed each other. The thunderstorm continued outside with several loud cracks and rumbles of thunder. Each time there was a sound Chip moved involuntarily. Jennifer noticed and held him tighter.

“Major, I do not want to loose you.”

“I do not know why I am having these feelings now,” said Chip.

“Let me hold you,” said Jennifer.

She moved her arms around Chip and brought him closer to her. “You’re a good man, Charles Johnson, tell that voice to go away.”

“Yes ma’am”

Chip started his favorite post climax activity sucking on Jennifer’s breasts. The storm moved away and the rumble became less and less, leaving only the rain.

“Do you still want to go out?” asked Chip.

“What did you have planned?” asked Jennifer

“I have reservations at the resort’s Japanese steak house.”

“That might be a little too much stimulation for me tonight,” said Jennifer.

“I was thinking the same. Right now I want to suck on your pussy and give you a thousand orgasms,”

Chip moved down to her cunt and played with the outer lips. His fingers snuck in her vagina and began to finger fuck his wife. He brought his lips down to her pussy and began to suck on the engorged outer lips. He breathed in the combined odor of his cum and her spend. Jennifer draped her legs over his shoulders keeping his mouth close. He felt her breathing picked up and soon she was moving side-to-side trying to hold off cumming. His tongue entered her love hole and felt the canal contract.

“Give me your cock, darling,” said Jennifer with clinched teeth.

Chip rose up and massaged his reawakening cock and plunged it into her pussy. He leaned down to kiss her and her arms wrapped around his neck and held him in a long kiss. They could hear the torrent of water hitting the roof and splashing on the deck beyond the bedroom window.

“Make it rain Mr. Johnson,” said Jennifer.

They both woke at about 18:00 and looked at each other. Chip picked up the phone and called the restaurant to cancel the reservation. He noticed that he was hungry and wanted to eat.

“Do you have any suggestions?” asked Chip.

“I saw a little bistro next to the spa. I think that is a better idea,” said Jennifer.

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