
Shehla’s Story Ch. 03


I would like to tell my readers that those searching for quick, fast and furious action will probably be better off looking elsewhere but I hope that those who want to read a good story will find this one rewarding.

Conversations that took place in Hindi are recorded in italics followed immediately with an English translation. Those familiar with Hindi may find it rewarding to read the original. Others can skip those parts.

Your vote and constructive feedback are appreciated.

Please read Shehla’s Story Chs. 00 to 02 to better appreciate this part. A summary is given below:

Ch. 00 – 02 Summary:

Shehla is a married young woman (around 30) with a small daughter. She is professionally qualified and works as junior executive with Trident Corp., a large MNC. She is tall, slim, reasonably well endowed, fresh faced and pleasantly attractive. She generally dresses in salwar suits and her clothes are smart but conservatively cut.

Shehla and her hubby suffer a forced separation when he gets transferred to the Gulf, and becomes extremely busy with his job. Prolonged separation from her hubby adversely affects Shehla’s mental health and emotional wellbeing. She needs a man desperately, to fulfil her physical and emotional needs. Her hubby is trapped in the Gulf and agrees to let her find someone for a short-term relationship. But she doesn’t quite know how to find one.

Quite fortuitously she meets Kapil, husband of her colleague and good friend Kalpana. They find that there is real chemistry between them. Unbeknownst to Shehla, Kalpana has given a hall pass to hubby Kapil, as a recompense for her own ongoing affair with her boss Shyam. Shehla’s unfulfilled sexual hunger drives her to come on to Kapil and they do it one evening at the first opportunity. They do it again the next day. Throwing caution to the winds, they do it bareback both times, although Shehla is in her fertile period…

Shehla visits a gynaecologist for a morning after pill and also to treat a vaginal infection she caught during their romps. She is plunged into anxiety when she is told that at that point in her menstrual cycle, a morning after pill might not work. The next couple of weeks are hell for Shehla as she tensely waits for her period to start. Desperate to unburden herself, she calls Kapil and they meet again. He succeeds in assuaging her anxiety, but they give in to temptation and do it bareback once again!


It was about four days after their last tryst. Kapil was busy in a meeting with a client when his phone buzzed. He glanced at it furtively and saw with a twinge of anxiety that it was Shehla calling. He’d been expecting her call for the last couple of days, but since she’d not yet called, he had assumed that all was well. Although he knew it was an important call, he couldn’t answer it; his client was waiting for him to turn his attention back to the meeting.

“Busy. Call you later.” He reluctantly cut the call and messaged her. He then continued with the meeting. It was almost a couple of hours later that he was finally able to call her back.

“Hi Shehla! What’s the matter? Is everything OK?” He asked apprehensively, his heart beating fast.

“Jiju! Jiju!! Jiju!!! Wonderful news! It finally started today morning!” She whispered, barely suppressing her excitement. She was of course referring to her much awaited period. She was in her office and couldn’t speak aloud. She covered her mouth with her hand and glanced furtively around, making sure nobody was paying attention.

“Ohhh, thank God! I am so relieved. I was really worried!” Kapil exhaled.

“Why? Why were you worried? You were so sure it was going to happen!” Shehla giggled under her breath.

“Yes, I was sure. But I was also a bit worried too! After all, I know how virile I am. Both times when we decided to have a baby, I made my wife pregnant in the first shot!” Kapil couldn’t resist boasting.

“H’m!” Shehla agreed, blushing. She by now had lots of first-hand experience of her Jiju’s virility.

“But still, how could you be so sure?” Shehla’s curiosity was piqued.

“I’ll tell you when we meet.” Kapil said mysteriously.


“Well, this calls for a celebration as soon as possible, don’t you think?”

“Yes, I agree. But…” Shehla was a bit hesitant.

“How about today evening?”

“No. Today is not possible. I am expecting guests.”

“No problem. How about tomorrow afternoon? Can you leave early from office?” Kapil pressed on, not taking notice of her hesitation.

“Jiju… Umm… Couldn’t we meet next week? Isn’t tomorrow a bit too early?” Shehla whispered, a bit apprehensively.

“Why? Have you grown tired of my company?”

“No, no! Of course not! But Jiju, you know my condition… I thought it would be better if we met after my, umm… thing is over and done with.” She couldn’t bring herself to explicitly talk about her period.

“Relax! You’ll enjoy our time together. And we’ll not do anything you don’t like.” He assured her. Shehla amasya escort knew he wasn’t going take no for an answer and she didn’t have the heart to turn him down flat.

“Oh, all right! If you insist.” Shehla acquiesced, a bit reluctantly.

“Very good! And don’t worry, we’ll meet again after your “thing” is over, too!” Kapil called off, chuckling.

Shehla hummed under her breath as she busied herself with work. Although she had cramps in her belly and her breasts were tender and heavy, that didn’t cloud her happy mood.

“We’ll not do anything you don’t like.” She kept repeating Jiju’s words in her mind, wondering what exactly he meant. Her heart missed a beat, a faint blush arose on her cheeks and she felt a thrill of arousal course through her as she imagined various ways of pleasing her Jiju, without of course messing with her bleeding pussy. She was surprised at herself. Never in the past had she felt sexual arousal during “those” days.

“Oh God! I am such a slut!” She shivered and her nipples stiffened…

An hour later, she got a message from Jiju, naming an upscale restaurant in mid-town Mumbai as their rendezvous. It was not very far from her office. She should have been relieved that they would be meeting in a public place where there would be no hanky-panky. But she was surprised how let down and disappointed she felt that they wouldn’t be meeting somewhere in private…


It was around half past three in the afternoon when she was shown to her table in the restaurant. Kapil had already arrived and he rose to greet her. They were seated on adjacent seats at a square table for four. The table was situated in a cosy little corner off to one side, and they had their backs to the wall. The table cloth hung a couple of feet down the table top and covered their laps. A small overhead lamp illuminated the table top and their faces were lighted up by the reflected light. They were close enough to touch and didn’t have to crane their necks to look at each other. They had a complete view of the restaurant from their vantage point. At that hour, the lunch time crowd had mostly dispersed and they could see just a small scattering of lingering patrons across the restaurant.

The waiter arrived to take their order. Shehla was too keyed up to know whether she was hungry or not and just nodded at Kapil’s suggestions on what to order. The waiter was soon on his way to get their order and they finally looked at each other properly.

“You’re looking good today, Shehla! But a bit tired too. How are you doing?”

“Oh Jiju, I am sooo happy! You can’t imagine how tense and worried I was this last fortnight. And at last, it started today, thank god!” She sighed.

“Good, good! Now, how about a smile?”

Her face lit up and twin rows of her perfect white teeth shone as she broke into a happy smile. They made polite conversation while waiting for their order, which was soon delivered.

“Jiju, you have been so good to me. I don’t know how I could’ve survived these last couple of weeks without your support. Thank you, thank you!” Shehla barely could find words to express her deep emotions.

Kapil comforted her, patting her hand resting on the table. She pressed his hand and held it tight for a while. Realizing suddenly that they were holding hands out in the open for anyone to see, she quickly disengaged and moved her hands to her lap. Kapil chuckled and once again held her hand resting in her lap, caressing it gently with his fingers.

“Uhh…” She sighed, responding to his caresses. She made no objection when he moved her hand on to his thigh. Soon, she was gently stroking his thigh, eyes downcast. Once in a while she picked at the food on her plate while her whole attention was concentrated on her Jiju sitting next to her. She was intensely aware of the heat emanating from his body, his natural masculine smell with undertones of the scent of his aftershave, his intent gaze, his muscular thigh separated from her soft hand just by the thin fabric of his trousers. She slowly relaxed and went into a dreamlike state, just barely aware of her surroundings. She hardly registered the featherlight touch of Jiju’s palm on her belly as he caressed her in lazy circular movements…

She felt her cramping belly ease up a bit and a shiver of excitement ran up her spine. She felt a sweet ache in her engorged nipples as they stiffened even more. They ached for her Jiju’s touch, waiting to be pinched haard, to relieve the ache. But she knew that that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. She couldn’t believe how much her Jiju had turned her on, just with a few caresses, and that too when she was bleeding like a pig…

The food was barely touched when Kapil called the waiter to clear away their plates and get steaming hot coffee. He asked for a plate and some cutlery and then opened a carton of pastries he had bought from a well-known patisserie. Shehla’s eyes lit up when she saw chocolate pastries covered with a thick layer of dark chocolate amasya escort bayan frosting. There were also pastries with a generous layer of cherry compote on top of vanilla frosting. Her mouth watered and she suddenly realized that she was rather hungry…

“Here’s your treat. I hope you like it!” Kapil grinned.

“Oh Jiju, how did you know I just love chocolate cakes?”

He broke off a piece of chocolate pastry with a fork and fed it to her.

“Mmmm! Yummy!” She whispered. She daintily licked up chocolate frosting sticking to her lips. He wished it was his tongue licking the frosting off her lips. His cock twitched at the thought. He continued to feed her chocolate pastry, himself once in a while taking a bite of the vanilla cherry pastry.

“Oops! Sorry!” Shehla giggled when she suddenly moved her head just as Kapil was about to feed her another morsel. A biggish dollop of gooey chocolate frosting was smeared on her cheek.

“Not to worry!” Kapil deftly wiped the frosting off her cheek with his finger and held it before her. Shehla glanced around the mostly deserted restaurant to make sure nobody was looking at them.

“Mmmm…” She purred as she leaned forward and licked the frosting off his finger, holding his hand in place. She was breathing a little hard and there was a sexy gleam in her eyes. Dispensing with the fork, Kapil fed her more dark chocolate frosting with his finger. Shehla licked it off his finger, after looking around furtively to make sure they were not being observed. This time she took his finger deep in her mouth and wiggled her tongue around it. She wrapped her lips tightly around his finger and slowly withdrew it, all the while looking into Kapil’s eyes. Blood rushed into Kapil’s cock and his heart somersaulted.

“Aa!” Shehla opened her mouth for another morsel.

“Just you wait!” He growled under his breath. He quickly settled the bill and then rose, grabbing Shehla by her wrist.

“Where are we going?” Shehla asked as she tagged along, gently freeing her wrist from his grasp. She was well aware that they might attract strange looks…

“To my office.”

Shehla’s heart somersaulted, leaving her breathless in anticipation of what lay ahead…

A few months ago, Kapil had started his own business. He had rented a small office in a high-rise commercial complex in central Mumbai. He had tied up with a few of his friends and ex-colleagues to work for him on a free-lance basis. He had only one full time employee, a smart young Tamilian boy who worked as his office assistant and general factotum. On that day, Kapil had told him to lock up and go home early, since there wasn’t much work pending and Kapil himself was off to meet Shehla.

Kapil called his office landline as their taxi sped towards their destination, just to make sure that there was nobody in there. He then called his assistant.

“Seshan, Kapil here.”

“Yes boss?”

“When did you leave the office?”

“Around four o’clock, Sir. You had told me that I could leave early…”

“Yes, yes. I know. Was there a call from Crescent Trading?”

“No, no Sir. Nobody called.”

“OK, fine. See you tomorrow. Good night.”

Kapil tried to hold her hand in the taxi, but she twisted it out of his grasp, keenly aware that they might attract the taxi driver’s attention. Soon, they were in the lobby of Kapil’s high-rise office building, waiting for the elevator. The elevator arrived and disgorged a big crowd of office workers hurrying back home after a long day. Nobody paid any attention to Kapil and Shehla. They were the only passengers on the way up. Shehla looked meaningfully at the CCTV camera in the elevator, to discourage Kapil from starting any hanky-panky.

“Just you wait!” He nodded and mouthed silently. She gave him a naughty smile.

Kapil’s office was quite stuffy and hot as he ushered her in and locked the door behind them. He switched on the lights and air-conditioning, then swept his hand around, showing off his office.

“Welcome, ma’am!” He bowed to her.

It was a really small and cramped affair. The office was sparsely furnished. His little cabin had just enough room for a small desk, executive chair and a couple of armless visitors’ chairs.

“I’ve just started my own business a few months ago. I’m hoping to move to a bigger office soon, when the business starts rolling.” Kapil explained.

“Oh Jiju, I’m sure you will do very well. My best wishes!”

They hugged each other tight and Shehla hid her face against his chest, breathing in his masculine scent. They could hear each other’s heartbeats and she felt his hardening cock against her belly. He raised her face and bent to kiss her, but she turned away.

“Jiju, don’t kiss me today, please. My breath must be stinking.” She murmured.

She flattened her breasts against his chest and made little rubbing movements, trying to ease the ache in her nipples, without success. Finally, she separated a bit and pressed his hand against her bosom, escort amasya wordlessly imploring him to touch her.

“Oh yes!” He whispered. He unwound the dupatta around her shoulders, lowered the zipper at the back of her kameez and eased it off her shoulders. Her slim, pale milky white torso came into view. Her high, modestly sized breasts were hidden beneath a snug fitting knit cotton sports bra. Since Kapil had told her that they would be meeting in a restaurant, she had chosen to wear a sports bra for the comfort it provided to her engorged breasts during her period. Now in the privacy of Jiju’s office, she cursed herself under her breath as he stripped her, for not wearing a sexy lace bra for her Jiju. But Kapil’s attention was riveted on her stiff nipples tenting the bra, hardly noticing the type of bra she was wearing.

“Unhhh…” She moaned as he ran his palms over her breasts, lightly caressing her nipples. Kapil sat down on an armless chair and seated Shehla sideways on his lap. Her bosom was just at the right height for him to lick and suckle. He pushed her sports bra up and her gorgeous, stiff, beautifully shaped breasts were freed from their confines. They were just the right size; not too big, but big enough to make nice little handfuls. Her crinkled areolae and erect nipples were deep pink in colour, complementing the milky white complexion of her bosom.

“What a beautiful pair of tits you’ve got!” He whispered, caressing them gently, then planted a little kiss on her nipple, breathing in the sweaty aroma of her skin.

“Nnnhhh…” Shehla moaned and shivered, responding to his touch and feeling his warm breath on the bare skin of her bosom. She squirmed and thrust her breasts out, imploring him wordlessly to fondle them.

“Just a second!” Kapil whispered. As Shehla looked on in puzzlement, he opened the carton of pastries, and scooped up a spoonful of cherry compote and frosting. Shehla opened her mouth to receive the spoonful.

“This not for you. It’s for me!” Kapil teased her, waving the spoon around. Finally, he smeared the gooey mixture on her breast, covering her areola and nipple. The red compote nicely enhanced the colour of her nipples. Soon, her other breast was smeared too.

“Mmmm…” Kapil lost himself in the pleasure of licking the cherry compote off the delicate skin of her tits. Shehla held his head against her and thrust her bosom forward, squirming and shivering and guiding his mouth all over her tits, making sure he licked off all of the gooey mixture. Finally, they were both left breathless and super aroused, staring into each other’s eyes.

“Unnhh… unnhhh…” Shehla uttered throaty moans as Kapil seized her tits and rhythmically squeezed and fondled them. Her arousal rose inexorably and she felt an electric current run from her nipples to her pussy as he rolled and pinched them. Kapil was lost in a fog of bliss as he took the pleasure of her soft bosom, uncaring for Shehla’s needs. As he suckled on a nipple while rolling the other, he suddenly bit down on one and pinched the other one hard.

“Aieeee…” Shehla screamed as a sharp needle of pain shot through her nipples, followed by an intense bolt of pleasure, triggering her climax. She stopped breathing and went stiff, her eyes closed, mouth half open and face frozen in a rictus of utter lust…

“Uhhhh…” She exhaled at last and then hugged Kapil tight. Her tears left patches of moisture on Kapil’s shirt. She felt wonderfully happy and light headed. She had never before climaxed just by nipple play. She relaxed in the comforting cocoon of Kapil’s arms, her breathing and heartbeat returning slowly to normal.

As she stirred in his lap, she felt the hard lump of his cock against her thigh. She was pleased with her Jiju’s readiness and knew she had to do something about it. She got up from his lap and started kissing him, starting at his chest and then slowly making her way down. She finally knelt on the floor and buried her face in his crotch, inhaling his manly scent and kissing his cock lying under a couple layers of clothes. She then loosened his trousers and unzipped his fly.

“Wait a sec!” Kapil whispered. He got up from the chair and sat on his desk, after shedding his trousers. He made Shehla raise her hands and pulled off her kameez as well as her sports bra, making her naked above her waist. He then seated Shehla on a chair, facing him. He didn’t want her to kneel on the hard linoleum floor.

“Utaro isko!”

“Take it off!” He indicated his shorts. He raised his ass up from the desk, to help her slide his shorts down his legs. At last, Shehla was face to face with his hard cock, its head smeared with precum. Almost hypnotized by its throbbing, dark presence, Shehla slowly ran a finger along the length of his cock, leaned forward and lightly licked the precum smeared head.

“Ahhhh…” Kapil sighed and his hips jerked involuntarily as Shehla pulled back his foreskin and slowly ran her tongue on his shiny red crown and the ridge behind it. She played with his foreskin, moving it back and forth, satisfying her curiosity about her first uncut cock. He held his cock and rubbed the drooling cockhead all over her face, leaving a sticky snail-like trail on her cheeks, chin, nose, forehead and closed eyelids. He painted her lips with his precum…

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