
Show , Tell Ch. 12


The, “next time,” came sooner than I anticipated.

Ten days later, Elle called at work again, my receptionist now recognizing the school phone number by sight, she and Elle greeting each other by first name. She was calling to inform me that she was taking a personal day, a doctors appointment the excuse, because she had, “…, something important to tell you (me).”

Since she didn’t have any concern or panic in her voice and my next story was still, “…, at least two weeks away,” other than having the same need to enjoy another, “matinee,” at the motel…, I had no idea why she’d be calling?

We met at the same, out of the way, strip mall, with her wearing jeans and a long coat sweater instead of the usual floor to ceiling shapeless dress, offering a nice smile and a passionate kiss as she got into my car.

“Hi,” bouncing in her seat like one of her students, “this is sooo nice…, another day with you and maybe we can…, I’m still tingling from the last time, so maybe we can go to that same motel because I really like the mirrored ceiling and…, do you think we can visit Kat again?”

“Elle,” before I started the car, “you had something important…?”

“Oh…, okay. You can drive while I tell you.”

Saturday afternoon she’d taken her daughter to the mall clothes shopping. It had started out great, Kim in an unusually good mood, talking about boys and their sudden and unexpected interest in her. “How do you feel about that honey?” Elle questioned. Kim was evasive, on one hand flattered by the attention, but on the other, finding their behavior somewhat embarrassing.

Elle realized that, at least physically, her daughter was growing up and was now nearly as tall as her mother. While she still carried some of her, “baby fat,” her body was slowly adjusting to the hormonal changes that were taking place, her face and especially her eyes were as beautiful as they’d ever been. Time for a little, “parental advice,” no matter how well received.

“Well, like it or not, boys will soon become the most important aspect of your life…, if you let them.” her mother advised, “You’ll just have to learn how to prioritize your time, making sure you balance your school work with your social life.”

That only produced a sullen, “Most of the time…, they act like jerks.”

Later, after shopping in the big department stores, Elle discovered that Kim was no longer interested in the styles of clothing that she and Todd liked her to wear, now wanting to choose her own style. Aeropostale, Old Navy, The Gap.., none of them interested her either. Elle soon found herself in a wing of the mall, where Kim wanted to shop in a small boutique called, “Tension”

Kim loved everything, although her mother said, “No,” to about 90% of it. The 10% she did agree to were tee shirts and short shorts, the shirts age appropriate and the shorts not that short.

The problem began when Elle saw something she thought I’d like!

With Kim in the adjoining dressing room, she decided to try it on. She was admiring herself in the mirror, the dress, “almost,” a mini with a modestly scooped front, when Kim called out, “Mom…, see what you think of this.” Without thinking, Elle stepped out and found Kim looking into the three way mirror, her, “Oh, that’s cute,” assessment of the pink tank top and white shorts, cut off with…, “What in God’s name are you wearing! My father would never let you wear that! What’s wrong with you?”

Whoa! She’d told me that Kim was a clone of her father, but…, this was way over the top!

“What did you do?” I asked.

“I was kind of stunned, so I…, kind of just looked at her and…, then I said, “I thought it was cute. Something I could wear out with the girls.”

“So, she puts her hands on her hips, and said, “Well you must be going to some trashy places …, with the girls, because that dress makes you look like a whore.”

“She talks to you like that? Christ…, then what?”

“I stood there…, looking at her and then I thought about how you reacted to seeing me in the red dress and then the little lingerie thing that Kat suggested and I thought…, and then I said to her, “Watch your mouth young lady. What I wear isn’t your concern and what you think your father might say isn’t your concern either. I like this dress and I’m going to buy it.”

My karabağlar escort face must have lit up, because…, “Yeah, I didn’t believe I’d said that either. But it felt so fucking good!”

“Did you buy it?”

“Yes, and I bought her the shirts and shorts. She even said, “Thank you.”

Shaking my head, “So she never…?”

“Nope, never said another word about it.”

We talked about where she thought things would go from there and I told her about my mother saying how much tougher it was to raise girls than boys.

“She’s so right,” Elle agreed, “TJ gives me no trouble at all.”

Once again, Kat seemed to be surprised to see us, but prepared none the less. After sharing air kisses, she took a bag out from behind the checkout counter, “A new thing I put aside,” as we gave her questioning looks.

Taking the bag into a dressing room, in only took Elle a minuet to call out for assistance, Kat excusing herself from our conversation about the babydoll she and Elle had surprised me with. I figured it must have been for accessories, because Kat was out in a few seconds, gathering an item to complete the look.

She was back talking to me when the UPS driver came into the store, a couple of boxes to deliver and then have her to sign for. He and I acknowledged one another with nods as Elle called out that she was ready. “Hold on a minute,” Kat called out, as she finished the paperwork. “Thanks,” they both said in unison, two smiles added, and then Kat asked the guy, “Could you stay a second?” He nodded and she hustled to the dressing room.

The UPS guy stood at the check out, which was my left, with me standing in front of dressing room door.

Kat opened the door and Elle stepped out. Kat’s keen eye had once again chosen the perfect look for her…, if I could find someplace to take her where we wouldn’t get arrested!

“You like?” Elle’s standard question, as she did a slow pirouette, my tongue hanging out, my eyes the size of saucers.

“Holy shit!” was all I could get out.

Elle laughed and did another pirouette.

Kat asked, “What do you think?”

Since she had no idea there was anyone else in the store, Elle thought Kat was speaking to me.

I knew different and glance to my left.

The UPS guys tongue was hanging out and his eyes were as big as saucers!

“Holy Shit!” he exclaimed

Elle froze and looked to her right, the guy not ten feet away and looking directly at her.

I would describe what she was wearing as…, an “O,” of silver sequin material that looked about three inches wide and hung from the back of her neck, falling down to a point just below her chest. The material would occasionally, if she was standing perfectly still, cover her breasts. But, since walking out of the dressing room, she’d chosen NOT to stand still. Better still, Kat had provided a black stretch satin mini skirt with a pleated hem, tiny bow accent and attached garter. The entire mini skirt was, maybe, eight inches long! The sheer black thigh high stockings and six inch black platform high heels completed what was a, “Twenty years to Life,” look!

Besides not standing still, Elle had also chosen NOT to wear anything under anything.

Like I said, “Holy shit!”

But now…, with this stranger standing practically next to her…, what would she do?

Still frozen, I thought for sure she’d jump backwards into the dressing room and never come back out! Her face registered… what… “shock?” or maybe “disbelief?”

All of this took, at most, three seconds…, then she moved.

She turned and faced him, did another pirouette and asked, “You like?”

Like he said, “Holy shit!”

After we stopped laughing, he walked up to her, looked her up and down, smiled and said, “I don’t know where you could wear that…,” now turning and looking at me, “but if you find that somewhere…, have Kat call me because I want to be there to watch the reaction!”

With that, he was gone.

Elle hugged Kat, her, “I love it!” sincerely given and then went to change before setting out to look for something else. Kat moved the boxes off the counter and was about to head for Elle…, when a couple walked into the store.

Youngish, they were both nice looking, the girl half all smiles bayındır escort as she looked at the displays of merchandise, the guy half more checking out Kat.

She approached, welcomed them and offered her assistance, “…, if I can help with anything,” before heading off to assist, …, the fashion sense challenged Elle.

They were out of the dressing room a minuet later, Elle wearing a short wrap Kat had given her and now pointing out new merchandise that had been added since our last visit. As they were wandered about, the girl asked Kat for advice on an item of lingerie, Elle getting in on the conversation. Eventually, both girls ended up going to the dressing rooms, Elle with two garments.

The girl was back out in moments, no need to ask an opinion or model the item. She handed it to her man and then went back to shopping.

Elle called out to me, Kat checking the boxes that had been delivered, and opened the dressing room door to ask what I thought.

I thought, but didn’t say, “Kat had to have picked this out,” because it was very sexy and looked great on her. It was another mini dress, this one seamless pink nylon and spandex, the material slashed, revealing lots of her chest, slashes also on the long sleeves and on the back. As with the previous garments, she had nothing on under it so there wasn’t a wrinkle or thread to ruin the perfect second skin look.

“Wow! That’s beautiful…, you’re beautiful…, and I can actually see you wearing that out to a restaurant. It’s perfect!”

She walked to the 3way mirror, looked at herself and then walked over to where Kat was checking the merchandise against the packing slip, both the man and women with a clear view of her. Even barefoot, she looked awesome!

By this time, Kat seemed almost blasé about Elle standing in the middle of the store in some form of undressed. Her, “Very nice…, I know you could wear that to dinner,” cementing the deal. Little did she know that…, a year earlier, Elle would never even have considered of wearing anything like this, never mind in public.

The guy, who up until this point, had looked like…, “Why am I here?” suddenly perked up. Walking over to Elle, he looked her up and down and said, “Excuse me…, I wouldn’t want you to think I’m rude, but I can’t help myself. You and that dress were made for each other!”

Ever polite, Elle smiled and said, “Thank you.”

“Do you have shoes?” he continued, “I’d love to see you wearing some nice stilettos with that.”

“What is he,” I thought to myself, “a fashion critic?”

Naturally, Kat came our from behind the counter, she and Elle going into the dressing room and coming back out, Elle wearing the platforms she’d modeled with the first ensemble.

Again, she went to the 3way mirror, the couple, Kat and I all standing there, each of us appraising the dress and how she looked in it, and….

The verdict was unanimous and announced by Kat, nodding at the man, “He was right…, that dress was made for you.”

Elle was blushing, the woman smiling, her comment, “He has an eye for beautiful women wearing sexy clothing.”

“So does he,” Kat said, nodding at me. Elle laughed, then added, “And he makes sure I have plenty to wear.”

To prove that point, she went back into the dressing room, one more item to model. Naturally, she asked for Kat’s help.

When I didn’t hear any whispers, or giggles, my mind started to conjure up all sorts of images…, all of which involved Kat violating Elle in kinky kinds of ways…, which was definitely getting me excited.

I was talking to the couple, Keith an executive at a large retail chain from the Boston area, Amy a student working on her Masters Degree in Business. Like me, they’d found the store because of the advertisement in the Phoenix.

When the dressing room door opened, everyone’s head snapped in that direction, but it was Kat, nodding at Keith, “Got to get some shoes so he won’t criticize us.”

She was back in the dressing room a minute later, Elle overheard saying, “Those are perfect.”

But it was still over a minute before the door opened again.

And when it did…, it was Elle who was perfect!

A yard or two of stretchy, 4″ wide red lace encircled her body at the chest. In the front center, narlıdere escort a single strand of the same material ran down her torso and connected to some of the same material, only this yard or two cut from an 8″ wide strip. This strip circled her body below her hips, the material struggling mightily to cover her crotch and ass…, but failing miserably…, much to Keith and my delight!

To quiet the younger man, Kat had chosen a pair of 6″ red stilettos for our viewing pleasure…, and a pleasure it was!

While not completely sheer, the lace pattern itself was as inadequate as the material, when it came to concealing her, “womanly accessories.”

Amy opined, “Couldn’t wear that to dinner.”

When we all quieted down, Elle displaying a completely unexpected exhibitionist inclination, walking to the 3way and, along with everyone else, enjoyed looking at herself in the mirrors.

“Nothing to model?” Keith asked Amy.

“After that…,” she sputtered, “even Angelina wouldn’t dare model anything!”

They ended up inviting us to lunch instead.

After paying for the three items Elle had modeled, we promised Kat we’d be back and then followed Keith to a local pub Amy was familiar with. There we learned all kinds of stuff.

First…, Keith was married, but not to Amy. Plus, he wasn’t a sales executive, but rather the principal of the school where Amy was a teacher! While she was working on her Masters Degree, it had taken a backseat to their affair, now in its second year. Done with their confession, Amy asked, “And how long have you two been married?”

I chose not to disclose anything, rather deflecting the conversation to how they worked around his marital responsibilities. It worked well enough that Elle was able learn a few tactics that neither she nor I had ever envisioned, and then learned about a, “Swingers,” nightclub that they frequented, all ages, nice location, safe and mostly stress free. “Sometimes the younger girls act up,” Amy said, “and I end up in the middle of a group that all want to molest me!”

“Not Keith?” Elle asked, bewildered by the thought of young girls not wanting to molest him.

Keith and I glanced at each other, both thinking, I was sure, “It’s even better that you can imagine!”

We exchanged email addresses and, “…, hoped to see each other again…, maybe at the club,” and went our ways.

For Elle and I, that meant the motel.

Naturally, while we were on the way, I had to ask about her behavior in front of the UPS driver and then Keith and Amy.

“Have you always been an exhibitionist?” I asked, reminding her that she’d also stripped naked in front of me at Parents Night, “…, before any of this started.”

“That was different,” she explained, “that night it was just for you. Today, when that guy spoke up…, I was so startled and embarrassed that I just wanted to melt into the floor and disappear. But in that instant, I thought about Kim telling me that, “…, my father would never let you wear that!” and I got mad! Todd has been bullying me since before we got married and I…, you…, you’ve made me feel that I’m attractive….”

“More than attractive,” I interrupted, “beautiful and very sexy….”

Leaning over, she kissed me on the cheek and then licked my ear, before settling back in her seat.

“In that instant, I realized that I was never going to let him, or Kim because of him, put me down again. So when I looked at the man…, and saw the way he was looking at me…, like…, I could see hunger, like he was an animal and I was prey…, a lion looking at a gazelle…, I wanted him to look at me and to want me. Does that make sense?”

“Of course it does,” I offered sincerely, truly wondering if she had any idea what she was doing?

“That’s why I did that little pirouette for him…, so I could watch his eyes. And…, just by the way he looked at me, no matter how much he tried to joke about it…, he wanted me.”

“Okay,” now thinking maybe she had been paying attention, “what about Keith and Amy?

“Keith was also interested, but he had to be sneaky about it. They’re fun…, I’d like to go to that club with them some time, just to see what it’s about.”

The matter of fact way she was talking about all of this was throwing me off. Was it possible that her one little act of defiance, with her 12 year old daughter no less, had caused an epiphany of some sort? Had her frustrations with her husband and through him her daughter…, and her new found sexual freedom with me, broken loose some long suppressed needs and wants, manifesting themselves now in this binge of exhibitionism?

God I hoped so!

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