
Silver-Tongued Stranger Pt. 02


Enter the Stranger

“The Minute He Walked in the Door” Hey Big Spender Peggy Lee

There was a knock on the front door. Debbie said, “That will be Damian.” And went to answer it.

Amelia heard Debbie say, “Hello Damian. Oh. You didn’t mention that you were bringing a friend. Come in.” Debbie and the two visitors came into the living room. Amelia had met Damian, but she didn’t recognise the tall fair haired and thick-set guy with him. Damian did the honours, saying, “Deb and Amelia, this is my friend Gerry. Gerry – Deb and Amelia. Gerry is an old mate of mine. I should warn you, he’s usually the life of the party.”

“Well,” said Gerry to Damian, “you didn’t tell me how gorgeous these lovely girls are!” His voice was a rich baritone. That and his easy manner appealed to Amelia, even if his blokey way of speaking and non-descript looks weren’t in his favour.

Pointing to their drinks, Gerry added, “Mmm, having a loosener are you? So, I guess you won’t be needing these.” He held up the two champagne bottles.

Debbie quickly grabbed them, saying, “Thank you. I’ll take care of those for you.” Then she disappeared into the kitchen.

Gerry called after her, “I’ve got something else here that you can take care of for me.” Debbie came back into the room.

“What is it?”

“Don’t ask!” Damian chimed in. “I know what he’s thinking, even if you don’t.”

Gerry gave a sly smile and declared, “If a woman turns down an offer from me, she’ll never know what she missed out on. Did you hear why the girl at the bar turned down a drink that a guy offered her? She said alcohol affected her legs badly. He asked if it was because they swelled. ‘No,’ she replied, ‘it’s because they spread’.” At that, he gave a huge guffaw, and added, “Now there’s my kind of girl. By the way, if either of you girls suffer from the same problem, just let me know. And I’ll be straight over to top up your drinks.” He was addressing them both but was looking at Amelia. Everyone was laughing so much that the others probably didn’t notice.

From that point on, Gerry took over the conversation. He seemed to be a force of nature, a whirlwind of energy. When he noticed that Amelia was rubbing her arm, he offered to give her a massage, claiming to be an expert in taking care of women’s bodies — or did she prefer to stroke herself? Amelia shouted, “No!! You evil man!” And everyone laughed again.

“Well,” Gerry went on, “at least my last girlfriend appreciated me and my bedroom talents. She used my camera to take a photo of my cock as a momento of the great time we had. Then the little minx posted it online as a joke.”

“So, what site did she send it to?” asked Damian. “Are you going to show it to us? Come on. We can find it on Deb’s laptop.”

“I’m sure you know all about Debbie’s laptop,” Gerry said with an exaggerated wink. Then he turned to the girls, “Are you sure you want to see it?”

“Of course,” Amelia replied, a little too eagerly.

Debbie chimed in, “Somehow I think you’re going it show it to us anyway.”

She was right. Gerry interpreted the absence of a resounding “NO” as unanimous consent.

“Here, Debbie, lend me your laptop and I’ll find it for you.” He fiddled with the keyboard for a couple of minutes and then said, “Ah! Here it is. I should tell you that it’s X rated. So, if you are easily shocked, you’d better avert your eyes.” He spun the laptop around so the others could see the screen. Of course, no-one looked away. It was the Home Page of a site called The Bell End Gallery. Gerry scrolled down and clicked on an icon. A photo came up – a low angle shot showing the lower part of Gerry’s body. He was lying on his back with his semi-erect cock lying on his stomach and his balls hanging between his legs. Gerry looked around the room hopefully.

“Oh my God,” shrieked Debbie. “Is that you?”

“Do you want me to prove it?” Gerry asked and began to unzip his jeans.

“No, don’t!” Debbie squealed. “Don’t you dare!” She came over to sit beside Amelia, sensing that her friend may have been overwhelmed by Gerry’s antics.

When Gerry saw them together, he looked at Damian and asked jokingly if he thought the girls had a lesbian relationship going on. Debbie and Amelia snuggled up together pretending to be getting turned on. Then they suddenly stopped and in unison they said, “No!” Damian looked at Gerry, Gerry looked at Damian and they both shrugged. It was the first time Damian had laughed all night. Previously his manner had been one of amused detachment, seemingly unmoved by Gerry’s theatrics. He had seen it all before.

Gerry tried to change the subject and asked the girls if they enjoyed oral sex. Debbie said, “Of course.” It was a tricky question for Amelia given that her ex had never been down on her. But one of her former boyfriends had made an amateurish attempt at it. So, she just said, “Well, it’s been a while …”

“Would you like to hear how I take care of a lady’s ….. What should I call it? Is “pussy” okay?” The ladies agreed it was.

“What about ‘snatch’?” Hmm, maybe.


“NO!” haramidere escort More laughter.

“You know,” Gerry observed, “a man’s tongue is an under-rated sex organ. Do you know why?”

“Go on,” Debbie replied.

“There are three reasons,” Gerry continued. “First, it is essential for seduction. The tongue has the ability to charm a woman by sweet-talking her. And to make her laugh. If you can do that you are half way there.”

Amelia was thinking, “This guy has all the charm of a rogue – the kind who would steal a woman’s heart by making her laugh.”

But she said, “I’m sure you’re right there, but the other half is important too.”

“Of course,” Gerry went on. “Which brings me to the second reason – how a guy uses his tongue for a sexy kiss. It needs to be done slowly. Young guys are hopeless. They rush it and just slobber everywhere. That’s why it’s important to begin slowly. When the moment is right, the guy can move in, beginning with just the tip of his tongue and his mouth slightly open. If she responds in kind, then they can go for it. See what I mean?”

The girls made mild uncertain noises of agreement.

“Now, when it comes to going down below on a woman, then the secret is to have the ability to point your tongue and make it stiff. Like this.”

Gerry opened his mouth and poked his tongue out. It was pointed, rigid, and surprisingly long. It was also on a slight upward angle – like an erect penis, Amelia was thinking and smiling coyly, her dark glittering eyes locking with Gerry’s.

She said, “I can do that too!”

Gerry and Damian looked at each other. Gerry said to Damian, “Ah! I think we may have the answer to the lesbian question now!” The girls just laughed again.

Well, if you can, you’d know all about using it on her love button.. what do you call it?”

“Clit,” the girls said in unison, trying not to sound too eager.

“Right,” said Gerry. The first thing is to be able to find it. Do you agree?” The girls nodded. Gerry went on.

“Some are quite tiny and hidden away. Luckily, I never have any trouble locating it now. And when I do..” Gerry fluttered the tip of his tongue.

“Once she is squirming around and I can feel her clit is swollen, I switch to sucking it and tonguing it at the same time. In no time she is climbing the wall. Are you getting turned on?” He winked at Amelia, who blushed.

Again, the girls looked at each other and giggled. With a shrug and trying to look nonchalant, Amelia said, “Not really…”

Debbie was more direct, “Not at all.”

Undeterred, Gerry went on, “Okay let’s say a guy was able to make you cum like that — then kept going. What would happen?”

Amelia turned to Debbie and asked, “Do you have multiple orgasms too?”

“Depends …”

Damian was interested now. “What would it take?”

“I’d have to be in a long-term stable relationship with a guy I trusted completely,” Debbie answered. Damian looked slightly crestfallen because he didn’t exactly meet those criteria.

Amelia added, “And only in a one-on-one situation, I’ll bet.”

Debbie picked up on the inference and gave a pointed glare at the two guys saying, “Naturally.”

Somewhat abashed, Damian said he’d go and get the champagne. Gerry said he’d give him a hand. As they disappeared into the kitchen, the girls heard Gerry say, “Well we’ve established they’re not lesbians then. If they were, they wouldn’t have had to ask about multiples.”

Although Amelia could see the blatant self-promotion that Gerry was engaging in, she found herself slowly warming to him. He was funny, attentive, extroverted, self-assured, charismatic – all the attributes she looked for in a man. She liked the laughter lines around his eyes, his imposing size.

She was aware that in his presence, her usual reserve was starting to wane. If she was completely honest, she’d also have to admit that she was desperate for a fuck and this guy was right here, right now and available. With her own eyes she’d seen the impressive size of his cock on the screen. He was much bigger than her husband or any her former lovers. But cock size wasn’t everything. She wasn’t a Size Queen. But it did lead her to some speculation. It definitely would be fun to hold and play with a cock that size. But what would it feel like inside her? Could she handle it?

Gerry and Damian came back out from the kitchen with more nibbles and a bottle of champagne. When everyone’s glass was topped up and the dishes of nibbles on the occasional table were replenished, the banter continued in the same vein, led by Gerry who was sliding around from person to person on the polished wooden floor. While she was watching his antics and running her finger around the rim of her wine glass, she noticed he kept bringing the conversation back to sex if it began to drift off into other areas.

In a rare lull in the exchanges, Damian asked Debbie if she wanted to go outside for a smoke. She did and they departed hand in hand. Gerry watched them go, then turned his full attention hatay escort to Amelia. He asked a question that he already knew the answer to, “Now, Amelia, tell me. Are you in some kind of relationship at all?”

Amelia smiled and said, “No, my life’s too busy for that at the moment.”

“Then what do you do to relax and socialise?”

“I’ve tried clubbing but I’m feeling beyond that now, so I mainly hang out with my girlfriends – like Debbie.”

Gerry moved closer to her, but kept his tone light, even flippant. “Well, if you are ever looking for a good time, look no further than the man before you. I think you can see that I’m experienced enough to have mastered the art of pleasing a woman. Not like those pimply faced youths in the clubs. They can’t last long enough to satisfy the ladies — even if they knew how. Women need a man with skill and stamina. So – Gerry’s right here – at your service. Ta dah!” He made it sound offhand but he was watching her reactions closely.

When he thought it was the opportune moment, his tone changed. Taking both her hands, he asked, “Seriously, Amelia, you must feel lonely at times. How long have you been on your own?”

“Too long, but I work full time and my spare time is mostly taken up by my kids. The rest is with my family and friends.”

“Don’t you miss having sex? I know I do.”

She looked at him, “Yes, Gerry, I miss it desperately. But you’re married, aren’t you?”

“Yes, and that’s the bad news. The good news is I may as well be single. We never have sex and we sleep in separate bedrooms. It’s been like that for over two years now.”

Amelia looked into his eyes. “So why do you stay together?”

Gerry said that, as far as he was concerned, lack of sex was no reason for them to separate. Apart from the sex, everything else was fine. They were close friends. Besides, splitting up would create all kinds of problems — with their family, with their house, their finances ….

“But there’s even better news… She’s visiting her sister in Cairns for a couple of weeks. So, right now, I’m footloose and fancy free.”

Amelia thought at least he was being open and honest about his domestic life. She said, “I can see where you’re heading, Gerry. But I’m not really looking for a one-night stand. Much as I like sex, I need a lot more than that, before I’d jump into bed with a guy. I’d need to know he wasn’t carrying any baggage. I can see you aren’t, but I need some emotional closeness too. Otherwise I’d feel bad about my real self, as if I was only wanted for sex.”

Gerry put an arm around her and said confidentially, “The moment I walked in and saw you, I thought you looked gorgeous. Truth is, I was smitten from that very first moment.” I adore exotic looking women — especially those from India, the Middle East or the Mediterranean. Their lovely thick dark hair, dark eyes, golden skin, their voluptuous shape — just like yours. Damian tells me you have an Italian heritage.”

“Yes, my dad was Italian, but my mum was born here.”

Gerry stroked her hair and said, “Well, you look stunning…” then, looking down at her breasts, added, “Everywhere.”

The look on Amelia’s face remained dubious.

“You look so amazing that you put me right off my train of thought. It’s not every day you meet a woman who can make a man forget his own name with just a single glance…. Where was I? Oh yes, about what you are looking for in a man. I get why you would prefer a more conventional relationship, but while you are waiting for Mr Right, you’ll be missing out on Mr Available. In the meantime, you could be having a heap of hot sex with someone who will give you an amazing time. That’s where I come in. I could be the ideal person for you. Believe me, you can still enjoy fantastic sex without attachment. I’m offering you a fun time as seldom or as frequently as you want – no strings attached, no obligations and no regrets. I’d be flexible and won’t place any demands on you.”

Amelia was amused by the way Gerry was presenting his offer like a deal from a slick used car salesman. She would later describe this offer as his “Terms of Endearment.” While she was flattered by all the compliments he’d paid her, she felt as if her ability to control the situation was slipping away. As an excuse to remove herself from his persistence, Amelia said she had to get something from her bag. She went into the front room where she’d left it. But Gerry followed her in. His manner was very different now they were secluded. He put an arm around her waist and asked if he could talk to her for another couple of minutes. His voice sounded serious and sincere. She sat down with him on a nearby couch. Again, he told her that he thought she was an extremely beautiful woman and how much he was attracted to her.

Amelia was still not convinced. While she was thinking how she could tell him gently that she really wasn’t interested, he leaned in and kissed her. He began by gently brushing his lips against hers. She was caught completely off guard. She was surprised how tender hayrabolu escort the kiss had been and surprised too by her enthusiastic response. When she surrendered her mouth to him, his kiss quickly became more passionate, his breath in her mouth had fanned the flames of desire.

While his agile tongue was probing and roving around inside her mouth, Gerry’s hands were roaming all over her body for the extended duration of the kiss. Amelia felt a familiar ache between her legs and, despite herself, she responded to his prolonged kiss — at first willingly, then enthusiastically. She could feel her arousal welling up inside her and radiating from her pelvic floor, making her feel flushed and restless.

The force of her own reaction surprised her. How easily he had swept away her rational premeditation, her resistance, her caution. And how quickly she had surrendered! Later, she would tell her friends that the chemistry was right for her straight off. Gerry seemed to sense her vulnerability. His kisses became even more passionate and more forceful. Amelia could feel his hunger for her and feel herself being swept away completely by him and her need for sex. Her deep desire had over-ruled her caution and her misgivings. It was making her feel flushed and restless. She was surprised how easily he’d brushed her resistance aside by taking advantage of the force of her reaction. She wondered if he would be like that in bed – demanding, passionate, dominant.

They kissed again and this time he moved from ravishing her mouth to kissing, licking, sucking and playfully biting her neck and upper chest. He pulled her top down a few inches so that he could see a lot more of her cleavage, then he began to kiss and caress the exposed tops of her domed breasts. She told him how his kisses were inflaming her. By this time, they’d slid down the couch so that they were half-lying down with his arm under her head. He continued to seduce her with his words and touches, telling her that, if they were together, he’d take her shoes off and, starting at her foot, lick and kiss his way up her legs and inner thighs until he reached her kickers, which he would pull aside and then lick her pussy until she came. Meanwhile, his hand was under her skirt and moving up her leg. Amelia could feel her juices flowing freely as he turned slightly so that he was lying on top of her, kissing and caressing her upper chest then squeezing her tits firmly with one in each hand. His right hand returned to her leg, now running it up her inner thigh. She felt him pull her underwear aside until his fingers were fumbling her cunt. This obviously excited him tremendously because he began to thrust his hard, but still trousered, cock against her. Amelia was nowhere near ready for such strong petting. She decided it was best for her to get back to the others. So, firmly, she said, “No!” Then pushed him off her.

“Look, Amelia,” Gerry continued contritely, “I’m sorry I can’t give you the full package. I’ll be honest with you. My wife and I have an open marriage. She’s cool about me having other partners. So she knows I see other women and she is free to see other guys if she wants to. So far, she says that she hasn’t but I’m not certain of that. But we’ve agreed that neither of us will bring anyone to our home. If we want to shag someone else it will have to be somewhere else. I just wanted to reassure you that there will be no fallout for you if we see more of each other — as long as nothing intrudes onto our domestic situation.”

He had changed the narrative, but Amelia made no comment. Instead, she stood up and gathered their glasses to take them back into the kitchen. While she had her hands full, Gerry stood up in front of her and pulled her into him, then kissed her passionately. Amelia found herself and her body responding again. She realized that her actions were totally at odds with her words. Her libido seemed out of control and she was its slave. Gerry sensed her lustful yearning and slipped a hand down the back of her skirt and stroked her lower back. He asked if she was wearing a thong and she said she was. He tried to tell her to put the glasses down but his lips were not on hers, so the spell was broken. She told him she wanted to rejoin their friends and started to walk out. But as she was walking, she could feel her wet pussy lips sliding against each other with every step. He caught her from behind saying he wanted to check something. She felt his fingers down the back of her skirt again and became a little alarmed. But he just said, “Mmm, black lace!” Then he asked if she would meet with him during the week. She told him although she was tempted, she’d have to think more about it. They exchanged phone numbers and he made her promise to text him the next day. When she agreed, he let her go.

It was getting late, so it was decided that they should call it a night. Amelia went out to tell Debbie that she was heading for bed. Debbie explained the sleeping arrangements. She and Damian would be together in Debbie’s room with the double bed. Amelia had already been allocated the second bedroom. Gerry was told he could use the spare room. In front of the others, Gerry invited Amelia to join him for the night. She decided not to argue with him in front of their friends so she said nothing, just lightly kissed him goodnight. But she didn’t join him.

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