
Slave 37

Big Tits

Slave 37Slave 37As I gained consciousness, the ?rst thing I noticed was a splitting headache and mildnausea. My mind was racing trying desperately to gain some knowledge of anythingbefore this moment. As I became more awake my senses began to return one byone. First, I blinked several times only to realize I could not see. This obviouslycreated confusion and sent alarm bells ringing in my head. This de?nitely was notanother morning after a late night of single malt scotch and cigars. Next, I felt a chilland realized I was naked and immediately after that I also felt a stab of pain in myshoulders. I attempted to raise my arm but could not. I tried to move my legs andgot the same result: nothing.Needless to say I was more than a little scared at this point. I was blind andapparently paralyzed and had no clue as to where I was or how I might have gottenhere. Finally I heard a tapping sound in the distance which was growing louder. Asthe sound came closer it began to seem familiar, a woman’s shoes on a tile floor?Yes, that must be it. I heard a door open, a long pause, then close. The footstepswere very slow now and very near. My head was still pounding and I was reallystarting to freak out. I attempted to say something but could just manage a veryquite grunt. It was like a bad dream. In fact, I relaxed a little and told myself thiswas one of those dreams that seems entirely real until you awake.Then a felt something brush against me and realized I was wrong. Nextl heard a~sharp click and at few moments later smelled the unmistakable smell of cigarettesmoke. Then the voice. A. deep, husky but very sexy woman’s voice, “ How are wefeeling today Mr. Chanders?”. I began to answer the question but once again couldonly manage a grunt‘. I heard a low chuckle come from very near me, “Ah, I see thetreatment is working weli. I. just wanted to be sure.”I thought to myself treatment?What treatment? I was trying to remember ifI had gone into surgery or something,but what Doctor would be smoking in post-op? “I’m sure your little mind is racing:right about now, Mr. Chanders. Don’t worn/, that’s typical for someone who has beensedated for over a week. You won’t remember this, but you and I met last Fridaynight at a martini and cigar bar in midtown.”At this point I heard the lighter click again, but the smoke smeiled different. Almostlike spices. The woman in the room continued, “You were seated at your normal seatat the bar, drinking your usual Glenlivet 18 year old scotch attempting to come downafter another week running a Wall Street fund.” She leaned very close and whisperedin his ear, “yes, I do know everything about you.” She stepped away, “ Anyway, Iwas seated in a booth in the corner wearing a pair tan leather pants, leather bootswith 5¨ heels, and matching leather coat. All of which turn you on incredibly. I hadyour attention at this point, but had to…what do you Wall Street types say? Seal thedeal? Yes, so once I had your undivided attention, I casually removed a long goldcase from my purse and extracted a matching 4¨ cigarette holder and a smallcigarillo. It was so funny watching you trying not to stare, trying to ?ght the fetishthat controls you. However, after the waiter lit me, and I after I collapsed my cheeksaround the holder until the cigar crackled, removed it, inhaled and then blew alanguid plume of smoke over the lit end of the cigarillo just to make sure it was lit.After all of that I slowly looked up at you and smiled. You were mine.”My mind was reeling from what this faceless woman was telling me. I still could notunderstand why I was unable to move or see. I was about to ?nd out just how badoff I was, though. The woman continued her story of how she seduced me back toher penthouse and then gave me a drink laced with sleeping pills. At this point I felther hand on my face as she spoke, “You have surely noted your inability to see bynow. It is time I removed your blindfold.” With that she pulled the blindfold from myeyes. Ai’cerI had adjusted to the light in the room I could see my captor. She wasstunning. Raven black hair pulled severely back highlighting her angular features.Black, almond shaped eyes, olive complexion and surprisingly full lips. She appearedto be of either Middle Eastern or Greek descent.She smiled, not a warm smile but rather one of pride, more of a smirk really. “Mr.Chanders, like many men before you, you have allowed your penis to do the thinkingfor you. As a result, you are now in another country and are about to be treated to aliving nightmare at the hands of my very capable staff.” She gave this time to sink inas she reached for the stand next to the bed. I couldn’t turn my head to see whatshe was doing, but my curiousity was soon quelled when she placed a long, whitecigarette between her lips and lit it. ” In fact, one of the few pleasures you willreceive for the relativley short remainder of your your life is my smoking. Lucky foryou, I love to smoke even more than you enjoy watching me.” with this she placedthe cigarette between her lips and took an enormous drag while never losing eyecontact with me. She followed that with another 7 second drag and inhaled. Alterwhat seemed like an eternity she blew a thick, slow stream out of the side of hermouth away from me. “Mr. Chanders, after our conversation is done you will beassigned your number, 37, and never again will hear your old name. Why 37?Because 36 men have come before you.“She then clapped» her hands once and the door to the room opened. A ?gure enteredthe room. The person was. covered. from head to toe in leather, from a severe maskall the way down to high heeled leather boots. The person came immediately to thewoman’s side and kneeled with it’s head rocked back. The woman patted the personon the head, unsnapped four chrome buttons around the mouth. area, and removed aflap exposing the mouth. The mouth was gaping open. “this is one of yourpredicessors, number 16. He arrived here four years ago and, after extensiveconditioning, has assumed the role as my ashtray.” The woman, or monster as itnow appeared, leaned closer to 16 and again wore that slight smirk, “can youimagine? the only duty in the life of 16 here is to provide a mouth to place my ashesand my used butts. It took some getting used to on 16’s part, mind you. For instanceit’s tongue kept swelling when I would host a cigar night for some of my femaleassociates. For some reason having 15 cigars extenguished on it’s tongue in oneevening was just too much. So, being a considerate ownerl had it’s tonguesurgically removed to prevent that pesky little problem in the future. And we werehaving trouble with it’s teeth, unsightly tobacco stains alter being used by my stafffor meetings, etcetera, so we went ahead and had those removed as well. Although16 was severely trained to never speak , as you will be, the tongue removal was anadded incentive. It feels wonderfull to rest my toes in a nice warm, smooth mouthwhile I’m at my desk, or while relaxing and reading a book. It has worked so well Ihave recently decided to make it mandatory for all of my pets. From the gardenersto my chaimbermaids.” The woman then took a quadruple pump, four consecutivedrags at least 6 seconds each which consumed nearly an inch of her cigarette andleft behind a 1/2 inch long glowing ember. She placed one hand on the back of 16’sleather covered head in a strangely tender fashion and slowly inserted the cigaretteinto it’s mouth, “you are witnessing absolute servitude in it’s most beatiful, intimatestate.” With that she stubbed the ciagarette out just as if in a normal ashtray whileexhaling a dense cloud of smoke in it’s face. I could hear faint hissing sounds as thecigarette was being put out. I noticed a slight ?inch in 16’s arm as the cigarette ?rstmade contact, but that was all. The woman then replaced the ?ap over the mouthand the leather-covered 16 slowly rose and exited the room. “As I was saying, 16 isnever, ever out of earshot from me. It’s only existence in this world is that onesimple task. Realy pretty easy, don’t you think?” she smiled coyly and stood, “and bythe way, 16 was the president of the largest bank in Germany before he had thegood fortune to meet me.” I couldn’t believe my ears. I remembered reading a storyin the Journal about the head of Germany’s largest bank just disapearing one daywithout a trace. Unbeleivable.I was still mezmerized by the whole scene I had just witnessed when my captorcame and sat at the edge of my bed. I had recently noticed that although I was not asmoker I had an incredible urge for a cigarette. This urge was growing by theminute. I had been concious for no more than an hour and I was about to die if Ididn’t have one. My headache was also returning. The woman reached over andgently patted my arm, ” 37, I’ll bet you are ready for a cigarette.” I attempted to sayyes, but only a croak came out. ” I know, my dear. You see, while you wereunconcious I took the opportunity to heavily addict your body to nicotine. My staffbeagan by placing nicotine patches like this on your body,” she reached over to myhip and pulled a patch off, “we started slowly, of course, and gradually built up yourtollerance, and thus, your addiction. Then I moved on to my favorite part, smokingtherapy. But before we continue, I thought I would explain your lack of mobility. Youhave been injected with a d**g which causes complete paralysis, however, the d**gallows the vicitm, I mean patient, to maintain total sensory awareness. So basiclyyou can’t move a muscle but you can feel everything.” She then stood and pressed abutton next to my bed. In a moment two women entered the room. They weremoderately attractive but nowhere near my captor. One of them pushed a cart overto my bed. “These are two of my assistants. You should: thank them, they have seento your health for the past week.” S-he then walked over and murmered something tothem out of earshot. and then returned, ” Oh, and could you prepare 37 to light mycigar, please.”I was confused. This crazy freak had just explained that I was paralized and now I’msupposed to light her cigar. The 2 women began removing items from the cart andplacing them on the bed. There were all kinds of tools and digital instruments. Onewomen reached over and placed a clear plastic mask over my mouth with severalhoses running out. Must be an oxygen mask, I thought to myself. The the womanspoke, “You are about to undergo 2 new experiences. First of all, you will bethoroughly milked. Then you will be given the honor of lighting my cigar. Then, youwill receive your treatment.” She looked over to one of the other women, ” Use asmaller guage candle, he’s still new.” She looked back at me and lightly stroked myhair, “One of the side affects of being immobilized as you are is that you lose theability for auto-stimulation, or to masturbate. For males to maintain healthy sexualfunction it is necessary to relieve pressure in the testes, prostate and otherreproductive organs on a semi-regular basis. We employ and have perfected a veryef?cient method here that allows for relief with as little pleasurable stimulation aspossible. I call it milking.” One of the women then slipped on an elbow-length blacklatex glove and applied what appeared to be lubricant. Moved my immobile legsapart and sat on a stool beside the bed. The other woman wore a regular glove andstood on the opposite side. “I am in need of an additional bedroom pet. The fact thatyou are well endowed, ironicly, is the only reason you are still alive. Ladies, begin.”The woman with the black latex glove slowly inserted a ?nger in my anus. It was avery strange sensation. At the same time, the other woman began to slowly, veryslowly, stroke me. The feeling was awesome. “As your prostate and penis arestimulated, you will begin to ooze seminal ?uid, or precum.” After 10 minutes shewas right, I began oozing precum like I had never seen and was dying to release.“Part of the fun, for me at least, is knowing that you are being milked by experts.They know exactly how to manipulate your body without allowing pleasure.” Theladies then produced a huge ice pack and laid it across and around my genitals. ” Weneed to cool you down before we drain you.” The pack remained there for at least 20minutes. It was removed and the women continued their work. They worked their?ngers and hands at a faster rate. Then, the woman masturabating me removed herhand and the one working my prostate kept at it. “You are about to realease, 37¨.But I could feel nothing! What was happening? My captor ?ashed a devious smileand nodded towards my genitals, “Don’t you want to watch yourself cum?” I lookeddown and semen was slowly oozing out of my penis. There was no sensation. Thiswas beyond cruel. The woman chuckled, ” I wish you could see your face. I hope yourealize this is how you will come in the future. This process leaves you incrediblyhorny but able to last much, much longer if I chose to use you for my personalpleasure.” I was about to cry. I was in hell, and everywhere I turned it got worse.“Ladies, prepare him to light my cigar.” The 2 women retreived a thin black candle,almost like a 10 inch birthday candle, and more lubricant. One of the women pulled alarge cigar from a chrome box and handed to the head woman, “here is your cigar,mistress”. Mistress, I thought? That’s strange. The other woman held my penis,which began to grow again, while the other wiped the candle with clear lubricant.She then held the tip of my now fully erect penis and began inserting the candle inmy peehole! The pain was excrutiating. I tried to scream but barely managed a lowgurgle. I tried to ?ght but did not so much as ?inch. “This why I love the d**g youare on. I used to spend so much time and money on bondage restraints. This way,none of that is neccessary. I still use them for effect, mind you, but only for mypleasure.” The candle had.’ now been inserted at least 4 inches into my urethra. Mypenis was on ?re. One of the women» struck a match and lit the candle. “37, you areabout to honor me witht the gentlemanly gesture of lighting my cigar” She thenleaned over my burning member and slowly rolled the tip of the cigar over the ?ame.She then wrapped her lips around it and, while maintaining eye contact with me,began drawing smoke from the cigar. After several long puffs bringing the cigar tolife, she took one long drag, at least 8 seconds. She slowly removed the cigar fromher mouth and leaned a foot away from my face. She opened her mouth as wide asit would go and showed a mouthfull of dense, cream colored smoke. She then slowlydrew the smoke from her mouth into her nose, the most perfect and thick frenchinhale I had ever witnessed. When she was done she moved over my penis and blewthe candle out with a thick, open mouthed exhale thatr looked like a fog machine. Ifelt like I could almost cum. Someday, you will be able to come from the amount ofstimulation you just received. But that’s a long way off. For now, we have begin yoursmoke treatment.”The Mistress, as her staff called her, had just lit her cigar from the candle in mypenis and was now sitting in a large leather chair in the corner of the room. She satwith her legs crossed and had summoned number 16, who kneeled beside her withhis mouth wide open awaiting her ashes. At the same time the two female staffmembers had been busy. They had placed a large chrome object on a pedestal in thecenter of the room. The object had a base, perhaps 10 inches in diameter and astem rising upwards, much like a candle holder. At the top, there were many silverattachments, again almost like a candleabra or a Menora. However, the parts whereone would insert a candle were of varying sizes. A single, clear hose ran from thebase of the device and was perhaps 10 feet in length. The Mistress thenspoke, “before we begin your treatment, 37, you will get the opportunity to witness whathappens to my toys that misbehave.” She nodded to one of the women whopromptly left the room. She returned a moment later with a leash in her hand whichwas connected to a latex-covered ?gure. Unlike 16, this ?gure was most de?nitely awoman. It had huge breasts, some of the largest I had ever seen. These whereaccentuated by a corset that cinched it’s waist down to an unimaginable size. and onit’s feet were boots with heels that made it stand on its toes like a ballerina.It wore a skin tight latex hood with no eye openings, only 2 small hoses whichconnected into each nostril and then joined together into one hose, and a larger hoserunning from the mouth. It was a horri?c but somehow arousing site to me. Thewoman led the hobbling ?gure over to the Mistress and handed the leash to her. TheMistress just sat for a moment and looked over her subject, slowly puf?ng on hercigar. She then romoved the cigar from her mouth and placed it, burning end ?rst, in16s mouth. 16 lightly clenched its teeth on the cigar and did not move. Mistress thentapped the female object before her twice on the hip and it immediately kneeledbefore her. She then turned to me ” Occassionaly I decide to take a woman into türbanlı gaziantep escort mypossession. Frankly, I tire of men and like to have a change from time to time. 25here has been in my service for several years and has been a delight. However, shemade a very crucial mistake in my bedchaimber recently and has been undergoingdiscipline therapy for the past week.But before I get into that, a little about her. She was a former Olympic swimmerfrom an Asian country. I noticed her because of her beautiful face and sweet voice. Isubsequently made arrangements to acquire her. She was beautiful and tall, butunfortunately had rather small breasts and an average waistline. I happen to prefermy women with extremely large breasts and very small waists. So, I sent her to atfriend and associate who is a highly skilled plastic surgeon with a description of whatI wanted. She was returned to me 6 months later as you see her now. He had toremove several» ribs and do a rather lengthy breast enlargement to acheive theresults you see here, which is a 34 EE chest and a» 20¨ waist. In addition I put herthrough very heavy smoke conditioning, as you will be.” At this point the Mistressstood and walked towards the podium with the chrome contraption. She carried theleash and #25 crawled behind on all fours. She got to the podium and pulled on theleash untill #25 kneeled. ” Of all the punishment 25 has received this week, and ithas been rather severe, the worst part is total removal of smoking priveleges. Forsomeone like 25 here who consumes at least 2 ppd in addition to 3-5 cigars, that istrue hell. I am about to allow her to make up for some lost time. Ladies, she’s allyours.”The two assistants took the hose from the device and screwed it into the hoseconnected to 25s mouth. One of them then opened a box and removed 10 cigarettesof varying colors and sizes and began inserting them in the holes of the device. Thenthey removed 3 cigars and did the same. There was one very large attachment onthe device that appeared too large for even any type of cigar. It was probably 2inches in diameter. It was in the center. The Mistress approached, “as you may havegathered, we have an assortment of tobacco products here, from Pal-Mal ?lterless toVS 120s to a nice More 120, 2 cloves and 3 cigars to round it out. The center peice isa new attachement my little #25 has not experienced. It is a bowl.” With this theMistress reached in a box and preoducecl a handfull of pipe tobacco. She ?lled thebowl and tampted it down well. She then placed her mouth near two tiny earholes in25’s hood, “25, you have completed your punishment, and as a reward I am going toallow you to smoke. Would you like that?” The masked head nodded. “Good girl.Ladies, light her up.”The two women went from cigarette to cigarette, like lighting a birthday cake, endingwith the bowl of tobacco. As they did this the clear tube leading to her mouth turnedslightly cloudy, then darker and darker untill it was cream colored. At the same timesmoke began comming from the nose tube. After 20 seconds when all had been lit,the the smoke from the nose tube was comming out in thick plumes. She looked as ifshe was on ?re. The Mistress then briefly unhooked the hose, “Even the bestsmokers can only endure so much, we have to give her periodic breaks to keep fromkilling our little pet here. There is a check valve in the nose tube which only allowsair to be exhaled, not inhaled. Thus, our little rubber doll here is direct inhaling 8cigarettes, 3 cigars, 2 cloves and a pipe.” It took at least four breaths for smoke tostop pouring from the tube. After 4 more breaths the Mistress asked, “are you readyto resume your session?“ the head shook franticly. I could not believe this womanwas anxious to endure more of this. There was a cloud of smoke around her bodythat smelled like Clove, cigars and and vanilla presumably from the pipe tobacco.The Mistress connected the hose and smoke again began erupting in plumes fromher tube. The Mistress then took the nose tube in her hand and placed it in hermouth. She inhaled deeply for probably 15 seconds, her eyes rolled back in her headas she removed the tube, rocked her head back slowly and exhaled the largestexhale I, or I bet anyone else, had ever seen. The exhale lasted for 10 seconds andextended 10 feet up toward the ceiling. She then turned. to me and smiled. “That, myboy, is the sweetest smoke on the planet. The blend of tobaccos, cooled perfectly inmy pet’s lungs here. Ah, that is man/elous.” She then. placed the tube in her mouthand began another unbelievable inhale.After 20 minutes of smoking, #25 was nearly invisible in a cloud of smoke. Thepedastai around the smoking device was covered in ashes. All of the cigarettes hadburned to the ?lter, the cigars were 3/4 consumed and the bowl of tobacco was 1/2gone. The Mistress unhooked the hose for the 7th time to allow fresh air in thetubes. “Ladies, unhook the tubes from her mouth.” The two assistants then madethemselves busy unhooking breathing tubes. The Mistress then positioned 25 on allfours and reached down between her legs and began unsnapping something whileshe spoke, ” In addition to lovely ?gures and voracious smoking, I enjoy women whohave a …… ..how shall I put this…. ..an ability to accept large quantities of attention.#25 here has proven most talented and willing in this regard.” The Mistress thenremoved a square piece of latex from between 25s legs. However, when she pulled itaway there was something attached. Something appeared to be inside her body andthe Mistress was now removing it. “I am removing what is called a vaginal plug. Iuse small ones on her because I like her very sensitive up there. However, her ass isan entirely different story. That is where I have my fun.”The Mistress then removed another patch and began slowly extracting another plug.What I witnessed next was almost unbelievable. At ?rst the plug appeared relativelysmall, maybe 1.5 inches in diameter. But as it was removed, it got wider! It keptcomming out and kept getting wider. The Mistress was smiling as she kept pullingmore and more of this glistening black monster from 25’s rectum. She had removedover 7 inches and it was at least 3 inches wide by now. I was horri?ed. Where wasthis thing comming from? How had she managed to walk? 25 was breathing at avery rapid rate now, but remained motionless. The Mistress spoke again, “I wish youcould see your face, 37, you look like you saw a ghost. Don’t worry, there’s more tocome.” She kept withdrawing more and more. The width had maxed at 4 inches andshe had removed over 10 inches now. She patted 25 on the small of her back in acomforting fashion, “we’re almost there, my little pet. We’ve gotta get this thing outof you so I can play.” After 2 more inches the monster was fully out. 25’s sphinctermuscle was gaping wide open, it had not closed at all, “God, I love that sight“, theMistress said. She then turned to her assistants. “Bring me my glove and two CohibaEsplendidos” The women returned with two long, thick cigars and a long black latexglove.The Mistress walked to the front of her subject and placed one of the cigars in hermouth. She then began pulling the glove on as she spoke, ” 37, you will witness alittle game I like to play with some of my toys.” She then moved back to the rear of25, who was still on all fours. She had pulled the glove fully on and it came up pasther elbow to the middle of her upper arm. She pulled a low stool over and sat behing25. “Our little game works like this: Once lit, 25 here has S minutes to ?nish hercigar. That’s quite a tall order considering a handrolled cigar this size takes mostpeople 30-45 minutes. But She is rather talented and manages to pull it offoccassionally. If she succeeds, then she is permitted an orgasm, if not, then theplugs go back in and she gets to wait till I feel like playing again. Sometimes severaldays, sometimes several weeks. It just depends on my mood.”She smiled at me, “Is this beginning to sink in now, 37? Are you beggining. toappreciate» the level of control I have? Every bodily function is totally dependentupon me, even orgasm.”She grabbed a jar which her staff had placed nearby and stuck her gloved handinside. When she removed her hand it glistened with a slimy substance. She thennodded to one of the women who came over and placed the other cigar in themistress‘ free hand and lit it. The woman then went around to the front and held thelighter near 25’s cigar.The Mistress spoke, “Are you ready?“ 25 nodded her latex hooded head, “then let’sproceed”. As the woman lit the slave‘s cigar the mistress inserted 3 ?ngers in 25’srear and began slowly working them in and out, ” I just love the feel of a hungrypet.“ She then placed all of her ?ngers together and began inserting her wholehand…I could not believe my eyes. This was not possible. Mistress spoke “have youever seen someone ?sted, 37? It’s a truly glorious experience, I’m told.“ Her handhad disapeared now and her wrist moved back and forth, still very slowly. All thewhile 25 was smoking her cigar like her life depended on it. She was on her 8thconsecutive drag now. The most bizarre part was that she would take fourconsecutive 7 second drags breathing in after each drag without exhaling. It’s likeshe wanted as much smoke to stay inside as posible. She would then clench thecigar in her teeth and exhale around it, blowing unbelievable clouds across the room.As soon as she had fully exhaled she would immediately start the next four drags.This pattern continued for the ?rst minute. The cigar had a red glowing cherry aninch long by now and 25 was on pace to earn her ?rst orgasm in more than 2 weeks.The Mistress then began her assault at two and a half minutes. She started byincreasing the pace of her hand thrusting and added a twisting motion. At the sametime she took a monstrous drag on her cigar, popped a ball of smoke at least 4inches in front of her mouth and then snapped it back in with a quick inhale. Theeffect on 25 was slight but noticeable. She appeared to lose her concentration andthus lost her rythym. Her drags were more sporadic now as she was breathingharder. She was behind where she needed to be and because her mask had no eyeholes she could not tell her progress.She must have sensed her gradually slower pace because at the third minute shebegan to make up time. Two thirds of the cigar was ash now, most of that a glowingember that increased in intensity with every inhale. I had been trans?xed on 25’ssmoking and had forgotten the action on the rear. I looked and was again awestruck.The Mistress‘ black gloved arm was buried halfway to the elbow now. She was pullingher arm out to the wrist, then pushing back in to the middle of her forearm. Shelooked like she was sawing a log. She was smoking her own cigar furiously now,almost keeping pace with her pet. Smoke was pouring from her nostrils after eachinhale, the cigar never leaving her mouth. She then removed it and spoke in anexcited tone, “Ladies, get me a my riding crop NOW!” Her assistants rushed over toher and handed her a long black crop with a silver handle. She turned to me whilestill working her arm, ” This is a bit like a horse race.” She then placed the cigar backin her mouth, raised the crop over her head and brought it down across 25s backwith a loud, sharp crack that echoed in the room. At the same time her arm was aninch short of the elbow. She would extract it and her black latex covered arm wasglistening.The crop had an unintended effect, though. The third time it struck, 25 startedanother drag. It was 4 minutes in now and she was behind. The cigar began to glow,but after 10 seconds it did not stop. I thought to myself this was a helluva long drag.Then 15» seconds had past and the cigar was still glowing and she had not exhaled.Incredible! She was directly inhaling the smoke into her lungsll After 25 seconds thecigar stoped glowing. and she exhaled a plume that looked like a smoke machine at adance club. She then repeated this. Mistress was cropping her like she was on the?nal stretch of the Kentucky Derby, but 25 kept inhaling. The black latex on Mistress‘arm revealed the mucl-es in her forearm rippling furiously, like when someonesqueezes something. She must be moving her hand inside of #25’s bowels whilepulling and pushing. How 25 could do anything but scream is beyond comprehension,but she was determined to have her orgasm. 5 seconds before the buzzer the cigarburned into the paper ring, signifying her victory. She kept smoking furiously, notrealizing in her blindess that she had won.The Mistress spoke, “25, you have managed a narrow victory. I am a woman of myword, so you shall be rewarded. Ladies, take her to my bed chamber and prepareher. 4—point restraints, lay out my single tail and some nipple clamps. Also, ?t herwith a face-dildo harness, I think I might ride her a bit. And of course my # 14 strapon. She deserves it.”The Mistress then slowly extracted her arm from #25, who was amazingly still smokeher cigar although it was no longer required. She then came over to my bed, “don’tworry, 37, you will get your chance to play this game. But for now you need yoursmoke therapy. Sweet dreams.I awoke from a d**g induced slumber sometime during the night. I thought I hadheard voices and opened my eyes to ?nd a woman in a nurse’s uniform sitting nextto the bed. She was reading something on a clipboard when she noticed I wasawake. “37, I have brought you out of your slumber for your ?rst conscious smoketherapy. I was just reading your chart here and see you have completed your ?rsttwo levels and have one to complete before your training is complete. The Mistresswants you ?nished in 4 more days. That means we have a lot of ground to cover, myboy.” The nurse stood and walked across the room. I tried to move and realized Iwas still paralized. She unlocked a cabinet and began removing various items andplacing them a rolling cart. She then rolled the cart over to the bed and sat down onher stool and spoke again, “You have been under my care for several weeks now andhave been comming along nicely. You may have noticed some dif?culty in breathingdue to the quantity of smoke you have inhaled. You will get to experience this for the?rst time while awake. I should warn you will experience some discomfort, but you’renot here for your pleasure, after all.”The nurse reached over to the cart and pulled out a leather contraption that lookedalmost like a thick collar with a small hole in the middle. She then leaned over andsmeared vaseline around the edges of my mouth. I was scared as hell and more thana little confused. She then took the leather harness and placed it over my mouth. Ithad a 2 inch wide tube that went inside my mouth and forced my jaws open. Shecarefully lifted my head and buckled the harness behind. There was a small blacktube which extended perhaps 3 inches from my mouth. Next to the tube was a smallhole in the mask. She next placed plugs in my nostrils, forcing me to struggle for airthrough the tube and the tiny hole. The nurse spoke as she ?nished securing themask,“I have just ?tted you with our most basic piece of equipment, which we simply callmask #1. It works by Forcing you to breath through this tube. The hole next to thetube allowsfor fresh air, if any is allowed, and provides a place for smoke to be exhaled. Thevaseline I applied earlier ensures. an absolute airtight seal. We don’t want any peskyfresh air interfering with your treatment, do we?” she» chuckled to herself as shereached over to the nearby cart. She opened a small black box and removed a-cigarette. “This is a More 120, the cigarette of choice for the Mistress. While you willexperience every brand of cigaretteon earth this week, you will become most familiar with Mores. The Mistress prefersthem for several reasons; they are long and thus last longer, they have a highnicotine and tar content, and last but not least, she enjoys the color.”As the nurse ?nished speaking the door opened and the Mistress entered the room.She walked to a chair in the corner and sat down. “Don’t mind me, I just stopped byto observe#37’s treatment.” The nurse placed the cigarette in the tube and ?icked a lighter on.She placeed a thumb over the air hole and held the ?ame to the end of the cigarette.The cigarette came to life as I struggled to inhale fresh air. The cigarette glowed as Icontinued to inhale, not having any choice and unable to ?ght my body’s naturalstruggle for air. After 5 seconds my lungs and throat began to burn. My heart wasracing and I was sure I was going to die. 15 seconds later the nurse removed her?nger from the hole and fresh air ?ooded in on top of the smoke that was in mylungs. I exhaled a stream of smoke from the hole that went at least 7 feet from thebed. I immediately rushed to take another breath of fresh air but the nurse quicklysnapped her ?nger over the hole. The Mistress chuckled, “nice try, 37. Thought youcould sneak in a little fresh air? Your nurse there is just a little too quick türbanlı gaziantep escort bayan for you, myboy. But keep trying, I love seeing the look of total fear and desperation on a man’sface. It’s part of your journey into complete submission.”I was on my fourth lung full of smoke now and the More was nearly ?nished. Therewere ashes on my chest, my head was spinning and I was beginning to feelnauseous. Alter the cigarette had burned down to the ?lter the nurse quicklyremoved the butt and placed plugs in the two holes, not allowing any air in or out. Iwas suffocating. “I don’t like my patients getting too much air while I replacecigarettes, so I have to plug you.” She fumbled in the box again, as the Mistressspoke, “Give him something different, how about a ?lterless brand”. I was panickingbad now, it had been 50 seconds since my last breath of air.The nurse pulled a Pall Mall from the box, removed the plugs, and placed it in thetube in my mask. She held her ?nger over the hole and lit the cigarette. I wasalready inhaling through the unlit cigarette trying to get air. The ?ame from thelighter jumped to the cigarette, which crackled to life. My lungs began burninginstantly and the nausea came back immediately. The nurse reached over to the cartand pulled out a syringe. She then plugged the air hole in my mask to have 2 handsfree. “You look rather pale. You are probably feeling the effects of nicotine poisoning,an unfortunate side effect of our treatment. Fortunateley, we have a d**g whichhelps alleviate those symptoms and allows us to deliver a much, much higher level ofnicotine to the system with very few side effects, other than complete addiction ofcourse.“ As she said this she gave a smile and wincked. I realized that this womanwas a as sadistic as the Mistress and enjoyed her job incredibly. She gave me theinjection and almost immediately the nausea disappeared. I was nearing the end ofthe Pall Mall now and the Mistress stood: and walked towards the bed, “The treatmentis going very well. Give him another More, and make this one a menthol. We’ll givehis throat a little relief.” She stood next to the bed and, to my amazement, reachedher hand out and grabbed my limp» penis. She began lightly stroking it very, veryslowly as the nurse removed the tube extending from my mouth and rep-laced it witha hose that led to a black box the size of a pack of cigarettes which she set on mychest. The box had several holes in it. The nurse plugged the tube into the side ofthe box and ?lled the holes i:n the top with ?ve Mores, all in a row pointing straightup. She brought the flame to the tip of all five and they glowed brightly as I began toinhale. The Mistress spoke, “37, I want you to inhale those cigarettes with all of yourmight. If you do, I will continue stroking you. If you do not, I will stop. I want to seehow well motivated you are and how much you want to please your owner.” Thenurse then drizzled warm oil on the Mistresses hand, which continued its ultra slowmovement on my shaft. I was inhaling with passion now. When the nurse removedher thumb from the air hole a thick plume of smoke erupted….I could not believe Ihad inhaled that much smoke. The Mistress had me on the brink of orgasm in notime. I had not had a release in several weeks and was about to explode. Somehow,however, she could tell when I was on the brink and she would stop stroking. I wasgoing mad with exitement. I wanted to buck my hips into her hand but my paralyzedbody was motionless.The cigarettes were halfway gone and the Mistress had increased her pace. She wasgoing to let me come! I was mad with lust. My vision was blurry from all of thesmoke but I kept inhaling, wanting to please her and earn an orgasm. Here it comes,I thought. I closed my eyes just as I was going over the edge and……………. ..CRACK! My eyes ?ew open and my mind was on ?re with pain. The Mistress hadwaited until I was just beginning to come and slapped my balls with all of her might.As I opened my eyes her hand was over her head and she was bringing it downagain…CRACKl My cock had just started to dribble cum and now I was in the mostexcruciating pain of my entire life. Tears streamed down my face. I tried to screambut a quiet croak was all that emerged. The Mistress held my now limp penis in herhand, reached over and removed one of the half smoked cigarettes from the deviceand placed it between her lips. She caved her cheecks around the cigarette andsucked for at least 8 seconds, never taking her eyes off of me. She french inhaled ahuge ball of smoke into her nose and then spoke while smoke erupted with everyword, “You ignorant little man. You thought I would let you come? Those days areover. If I decide to ever let you come, it will be with my explicit instrusctions andwhen I command it.” she turned to the nurse. “Make sure he ?nishes that pack ofMores you just opened within the hour, and then put him back to sleep.” She placedthe More between her lips again, double dragged and exhaled as she walked out thedoonI awoke in my bed as usual, hoses running from from my mouth and nose andsmoke erupting from every hole in my mask. The nurse, as always, sat beside mybed either reading charts, adjusting her implements of smoke torture, or simplyreading a magazine or book. It had been 7 days since I had last seen the Mistress,the day she brought me to the edge and crushed my spirit and balls in one fellswoop. Since then, I had been subjected to repeated smoke torments and wasconstantly teased by any female member of the staff who felt like amusing herself.They would step into the room, ask the nurse how I was doing. She would alwayssay “he’s comming along nicely. Would you care to play with him a bit?” The womenwould then proceed to fondle my penis for extended lengths of time. The nurse hadlearned, from watching this constant teasing, every twitch and spasm in my cock.She had memorized these telltale signs and therefore could make sure I was as closeto cumming as possible before pulling the plug. For instance, today one of the femaleaids to the Mistress entered the room during my morning therapy session. She wasdressed in a black latex catsuit, extremely high heeled lace-up latex boots, severelatex corset and latex hood. After entering the room she pulled her hood off to reveal.a bald head and stunningly beautiful face . She appeared to be of scandinaviandescent, judging by her height, sky blue eyes , high cheek bones and ivorycomplexion. She wlaked over to the bed and spoke to the nurse, “so, love, how is heprogressing?” She had’ a british accent. Interesting.The nurse turned away from her book, “oh, he’s comming along nicely, right onschedule actually. I assume you’re here to play with our little pet?”The latex-clad goddess smirked, “Yes, I believe so. I just ?nished a long session withone of the Mistress’ newer toys who recently ?nished his smoke phase and hasmoved on to anal penetration.” As the woman said this she lowered her hand andstroked a glistening black strap on dildo. It was large, maybe 8 inches long and 2inches wide. She removed her hand, “This is the introductory model, my little pet. Ipopped a new cherry today. God that’s a rush. Seeing the slaves face go fromhorror, to shock, to pain and then gradually a reluctant pleasure. Seeing a manbecome an anal slut before your eyes is a beautiful thing indeed. Can’t wait for yourturn.” With this she turned to the nurse, “Anything I can smoke, love?” The nursereached into a box and retrieved a long, almost black cigar, “I seem to rememberyou enjoy stronger cigars. This is a new Maduro I’ve been using on our patient here.Packs quite a punch.”The latex woman took the cigar, placed it in her mouth and lit a lighter. She slowlybrought the cigar to life, making sure it was lit properly and not inhaling any of thesmoke in the process. I was quietly disapointed. In my mind not inhaling was notsmoking. The nurse spoke, “don’t worry slave, I can see that look on your face. Ginahere is one of the more talented smokers in the building. She invented her owntechnique. We call it the snap french. It’s really quite mesmerizing.” Gina thengrabbed my hardening member in one latex gloved hand and just held it, piercingme with her blue eyes. She brought the cigar to her mouth and clenched it betweenher teeth. Her grip on me strengthened to the point where it was painful. Shewrapped her lips around the cigar in her mouth and her cheeks immediately caved,hollow depressions now formed in her cheeks. She drew on the cigar for an eternity,her jaw now extended to the point where no more smoke could be sucked into hermouth. She removed the cigar with her free hand but kept her lips sealed. Her gripon my cock was now excruciatingly painful. She opened her mouth to the pointwhere you could have ?t an apple inside. Dense, opaque, almost yellow smoke sat inher mouth. The nurse, eyes glued, sat trans?xed watching the show.After several seconds of the smoke just sitting motionless in her open mouth, itsuddenly popped out in a huge, dense ball. It emerged at least three inches from herface, but did so slower than I ever thought possible. She then snapped the mass ofsmoke back into her mouth and into her lungs. She then released the grip on mynow purple penis and bent over slightly , her face maybe a foot from my penis. Sheformed an “O” with her lips perhaps an inch in diameter and began slowly exhalingonto my dripping cock. The warm smoke, in contrast to the slight chill of the room,was unbelievable. After exhaling for a couple of seconds she did something I hadonly seen once before in my life. She performed a massive, three second frenchinhale with the smoke she was exhaling from her lungs. She then exhaled again andthe smoke erupting from her lungs looked as if she had just taken a massive drag. Icould not believe how much smoke remained in her lungs. She french inhaled again,and then exhaled what would be considered a great exhale from anyone else. Mycock was now oozing precum and twitching, and the nurse noticed, “Gina, you’dbetter back off a bit. If he cums the Mistress will have both of us in the dungeonbefore we can get him cleaned up.” Gina tooka step back and nodded, “You’re right,I forgot how full his balls must be by now. How many times has he been to the edgeand denied now?” The nurse looked: at her chart, “Actually, this makes 51 in threeweeks. He’s nearing the point where we are going to have to perform a prostatemilking to avoid any serious damage to his reproductive organs. Either that or he’llhave a wet dream, and we certainly can’t have that.”I was in agony. My balls were permanantly blue and swollen. The slightest touch feltlike being hit with a hammer. My cock would drip precum if even breathed on now.Then the Mistress entered the room. “Gina, great session this morning darling. Ihonestly had my doubts whether #33 could take all of that in the ?rst session, butyou pulled it off. I guess that’s why you’re my strap on queen.” She came to mybedside, “awe, look at you. Your eyes look like a scared little doe. Your balls are rightwhere I like them to be, though.” She reached down and squeezed them ?rmly. Myvision went slightly white with pain. She smiled, “I see they are sensitive. Poor thing.God I bet you would love to cum. You should be pleased to know that you aremaking your Mistress very, very happy being in this state. This is how I derive mysexual stimulation. In fact, you have been very good and I am in a generous mood.”She released my scrotum and walked over to Gina, who was just snapping anotherbaseball-sized ball of smoke from her mouth and inhailng it. The Mistress pressedher lips to Ginas and began inhaling. After several seconds the Mistress slowlyrocked her head back and exhaled two thick jets of smoke from her nose . Sheturned to the nurse, “Have #37 brought to my bed chambers and shackled to thewall facing my bed. Gina, darling, think you can give our slave here a demonstrationon how to make love to your Mistress?”. Gina blushed and stammered, “yyyes,Mistress, I would be most honored.” The Mistress nodded, “grab a couple more ofthose cigars you were smoking, They tasted great comming from your lungs. Be inmy chambers in one hour.” She turned to the nurse, “Have #37 placed in heavy cockand ball restraints. We don’t want a slight breeze pushing him over the edge.” Withthat she exited the room.I found myself in the Mistress’ bed chamber. Lair would almost be a better word. Thewalls were d****d in a dark blue velvet with candles mounted in various places onthe walls. The room was very large, maybe 40 by 40 ft. The bed was raised, almostlike an alter, and was very large, at least 20 percent bigger than a king size. The bedhad a black leather cover with black satin sheets and pillows. The bed had steelposts on all four corners and metal bars connecting them, much like an old-fashioned4 post bed except in black steel. There were rings attached to the bed every foot orso. On the wall next to the bed was a large armoir. On the wall opposite the bed wasa very large X shaped wooden contraption.I was in a very uncomfortable position at the moment, suspended over the bed in asort of harness. My arms and legs were stretched to their limits and attached to eachpost of the bed. I had been placed in a leather hood which had a ring on the top ofthe head which was securely attached to the bar at the head of the bed connectingthe posts. As a result, I could only see the bed beneath me and a little beyond thrumy peripheral vision. The nurse had. attached a chrome steel: cuff, 2 inches wide,between my balls and my penis which streched the swollen, blue things in anunbeleivably painful way. A ring had been attached to the base of my cock and thenurse gave me a shot in the arm which almost instantly made me rock hard.I heard quiet footsteps approaching. I could see a ?gure beside the beds, then a handreached over and lightly caressed my body. The person then layed on the bed and Icould see it was Giina. God she was beautiful. She layed on her back and stared up atme while she placed a. dark cigar in her mouth. She was completely nude. Her bodycompletely void of any hair. Her nipples had large bars pierced thru them and hervagina had several large rings. The amazing part was the small padlock which lockedall of the rings together forming an impenetrable steel cage. She brought a lighter tothe cigar and brought it to life, again getting it lit properly, then caving her cheeksand huge lips around the cigar for 8 seconds. She snapped a very quick inhale,formed a tiny O with her lips and blew a thin, thick jet of smoke in my face. I was inheaven inhaling the sweet smoke when I felt mind—numbing crack on my ass. I wasconfused, horri?ed and in great pain. I then heard the Mistress’s voice, “Did I startleyou, #37. I saw you were a little distracted so I thought I would bring you back toearth.” If I could have moved my head, I would have seen the Mistress standing 6feet from the foot of the bed wearing a very snug, ?oor length black satin dress andblack satin opera gloves which stopped just below the shoulder. In her hand was an8 foot single tail whip coiled on the ?oor like a snake. She addressed her prey again,” The best part about this little game is that while you so desperately want to watchGina perform her magic on that cigar, you know that you will feel the bite of my whipat some time of my choosing.” She was so right. I could not stop looking at Ginabelow me, this time taking another 8 second drag and then french inhaling the eniremouthful of smoke, which took another 8 seconds, and the pursing her lips andCRACK! My mind went numb again from the pain. I was horri?ed not being able tosee my tormentor, where the blows were comming from, no chance to preparemyself. Gina smiled, placed the cigar in her teeth and reached up and lightlycaressed my cock with the back of her hand, after 20 seconds of this there were fordrops of precum already on the sheets below me.Another crack on my ass. The Mistress spoke on a cool, icy tone ” if you cum on mysheets I will beat you with this whip untill you bleed, and then I will get started onyour punishment.” I then saw her climb on the bed. She lay beside Gina and lightlystroked her bald head as she spoke to her, ” Let’s see you prepare a nice, stronglungful of smoke for your Mistress.” Gina placed the cigar in her mouth and drew foreight seconds, inhaled without removing her lips and repeated another 8 seconddrag. After the fourth drag, 32 seconds of total drag without exhaling and smalltendrils of smoke beggining to escape her nostrills, the Mistress grabbed her lightlyby the jaw, pulled Gina’s mouth mouth to hers and began inhaling. Ten seconds laterthe Mistress reomved her lips, closed her eyes for a second, opened them as she satup and put her mouth around my cock without touching it and exhaled. It was themost incredible, warmest feeling I had ever experienced. It actually made everythingI had endured worthwhile for that one moment. She sat back down on the bed, ” Ihave türbanlı escort gaziantep the ability to make you experience the most unimaginable experiencespossible. Most of them will be excruciatinglly painful for you and nice for me, butoccassionally I will toss you a bone, so I hope you enjoyed that.” She then layeddown on the bed, spread her legs and snapped her ?ngers. With this Gina slid downand onto her stomach and performed oral sex to the Mistresses soft moans ofdelight. At this point I noticed‘ what looked like a plug in her ass. The mistress spoke,“I can see you noticed Gina’s plug. I keep everyone on my facility plugged all of thetime. That way ifI want to play, they are stretched and ready. Plus it’s a tumon toknow that Gina here has a4 inch wide plug buried in her ass.”The Mistress had a riding crop which she would use to spank my swollen, stretchedballs occasionaly. This continued for two hours. The Mistress, after her seventhorgasm, stood and looked at her sheets. There was a wet spot on the bed where myprecum had». dripped. The spot was a foot across. She shook her head and spkoke toGina, ” Have the nurse administer a milking immediatelly, this dripping mess. of aman has gotten way too messy.” With that she walked out of the room and Gina roseand exited as well.Several weeks had passed since my last encounter with the Mistress. I was keptimmobilized in a body bag, except for every 6 hours I was removed and exercised for30 minutes. Although the Mistress wanted me helpless, she said, she also wanted tomaintain my muscle mass to some degree. My attending nurse told me stories ofslaves who had seriouslly offended the Mistress, or who had tried to escape, beingimmobilzed for weeks at a time. When released from their body bags, they cold notmove due to muscle atrophy. They would be carried to the Mistress‘ of?ce and laid ather feet like a bag off jello. She would typically use them for a footstool for the dayand then allow them to beg her forgiveness. Occassionally she would have themimmobilized again for a few days just to hear the screams of horror and begging asthey were d**g away. This she loved.I was informed the Mistress had gone on a trip to visit an old friend in New Zealand.The nurses spoke of this woman with great revearance and fear. I was told she hadpioneered certain techniques which the Mistress had adapted over the years to themisery of her subjects. To make the whole situation even more bleak for me, I hadnot experienced an orgasm since I had arrived, over 2 months. My balls wereswollen and literally had a bluish hue. When the Mistress departed on her trip, shehad informed the staff that my genitals were not to be touched in any way, fearing Imight accidentally reach orgasm at the slightest sensation. She said she had plansfor her return.One afternoon after several weeks I was laying in my leather cocoon when I heardvoices in the room. I was hooded with no vision and my ears were plugged withearphones which could be activated by a switch beside the bed. I suddenly heard avoice thatl had almost forgotten, the Mistress. “number 37, so glad to see youagain. I see you have been very active in my absence“ then I heard a low chuckle ofseveral women. “I have brought an old and dear friend back with me from my trip toNew Zealand. She will be staying here awhile and playing with you. She is famousthe world over for control of male genitalia and….for her smoking.” I then felt handson my head and buckles being unfastened. My hood was removed and I squinted atthe blinding light in the room. It took several minutes before I could even see. Whenmy eyes ?nally adjusted I say beside my bed my Mistress, dressed in a sharp darkblue business suit and another woman, wearing a floor length red satin gown. Theother woman spoke up, “Hello #37. My friend here tells me you have not had anorgasm for more than 2 months. Very impressive work on her part. After a monthgenitals have to be handled with amazing care to prevent discharge. I have rarelydealt with a subject with your longevity.” She then snapped her ?ngers and a hooded?gure came in to the room. “This is pussee, my toy and servant.” \She then placed a ?nger‘ to her lips and pusee fumbled in a bag he was carrying andremoved a long, very dark cigar and a six inch holder. The holder was unusualbecause it was specially built for holding a cigar, very wide at one end, taperingdown and then at the mouthpiece was very thin. Pussee- inserted the cigar into theholder and held it up with both hands, all the while looking down at the floor. Whenthe woman accepted it, her knelt at her feet and produced a lighter which he ignitedand held above his head: at just the right height. The woman placed the holder in hermouth and looked into my eyes as she leaned the cigar into the ?ame. Neverbreaking eye contact she drew several times to get it well lit. Then she she caved hercheeks and began what would become an 8 second drag. She was still staring intomy eyes, almost into my soul. She inhaled the smoke without removing the holderfrom her mouth and caved her cheeks for another eight seconds, still staring at mewithout blinking. My mind and heart were both racing. I had had no stimulation for 2weeks, either visual or physical and now I thought my body would explode. Sheinhaled the second drag without exhaling and began the third. The cigar was makinghissing noises and crackling as the end glowed a bright orange. After another eightseconds she slowly pulled the holder from her mouth, still piercing me with her stare.She opened her mouth to show a dense, dark tan ball of smoke. I had never seensmoke that looked like that before! It was surreal. The smoke escaped her lips andslowly emerged from her mouth. It eventually crept 6 inches in front of her face andthen in a flash she breathed in and the smoke snapped 6 inches back into hermouth. She leaned her head down and exhaled on the top of pussees head. His bodynearly disapeared in the cloud of smoke. Still she stared at me. I heard a slightwimper and then a quiet “thank you Mistress”. She looked me over and smiled ahuge grin. The only part of my body that was exposed from the leather bag I was inwas my genitals. She spoke to My Mistress, “He is de?nitely in agony, it has beenyears since I have seen someone held this close to the edge. Just look at himleaking.” I strained my head and could just barely see my exposed penis standingerect at a 45 degree angle. A strand of clear precum connected it to a puddle ofprecum on the leather below. The puddle was a least 6 inches in diameter, almostthe size of a dinner plate.“Well, I guess we should get to work on him” The new Mistress clinched her cigarholder between her teeth and and instructed pussee to fetch her equipment. Hecrawled on his hands and kness across the room. Her gaze had returned to me andshe began another 3 drags on her cigar. After the last drag and another mindnumbing snap inhale, she held her cigar in front of her and exhaled 2 dark tan jets ofsmoke from her nose. “Oh my, I have a dilemna here. It appears that my ashtray isacross the room and i’ve nowhere to deposit my ashes. I guess you will have to do.”She leaned towards me and held the end of the cigar over my mouth. “Now open up,slave, and accept this gift.” Although I was horri?ed at the thought, I was trapped inher spell. I opened my mouth. As she casually tapped the holder a 2 inch ash fellinto my mouth with a quick hiss as it exstinguished on my tongue. I ?inched at thepain but made no noise. “Very good. These cigars burn hotter than average andproduce quite panfull little ashes. I am proud to say that my ashes have gone only inhuman mouths, primarily pussees, for 10 years now.” At this time pussee returnedholding a tray. She clenched her holder in her teeth and slipped on a pair of shoulderlength sating gloves. She picked up an instrument which I did not recognize.“In case you’re wondering, this is a ball vice I designed several years ago. Quite anevil little invention at that.” She then set about very delicately placing thecontraption on my testicles. She spoke to my Mistress, “you have to exerciseextreme care to not send him over the edge with the slightest touch. In fact, I hadbetter take some precaution.” She reached over to the tray and grabbed a chromepeice of steel shaped in an “0¨ It separated into 2 halves and had screws on eitherside. She placed this at the base of my penis. and began tightening the screws. Icould feel myself about to go over the edge. She suddenly pulled her hands awayand grinned, “no you don’t. See those contractions and that one vein bulging?” asshe spoke she pointed to my crotch as if she were a med school instructor. MyMistress nodded, ” it takes a trained eye, but when that vein bulges and you see theslightest. contraction, back off cause he is going over the edge. Isn’t that right #37?”My god, this woman was unreal. How did she know the exact moment? This wasbeyond torture. My balls ached so bad I thought they would burst. I was physicallytrembling now. I looked down and I was still oozing precum at an astonishing rate.She stepped back and took a cheek—hollowing 10 second drag on her cigar andinhaled the smoke. She removed the holder and had me in her gaze again. I did notnotice her cigar slowly lowering towards my penis. She smiled, exhaling into my faceand then my whole world exploded. She had touched the glowing end of the cigar tomy penis. Pain went searing through my head. She kept exhaling and began talkingvery calmly, “easy, easy. There we go, take the pain. I had to do that to bring youaway from the edge for a few minutes. You were too close even for me to handle.” Isaw my Mistress reach into her handbag and withdraw a silver holder and a longwhite cigarette. She lit it and began inhaling furiously, smoke billowing from hernose as she took the next drag. I could see she was very turned on.Then Mistress in red returned to her work, tightening the chrome clamp around mybase untill my cock turned a light purple. ” There we go, that should slow you downsome.” She then placed the contraption over my balls. It was a series of metal barsconnected by screws. As she tightened the screws, the whole thing was drawn in,crushing my balls from several directions at once. The pain went from mild tosevere, and then I could stand it no more and began screaming. She stopped thereand I thought I at least had reached the limit, but she spoke to my Mistress,“Sweety, could you have someone fetch a good in?ateable gag, I have a way to goand will quickly tire of his screaming.” I was horri?ed, surely she would crush myballs beyond repair. My Mistress clapped and a maid appeared and was dispatched toget a gag. As I lay there moaning the two ladies began chatting as if I was not evenpresent. I was begging for help, for my life and they kept right on talking. Theywould each pause to take a long drag on their smokes and exhale the smoke on me,which was my only respite.The maid soon returned and the gag was inserted and in?ated to the point where Ithought my jaw was disconnected. The Mistress then went back to work tighteningthe screws. Tears were streaming down my face when I lost consciousness. The nextthing I knew I smelled a terrible odor and woke to see the Mistress in red standingover me, holder clenched in her teeth and smelling salts under my nose. Then thepain came back like an ocean of lava. “Don’t worry, I can’t tighten any more withoutrupturing your little balls. now for the funl“. She stepped away, smoke billowing fromher mouth around the holder. I looked around and could not ?nd my Mistress. Wherehad she gone? The new Mistress returned with a fresh cigar in her mouth. The dooropened and I heard several sets of heels walk in. I saw my Mistress, now dressed ina long latex gown, very tight wasp-waisted corset and her hair pulled back severelyinto a bun. She held a leash and at the end of the leash was something from anotherplanet. A woman, at least 6 ft tall. Ballet heels, black latex catsuit polished to amirror shine. Her hips were a full 36 inches, and then her waist. I could have closedmy ?ngers around it. It could not have been more than 18 inches. Up from the waistwere the largest, most obscene breasts I have ever seen, in a magazine or anyhere.She was ?tted with a latex posture collar and latex mask with only holes for eyes andmouth. On top of her head was what looked like the multiple cigarette holder frommy early days here. Much like a candleabra. In the eight holes of the device rested. 8cigars. A clear tube ran from the base of the device on her head down to her posturecollar and disappeared.My Mistress spoke, “#37, you remember #25, from your ?rst few weeks here. Shehas undergone further body modi?cations and has, at last, become my ultimaterubber toy. Today, she will be used to take your virginity.” She snapped her ?ngersand a maid walked over and handed her a harness with a large, 9 inch back dildo.The Mistress buckled the harness around 25s waist and walked her to the bed. At thesame time two maids came thru the door pushing what appeared to be agynecologists exam table. I was removed from my body bag and carried to the table.There I was laid, feet in the stirrups high in the air and bound. The mistress presseda button on the side of the table and the stirrups began to spread, until my legswere nearly in the “splits” position. The added pain was unbelievable. I almost forgotabout the unreal pain in my balls. The Mistress guided 25 over to the table andpositioned her between my legs. “On my command, 25 here will penetrate youanally. I will be behind her penetrating her anally.” She casually snapped and one ofthe maids handed her a similar harness with an unbelievably huge glistening blackstrapon. When the maid had buckled it on the Mistress, it went out straight for 6inches or so and then bent under its own weight for another 8 inches where themassive head hung towards the ?oor. The thing was literally the size of my arm. Atthe same time Mistress in red snapped and pointed between her legs as she stoodover my midsection. Pussee crawled to her and lifted her satin skirt. There was aharness around her waist. He pressed his face to her crotch and she buckled severalstraps over and around his head, securing him in that postion. She then lowered theskirt and he disappeared. My Mistress walked behind 25 and bent her over slightly. Amaid stood beside her with a large bowl and the Mistress dipped her hand in andwithdrew a handful and what looked like Vaseline. She smeared it in the monstrousdildo and pressed into 25s rear.” Oops, almost forgot. My most recent modi?cation to 25 was to have the tube yousee running from her crown of cigars surgically inserted in her throat. This way shecan smoke and has the full use of her mouth at the same time. Maid, light 25 so wemay begin.“ The maid stood on a stool and carefully lit all 8 cigars on 25s head. Theclear tube running down to her throat turned off-white. Smoke began erupting fromher mouth. The Mistress the slowly inserted the monster in her anus with short, slowstrokes. 25s eyes rolled back in her head and she slowy thrust forward at the sametime, entering me.The Mistress in red spoke, “you will be permitted to release, 37, but only from analstimulation. Your pathetic cock will not be touched.” She held out a riding crop andbegan smacking my testicles being crushed by her device. I was going to die. I knewit. This was more pain than any human could endure, and yet I was in heaven. TheMistress had buried the monster in 25’s rear by now, and thus she was buried in me.She was shaking, and smoke was pouring from her mouth and nose like nothing Ihad ever seen, even in this insane place. Every time she took a breath it would befollowed by a blast of thich, opaque smoke that never ended. Occasionally shewould open her eyes and look into mine, breathe deeply and then open her mouth aswide as posible and let a torrent of smoke rush out and onto my now twitching andpurple cock. She would french inhale her exhaled smoke for several seconds,drawing more smoke thru her nose and from the tube, and then repeat the process.I could feel myself getting closer to the edge. The Mistress had 25 by the waist andwas slamming the 14 inch strapon in and out in rhythm. The Mistress in red was nowcropping my balls with abandon and moaning from her her slave fastened be-tweenher legs. She lit another cigar and reached down and unscrewed the metal ring atthe base of my cock. blood came rushing back in and precum flowed out like afaucet. She watched it intently and began powersmoking her cigar, the holder in hermouth hands-free with smoke rushing from her nose. She saw the telltale~ signs andleaned over me, direct-inhaling from her cigar for 20 seconds. She pressed her lipsto mine and began exhaling the densest, harshest. smoke I had ever felt down» mythroat. At this moment I began to cum. But since I had no penile stimul’ati.on mycock simply spasmed repeatedly and semen ?owed out for at least 20 seconds,merely oozing instead of shooting. I just kept cumming and cumming, and theMistress in Red kept her lips sealed against mine, breathing the same smokebetween us over and over. I could hear my Mistress’s hips slapping 25s ass as sheslammed away in the throws of orgasm and the cigars on 25s head, now more thanhalf gone with ashes all over her head glowed brightly as smoke gushed from hermouth.And that was the last thing I remembered before passing out.

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