
Slave Auction


A sharp beeping sound ripped through Jake’s skull, and jolted him awake. The 19 year old college basketball jock felt like death. His head throbbed and his muscle ached. He tried to rise, but was surprised to find his hands bound to the headboard of an unfamiliar bed. Panic jolted him awake. Where was he? What was going on?

“Morning sunshine” a gruff voice said from the dark.

“Where am I, and who the fuck are you?” Jake asked, attempted to sound strong, despite fear enveloping his body.

“You can call me Master – at least for now. I represent the bookies you have been avoiding the last couple of weeks. Either you give me 25k here and now, or i will find others ways to make up the shortfall”.

Jake’s heart seemed to stop. He had been betting on NCAA basketball games, thinking he had an advantage as a player. Some advantage, he lost almost every single bet. He didn’t have 25 grand. Hell he barely had $100 in his bank account. The 6’5″, blonde adonis pulled at his restraints, but it was useless. Not only were his hands cuffed to the bed, but so were his ankles. He could barely move. Lying there, in just a light blue pair of boxer briefs he had never felt so vulnerable. “I don’t have the money, i need more time. Please, i will do whatever it takes to pay it back”.

“No chance kid. You lied about your finances to get a line of credit you can’t back up. You said your family was wealthy, but we checked. Your parents died last year. No insurance, and virtually no equity. If not for your athletic scholarship, you would be waiting tables or working construction. We aren’t in the business of getting screwed. So now you will pay.’

“What are you going to do to me?”

“Kid we are going to do whatever we want, and whatever it takes to get back our investment. Fortunately for us, tall, blond haired, blue eyed studs have value in certain markets.”

With that the gruff man in the dark turned and opened a door. A stream of light entered, highlighting the sparse nature of the tiny room. With little more that a single bed and a tiny table, the room was little more than a prison cell. Two men walked in, carrying a bucket and some towels. Without a word they began to bath Jake, with Luke warm water and soap. One man pulled out a pair of scissor and cut Jakes boxer briefs off, leaving him completely naked and exposed.

After the bathing was done, on of the men – a 20 ish year old, wearing shorts and a simple t shirt, told Jake to stay very still as they were about to remove all hair south of his chin. The other man, also in his 20s, and casually dressed, clamped down on Jakes thighs, while the first man produced a razor and shaving cream from the bucket.

Jake struggled a bit, at the start of the shaving, but soon stopped. He could barely move. The only thing his struggling might do is result in a razor cutting parts of him he valued dearly.

The hair removal process was fairly swift, with the young boy being naturally smooth, and well trimmed where he did have hair. After that, the two young men violated Jake’s neither regions for the first time, with a douching bottle – cleaning out his butthole, and making very clear to the whimpering boy what his future held.

After his grooming was complete all 3 men left, but on of the younger ones soon returned with water, some yogurt and what appeared to be pita bread. Feeding it to the now hairless man child, between tears. After his light lunch, Jake cried himself back to sleep – scared beyond words at what was next for him.


He wasn’t sure how long he slept, with little to no light in his tiny cell it was nearly impossible to keep track of time passage. The two younger men were back, telling him it was time to get ready for his preview. Preview – what the fuck is that, he wondered. The men brushed his blonde hair, adding so product to make it hold. They uncuffed Jake, warning him that armed guards were on the other side of the door, and Acıbadem Escort any attempt at escape would only result in bodily harm. One of the men grabbed Jake’s penis and aggressively slipped a cock ring on, before handing him the smallest imaginable white G string and telling him to get dressed.

Once ‘dressed’, Jake was blindfolded, and his hands were bound behind his back. He was lead through the door, and down a corridor. The cold marble floor pressing against Jake’s feet made him shiver. His stomach was in knots, and tears sat at the corner of both his covered eyes. The poor young man being marched to his new future, awash in regret and fear.

After walking through several doors, Jake was lead into a warm room that somehow felt larger. He could hear the muffled tones of other voices, was there others like him? What was going on.

He was lead up to a platform, where his ankles were restrained to the floor. His hands were briefly uncuffed, before being lifted above his head, and shackled in place again. His lone cover, a skimpy G string was ripped from his body, leaving him naked, hairless, stretched and blindfolded.

After a few minutes the sound of a larger door opening was followed by the murmur of a crowd. The room seemed to be filling up, and hushed conversation and light laughter filled the air. Jake was surprised when a cold hand caressed his naked chest, travelling down his sides, and across his bare butt. The hand pulled back and lightly slapped the boy. A body drew close to Jake’s ear, he could feel a warm breath on his cheek, and then a man’s voice softly said “oh you would make a fine slave. I could spend many a day enjoying that ass, and fucking your sweet mouth”. Dear christ, what had he gotten himself into.

Over the next several minutes several more men took turns caressing various parts of Jake’s body, including his hairless balls and cock. The stroking had started to bring the boys privates to life, rising slowly – far from fully erect, but not completely flaccid either. Jake was a big boy, in all departments. His cock was a good 5 inches soft, and closer to 8 when fully hard. It seemed the room approved of his equipment – something he used to be very proud of, but now wasn’t so sure.

A voice called for attention. “Gentlemen the auction will start in 5 minutes. Remember, all winning bids need to be settled within the hour, and before you take custody of your slaves. The colour of the blindfolds Indicate the terms of your ownership. A white blindfold grants you ownership for the week, with no penetration allowed. Green is one month, also no penetration. Orange is a month, penetration but no permanent marking allowed. Blue is one year, no marking. And Purple means you own the slave for life – you can do with him as you please. If you could all start to make your way to the bidding room, we will bring in the first boy shortly”.

Jake’s heart stopped. He had no idea what colour his blindfold was. Was he about to become some freaks boy toy for a week, a month, or life? What he wouldn’t do to have his mom still around, ready to fix his every fuck up.

For the next 30 minutes Jake stood silent, bound, blindfolded and nearly naked shivering in fear. He heard 5 others taken from the room, one at a time, presumably to the ‘bidding hall’. The doors opened, and footsteps seemed to be approaching. He felt the presence of others near his body. A hand grabbed his balls and squeezed, making it clear who was in charge. Another man, on his other side, attached a collar to his neck – tight but not quite choking him – and then unshackled his ankles and wrists. His hands were almost instantly wrenched behind his back and cuffed. The man on his left pulled him by a leash, leading him to the door.

After exiting the large hall, he was once again in a cooler, seemingly small corridor, the cold stones chilling his bare feet. After being lead several yards from the bigger room, the men Acıbadem Escort Bayan stopped. One grabbed him by his balls, quickly getting his attention. “So here is the deal kid. You came to us owing 25 grand. But events like this have costs, and risks. So in order to clear your debt you need to attract a bid of at least $50k. Anything less means you will go back up on the block again, when your first tour of duty is done. Some boys like going on the block – some even volunteer – but i don’t get the impression that is you. So you better do your best to look like a good slave, and please the bidders”. With that the man ripped off Jake’s G string and started to fondle his cock and balls. Jake winced, pulling away, angering the man. “Still boy, or i will make sure you get the lowest bid possible. You will spend your life as a slave.” Jake steadied himself, but couldn’t control the tears that now came from his eyes. “Oh crying – that’s good. Some of our members get off on boys that cry. Keep that up”.

Jake heard another large door open, and heard the mummer of a crowd. The man to his right reached up and lifted off his blindfold. Jake noted it was orange – shit what did orange mean again. His head spinning, he couldn’t remember the colour code. The man on the right – who Jake could now see was only a couple of years older than himself, and only and inch or two shorter, tugged the leash and lead Jake into the bidding room. The room itself was large, gold embossed dome shaped, reminiscent of a Cathedral. A crowd of 40 or so men – mostly in their 40s, 50s and 60s, all dressed in suits, stood to observe the new entrant.

Jake was lead up to a stage, where a Tuxedo clad older gentleman stood beside two young, jock strap clad men. The two young boys in jock straps helped Jake up the last stair and lead him over to a St Andrew’s cross, where he was shackled once again. One of the boys wiped the tears away, and mouthed ‘good luck’ to him. The small act of kindness seamed both odd and massive.

“Gentleman, I present lot 6 – Jake”, the MC announced. “Jake is 6’5″ inches, 212 lbs, with an 8 inch uncut cock. He is a varsity basketball player, with a 3.8 GPA, and a nasty gambling habit. Jake claims to exclusively like women, but our research suggests that isn’t entirely true. According to a former teammate, the Bisexual urges are strong in this one. Young Jake is up for auction, for a 1 month term. Penetration is allowed. Why don’t we start the bidding at 10,000”

A month. Penetration. Bisexual. Holy fuck. If Lebron hadn’t missed that final shot 2 weeks ago, he wouldn’t be here. Clanged of the rim, costing him 12k. Now i am going to be a gay slave. Tears started to flow down Jakes face again, as the horror of his situation hit home.

“…..48 thousand gong once…..do i hear 49? 49 anyone? 48 going twice. Last chance for 49. …No….going, going, and sold to Mr. Jenkins at $48,000. Congratulation sir. Please pay the cashier at the back, and you can pick up your prize from the holding pen”.

48 thousand. He didn’t get 50. He would have to go through this again. Jake began to weep uncontrollably as two more henchmen lead him out a back exit of the bidding hall.


After 10 minutes waiting in a small, empty room, Jake heard keys unlocking the door. Another Tuxedo clad man walked in with a striking, well dressed man in his early 30s. the tuxedoed man spoke – “Jake this is Mr. Jenkins, but your will call him sir or master. He owns you for the next 30 days. I suggest you do your best to please him. We would hate to have to give a refund and start your whole process over.”

Mr. Jenkins smiled and said “Hey Jake, i am looking forward to the next 30 days. I know you are scared, but if you are a good boy, it will go fast and you might even enjoy it.”. With that he lightly tugged Jake’s leash and lead him out of the room. As they walked to a door marked exit, Jake wondered if he would get any clothes Escort Acıbadem before leaving. The door opened and sunshine flooded into the dark corridor – clearly Jake was staying naked for the time being.

The door lead to a private, tree lined parking lot, with several cars. One black SUV pulled up, and Mr. Jenkins lead Jake to the back right door. A driver hopped out to help. Wearing only a tight pair of Calvin Klein briefs, the driver looked to be Jake’s age. But his beaming smile suggested his position was far different that Jakes. “Tom, this is Jake. He will be joining us for the next month, to ensure you and the others boys are relaxed and happy. Jake, say hi to Tom – you will be getting to know him very well”. Jake nodded and offered a quiet “hey” to the driver. Tom returned the greeting, and let his hand caress Jake’s chest, while his eyes took in the naked boy. His smile grew – “I’m really looking forward to our time together Jake”.

Tom helped Jake into the back of the SUV, and then Mr Jenkins slid in beside him. As they drove away, Mr Jenkins let his hands wander over the slaves naked body – teasing him and clearly enjoying the boy’s tight Jock body. Even in an SUV, with tinted windows, Jake couldn’t believe they would just drive in public, with the boy still completely naked. His body shivered, but for some reason his cock seemed to be rising to the occasion. WTF – why was he getting hard….he couldn’t possibly be enjoying the situation.


After about 25 terrifying minutes, the SUV turned into a tree lined drive leading up to a mansion. Holy Shit – this was easily the biggest house he had ever seen. As they approached the house Jake saw a boy, again clad in just tight briefs, on a riding lawn mower, tending to the grass. “That’s Connor, he is a party and then some. You are going to like him”, his new master said, while slowly stroking Jake’s now fully erect cock.

The SUV stopped in front of the mansion and the 3 stepped out. Two more brief clad boys appeared from the house. Jake instinctively place his hands in front of himself, trying to hide his erection. Mr Jenkin’s smacked his ass “Hands down boy” he barked. “For the next 30 days you will stay naked. You will not cover up. You will not pleasure yourself. You will do as i say. If you do that, I may be inclined to give you a tip – just enough to clear your debt. But if you don’t, I will fine you – adding to your outstanding debt. I suggest you be on your best behaviour. Judging from your erection i think you are going to enjoy your stay. You may even want to continue on.”

“Boys gather round. This is Jake – he is ours for the next month. Jake, meet Connor, Max and Joe. The boys all work for me. They cook, clean, do yard work, tend to the pool and do other jobs as needed. They work hard, and i fear they don’t get enough stress release. That is where you come in. For the next month, every afternoon you will give each of my boys a massage. You will rub down their naked bodies for 45 minutes each, finishing with a happy ending. You can use your hands or mouth – i don’t care. But you will make each of them cum, everyday. And you will not allow any of them to please you, or penetrate you – only i can do that.

After their scheduled massages, you will serve us the dinner that Joe prepares. And then in the evening you will tend to my stress. The mornings are yours to do as you please. Enjoy the gym, the pool, the movie theatre. Just make sure you stay in shape, and stay groomed. There are a couple of girls on site – you are not to touch them. They will ensure you are well groomed – tending to your body hair, nails and helping you douche every day. They can touch you, but you may never touch them

On weekends we host parties. You will serve drinks, and tend to my guests as i see fit. I am going to trust you at first. If you test my trust you will suffer. If i think you are pleasing yourself, i will cage that cock of yours. If you don’t obey, or show attitude, you will meet my paddles and whips. Any major infractions will be dealt with more severely. If, on the other hand, you relax and play along, i will make sure your stress is also taken care of, and your stay is as easy as possible. Do you understand all of this?”

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