
Small Penis Prison Ch. 04


“Well boys, Are ready to meet your guards?” Gina said smiling.

“Follow me!” she went through a door that led to a huge corridor with several doors, the 5 men followed her, swinging their small erect cocks while they couldn’t stop looking at her ass.

“Let’s see…” she said picking up her notebook.

“Alan, you got Lucille.” she opened a door on the left and they all went in after Gina.

It was a huge room with high ceilings, there were 7 white hospital beds arranged in a circle around a large circular pink bed, and the whole room was decorated like a big doll’s house.

A girl in her twenties was lying on top of the big bed reading a magazine and at her feet was a man massaging her feet, she was wearing a short summer dress, she had black hair in a bob style. She was a very pretty girl with beautiful green eyes with black glasses. She was short and thin but she denoted authority just by looking at her.

She raised her head and as soon as she saw them she got up from the bed pushing the man at her feet away.

“Hello Gina, I thought you were never going to arrive.” she said as if asking for an explanation.

“Relax, we’re just a little late.” Gina said looking at her watch.

Seeing them both together Gina was at least 2 heads taller.

“You’re right, I’m just a little nervous about meeting the new guy.” she said with a nervous giggle.

“Where are the others?” Gina asked.

“Oh, that’s right, I had forgotten about them.” she said, tapping herself on the head.

“I left them 5 with their morning stretches, if you know what I mean…” she said with a smirk looking at Gina.

“The truth is that I have no idea what you’re saying.” said Gina

“Come, let me show you!” They followed her to the next room, there they found five men sitting on chairs and tied hand and foot looking at a screen that only showed videos of Boutinela, at that moment on the screen appeared a tanned blonde girl in a thong with a beautiful bubbly ass, after a while another girl appeared and so on.

The men had their cocks each connected to some kind of machine.

“I didn’t know you had these machines, they are still in the testing phase.” Gina said surprised.

“I know, but a friend of mine works at the company that makes them, I asked her as a favor and she lent them to me.” she said proudly.

“They arrived yesterday, come and I’ll show you how they work.” they approached one of the men, his face was flushing and he wouldn’t stop sweating, he had a kind of tube connected to his cock that wouldn’t stop making strange noises, and that tube was connected to a machine next to the chair, with a screen in front of it.

“Look here, it puts all the data.” said Lucille pointing to the screen.

“Once you connect the machine to the subject, it calibrates for 5 minutes finding out which are the most erogenous zones of his penis and how to take him to the edge without reaching to an orgasm.” she explained looking at Gina.

“Once the machine has been calibrated, all you have to do is choose a mode and it will do its job by itself.” she continued.

“It has 4 modes: Soft, in this mode it will gently and slowly massage the subject’s cock until it reaches the edge, then it will stop for 2 minutes and start again. Medium: It is similar to soft only stronger and faster and the stops are of 1 minute. Hard: In this mode it goes fast until it reaches the edge, stops 10 seconds and starts again. Finally there is the nightmare mode, in this mode it goes fast until it reaches the edge and then it maintains it until the end.” she said with a big smile.

“Here on the screen appears the number of times the subject has reached the edge.” she said pointing to the number.

Ryan noticed that the man already had 24 edges.

“The truth is that I’m clueless, I’m sorry guys, I know I told you it would take 20 minutes but I fell asleep while Walter gave me a massage and when I woke up I completely forgot.” she said without giving it much importance.

“Here İzmit Escort is the time it has been running.” she continued, pointing to the screen.

“They’ve been with those things attached to their little dicks for almost 4 hours?” Gina asked with a laugh.

“Yes!” said Lucille laughing.

“I tried different modes to see if they worked well, now we’ll check it out.”

“Ralph had it on soft mode and as it says here it has taken you to the edge 24 times, is everything alright, Ralph?” she said looking seriously into the man’s eyes.

“Yes…Princess!” he gasped.

“Very good!” she said removing the tube from his cock.

Ryan saw that his cock was throbbing and oozing precum from the tip and his balls were big and blue, he couldn’t have been bigger than 3.5 inches.

“You can go.” she said as she approached the next man.

“These two had it in medium mode, for Billy it was 47 edges and Matty…what is this?” she said looking at the screen confused. “Only 3!”

Ryan saw the 2 machines and they were both running, the 2 men were sweating and shaking but Matty looked a little more desperate than Billy, it had to be a machine failure. Lucille walked over to Billy and disconnected his cock from the tube, his small 3 inch cock began to bounce up and down dripping with precum.

“You can go Billy.” she said smiling at him.

“Thank you princess!” he said trying to smile despite his terribly desperate and tortured appearance.

“And now what do we do with you, Matty?” she said as she tapped her finger on her chin.

“Please Princess, the machine must be broken, it has worked the same as Billy’s and have been many more than 3 edges, I swear!” he said, looking at her with pleading eyes while sweat fell from his forehead.

“Don’t worry Matty.” she said unplugging the tube from his cock, it looked the same as Billy’s only it was dripping a lot more precum and was throbbing nonstop.

“I believe you.” she said smiling as she looked into his eyes. Then she got on her knees in front of him and began to rub very slowly with her little finger the underside of his cock from top to bottom.

“But, what if they didn’t work the same and you’ve had fewer edges than Billy, it wouldn’t be fair, would it?” she said as she continued to rub his dick.

“But…” he started to say with concern.

“Calm down little guy, it’s okay, it’s not your fault.” she said rubbing a little faster, Ryan noticed that he was about to reach the edge again. She stared thoughtfully at the ceiling, rubbing his tiny cock.

“I know what we can do!” she exclaimed raising the index of her other hand.

“Since Billy had 44 more edges than you, I’ll have to bring you to the edge 44 times so that you’re even.” she said without stopping.

“Please, no!” he said pleadingly.

“Shut up!” she said as she continued to rub her finger until he was on the edge again. Then she stopped.

“And this last edge doesn’t count!” she said with a naughty smile.

“Very well!” she said untying him “Wait for me here, I’ll be right back!” she said looking at Gina.

After this she grabbed him by his tiny cock and pulled him out of the room.

Ryan stared at Gina who said smiling, “That’s how things are around here, get used to it.”

Ryan looked at the other 2 that were tied up. They seemed exhausted although one of them was on the verge of collapse, shaking non-stop and sweating in streams with a red face and gritted teeth.

After 5 minutes Lucille returned.

“Okay, that’s it!” she said with a grin from ear to ear and looked at the remaining 2.

“Oh yeah, there’s still Kyle and Petey.” she said looking at them.

“Let’s see, Kyle was in hard mode and he had 128 edges. Very good Kyle, my brave big man!” she said full of joy, she took the tube from him and untied his hands and feet.

His dick was about 1.5 inches and it was stiff, streams of precum were coming out of the tip non-stop. His balls were huge and blue, much İzmit Escort Bayan bigger than the others.

“You can go.” she said patting him on the balls and winking at him.

The man got up and stumbled away.

“This is Petey the stallion, he has incredible stamina, he hasn’t come for 8 months and look at him, he’s a wonder!” she said with a proud smile pointing at the last guy.

Ryan looked back at the man and saw nothing of what she was saying. He was a man in his early thirties, chubby, and very short. He looked like he was struggling to breathe, his face dripping with sweat, his eyes staring at Lucille pleadingly, and he kept clenching his teeth.

“Petey is the special one, that’s why I put him in nightmare mode, because I know he can take that and much more, can’t you, sweetie?”

She said looking at him seductively and kneeling in front of him.

“He’s the only virgin I have, I have to treat him as he deserves.” she said licking her lips sensually while looking into his eyes.

“Poor boy, I know I said it would take 20 minutes and you’ve already been there for 4 hours, I’m really sorry honey, you must be suffering a lot…” she said pouting.

“And all that time riding the edge, like a good boy, but don’t worry, it’s all over.” then she removed the tube from his cock.

“Pop!” the tube made a sound, and his tiny cock began to bounce uncontrollably spraying everywhere with his precum.

“Have you heard that, Petey?” she said laughing as a drop of precum fell on her cheek, she didn’t seem to care.

His cock was tiny, barely 1 inches, but his balls were bigger and bluer than the others by quite a bit, not quite up to Timmy’s level but just barely.

“As I always say, you are my special boy!” she said smiling at him.

“Thank you princess!” he gasped, catching his breath.

“Since you’ve been such a good boy, I’m going to give you a little gift.” she put her hands under her dress and took off her thong, it was purple and it was soaked, it was clear that she was enjoying this situation a lot. She took it with the tips of her fingers and with the other end she began to touch the tip of his cock, he gave a small jump in surprise, his cock kept throbbing non-stop and it was still dripping a lot. It seemed to Ryan that a few seconds like that and Petey would end up cumming.

“Get up!” she said looking at him and hung the thong on his tiny cock.

“Now go with the others, and don’t let it fall because if you drop it I’ll take it from you and you won’t be able to play with it again or do all those perverted things that you’re probably thinking.” she said half serious half laughing.

He walked away in a very pathetic way, trying not to drop it.

“Well, follow me.” she said walking towards the other room.

Ryan couldn’t stop looking at her skirt thinking that she had nothing underneath. His cock was rock hard right now.

She took them to the room from before, in one of the beds, Matty was tied hand and foot with a raging hard-on. As they passed him she brushed her fingertips against his cock.

“I’ll be with you later, dear.” she said without looking at him.

She took them to one of the walls where there was a huge blackboard and she picked up a marker.

“Who’s my boy?” Lucille asked looking at Gina.

“Alan.” Gina said pointing to the man who stepped forward trembling.

“Very good!” she said as she turned around and wrote Alan’s name under the rest of the names.

“Alan, dear, come here.” she said as she took a ruler from one of the drawers in the desk next to the blackboard. Alan approached her fearfully.

“I know it’s in your file but I don’t trust them, I have to measure your dick myself to be sure.” she said grabbing his dick and putting the ruler next to it.

“Tsk, unlucky, 2.8 inches.” she said with a smirk pointing to the rule.

“I always round down, you don’t mind do you, little boy?” she said grabbing his chin as she looked into his eyes smiling.

“No, Escort İzmit no problem.” he said doubtfully without knowing what it all that meant.

“Good boy!” she said winking at him. She turned around and put a 2 next to her name on the board.

“Let me explain how my system works.” she said, looking at Alan with a very serious face.

The blackboard had the names of all the men with a number next to each one. There was a 1, besides Alan’s there was another 2 and then a couple of 3’s and finally a 4 next to Walter’s name. Next to Petey’s name there was only a red heart.

Suddenly a cell phone began to ring and she reached into her pocket and picked it up.

“Hey Sandy, how’s it going girl?” she said cheerfully, “I’m a little busy.”

“Ah, the machines, I tried them today, they are all great except one.”

“I ran 2 on medium mode and one had a lot more edges than the other.” she kept glancing at Alan, smiling.

“During 4 hours…”

“Yes!” and she laughed loudly. “It was unintentional, you know how I get distracted sometimes.” she said laughing again.

“What are you insinuating? Me?” she said, pretending to be offended and laughing again out loud.

“You know me too well…” she said smiling.

“Well, as I was telling you, I think one of the machines has a broken edge counter.”

“Besides…” she said lowering his voice as she looked at Alan, “it goes a lot faster than the other one even though they were both in the same mode.”

“Well, all you had to do was to see the poor bastard’s face to know that he had been edging a lot more than the other one.” she whispered as she laughed, then she looked at Alan and covered her phone.

“Shhh…” she said looking into his eyes as she put her index finger to her lips, “It will be our little secret.” and she winked at him smiling.

“Well, I have to leave you.”

“Yes, if it can be today, it will be perfect!”

“Great, bye beautiful!” she said and put the phone away.

“Okay Alan, where were we?” she said. “Oh yes, my system!” and she turned to look at the board.

“As you can see next to each name is written the size of your tiny cocks.” she said pointing to the numbers.

Ryan saw that next to each number there were 12 boxes that he guessed were for the months of the year, now they were in October. He saw that most had an x ​​in each box until October, November and December that were blank. Besides the x’s there were some lipsticks and very few hearts.

He realized that as the size was smaller there were more x’s and fewer hearts. Then there was Walter who only had 2 x’s in March and April, and lipsticks in June, the rest were hearts.

“I don’t know if you’ve noticed but size is important to me, also to my system.” she said smiling as she crouched down in front of Alan, face to face with his small cock.

“That’s why you’ve had bad luck with this little thing…” she said laughing as she began to caress his cock with 2 fingers, “It could be worse, look at poor little Petey.” she said standing up and pointing to the blackboard.

“That poor little boy is not even 1 inch, so I had to put a cute little heart next to him, so that everyone can see that he is a very special boy, aren’t you Petey?” she said looking at Petey who was sitting on her bed, he seemed half stoned, as he sniffed at the thong Lucille had given him earlier, his cock still rock hard.

“Poor little thing…” she said pointing to the board, “The x’s mean they haven’t had an orgasm that month, the lipsticks are ruined orgasms and the hearts are normal orgasms.”

“As you can see Petey doesn’t have those last ones but he does have one next to his name and that’s enough for him, isn’t it, darling?” she said, looking back at Petey, who was still deep in thought, sniffing hard at the thong.

“The poor thing suffers a lot but the rules are the rules, it’s not my fault!” she said looking at Alan now.

“Well now that I think about it, I’m a bit to blame, right?” and she started laughing out loud.

“Okay guys, let’s continue because we’re late.” said Gina who was also laughing.

Alan was left attending to Lucille’s instructions looking very worried, knowing that he was in for a rather frightening near future.

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