
Society Ch. 03

Big Tits

Chapter 3 – Hook

Woke up, need a pee, where’s the coffee? Kitchen, kettle, lounge, sit, drink.

That quiet period before anything happens, the moment the coffee warms you up, wakes you up. I love this time of day and really needed it, this day especially.

Beatrice and Tina woke up shortly afterward and brought their own coffees in. Their lipstick was still on and smeared so I could tell they had been making love. However this time it did not upset me, rather made me happy for them.

The phone rang and Beatrice became involved in a rather long conversation while Tina and I chatted about clothes and hair and generally girly stuff. No one mentioned last night and the party.

Beatrice finished her phone call and Tina asked if everything was alright? ‘Just someone wanting to get something of their chest’ Beatrice replied. ‘Wendy, why don’t you shower first and I’ll help Tina get breakfast?’ What a nice offer, sure.

I caught the end of an intense furtive conversation between them as I came out of the shower, which stopped immediately I walked in the room. Was this about me, something to do with the telephone call? I realised things were happening which were totally beyond my control and which I couldn’t do anything about. So I just smiled: ‘Shower’s free.’

The day was quiet as Sundays usually are and we all tucked into the housework before cooking lunch then our afternoon walk. After we returned Beatrice left the lounge and fetched something from her bedroom. A mauve velvet drawstring bag which she held in front of her. Sitting forward in her chair, she played with the bag almost nervously: ‘There’s something I want you to do for me Wendy.’ Oh dear, what now?

She opened the bag and removed a butt plug like the one she had used one me before but larger. ‘For the rest of this week I want you wear this whenever you are in the house.’ I asked why? ‘You need to trust me Wendy. As we discussed, from now on all your plans and arrangements will be made for you, so there are some things you don’t need to know right away and need to believe me when I say there is a reason for this.’

‘Is this something to do with the telephone call you just had?’ I enquired, beginning to sense there were others involved in making plans for me. Beatrice didn’t answer but walked over to me, producing a tube of lube from her pocket. ‘Take off your skirt Wendy and remove your panties.’ Her tone had changed and it was obviously time for me to be submissive again.

‘What here, in the middle of the lounge?’ She replied it was necessary for me to get used to doing things which were previously embarassing in a public situation. Recalling last night at the party I didn’t have much trouble guessing why.

I obediently removed my skirt and pulled down my panties and while Tina steadied me from in front Tina lubed up the plug. I looked directly at Tina’s beautiful boobs and she immediately noticed my glance: ‘Do you want to play with these Wendy?’ I swallowed and squeaked: ‘Yes please.’ Tina smiled and told me: ‘Okay pet, you can play with these as a reward once you have taken the plug.’

Because of the larger size, it was initially diffciult to insert. I tried to relax and push back and there was a little pain as it slid further in. But my bottom eventually got used to the plug and with a litle ‘plop’ it was inside me.

Oh my, the feeling of that black plug filling me up. Both smiled as they could see the effect it was having on me. My breathing was heavy and Tina had to steady me again and they slowly walked me round the room while I got used to it. Beatrice congratulated me with a long kiss: ‘Well done pet, you took it so well and now Tina will take you into our bedroom for your reward while I sort out dinner.’ The emphasis on ‘our bedroom’ was subtle but yet another boundary which required their permission to cross.

Spending the next hour playing with Tina’s lovely boobs was certainly a reward and I took full advantage. She was certainly turned on and asked me to bring her off when she had reached the point of panting and writhing and the general sexual frenzy that went along with someone paying close attention to your very sensitive areas. When I asked her to do the same for me, she refused: ‘No pet, I don’t want you to have a climax this week. This is important, you need to wear the plug every day and you’ll have a reward but you mustn’t cum.’ I asked why, in desperation as my sexual arousal was at least equal to hers. She just placed my hands on her boobs and kissed me for over a minute: ‘Trust us pet’ and that was the end of it.

So things had changed again. Beatrice and Tina were becoming more and more an item and I was….well….their ‘training’ of me and constant use of the words ‘pet’ and ‘reward’ left me in no doubt as to my role in this strange tryptic of a relationship.

Morning Wendy, come and get your plug pet. Good girl, time for your reward. You managed a walk outside with your plug in, you’re such a good pet Wendy. And the way I was treated Ankara Rus Escort continued along those lines. I knew what they were doing but the ‘conditioning’ worked. I began to seek their approval and derived pleasure when I had fulfilled their demands and looked forward to my reward, whether it was playing with Tina’s boobs or watching them make love or whatever they decided I deserved. I just needed to wear the plug all day and no orgasms till they gave me permission.

Okay, now the self analysis part. You might think, oh no how boring and skip this bit. No problem. Things is, I knew what they were doing, just weren’t sure why. Daily plug use, orgasm denial, these things I had looked up online and were standard submissive training techniques. Increased use of addressing me as ‘pet’ involved me adapting to and accepting my role in any situation where I was required to be submissive.

How did I feel about this? In a quiet and gradual way it was exciting as the intense submission I had experienced over the past couple of weeks because it was sustained. I felt myself becoming more and more submissive inside and that led to as much pleasure as when I was being directly dominated. It wasn’t so much a destruction of my character or personality but rather bringing out who Beatrice said I was already. And I was also aware I had reached the point where I was trusting her more and less able to make decisions for myself.

So that’s the introspective part and we got to Friday when Gretchen called round once more. Something’s coming I thought and became wet down there almost immediately I saw her. Knowing her capabilities and the effect she had on me, simply the sight of her turned me into a fawning, whimpering schoolgirl. I assume that’s the whole point, anyways I’m waffling again.

She probably sensed my reaction but gave no sign: ‘Good morning Wendy, how are you my pet?’ The possessive use of the word was emphasized. Am I hers? To a certain extent certainly. For the first time a sense of ownership faced me. Being owned by someone, having absolute power over me. I went weak as these thoughts and feeling flowed through me. ‘I’m fine Gretchen, how are you?’ I replied politely albeit rather shakily.

‘I’m fine as well, thank you my pet. But I think it’s best if you don’t call me Gretchen, just until the weekend’s over.’ It was made as a suggestion but I was getting used to her suggestions: ‘What should I call you’ I asked, feeling confused. ‘For the rest of this week you should refer to myself, Tina and Beatrice as Mistress.’

I actually gasped out loud when she said this. ‘Are you wearing your plug pet?’ she enquired before I could react further. ‘Of course Gret….Mistress’ I caught myself just in time. ‘Good girl. And have you refrained from cumming this week?’ This time I managed the correct reply: ‘It was difficult Mistress, but no I haven’t cum this week.’

‘Excellent. Now I think you need to make the same sign of submission to Tina and Beatrice as you made to me last weekend.’ Sign of submission? Before I could think further, Gretchen, sorry Mistress Gretchen had spun me round and pushed me gently to my knees. ‘Have they been good to you this past week my pet, have they looked after you and plugged you every day?’

I looked submissively and helplessly at Tina and Beatrice and answered: ‘Yes Mistress.’ With one movement she lifted my blouse and moved her hands under my bra. Knowing me too well by now the fingers began their exquisite stroking of my nipples, already swollen with sexual arousal. I started my mewling again, oh fuck, am I that predictable? I knew how I was behaving yet the intensity of feelings my Mistresses were causing in me simply overwhelmed any conscious restraint I might try and offer.

Beatrice stood over me: ‘Open your mouth my pet’ Gretchen instructed. No idea how I could open my mouth while still making the pathetic sounds I seemed to be producing, but I managed it somehow. ‘Is Beatrice your Mistress and do you submit to her just as you submitted to me?’ I had no idea of the consequences of this but I was too far gone by now having spent a week of sexual tension due to orgasm denial, the large plug inside me and Gretchen’s fingers playing a symphony on my most sensitive area.

‘Yes Mistress Gretchen’ came out in a barely audible squeak. Beatrice pursed her lips and slid a long string of spit into my mouth. I swallowed it all and knew my friend’s dominance over me had just increased an order of magnitude. The process was repeated with Tina and and Gretchen lifted me to my feet, pulling my blouse back down: ‘Well done my pet, your training is progressing perfectly.’

She turned to Tina and Beatrice giving them instructions concerning me. As if I wasn’t there, treating me like the pet I was becoming. Unworthy and incapable of any decision making or will of my own yet the center of their attention.

Something about a party tomorrow (another one?) and how they should Yenimahalle Escort prepare me for it. Gretchen kissed me deeply before leaving and I stood shaking (a common response I was learning) and waiting for them to tell me what happened next.

‘Everything happens at the parties pet, we have them most weekends. That’s why we’ve been preparing you all week. It’ll just help you enjoy them more. Do you understand?’ Not that I understood anything anymore, but I agreed anyway: ‘Yes Beatrice, I mean Mistress Beatrice.’

She smiled at my self correction and use of her title: ‘So we’ll have dinner, then as a reward for being such a good pet you can play with both of us tonight. But remember, no cumming!’ Even sex was now a reward, the way they were treating me as a pet increasing daily.

The sex play also changed quite deliberately: Do you like playing with Tina’s boobs my pet, do you like it when I stroke your nipples my pet. Their conditioning had intensified and my only response was my pathetic mewling and soft moaning which seemed to please them even further.

After they both recovered from their orgasms and I was left tormented by my unreleased sexual tension, Beatrice softly began to stroke my hair: ‘You make such a wonderful pet Wendy, and I know it’s difficult for you to adapt, but you are doing so well. Please understand all this is for a reason, basically everyone’s pleasure, especially yours.’

Finally I managed a spoken response and there was only one possible answer: ‘Yes Mistress Beatrice.’ Deep passionate kisses from them both. Then the past recurred and hit me. The woman on my right was my ex lover, her girlfriend on my left. Only two weeks ago I had been living a normal life. Now here I was, naked on a bed, dominated and humiliated and treated like a pet and being prepared (trained) for goodness knows what at the weekend. Beatrice looked into my eyes and sensed this. She stroked my hair once again as she whispered softly in my ear: ‘I understand Wendy but this is how it has to be. Be a good girl for me my pet.’

Then I was sent to my room for an early night. ‘Get as much sleep as you can Wendy.’ Although this sounded ominous I was too spent too care.

Saturday, once more. Another party loomed and I looked forward to the evening with anticipation and tredpidation, as before. That seemed to be the nature of my submissiveness: pain and pleaure, fear and longing, reluctance and desire.

What was I to do when the morning came? Looking out the window with coffee in hand, I do nothing. They sense the change in me. Time for breakfast Wendy, have a shower pet, get dressed pet, time to put your plug in Wendy. And so it went on. By submitting to them last night I had surrendered yet a further layer of myself to them and even waited to be told the most basic things. I was becoming a pet a little more each day. It felt so good yet so frightening.

In the safe environment of Beatrice’ house was one thing, the company of 30 or 40 women in a strange house was totally different. We showered again and this time I had no plug but much preening. It felt nice to be pampered and by the time my two Mistresses had finished I glowed. ‘Are you ready pet’ asked Beatrice and I could only nod as our transport arrived. The destination was somewhere on the outskirts of town and the few miles taxi ride gave me the opportunity to prepare myself, although it probably made no difference as I knew nothing of what was expected tonight nor it seemed did I have any choice in what I was to do.

Donna’s house, it wasn’t exactly a mansion but close enough. One of those circular driveways where you go in one way and out the other. Another car was arriving at the same time and I recognised the two women from the previous weekend, to which there were no references just friendly greetings and small talk. If the exterior of the house was impressive the inside took my breath away. Not ornate, just large and decorated in extremely good taste. And, of course, full of women. Seemed like more than last time but I couldn’t be sure.

Tina and Beatrice had dressed me in a short black skirt, maroon pastel top and plain black shoes. I haven’t mentioned down below as I suppose I’m still quite shy, strange to say after all that’s happened. I epilated before I left England and I kept things trimmed regularly. Must say I have been glad since my whole body seems to be on display so frequently.

The ‘party’ started off like all do, greetings, chit chat and introductions. Soft jazz was playing, seemed a fav of my newfound friends and I had no objection. ‘You must meet Donna’ said Beatrice taking my arm and walking me over to a woman about my height but a few years older and a few pounds heavier but who exuded sexuality like the sun radiates warmth.

Beatrice introduced me and Donna was warmth itself, informal and friendly, a kiss and a hug. Nothing demonstrative she simply put me at my ease and started chatting naturally. Donna was one of those women in whose ample and inviting bosom I just wanted to hide myself, like a friendly older sister. After an hour or so I was completely relaxed and thought this might be just a normal party when, just like Gretchen did, she said quite casually: ‘I understand you are to be my pet tonight Wendy?’

My usual response, I froze, mouth open and looking helpless. A totally unexpected question thrown into the conversation almost accidentally, but perhaps that was the idea. Donna continued as I obviously had no reply but passive acquiescence: ‘I’m so glad Wendy, you are so gorgeous and I saw you last weekend at Gretchen’s party. I’ve been thinking about you ever since.’

I was flattered and began to smile as she motioned to a woman nearby who brought over a tray with a stainless steel object shaped like a hook with a large metal ball on one end and a handle on the other. Rather baffled I couldn’t begin to guess what it was for till I noticed the large tube of lube next to it on the tray. It couldn’t be for….letting go another little moan, which was starting to be my trade mark and which the assertive women seemed to enjoy: ‘I’m glad you like it Wendy, I had it made specially’ explained Donna.

‘Take your dress off Wendy’ instructed Donna in that tone with which I was becoming familiar. This time I didn’t even try to argue or protest, I knew it would be useless and my submissive nature just obviated any resistance to women like Donna. ‘And your underwear and shoes, pets don’t need clothes.’ When every protective layer had been removed Donna gave me a long and tender kiss, there was real and genuine feeling there and something inside me responded as I wrapped my arms round her neck and loved her with my mouth.

As we kissed I felt something wet slide between my bottom cheeks and broke the kiss: ‘Hold on to me Wendy, I won’t let you fall’ she reassured me as I squeaked when the steel ball of the hook was placed between my legs. It had obviously been lubed and it was slid slowly upward till it pressed at the entrance to my bottom. Donna smiled encouragingly as it pushed gently inward. I can’t take this, I thought then remembered all the plug training that week.

Little by little the steel ball was pushed deeper till I let out a small cry as I had reached my maximum size. ‘One more push Wendy, be a brave girl my pet.’ And with a small ‘plop’ and a rather louder ‘eeek’ from me it was completely inside me.

Oh shit, it filled me up. Hardly able to stand, I would probably have fallen if Donna had not been holding on to me: ‘Well done Wendy, good girl. Now I think we deserve another drink.’ Still holding on to me she turned me round and, using the handle of the hook, lifted it up till it could go no further. My moan was very loud this time and I saw expressions of approval from the women in the room watching me. ‘Wendy’s first hook’ explained Donna, and walked me over to the drinks bar.

I don’t have the words to describe what it felt like, a large steel ball inside me, pressing upward on my….whatever is there. If I felt helpless before I was beyond even speech or rational thought now. Donna took two glasses of champagne and I was about to take one when she pulled it away: ‘You don’t need to hold your own drink my pet, I’ll do everything for you. But first you need to learn the submissive pose. Place your arms behind you in the small of your back’ and I felt another woman take my arms and move them behind me. Like folding your arms but behind and crossing each other in the small of my back. Didn’t think it was possible to make me more helpless but she had suceeded.

‘Have a drink Wendy’ and Donna lifted the glass to my lips where I downed it in one go. ‘Who was a thirsty pet, well you deserve it Wendy. Come and meet some of my friends.’ With the hook she led me across the room and introduced me to a group of women whom she obviously all knew very well. They all greeted me in a very friendly way, although seemed to expect no reply and I was in no condition to give one.

They discussed me like my friends had done in Beatrice’ house, in detail but as though was not there. After Donna had explained about my sensitive nipples one of the women asked Donna (not me) if she could play with them: ‘Of course Agatha, help yourself. I’ll lift her for you.’ Donna lifted the hook which pushed against me inside once more, to which I moaned and automatically began to unfold my crossed arms. She stopped me immediately: ‘Keep your arms where they are Wendy, I’ll steady you dear.’

Agatha looked at my boobs lasciviuosly and began to stroke the flesh gently. All over, so softly which contrasted with the pressure from the hook and Donna’s hold on my arms. After a few minutes they were sensitive to the extreme having visibly swelled considerably. Then Agatha moved her attention to my nipples. Stroke, stroke, stroke, flick, stroke, stroke, stroke, flick…. The sequence continued.

Already in a state of sexual tension I appraoched orgasm but knew I could not reach one by nipple stimulation alone, nor would Donna let me have one. I moaned constantly and my head leant back against Donna’s. She whispered quielty in my ear: ‘You gorgeous girl my little pet, my friends like you so much already. Just relax and enjoy it sweetie, Donna’s holding you tight.’

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