

Big Tits

Subject: Songbird Ch.7 The number of comments I get for my stories has gradually dropped away. My last story got me two comments and this one none at all. I am guessing therefore that my writing style has ceased to please so I will not post any more chapters of this story. If anyone reads this and would like me to complete it please let me know and I will send you the complete story with pictures of the characters embedded in their correct place. Songbird Chapter 7 The remainder of that semester was without any more punishment sessions and the Christmas break was spent with Brett and Franz just loving each other. The oft said comment on that from Brett was, “I’ve missed you so much, I don’t want to share you with anyone this time home.” Franz was happy with that. His submissive side receded over those two weeks and he was taking the active role quite frequently. When they socialised the other boys, and Jordon, particularly noticed the more assertive and confident Franz. He took Brett aside to talk about it. “If I am guessing this right, Franz is becoming more dominant.” Brett grinned and nodded. “Yeah, and it is fabulous.” “OK, but you realise that if he undergoes another punishment session the humiliation and embarrassment will be much worse for him.” Brett thought about it and came to the conclusion that he told Jordon. “You are almost certainly right, Jordy, but I bet if he undergoes one more it will be the last. He won’t like it, not even for the great sex. He’ll probably come to you for private sessions after that if he is particularly horny because he knows I won’t mind.” That put Jordan’s mind to planning a real hum dinger if it happened again. His first thought was an old college friend he had recently regained contact with who had taken up a coaching role at a nearby school and who Jordan knew was gay as well. He also had an incredible cock. Thicker and longer than Jordan’s 12 inches, it was almost impossible to comprehend, except that he had seen it. ****************************** New semester and Franz was slow winding up to his full potential. It was worse than last time though and he actually got a `B’. “Brett, I have never in my life got a `B’ for an assignment. I don’t know what went wrong. Please don’t be angry with me.” “Oh, Franz. I don’t think I could ever be angry with you. A little disappointed possibly, but like last semester I expect it has taken you a little while to adjust with our parting. Let’s forget it. I don’t want you to take something even worse than your last punishment which I am sure Jordy will instigate.” Franz was determined to pay the price for his lack of effort. He thought to do otherwise would lower his esteem in Brett’s eyes. “No, I have to pay the price as always, Brett. I’ve let you down and that is not allowed to go unpunished.” Brett eventually gave in and talked to Jordan. “Hi Jordy. We’ve got a problem. Franz turned in a bad assignment, only a `B’. He insists his shame at such a poor performance can only be expunged by being punished. He knows it has to be worse than last time as well so I guess he is psyching himself for more punishment rather than more sex, because the sex last time was pretty impressive.” Both men sniggered at that. “Ok, Brett. I’ll set it up. I think we can make it more humiliating than last time and I’ll probably bruise his butt a little this time as well because I know he doesn’t really like being beaten. Can I go to the next level of disgusting and introduce some water sports as well?” Brett was very unsure of that one. “I don’t know, Jordy. That’s pretty extreme isn’t it? ” “There is only scat worse than that and I would never use that.” “Ok, but please make sure he is psychologically able to take that and only be upset, not traumatised.” “OK, Brett, leave it with me we’ll take care of it.” Brett worried about his decision until he had spoken to Franz after the event. It was a fairly tearful exchange, but he was not traumatised and that was what counted to Brett. *********************** Usual routine, a Saturday afternoon, but Jordan had managed to get the gym keys again and an assurance from the caretaker that he would come in to clear up on the Sunday. Jordon had talked to Trent and Rod who came home from college for the weekend. It was going to be a very long session to make sure that everyone got a load of sex whilst making sure Franz could take it. When Flex turned up, Jordan’s old college friend, he had with him a student, this boy was black, and Flex assured Jordan that when he saw the cock the boy carried he would want him to perform. The line up now looked impressive. Jordan had pulled them in a little bit earlier than Franz so that he could brief them. There were Rod and Trent, Darren and Phillip, Flex and Jamal, and Jordon for the sex action, and Andy and Kit for the filming “Ok guys. The boy who is to be punished and humiliated is 18 years old. His punishment is because he underperformed on a college assignment. This is his second punishment but this time we have to up the level because his performance was worse. Flex and Jamal don’t know him, but the remainder of us do. He is going to receive a bruised bottom for punishment, and probably a tummy full of our piss.” Gasps from the six who knew Franz. “Yes, I know, pretty disgusting, but it has to be worse than last time. Andy and Kit, I would like you two to get blowjobs again, filmed this time, and with the remainder of us witnessing it. Will you go along with that?” The two boys looked at each other and then Andy grinned. “Why not, we will have seen everyone else naked. I know we aren’t as impressive as the rest of you guys but we think we are better than average for our age.” Well satisfied, Jordan had the gear laid out the same as last time and the others all agreed to enjoy sex with guys other than Franz if they were all horny enough, which was almost a certainty. “Last thing before Franz arrives. This session may be split in two to give Franz time to recover if it goes as I am planning. So be prepared to not leave here until quite late this evening.” Jordan went to the main door of the gym to meet Franz who was there at precisely 2pm. Jordy locked the door behind him and walked him through to the gym. When he saw the bodies arrayed before him with the two camera boys stood off to each side he gulped and looked with shock at Jordan. “Before you say a word, listen to me. Your instructions are inviolable for today. You will only speak when spoken to. You will obey every order given to you immediately and with enthusiasm, no matter who issues it. You will address everyone as, Sir, regardless of their age or position in this company. Any infringement etimesgut escort will be punished with the paddle. On top of any punishment you receive during this session, at the end you will receive 20 with the paddle for your dereliction of duty with regard to you college work. If you wish to speak other than as directed you will crawl on your tummy to me, kiss my feet and then make your request, which I will agree to or deny as it suits me. Do you understand those instructions?” Franz was almost in shock. He looked round the gym and then turned to Jordon, straightened his shoulders, pushed out his chest and replied. “Yes, Sir. I understand the instructions and am prepared to take my punishment.” “Very well, you may start by removing all articles of clothing and any adornments, including your watch. You can place them all in that basket.” Stood alongside the basket indicated, Franz undressed and much as he would have like to cover up when he had removed his briefs, he clasped his hands behind his back. “You may all take your time, but come and have a feel of our toy. If you penetrate his are with your fingers please use plenty of lubricant. Remember he is going to be used for at least six hours.” Franz gulped at that and he looked in shock at Jordon. `He can’t be serious’, was his thought. They all took turns playing and fingering Franz until only Jamal was left and they all watched in wonder as this new boy, also the youngest of the main participants, played. He even got down on his knees to suck on Franz cock and balls for a few minutes. He also made him spread and then made a real meal out of fingering him and then rimming him, not worried about the Wet Light already coating his insides. Jordon whispered to Flex. “Where on earth did you find him?” “He saw me shower one day and begged me to fuck him. I did, when he was only sixteen and I have been fucking him ever since. He is a complete cock slut. He’ll take it, give it, use the recipient of his cock to take his piss as well, and he is handy with a paddle. He can render the recipient useless with just a couple, or give him fifty and still only bruise a little. To me, he is a complete sex machine.” Jordon took this all in and built his plans around using this boy quite extensively. First though he wanted to see Franz face when he undressed Flex. He knew that flex carried nearly 14 inches. Even soft it was ten and the most formidable appendage he had ever seen. No one believed a human penis could be that long until they saw it and he knew that no one had ever taken all of it. Flex confirmed that he would bury no more than 12 inches in Franz, the same as Jordan did. “As long as I keep my hand wrapped around it at the base Jordan, I know he can only take 12 inches.” Jordan was relieved about that, the last thing he wanted to do was damage his friend’s lover. “Franz. For your pleasure you can undress Jamal first and make certain he is erect before you do the same to Flex.” Five minutes later, every man in the room was nursing a monster erection and Franz was looking between the two new guests with his lower jaw almost on the floor, with shock registering in his eyes Jamal only mustered about nine or ten inches, but it was the thickest cock Franz had ever see, and it got so hard. Flex’s cock was very attractive, but just huge. Thicker and longer than Jordan. Franz wanted to comment on Flex’s appendage and forgot himself. “You aren’t going to let him fuck me with that Jordy, are you?” “Speaking out of turn. You know the penalty. Go to the vaulting horse and lay over it. Spread your legs as wide as you can.” Franz blushed, remembering his brief. “Jamal, five with the paddle.” He whispered to him then. “Just tickle him He must feel them but I don’t want him uncomfortable yet.” Jamal played with Franz`s arse for a few minutes before standing back and delivering five strokes straight on. They looked interesting and Franz wriggled a bit, but he didn’t squeal or scream. “Now Franz, I want you to assume some positions purely for the cameras to get some clear shots, not interrupted by other bodies. First, spread, and make sure you pull your cheeks as wide as you can.” Franz did, blushing almost purple, and the next one was worse. “On the table on your back. Grip your feet with your hands and pull them as far back as you can, and as wide as possible.” Andy and Kit had problems holding their camcorders steady to film those. Franz could see them clearly filming from the arse end and then leaning over to film straight down on him. Easily the most revealing shots of all. “Hold that position, Franz. Jamal, open him up and then fuck him with this dildo.” The dildo Jordan produced was almost a perfect replica of Brett’s. That wasn’t lost on Franz, but the others just saw an incredibly erotic sight as Jamal stood back while he slow fucked Franz with ten inches of reasonably thick cock. After a few minutes, Jordan stopped it and gave Franz his next order. “You can undress the remainder of the participants now and use your mouth to make sure they are all erect.” Silly instruction, they had all been erect for ages. Under normal circumstances, Franz would have loved this. Trent’s body was breath-taking, his partner Rod, had a cock to die for and he loved to feel it inside him. Darren’s cock inside him was exciting as well. He was frightened about taking the two new boys cocks though. Jamal’s was so thick, he just hoped he would be opened up enough to take it without too much pain. Flex’s would seriously damage him, he thought, if he tried to penetrate with all of it, and it was thicker than Jordan’s as well. “All of you can now get a blowjob to orgasm. You can choose the position you take up and the position of your plaything.” They all chose different positions, but once again, Jamal showed his pedigree as cock and arse hound. He lay on the mats with Franz straddling him, legs as wide as he could get. Jamal then spent the whole time it took Franz to make him cum, rimming him, tongue fucking him and sucking his balls. Incredibly erotic for all the watchers and so sensuous to Franz that he had a mighty orgasm almost at the same time as Jamal. Franz was quite exhausted and was so pleased when Jordan told Darren and Phillip they were to use massage oils and pamper him while the others all sat around recovering. Andy and Kit just kept filming. They were both enjoying this so much, admiring all the amazing cocks and filming Franz who they decided was the sexiest guy there, and the nicest. Talking among themselves they admitted that Franz could make love to them even though they still etlik escort considered themselves straight. Of course that would make Franz a paedophile for the next few months until they were sixteen. Technically he already was having given them blowjobs already. All rested and quite obviously feeling revived Franz was stood in front of everyone again. “I want two spectacular demonstration fucks to start this new session. Flex first, and I want some positions, Flex, that the cameras will be able to really show.” “Ok, Franz, on the mats, doggy fashion spread as wide as you can with your head and shoulders on the mat. I’ll open you up in that position and make my initial entry there as well.” Finger fucking was now a mundane exercise, but when they all saw Flex lubricating his cock they all moved in as close as they could without obstructing the camera men. One camera filmed from Franz’s head end and the other from the side. Franz blushed again knowing what they were filming and it got worse when he felt Flex cockhead touch his anus, It entered slowly and Franz breathed a sigh of relief, the pain was minimal. He felt the head hit the second barrier and he scrunched his eyes up and bit his lip to stop himself screaming. “You have half of me boy and I’m going to fuck you with that for a few minutes.” For the camera boys it was perfect. After a few minutes Flex rolled sideways taking Franz with him. “Raise your left leg Boy. Let us all see my cock reaming out your arse.” Flex took hold of the leg raised it to the vertical and bent it more. “Now bend your right leg more.” The exposure then was spectacular and it made Franz cry. It got worse then as Flex started increasing the depth of his penetration and lengthening his stroke. Andy zoomed in tight and then slowly panned out again. On play back that was considered the second best fuck shot of the session. When Flex got to twelve inches he rolled Franz over onto his back, took the legs and spreading them as wide as he could, pushing them down as he came up on his knees. He had Franz’s arse at about 30 degrees from the vertical and the knees not quite on the mat, but wider than his shoulders. The long stroking then was voted the most spectacular. Flex so wanted to bury his cock completely but was sure damage would be done. He got close to orgasm and told Jamal to take one leg. Then he used his free hand to grip his cock so that he could not penetrate more than his current depth as he sped up and had a mighty orgasm. Franz was so gutted seeing all the lusting faces watching that although he remained erect he didn’t orgasm. The tears were still flowing but no one even noticed they were so consumed with watching the spectacle. When Flex was reasonably soft he pulled out and prepared to drop Franz legs back onto the mat. “I’ll take him now Flex.” Watching Jamal’s incredibly fat cock disappear inside Franz made everyone gasp and several boys ejaculated all over Franz chest. Several times he pulled out completely and people gasped as they could see the size of Franz hole. The boy didn’t last long and as he pulled out he commented. “Nice arse, I’ll be back for some more of that later.” Franz was sobbing after that, he had never been used with so little feeling. He felt he had just been a receptacle for those two cocks. Jordan realised as well and started mending fences, he realised, if he wanted to continue. “Trent and Rod, take Franz for a shower, then to my office and pamper him while he has a rest on my couch. There are blankets in the locker. He may feel better with one of those over him.” Trent returned to the gym about half an hour later. “He is sound asleep, Jordan. I think he is mentally exhausted. If you use him anymore today I think you will be in trouble. Rod and I will not involve ourselves in any more today, tomorrow may be another story.” “I recommend we knock it on the head today. You four regulars can join me tomorrow along with Andy and Kit and we will assess Franz then to decide if we complete the plan. Flex and Jamal I know you have to get back. I hope you think the trip was worth it. The rest of you we’ll meet at my house tomorrow at mid-day.” Both men nodded and Flex spoke. “The best fuck I have ever had. I came closer with Franz than any fuck to giving him the whole lot.” Jamal just grinned. It was nearly eight o clock when Franz woke. He looked hunted and was still crying quietly. “You look beat Boy, so I’m going to take you home.” When he stopped outside Brett’s house, Jordon spoke to Franz. “We can complete the plan tomorrow starting at mid-day at my house. If you don’t turn up I will write it down as an incomplete punishment and let Brett sort it out. Flex and Jamal will not be there.” Franz surprised Jordan then, showing steel that Jordon did not expect. “I’ll be there.” Then he was gone. When he curled up in his and Brett’s bed he thought about the day. It was incredibly humiliating and he felt ashamed, but then he thought of Brett. ‘I’m never going to let him down so I’ll go through with it.’ With that he slept and woke at ten o clock the next morning feeling totally rested and ready for another raunchy day and his final punishment. Mid-day and he was stood in front of the boys and Jordon “I am ready to complete my punishment, Sir, and I apologise for failing yesterday.” Everyone applauded and they knew they were going to pull out the stops to make it good for Franz today, embarrassment aside. ************************** Jordon was so pleased, he wanted a long slow fuck with this boy today. “This will not be a long session so let’s get straight down to it. Franz get naked, and then you can strip me and get me as rock hard as possible before doing the same with Darren.” It wasn’t lost on anyone that Jordon had chosen the two biggest cocks to start the day. There was a new coffee table in the lounge that stood just over two feet high. It was three feet diameter and circular. Jordan had placed a padded quilt on it. “Up on the table Franz, on your knees, legs well spread. Trent one side, Rod the other. Camera boys where you will get the best shots. Darren you can check out his mouth. I’m going to open him up and start my first fuck.” Darren was gentle with Franz as he fucked his face giving the boy time to look round as he was sucking. He could see Andy and Kit only ocassionally because they were concentrating on what was happening at his rear end. He could feel Jordan fingering him and was soon feeling all five digits rotating in his arse. Next came the cock and Jordan set up a long slow fuck with Andy and Kit filming from every angle, ocassionally moving to eve gelen escort the head to film Franz sucking Darren. When that happened, Darren would make long strokes fucking Franz’s mouth. After what seemed to Franz to be hours, Jordan had him turned over and with his legs held high and wide, and well back, Jordan started fucking again. The view through the lens of the camcorders had Andy and Kit as hard as iron bars. Trent and Rod started playing with Franz cock and balls then. “When you cum, Darren, do it all over Franz face, then let Trent replace you followed by Rod. I will try to last until you have all orgasmed. Rod you are to keep in his mouth when you orgasm, he needs the protein.” Franz felt so ashamed as he looked round all the faces as they abused his body. The worst part was that Jordan was playing havoc with his prostate so he kept having orgasms despite the shame and embarrassment. Finally he felt Rod fill his mouth with cum and a few seconds later Jordan made several very hard, deep thrusts and shot his load deep inside Franz. Instead of pulling out though, Jordan went completely soft and then started urinating. Franz was shocked at that and burst into tears. All finished and Jordan spoke. “Clench your sphincter Boy and head for the toilet. Spill any and the next load will be in your mouth.” Franz waddled to the bathroom but still a little seeped out onto the floor. He emptied his stomach, used the bidet to clean himself up and then, a little shakily walked back to the lounge. He saw the drops of piss he had leaked and started to shake. Jordan said nothing so he gradually calmed down. “Phillip, your turn now. What would you like to do, and would you like any assistance.” “Mmm, I loved that position where Franz holds his feet, pulling his legs back and wide. I can kneel then to fuck him.” That was an incredibly revealing position and before Phillip could obstruct the view in any way Andy and Kit got some good footage. Phillip edged himself several times before having his orgasm, and on several occasions pulled out completely. Andy and Kit were in their element with perfect shots every time recording the re-entry. Once again, Franz was crying with shame at the way his body was being used. Another arse full of cum and Jordan kept it going. “You three that got blowjobs, would you like a fuck now?” Of course they did and during the next hour Franz was fucked all over Jordan’s home in every conceivable position. Every time they changed positions a different cock entered him and the one that had been fucking him was stuffed in his mouth to be cleaned, that was done several times and was quite revolting for Franz. He wondered how much more awful it was going to get before they called a halt. All finished and Jordan introduced the ball breaker. “Andy and Kit. You have done such fantastic work, what would you like to do?” “I would like a blowjob, Jordan.” “OK, Kit, Andy will film that.” They all watched as Franz, blushing with embarrassment at blowing a kid, gave him a very acceptable orgasm. “What about you, Andy?” Jordan actually knew because he had briefed Andy before the session started. “I would like to start off fucking him, and then finish in his mouth.” The shame of having a fifteen year old fucking him doggy fashion was awful for Franz, but then, still with a messy cock, Andy shoved it into Franz mouth while he was still doggy fashion. The orgasm, when it came was intense, but like Rod with the arse end, Andy remained in Franz mouth until he was soft, and then he started to pee. Franz had swallowed several mouthfuls before he managed to get away. He ran to the toilet and threw up. Stomach all emptied and he lay his head on the toilet bowl while he got his head together. Instead of disintegrating at this disgusting action, Franz thought about it. The urine had not tasted too revolting. Not pleasant by any means, but he knew it wouldn’t do him any harm. He washed his mouth out, washed his face and with his head held high walked back to the lounge. “That is all the sex finished with, Franz, now there is just your punishment. You will take that bent over my desk in the study.” Without any instruction, Franz walked through to the study, bent over the desk, spread his legs and closed his eyes. “Twenty was the order, Franz. Andy, five, Kit, five, Trent, five, Rod, five.” Jordan thought these four boys were the ones most likely to take it easy. He was right, and even after twenty it was clear that there would only be very mild bruising. Stood before his punishers again, Franz listened to Jordan’s final comments. “I can make it worse than this if you ever come here for punishment again, Franz. Darren and Phillip, take him for a shower, cream his bottom and then when he’s dressed, Trent and Rod you can take him home. Make sure he is ok and then return here.” All done and Franz was amazed to see that it was only four o clock when he lay down on his bed to think about his weekend. `I know I am never going to turn in a sub-standard assignment again,’ was Franz thought. Next was, `I wonder what the completed film will look like and what will Brett think when he sees it.’ *********************** Jordan had the others all sat round in his lounge when Trent and Rod had returned. “Well, what did you all think about our two days of punishment?” “I would love to feel Jamal’s cock roaming around inside me, sorry Trent.” Everybody laughed at Rod’s comment. “That’s alright lover because I was thinking the same about Flex. It would be frightening thinking about him trying to bury all of it in me, but the stimulation of fear and the pure size of it would be an incredible turn on.” “I would just like to make slow and gentle love to Franz to show him that I think he is an incredible human being.” Phillip stuck his jaw out waiting for comments, and was pleased when Darren said, “I would love to join you doing the same thing.” Applause all round and then Jordan turned to the two camera men. “Andy and Kit. I want three copies of this one when you have finished editing. Same rules for you. You must not keep any pictures, cuttings or completed videos, ok?” They looked gutted but nodded. “We won’t be able to let you have completed vids until probably as late as Wednesday, there is a lot of material to collate and edit this time.” “Good boys. I know you will have done an incredible job. Is there anything else I can do for you both by way of reward?” Andy was the extrovert and spoke up. “Trent, Rod and you are all legal, Jordan. Would you combine in a raunchy half hour movie that we film and can keep as long as we promise not to show it to anyone else?” Jordan looked at the other two and they were grinning. “Why not,” said Trent, “I’m not worried about it being shown.” Jordon wouldn’t take part, but the boys had a fantastic film of Trent making love to Rod. “Stick to our bargain boys and I may call you for some other filming if these guys agree. A few raunchy films to keep for posterity” *************************************

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