
Staking a Claim


“Let’s dance!” She screamed in my ear.

“Okay!” I got dragged to the dance floor to dance a bachata. She dipped her leg in between mine and we glided in our little square. She was running her fingers across my scalp and breathing in my mouth.

The songs eventually changed to some with a little more bass and she turned around and dropped down. I extended my hand and she grabbed it to propel herself around and into a roll on my body.

“Fucking shit!” I grabbed her face and kissed her. “You seriously must’ve been a stripper in another life Suzie…” She grinned at me and her sparkly teeth reflected the neon of the bad club lights.

The song ended and I needed water. We went to the bar and ordered plenty of water and more booze. I looked around to find her chatting with a friend on the other side of the bar.

While I waited, I admired all the expensive bottles behind the counter. Probably just for show, surely. Since I didn’t think anyone actually ordered that $60 single of scotch up in that corner there.


I craned my head to find a short woman with stark black hair, tattoos and piercings everywhere.

“Hey!” I shouted back.

“Up for a dance?!”

“No, sorry! I’m here with my girlfriend.” I pointed her way but she just glanced casually over her shoulder.

“Okay, maybe later then.” She ran a hand down my side.

My drinks were finally here and I leaned down to say, “No, honey, get lost…”

I turned to face a scowling Suzie. Gulp.

“Hi, love!” She chirped, all smiles. Somehow, the transition was scarier than the previous scowl.

“Hi, baby!” She strolled up to me and dove her tongue in my mouth. Real subtle, Suzie…

I grinned into the kiss and she separated us to squish my mouth with her hand and glare at me. I grinned even wider.

She clutched at me and looked back to stare at what’s-her-name sharply.

“Why the fuck are you still here?” The girl raised her eyebrows and hands and swiveled around.

She managed to say before she got too far, “I don’t mind sharing, just saying!”

I waited until she left to raise my eyebrows and guffaw. She growled and took me by the hand through the crowd.

Once I saw the dingy restrooms, I exulted. This night was getting better and better! She dragged me into a stall and crushed my lips. I held on for dear life to anything I could get a grip on. Her hair, face, hips, hell, even her painted on dress. She wrenched open my jeans and dipped her hand under my boxers. I had been getting consistently more wet through the night and jumped a foot in the air when she entered me.

“Aw, shi–ohh!” I squished her lips to mine again and licked her lips over and over, slowly.

“Why are you flirting with other girls, Moriah? You should only be flirting with me.”

“Was…telling her to…get lost!” I panted out, briefly wondering if anyone had heard us so far. The thought made a warm gush of arousal coat her fingers and she groaned.

She leaned down to lick my neck and I clawed at her shoulder. She was cupping my front and digging two fingers in harshly. I bucked my hips and tried to imagine my hot girlfriend from a different vantage point, fucking me into the toilet paper dispenser. I came at the thought and she swallowed up my guttural moans. When my breathing slowed down, she finally slipped her hand out and zipped me up. I chased her mouth and she granted sweet kisses, eventually nipping at my jaw.

Finally, she gripped my chin and said coldly. “No flirting with other girls, got it?”

I had a shit-eating grin on my face and chirped, “Yes, dear!”

“I’m serious, Mor. God, I can’t take you anywhere!” She said with a hint of a smile.

“You know nothing was going on…I was telling her to hit the road.”

“Do want a threesome?” She hissed.

“No, baby, I only want you in my bed!” I spun her around to bracket my arms around her head. I rested my lower body on hers.


“Do you?” I asked her in return. I’d always wondered about her Bi urges and if she had any.

While we had the privacy in the restroom, I kept nosing her jaw and cheek.

“What, no! I can barely keep up with you!”

“I can barely keep up with you, too! You definitely put me through my paces.” I smiled and she smiled too. Jokes were always the solution.

“You know what I do want tonight though, since you’re in that kind of mood? So dominant and authoritative…” I bit her earlobe, thinking of how she’d made me come moments ago.

I took her hands, placing them on my ass and she squeezed. I cupped her jaw and asked for what I wanted.

“Can you take me tonight?”

She exhaled deeply and nodded. “Let’s go! Now!” She led me by a sleeve until we were huddled outside in the freezing cold waiting for our Uber.

“You texted your friends, right?”

“Yes, Mor. Stacey said ‘have fun boning!'”

I snorted. I liked Stacey.

We were back in the apartment and, in no time, naked with the harness and dildos out.

Her tightening gaziosmanpaşa escort the black straps on her smaller frame is always so hot. I leaned back on my hands in the middle of the bed, stark naked and looking at her burgundy nails and pink nipples. Her ruby hair curtained her face as she affixed the skin pink dildo in the hole at the front. This cock was a bendy, thinner one with a bit of a head, so it felt amazing going in and out. She’s so good at it.

She crawled to hover over me and started kissing me like there was no tomorrow. Like if I was going off to war tomorrow. She kept pressing into me and not letting me breathe. She rubbed my center and I started to get close. I stopped her hand.

“Okay, hold on.” I panted. She leaned down to bite my throat and suck a nipple in her mouth. I squirmed and her body stopped touching mine to flip me over roughly by my hips. I placed a pillow down under them and another one at my face. She opened my cheeks and dipped her mouth onto the sensitive skin. My hips bucked and she lost her place.

“Aw, geez!” I screamed. I breathed heavily and repositioned myself. She played with my hole, rimming it, digging her tongue in, and she finally lubed up two fingers to press them in and out.

I groaned deeply and saw a white light behind my eyelids. I reached a hand down to touch my clit and my walls spasmed in the empty space between, begging for something else.

“Now! Now, please!”

She straightened up and pressed the head of the cock at my hole. It was small, but still bigger than two fingers, especially hers. Once she popped through, I collapsed on the bed, my legs trembling. She adjusted and slipped her fingers in my pussy as she kept humping my hole. My legs tried to hook on to her but it was awkward so I just tried to keep them still. I couldn’t tense anywhere too hard because it feels nicer like this, going in and out, slowly. She drove her hips into her hand and tilted the harness just so.

“Ugh! Right there! That’s the–” I gripped the pillow under my face harder and bucked powerfully, almost dislodging her.

“Jesus, Mor!”

I moved my hips slowly to complement her and my body held an uncontrollable roll that lifted her up and came crashing back down into me. The orgasm was building up slowly, consuming every muscle and breath. It finally crashed into me. Even that, though, was a powerful crest that flipped you upside down but let you find right side up again to see light over the ripples. Well, it was a pretty damn good one. I squished her fingers and she kept thrusting slowly. My heart was pounding and I was sweaty all over.

“I’m yours!” I panted into the pillow, completely wrecked.

“Sorry?” She kissed my neck and shoulders.

“I’m only yours! No one else’s.”

“Oh, I know that, Mor! Maybe I got a little carried away tonight…”

“Ugh, in the best way possible…” I grunted out and she giggled. She slowly left my hole and cleaned me up with a wash cloth. I almost dozed off but my mouth still tasted like “club.”

After brushing, I fell asleep in her arms, reliving the fire she was capable of.






“Mor, come on babe…it’s 9:00 and your meeting is at 10:30.” She started caressing my side and thigh under the covers. Well, this isn’t a terrible way to wake up…We did have a late night yesterday, after all.

My ass twitched at the memory and my hole was still a little sensitive in the best way possible. I’d asked for the smaller silicone dildo we have and honestly didn’t need much time to come. It was such an all-encompassing feeling to be taken so thoroughly, and even more so knowing how much Suzie enjoyed making me feel good. It amped up my squishy good feelings 500%.

I finally got up to face the music. Maybe we should stop hanging out with Stacey so much…who the hell goes clubbing during the week? Happy hour Tuesdays, my ass.

As I left, I kissed her sweetly. She was working from home on one of those odd days she needed to hunker down and focus and I had meetings with my editor and then writing for forever. I sighed into my kiss with her, wishing I could have spent it with her but secretly conceded we would not have any work done if that were so.


I walked through the door that evening from writing at Starbucks for four straight hours while contemplating the strange work schedule I’d set up for myself. Some days were an easy stream of words that flowed onto my laptop and some days I immersed myself in research and poring over fountains of inspiration to make something click.

I was proud of myself today though. I’d gotten through at least thirty more pages of the new manuscript Sully, my editor, wanted. He was on my back to complete by the end of the year and both he and I knew I wasn’t going to make my deadline. Oh well! It was going to be awesome anyway. A third person novel on a couple in Turkey where the gölbaşı escort wife is forced to take on all the responsibilities of the household because her husband has early on-set dementia. She hides it from the public, though, and pretends he’s okay for the sake of their reputation.

It was a heavy subject matter and I was tired from trying to do justice to social, religious, and cultural points of view. I still had to give my friend a call sometime this week to run a few issues I had by them to make sure it was respectful.

I looked around for Suzie and was surprised I hadn’t run into her yet. I set down my bag and went through the dark apartment looking for her. She wasn’t in her office or the balcony. I finally heard the soft tones of Michael Bublé crooning off the walls of our main bathroom.

Smelling the sugary lavender first, I knew she was in the bath. Next, I looked at the low lights reflecting off the gloss of our tiles. The metallic trim of gold lining in the restroom shined at me with the glow of the candles.

“Hi.” I greeted her with a wide smile. What a lovely sight to come home to!

“Hi, Mor!” She smiled at me with her adorable dimples.

I reached down to touch the water of the tub and it was steaming. I kissed her hairline, cradling the back of her head and scratching lightly.

I leaned down to place a kiss on her lips. My weariness dropped off of me as I swam with the calmness that was me and her and our home.

“How was your day, babe?” I asked her lips. She sighed and splashed at the water.


I frowned.

“Yikes, sorry, darling…”

“Well, it’s better now!” She smirked at me.

“Would you like a glass of wine?”

“Yes, please!” She grinned.

“Okey dokey!”

I changed into my pajamas quickly and went to pull out the fucking expensive bottle we had shipped from Napa. It was smoky and smooth. Cool to the touch but gave warmth as you sipped. The hell with waiting for a special occasion! Every day was the best day ever and called for the best wine ever. I uncorked it and sniffed at the red stain. I couldn’t help but sigh at the winery’s effort to bring joy to the world. I brought the bottle and a couple of glasses to the bathroom.

Her eyes widened as she took in the label. I stood over her as I poured and admired her wet body rippling under the warm water. Her breasts were half in and half out and her body was barely visible here and there among the suds. Just little tantalizing cutouts. I handed her her glass and she sipped, running her tongue inside her mouth, tasting.


She hummed in assent, her rosy cheeks popping up.

Smoked salmon, Boursin and crackers, then! I exulted again and again at the stupid Wednesday that had suddenly turned into the most luxuriously calm day we’ve had in a couple of weeks.

Sometimes one forgets what life is about, caught up with responsibilities and making money. But this was our real life. Loving on each other and enjoying lovely things like a warm bath and good wine and cheese.

I walked back into the bathroom with our cheeseboard loaded with the food.

“Yay! Omigawd, Mor! You are amazing!”

“And you’re hot as hell. Now tell me what happened today.” I plonked down on the side of the tub next to her and sipped at my wine, dipping some salmon into the creamy cheese with my fingers.

“Ugh! Okay, so you know Kayla?” I hummed. “She tried to change the tag of our new campaign to something completely different than what our focus is supposed to be! You know the ‘Family Values’ I’ve been working on for months?” I hummed again. “And, of course, I can shoot her down and nip it in the bud, but I’ve also been encouraging an initiative mentality for the team so if I shoot her down then…”

“Right, then all of a sudden, you’re the bad guy…” I empathized.

“Right! But she’s not doing it because, well, she thinks it’s an awesome idea or whatever. She’s a manipulative little bitch that only cares about being super negative and looking good in front of Walker.”

“Walker is the CFO, right?”

“Yes! He’s been super present since the split of the company and now she’s sucking up to him so hard. It’s hard to do my job and focus on new clients while everyone is distracted with the new changes to the company.” She took a giant gulp of the Syrah.

I sighed, not really knowing what to say. I hated office politics and she’s so much smarter with people than I am. I really could only listen and feed her cheese at this point. I listened as she outlined the way people made her life difficult at work and I wished I could swipe them all away. Or maybe threaten them with homicide if they neglected to obey my girlfriend.

“Thanks for letting me rant. People suck.”

I chuckled. “People do suck.”

She delicately took the cheese knife and spread cheese over the water cracker then took the tiny three-pronged fork (the name of the stupid keçiören escort fork eluded me at the moment) and speared a piece of salmon onto the cracker. Her eyes rolled back as she bit into it. She chewed and eventually looked at me. She covered her mouth with her hand.


“Huh? No, nothing! You’re just kind of amazing.”

She rolled her eyes. “Why?” She drawled.

“I–well, I don’t know, really…I mean–of course, I know! But it hit me just know how much I enjoy you. You know?” I scratched at my head, frustrated at myself for not being more articulate. I had used up all my words earlier and was communicating like a 5-year-old now.

She chewed slowly and set her wine down to grasp my hand.

“I don’t really know what you mean, darling…but I’m kind of crazy about you, too.” She whispered the last part of her statement conspiratorially, winking at me. She pulled at my hand and I leaned in to kiss her smoky mouth. She tasted tangy with the tannins of the wine, smoky with the expensive salmon, and garlicky with the lovely Boursin cheese. I laid my forehead against hers and leaned back to smile stupidly at her.

“Wanna join me?” She splashed at the water again, indicating the bath.

I considered. “Um no…I think I’d rather look at you? If that’s okay?” I asked tentatively, because if she wanted to touch me, or for me to touch her, I’d slip into the water. Whatever the hell she wanted. But I was enjoying see her naked and looking at her face while she spoke.

She raised her eyebrow and smiled slowly.

“So, how was your day?” She asked me, continuing to munch on the snacks.

“Good! This one is a toughie but I’m working through it…about…thirty pages today?” I sipped at my wine.

“Good! Sully will be happy!”

“Sully’s never happy with me…Except when they’re cutting a check for him.”

She laughed at that.

“That’s everyone…”

We ate quietly for a while and I tried to explain what the issues I had in the manuscript were. It was hard to articulate but I tried to explain the feelings I had about moving forward. She listened with endless patience, making me elaborate when I suddenly stopped talking. The water started getting cold.

“Want me to heat the water up again?”

“Mmm…yes, please.”

I drained the tub a bit and ran the water a little hot to replace the chilled tub. I squirted more of the rose and lavender bath bottles to make the water sudsy and touched the surface to make sure it wasn’t too hot.

“Thank you, baby.” She caressed my ass as I worked.

“You’re welcome! You definitely deserve everyone’s undying attention and obedience.” I winked at her, only being a tiny bit filthy. She scoffed, catching on.

“Fucking Kayla…” She whispered.

“FUCKING Kayla!” I said louder.

She laughed.

I leaned in to touch my nose to her pulse point and breathe the scent there. “Want a back rub?” I asked her neck.

“Yes, please.” I stripped and slipped in behind her. I worked on her muscles for a while and she fed me while I kneaded the tough strands under her skin. Her moans and the warm water made my center throb. She laid back heavier on my chest as she relaxed.

“Mor, this is hot…but to be honest, I’m kind of falling asleep…” I chuckled lowly.

“That’s okay…” I continued kneading her neck. “That’s kind of the point, darling.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, babe. It’s been a long day. Just relax. Unless you want me to…” I ran my hand down her chest and right above her curls.

She sighed sweetly. “I don’t know…”

“I’ll do whatever fucking thing you want, baby. I know how to to be obedient…” I whispered in her ear and bit her lobe. I pinched her nipple, dragging a wet finger between her lips.

“Ah, Mor…you–you’re incorrigible…”

“I’m incredibly, incrementally, incorrigible.”

She chuckled.

“Fine, then have your way with me, but I can’t promise I can reciprocate. I’m sorry, love.”

“You know that’s not a problem.” I rubbed her harder and bit into her neck.


Her clit was hard under my fingertips and I touched it lovingly as she squirmed.

I rearranged her foot on the outside of my knee and rubbed her whole center with my palm. The stiff clit, the feel of the hot water, and her body made my face flush. I controlled my breathing and sought out her mouth with mine. I sealed my mouth over hers and moved slowly, teasing with my tongue. I finally slipped my tongue into her mouth and shivered despite the steamy room. My center throbbed and her ass cheek rubbed against my clit. I squeaked in her mouth and she rubbed against me harder. I opened my legs further to let her at it.

Her hands slipped behind the nape of my head and I glanced down to see her naked body as my fingers worked on her center and nipples. She squirmed in my arms as we reached her peak and I sloshed more water around as I sped up. When she came with a cry in my face, I cupped her center, slipping my fingers in her to feel her aftershocks. Her breathing slowed down and I kept pushing my fingers in and out. Pushing her into me made her grind harder into my center and I humped her ass up and down. My hips shook with my climax and her walls tightened my fingers as she came again. It took so long for the flutters to die down and she flopped against my chest, groaning deeply.

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