
Standing in for Dad Ch. 20


Early Tuesday morning I awoke to Sue sleeping with her arm and leg draped over me in bed. Her breasts were nuzzled into my side and her head lay on my shoulder. I could feel the heat of her sex on my upper thigh which promptly gave me morning wood.

“Ladies and Gentlemen, This is your Captain speaking. I wanted you to know that breakfast will be served a bit late this morning to give everyone some time to sleep in. Please make your way to the rear of the second deck in two hours time as breakfast will be served Al-Fresco. Clothing is optional.”

The announcement caused Sue to stretch and then snuggle into my side. “Mmmornin.” was all she said.

“Prepare to be ravaged, my sister/wife! You sultry seductress! You siren of sensuality! You….”

Sue gave me a love slap on my cheek, “You talk too much. Get to work, He-Man.”

I gave Sue a deep kiss followed by lots and lots of butterfly kisses on her face and neck, paying particular attention to that sensual spot under her ears. I then moved down her neck to her chest and gently licked and kissed all around her breasts before softly nipping with my lips on her areola.

My hand lightly rubbed her tummy as I pulled each nipple into my mouth to lathe it with my tongue before softly biting it as it pulled from my lips. Sue’s nipples, something I really enjoy playing with, were hard as rocks.

I moved to her side and massaged her breasts with one hand while the other played with the soft skin of her inner thighs, moving up to but not touching her lips. I softly kissed her tummy, breathing hot breaths over her skin as my lips traced loving lines over her body.

I positioned myself between her thighs and lifted them up so I might feast upon them; leaving a trail of soft bites and kisses and licks down each inner thigh. I could feel the heat of her sex on my face as I softly licked the skin between her outer lips and thigh. Slowly moving in from each side I eventually began licking the edges of her lips. The inner set was swollen and just barely peaking between the outer set. She was very wet.

I just lightly licked the edges of both sets of lips, pushing out just a tiny bit of my Chi and the result was electric. Sue’s clit immediately popped out from between her lips, begging for attention and when I licked it, she began to immediately grab sheets and loudly announce she was cumming. “Yes, Harry! Lick your woman’s pussy! Make me cum all over your face! Unnnha! Fuck! Fuck! Yesss! Fuck!” she shouted as her body and brain spasmed through her climax.

In a deep, guttural voice she croaked, “Fuck me now! Take me! Now!”

I wasted no time lining up and plunging into her. She was hot. She was slick. She was a wanton slut. She was my wife. She was my sister. I took her in long, deep, powerful strokes; pushing Chi into her sex as I fucked this goddess of love for all I was worth. The wet sounds of our lovemaking filled the cabin as I claimed my sister for the whole Yacht to hear.

As I grunted with each plunge up to my balls, Sue cried out, “Yess! Fuck your woman like the beast you are! Take your pussy my love! Your cock feels so big! It is so hot! It feels so good as you claim your woman’s pussy! Fuck I’m cummmmmmiiinnng! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

Sue’s groin moved upwards to meet my slamming cock. My balls bouncing off of her ass cheeks. Her cum coating everything down there and filling the room with her sexual scent.

Sue began to whimper as I took her. “Yes baby, make your woman cum again, I am so close! Your cock is electric! Yess, BABY! YESSSS!” she cried as she gurgled through another climax.

My cock began to swell and my balls began to retract, a hot wave moved up my spine and my vision went white as I started to cum. My first spurt was so strong it made Sue jump and as the warmth began to spread she came again as I pumped my seed deep into her. We were both gasping for breath and unable to speak. When my balls emptied they still didn’t stop pumping as they dry heaved inside my sister’s cunnie.

I still had enough wits about me to hold most of my weight off of her while still making contact. I rested my cock inside her as we both had intermittent spasms for another minute or so.

Finally, Sue looked me in the eye, “Holy freaking cow, Harry! No wonder all four women were worn out night before last!


“Con, Sonar.”

“Sonar, this is COB (chief of the boat) what’ch got?”

“COB, you may want to come hear this.”

COB walked over to the Sonar room just off the Con and stuck his head in. The Sonar operator handed him a set of headphones which he donned.

Among the sea noises he could clearly hear a woman yelling, “Yess! Fuck your woman like the beast you are! Take your pussy my love! Your cock feels so big! It is so hot! It feels so good as you claim your woman’s pussy! Fuck I’m cummmmmmiiinnng! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

COB laughed his ass off, “Damn! That woman is going to scare off all the fish for a hundred miles!”

Sonar replied with a shit eating grin on his face, “Good thing we are Girne Escort dragging the long range sonar array, no way would I be able to hear an enemy sub with all that noise in the water!”

Just at that moment a red warning light flashed signaling an underwater contact. COB’s face went serious and he quickly moved to inform the Captain from the Con.

“Captain, Con: you said you wanted to be advised upon any under water contact.”

“I will be right there!”

Upon entering the Con, the Captain said, “Captain has the con!” COB announced, “Captain has the Con!”

The Captain ran to the Sonar room and stood in the hatchway as Sonar evaluated the contact. The computer chewed on the data and printed out a report which Sonar handed to the Captain, “We have a Type 093B Shang-III class Chinese sub approaching the Yacht, Sir!”

The Captain yelled back into the Con, “Reduce speed to one quarter! Quick Quiet!”

“Speed one quarter, quick quiet Aye, Sir!”

Captain Bill Barnikie, affectionately called Barnacle Bill by the crew, turned and spoke to the crew in the Con. “Rig for red, inform the boat we are at battle stations. Inform the front torpedo room to light up the fish and slowly open outer doors. Have the aft torpedo room load Mark 50’s and stand by with countermeasures.”

The XO quietly responded and spread the word as the lights in the sub went from white to red.

Captain Barnikie then turned back to Sonar, You have bearing and range yet?”

“Coming in now, Sir. The Sub is bearing 210 degrees relative and is at 25,000 yards. If we stop dead in the water they will pass across or Port Bow at approximately 900 yards, Sir.”

“Any indication they know we are here?”

“No Sir, she is operating as if she doesn’t know, Sir.”

Barnacle Bill smiled and spoke quietly into the Con, “All stop.” Turning back to face sonar he whispered, “Bring us in behind her Jimmy, nice and quiet. If you here her opening her outer doors let me know immediately. Reel in the sonar, we need to be ready for evasive maneuvers.”

“Aye, Cap’n. We really going to sink her, Sir?”

“If she gets stupid, those are our orders, yes.”

Jimmy nodded, realizing the fat was in the fire.

The Captain returned to the Con and contacted the Aft torpedo room, “Aft torpedo room, this is the Captain, those 50’s loaded yet?”

“Aye Captain, locking in the last one now.”

“Fire control, open the outer doors on the Aft tubes one and two and soft launch the torpedoes. Have them move slowly to a point 500 yards off our port side and remain on wire guidance.”

“Activate the photonic masts, I want to get a look at them if possible.”

The masts were pointed in the right direction from data the sonar had provided and the Captain watched the screen. Nothing showed up initially, but eventually the Chinese sub came into view as they approached. Bill took copious amounts of pictures. 20 very tense minutes flew by when Jimmy came over the radio.

“Con! Sonar! She is opening her outer doors, Sir! She is preparing to fire torpedoes at the Yacht!” And soon after: “Con! Sonar! Two torpedoes in the water, Sir!”

“Fire Control! Go active on the 50’s! Launch forward tubes one and two and have them move ahead to 500 yards then turn to relative bearing 250 and go active! Launch forward tubes three and four and move them ahead to 400 yards. Have them go active and take out those fish!”

“50’s are tracking Sir! Ten seconds to impact!”

“Sir, one 50 went for the countermeasure the other will hit in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.” There was a rumble as the torpedo struck and then two more rumbles as the LW’s hit. A few seconds later there was one, then a second rumble as the second set of LW’s took out the torpedoes.

“Sonar, Con: Verify both torpedoes are dead and check on the Shang! Reload all tubes! Bill looked at the photonic mast display and visually verified the damage to the Sub. The 50 had hit the starboard side aft and taken out their propulsion. The two LW’s went to either side and detonated just past the nose of the sub and basically split the pressure hull down the middle from the bow to the sail.

Bill was still taking pictures when, “Con, Sonar; the boat is dead in the water and sinking fast. Both the LW’s on CAS hit their targets and the enemy torpedoes are disabled. The Yacht is safe.”

“Sonar, Con; give me active pings all around, I want to know what else may be out there: not like they don’t know we are here now, I don’t want any surprises.”

“Active pings, Eye Sir!”

“Diving Officer, get us back down under the thermal layer and give me all ahead full. Track to the west side of the Yacht.”

“Con, Sonar; reporting seas are clear, Sir! However, the Yacht is turning to intercept.”

Bill sighed. “Very well. Diving Officer, belay that order and surf ship.”

“Surf ship, Aye Sir.”

“XO, send an AAR to COMSUBLANT with all the recorded data over the Sat link, emergency burst transmission.”

“Aye Captain, want to see it first?”

“Negative, Magosa Escort you know your shit XO, get her done.”

“Aye Captain, I will send a copy to your room.”

“Very well.”

Barnacle Bill then addressed the crew, “My fellow sailors, we have just been victorious in defending innocent Americans from a determined aggressor. They fired first, we fired last. They are dead and our charges are safe. I wish to commend you all on a stellar performance. COB will be putting out a schedule for Hollywood showers for the entire crew. Well done! We are sending a Sit-Rep to COMSUBLANT and are awaiting further orders. Walk proud sailors, you got your dicks wet and lived to tell the tale.”


The family and the Captain had all gathered aft on the second deck to enjoy Mimosas and fresh fruit as appetizers before the main breakfast was brought when we felt the Yacht shudder. The Captain was alarmed when we felt another stronger shudder and a moment later two smaller shudders in quick succession. The Captain was on his radio asking what the problem was when we all watched a plume of water rise up from the ocean.

The Captain gave orders to circle around and prepare a skiff. Breakfast came and we wolfed down some rather excellent Belgian Waffles and thick cut smoked bacon topped with a very nice blended coffee. “Stew, make a large insulated carafe of that coffee and bring up a couple of hot cups for me as well as a 3 pound bag of fresh grounds please.”

Dad looked at the Captain and said, “You know what that has to be, yes?”

“Yes, and the good guys won or we would be sunk. Maritime law requires we look for survivors, but that would be unlikely.”

Dad spoke up, “Let me go with you, I might be able to get more information.”

The Captain laughed, “Not unless you get some clothes on first.”

We all laughed.

When we got to the place the flotsam was coming up a Virginia Class submarine surfaced beside us. The Captain of our Yacht, Dad, Myself and Doc went over on a skiff. We stopped short and the Captain asked for permission to come aboard. A man atop the sail hollered back, “Permission granted!”

A sailor grabbed a line and another threw over a short net so we could climb onto the hull. The Captain came down from the Sail and introduced himself, “Bill Barnikie, Captain of the New Jersey.”

“Captain Barnes, Sir. Happy to see you boys here. Seems quite the coincidence but it seems you fella’s saved our bacon.”

Captain Barnikie smiled but didn’t say anything, unsure what information he could share. Dad broke the ice, “Coffee Captain?”

“Always up for a good cup of Joe, thank you.” Dad handed him a cup and I poured the coffee.

Dad reached into his pocket and pulled out his credentials, “Have your boys run a check, you will find I and the family are cleared for any information you might have.”

Captain Barnikie nodded to a Sailor who got on a radio to relay the particulars. Needless to say, it came back positive and Captain Barnikie explained everything. “We are still tasked with shadowing you. We only surfaced to say hello, send a report, and get further orders. Can you explain why I just sunk and killed a top of the line Chinese attack sub?”

Dad grabbed a cup of coffee and he, Captain Barnikie, and I walked a ways from the Sailors where Dad gave him a full sitrep of the situation with a kind reminder it was ears only. Both Captains enjoyed their coffee and radioed their lookouts to see if anyone saw any survivors. With none seen, we bid our goodbyes.

Captain Barnikie smiled, “Um, mind leaving that coffee?”

Captain Barnes smiled, “I also have three pounds of freshly ground for you Captain,” and he handed over a Ziploc bag.

Captain Barnikie grinned again, “I really like you!” We all had another laugh as we left the sub and it was at that point I noticed all the women were still nude, on the top deck, waving at the sailors, boobs just a swaying with their enthusiasm.

The crew stowed the skiff and we got underway. Captain called the XO on the Bridge, “Keep it under 20 knots XO we don’t want to lose our escort.”

“How fast will she move?” I asked.

“Our max is 70 knots but we can cruise easily at 40. We have two main gas turbines and two auxiliary. At 30 knots we can run off of one of the mains and rest the others. Problem is, I don’t know their Max speed or their max stealthy speed.”

I was impressed. A 200 plus foot Yacht that can move that fast is unheard of. “Those speeds don’t do a number on the structure of the ship?”

“No. Reason being is we are basically a flying wing at those speeds and we are flying across the surface of the water rather than plowing through. Our 100 foot wide stance keeps us well balanced since we have only about 4 inches in the water on the hulls which are specially made to have an air cavity cushion under them to drastically reduce surface friction.”

Well, The ladies all stayed on the top deck and called us all up, along with any crew who could attend. Lefkoşa Escort The rule was no clothing allowed. When we got up there it seems a large, 15 person Jacuzzi was quickly filling and we all jumped in, along with some more of the crew.

With all the tits, ass, shaved pussy, and hard cocks, things quickly got–‘under way’. DD whispered a number to each woman and Leesie whispered a number to each man in the Jacuzzi and that is how we paired up.

“Hello, Harry, I am Anise,” she said as she turned her back to me and promptly slid my cock into her well lubed pussy.

I leaned her back so I could enjoy rubbing her breasts, tummy, and clit as we had gentle sex. I did push some Chi into her pussy through my cock and it seemed to have an immediate effect.

“Oh fuck, Harry! What are you doing to me?” Anise squealed as she began to use her tummy muscles to move up and down on me.

“Anise, what job do you do on the ship?”

“I am the helmsman for when we get underway and going into port. I am also the First Mate of the ship and do all the scheduling. The ship has an extremely high level of automation but the Captain prefers a ‘hands on’ approach when in proximity to other surface craft or shallow berths.”

“Well thank you very much for taking care of us on our honeymoons.”

Anise laid her head on my shoulder and groaned as I fondled her and slowly took her sex, “Hnnnha, I now understand why your wife was screaming her head off in your cabin this morning, your cock is magical!”

I reached down and softly rubbed Anise’s clit as it throbbed between her lips and soon she was groaning out her climax for all in the tub to hear. Mom had two of the male stews sucking on her tits and plugging her ass and pussy while DD grabbed the Captain and was giving him a vigorous fuck, her nipples being held to his mouth to suck. Marion had snagged our Chef for the cruise while Dad was busy buggering the XO. Doc was pared with one of the Stews and a fun orgy was had by all.

All in all, it was a proper orgy, and when one woman came, another took her place. I think, before it was all over with, everyone on the ship had gotten laid that morning…which really broke the ice between us and the crew. It was a no clothes worn cruise after that moment.

After the fun, I walked over to the area designated for physical fitness and found a Force USA G20 all in one gym and a Nordic Track T 9.5 S Treadmill. Dad, Marion, and I took turns on the equipment and we did a combination cardio, endurance, and upper body workout. We agreed to do a second cardio and endurance set that afternoon along with a lower body workout.

All of us men in the family had taken our pills and we even shared some with the male crew. By the end of the day, everyone had as much sex as they ever wanted. I walked onto the Bridge and had my way with the women there as they stood watch. It was fun taking the helmsman in her ass as she held onto the ship’s wheel for all she was worth.

I walked onto the Bridge of the Yacht and smiled at the naked women there. There was a lady working some nautical maps, tracing our course and working out the mathematics of our position before double checking it with the ship’s systems. She had a very nice, tight and athletic ass pared with long legs and red hair. The runway strip above her lower lips giving evidence she was a true red head.

Her skin was very light with an abundance of freckles on her face and chest. Her breasts were a smallish C cup and they stood proud, only lightly jiggling as she moved about the Bridge. Her nipples are what really caught my eye, though. The areola were at least two inches across, very dark, and were puffed up like the tops of freshly baked muffins. The nipples themselves grew as she caught me checking her out and were the size of half cherries.

“Hello Harry,” She said. What brings you to the Bridge?”

“I heard there was a natural red head who really enjoyed her sensuality and I thought I might try my luck.” I unabashedly replied, “But you seem to have me at a name disadvantage?”

“The name is Red,” she laughed. “Well I will say, between your wife’s vocals this morning added to Angie’s report of your magic cock, I was actually hoping you would ‘come’ by,” she smiled with a wink while she sat in the Captain’s chair as she invitingly lifted and spread her legs.

I walked up between them and softly rubbed her inner thighs and outer lips with the backs of my fingers. Her pussy was wet, hot, and very open in anticipation. I slipped my middle finger inside her all the way and it glided in without resistance to her encouraging moan. I pulled out that finger and began to rub her dark rose with it as she looked into my eyes with a smile and raised eyebrow.

I slipped my well lubed finger into her ass and sunk my thumb into her pussy and began rocking my hand back and forth inside her as I leaned in to suck on her absolutely gorgeous breasts.

Red bit her lower lip before moaning, “Oh, you are a naughty boy aren’t you!” She then placed her hand on the back of my head and directed me to service each of her nipples several times while my other hand found and lightly massaged her very wet clit. Her outer lips never really closed as her inner lips were long and silky. I felt them gently clinging to my thumb as it gently rocked in and out of her pussy.

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