
Suck It, Please Suck My Clit!


Doggy Style

‘Put it in all the way. Do it now!’ She whispered in my ear.

I was totally surprised, it just didn’t make sense.

‘But … but … I …’

‘Just do it. All the way in … all the way in … now!’

I placed my hands on her firm cheeks and thrust forward not knowing why I was complying.

‘Yes, oh God yes.’ She whispered.


I love taking my dog on a walk around this wonderful area. We had just started a daily regimen of walking. Tippy liked it. Lots of trees to sniff, two park areas to add to the bountiful sniffing areas. We were always armed with plastic bags.

This way cool neighborhood was an amalgamation of million dollar condominiums and upscale retail stores anchored by names like Apple, Tommy John, Starbucks, Nike, Barnes and Noble, Victoria Secrets and even a Tesla store. Add in a variety of restaurants with menus of high end steakhouses, fish, tex-mex, burgers, smoothies, and a good old Cheesecake Factory. A big hotel had a lot of business due to the relative proximity to the airport.

At the center of the town, there stood the building that reminded one of a small town courthouse. This all in one facility housed city administration and judicial courthouse. It was fronted by one of the park areas.

Every street in the area was nicely landscaped and maintained every day. If a leaf fell from a tree, it was blown into a pile by a worker, bagged up and removed.

When we divorced, I rescued Tippy from the city animal shelter. It was love at first sight. If I had any doubts about adopting a dog going into the shelter they dissolved when I saw her. So glad she liked me too.

We (Tippy and I) were creatures of habit for our morning walk. After a short drive from home, we always parked by the Starbucks to start the route. Our only abort was heavy rain. Other than that, we were clockwork. Very predictable.

I ordered ahead for my favorite — Grande Pike. Starbucks by policy doesn’t allow dogs in their ‘food’ establishment. I cheated a little on that, walking in with Tippy (a rare canine mute) to grab my pre-order stacked next to a dozen others. My eyesight had gone downhill, one reason for my forced retirement. I had to look at most of the tiny, printed labels. Luck of the draw, it was usually the last cup. Others with better sight behind me were usually and justifiably impatient. Sorry!

Of on the walk, we varied the route a little depending on our needed stop time.

One day, we headed down the main street. Typically, the only people we encountered were businesspeople coming from the hotel heading to Starbucks.

Today, on the opposite side of the street about a block away, I spotted a dog walker. Couldn’t tell much about either the walker or the dog. I kept walking. At first, I guessed female walker. Closer … closer … closer — yes female with a labradoodle — so cute — both of them. As we closed the distance between us, I just kept my eyes forward watching Tippy sniff another tree.

‘Hi!’ She enthusiastically called out to me from across the street.

‘Hi’ I meekly responded and weakly waved.

‘Have a good day!’ She was so energetic.

‘Thanks.’ I said almost inaudibly.

I don’t know why I gave such perfunctory responses. I turned to watch her walk away. She was wearing tight, white jeans that fit her body like a glove. I could see the separation of her cheeks, the jeans were that tight. Her top was sleeveless. Her hair in a blond ponytail poking out from the back of her baseball cap. I love that look.

She swayed confidently as she walked away. She effused sexiness even in that ordinary outfit. What an idiot I am! Being single at the moment I was looking for friendship and more. You never know when it will present. If I run into to her again, I need to have a plan for that encounter.


We headed back to the house. I couldn’t stop thinking about her. A wave and a good day and I can’t stop thinking about her? I am really hard up, I guess. I need to get focused and get back to my writing. After semi-retiring and divorce I had to fill a gap. A gap created by living to work versus working to live. Now, I turned down contract work unless it fit my criteria — minimal travel, no more than a year and a rate that was outrageous. Amazing how many companies met all that. I had a lot of bills to pay though.

I thought about finding out more about her, but I really didn’t have nothing to go on. I needed more. I thought through a plan if I saw her again. I put those thoughts aside.

I focused and continued my writing. I had never written or published anything before except for business, but I was inspired to put my thoughts into words. I wrote for me hoping others would enjoy the pieces. I found out most do, but some don’t.

My ex called.

‘Tom, can you take the kids to school tomorrow?’

‘Absolutely I can do that. Pick them up at 7?’

‘Yes, that would be great. Please bring Tippy? They love her!’

‘Of course. She loves them too.’

My ex had full custody Manavgat Escort of the kids. I was that bad. I just couldn’t keep it in my pants. She is an attorney. She and her divorce attorney nailed me to a cross during the hearings. I didn’t have a chance. She asked for full custody and built the case to get it. I swore my next wife would not be an attorney. Plan ahead.

Overtime she allowed me to have time with kids. Plus, I was now her go to when she had a conflict and needed to get one of the kids somewhere.

The timing of picking up and dropping off the kids would disrupt our daily walk schedule, but that’s OK. I love my kids and would do anything for them. Plus, Tippy can’t tell time. Uh — maybe not totally true, she is my morning alarm clock. How do dogs tell time?

I was hoping I would see the woman in white jeans with a dog — a working name. If she was a stickler for schedule like me, I would miss her today. Not the end of the world, I need to curb a growing obsession. I have been there before. Sad to say with my ex-wife’s sister Grace that led to the divorce. They made up and are back to talking to each other Grace told me. We stay in touch. Her husband forgave her, not sure I could do something like that.

I dropped the kids off and headed to Starbucks. We were 20 minutes off schedule. Tippy and I did our Starbucks stop and started our walk hoping that today she was off schedule. No lady in white jeans. Oh well. Maybe she sticks to the same schedule.


The next day, Tippy and I were right on schedule. In the car, as we turned onto the street to head to Starbucks, I saw her down the block on the street we just turned off of. White jeans again with her dog. We scored a Starbuck’s parking spot. I debated to wait or start the walk. I decided to start the walk but cross to the streetside she would probably walk. A gamble. I grabbed my Pike — it was the first cup — a good omen. I was so excited to execute my engagement plan. We walked toward her. She had crossed the street! Damn it.

She stopped.

‘Hi! I can’t believe we are meeting like this again!’

I was not prepped for this! Shit! Once again, another stupid response.

‘Yes!’ I tried to sound excited but failed.

‘Have a great day!’ She replied.

She started walking the last block to Starbucks. Should I do a 180 and follow her? No! Live to fight another day. Our schedule is her schedule, it just depended on path.

I had a closer view of her today. Her breasts bulged out from her sleeveless workout top. Man, I was even more turned on. I got to get some balls to engage. Maybe she was interested, maybe not, but I had to try.


Dawn broke, Tippy hadn’t woke me up yet.

My thoughts drifted to the shapely cheeks in the white jeans and the breasts pushing out against the sleeveless workout top. Just a hint of the side of her workout bra visible in the sleeveless top. I moved my hand down between my legs, playing with my sleeping cock, massaging it as I thought about her. Caressing my ball sack, pulling on my shaft, playing with the sensitive spot on the head. With my other hand tweaking my nipples till the buds were hard. Soon I was a hard and upright. I stroked it while visualizing undoing her belt and then the top button. I pulled down her zipper and her jeans seeking the sight of her pussy.

I fantasized her begging me to pull off her panties so that she could mount me. I pulled them down for her. She moved in to position herself on top of me.

I picked up the stroking pace.

She guided my cock into her pussy.

Faster stroking.

I imagined penetrating her soft, wet pussy pushing aside the outer lips, moving in deeper.

Harder stroking. Harder, harder, harder … I was going to cum.

She was begging for more, go deeper, go harder, Give it to me now she said.

Tippy started barking at me. She jumped up on the bed. She started licking my face.

‘OK baby, time to get up.’

She jumped off the bed. I laid there for a moment admiring the tent I made. I could see a wet spot on the sheet. I have got to connect with her.

We followed our normal route that morning, but no sight of her. Sigh, I was ready to make a pitch.

Three more days, no white jeans and dog. Maybe she was not a regular. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. I could still fantasize about her.


I had to put her out of mind. I let Tippy lead the way on today’s walk. We were heading back to the car, turned the corner and there she was. I was stunned, not just the surprise of seeing her, but seeing her in a different outfit. The top was a v cut putting on display her bountiful breasts. Short, shorts barely covering the rounded, firm cheeks. She was looking down at her dog sniffing a tree and didn’t see me. Time to be charming,

‘Hi!’ I said in my mostly fake, exuberant voice.

She looked up from her dog, ‘Well hello to you. Didn’t I see you a week ago across the street?’

I can’t believe she remembered.

‘Yes, that was Manavgat Escort bayan me.’ I froze. I couldn’t think of my next line.

‘What is your dogs name?’

Brilliant! Why didn’t I think of asking that?

‘Tippy. She is my best friend, my alarm clock and work out buddy.’

That, sounded so, so lame, I am hopeless. I will be stuck with my right hand as my partner forever.

‘So is Lizzy for me!’

Thank God! Something in common.

She suggested, ‘Could Tippy have a playdate with Lizzy? Maybe tomorrow afternoon? She could come to my place. You could come too. If that works for you and Tippy.’

‘Well, I tell you what, I will clear Tippy’s calendar so that she can do that.’

She laughed. I scored some cool points. Yes!

She reached down to pet Tippy and talk to her. I stared at her breasts trying to sneak out of the V neck.

‘Daddy and I are going to get together tomorrow so that you and Lizzy can have a playdate. Is that OK baby?’

Most questions to dogs are rhetorical, but I thought I saw Tippy nod.

‘Hand me your phone, I will add all my contact info.’

No problem. Jill. Address, phone, email.

‘I will send you, my info.’ I said.

‘Great, see you tomorrow at 2.’

She walked away. I had to look at her ass as she walked away. She stopped her dog and looked back. She smiled, waved, and blew a kiss to me. She probably knew I was watching. As usual I just stood there staring at her. She turned and resumed walking. I shouldn’t rub my cock in public, but for her I made an exception.


I could not sleep that night. ‘Daddy and I are going to get together tomorrow.’ When I heard that, there was a lightning strike that hit my balls. I probably was reading too much into that statement, but nonetheless I was enjoying it. Hand on cock again. This time, I was cumming in her pussy.


Today is the day. I slipped into a thong versus briefs. My tight jeans and a short sleeve shirt to show off the guns. I gave Tippy a bath last night so that she was at her best too.

We started our normal walk expecting to see Jill and Lizzy. No sign of them. Went back to the car and sat there wondering if yesterday was a dream. But…our date was 2 PM. So, I told myself to calm down. Tippy laid down in her shotgun seat. She wasn’t worried, I shouldn’t be.


I distracted myself by starting another story. Tippy slept as usual except for the noon walk. One-thirty came, drive time of 15 minutes to her place. I took Tippy for a quick walk to empty her, which of course she did not cooperate with, she was dawdling. We jumped in the car at 1:50. I hate to be late.

The building entrance had a keypad for entering the condo number and a three check digits. Jill had added that to her address info. I waited for what seemed a long time. Then the door buzzed signaling it was unlocked.

I took the elevator to her floor and found the condo.

I pushed the Ring and heard the bell inside of the home.

‘May I help you?’ She was talking via Ring. What?

‘Yes, it is Tom. I …’

The door opened. She was playing with me. There she stood in casual, but seductive clothing. Her top was a wraparound sheer white blouse that tied between her breasts. No evidence of a bra. Large areolas were easy to make out and the buds were hard, up against the thin material. White shorts so tight, they bisected the lips of her vagina. High heel sandals, hair down, no ponytail or baseball cap. She was a sight to be seen. I thought she was at the right height to do it standing up.

‘Hi Tippy!’

She knelt down to pet her which gave me a great show of her huge breasts with the top of the areolas now peeking out.

She was so affectionate with Tippy. Petting her head, massaging her ears which she loved. Soothing doggy talk. Tippy jumped up to lick her face. She was caught by surprise and pulled back then fell forward. Tippy scurried away. Jill braced herself by placing her hands on my thighs, but it wasn’t enough to prevent her from falling forward and landing her face right on my package. She quickly moved back a few inches once she had her balance, but hands still on my thighs.

What was she thinking? I know what I was thinking, if she every gets that close to my naked manhood I will put my hands gently behind her head to guide her mouth onto me.

She pulled back, still kneeling in front of me. Come on Jill, make a move. I know you want it. Take it. It’s yours for the taking.

‘Could you please help me up?’

‘Of course. Are you OK?’ I asked as I reached down under her arms to help her stand, oh so close to her breasts.

‘Thank you. I am so embarrassed. I just didn’t expect Tippy to jump up and lick me. I have no problem with her licking me, it was just a surprise. Where did she go?’

I called for her. She came running. I picked her up as I could tell Jill was going to talk to her.

‘Tippy, I am so sorry! You are such a good dog. Give Jill a kiss please.’

She moved in close Escort Manavgat presenting herself for a lick. Tippy obliged.

‘I so love dogs. I want her to like me.’

‘No worries, she wouldn’t lick you if she didn’t. She knows good people. I always lick people I like too.’

What did I just say?

‘You are so funny. I love being licked.’

She giggled while asking, ‘Sorry about ramming my face into your crotch. Are you OK?’

‘No harm, no foul.’

But I wanted to say, yes, it hurts. Can you kiss it to make it better?

‘How about a tour?’ she suggested.

‘Big picture on the layout. Two bedroom condo with outrageous HOA fees for the elegant entrance, library setting for happy hour, workout room, roof top bar but no pool. Sometimes you have to rough it.’

She showed me the utility room to the right of foyer. That is where Tippy ran to. On the left was the bedroom two as she called it. Decent size, huge bed, ensuite bathroom. Looked like a guest room. Hardly used.

Onto the master bedroom suite. Extravagantly appointed, extra-large bathroom with a fancy standalone tub, party size shower, his and her potties and closets. Oh yeah, an oversize king bed and a door to a private patio with a great view of downtown. At night it must be quite a sight.

The kitchen was equipped with all the top of the line appliances. It opened to a living area with a large wall mounted TV, furnished with an oversized leather sofa, love seat, plush chairs and mahogany tables strategically placed. Off to the side, I small bar area equipped with a loaded wine cooler.

‘It is not much, but it is just Jack and I.’

Jack and Jill, I had to control my desire to laugh.

‘I know what you are thinking, Jack and Jill went up the hill to … if this Jack ever broke his crown, no tumbling by me.’

Does she read minds or was that obvious? But what a telling statement about her Jack.

‘Let’s drink while the kids play. I am a wino, let’s see how many bottles we can empty. I am ready.’

‘Challenge accepted!’ I said.

I did the gentlemen thing and pulled a great chard from the cooler, popped it open and poured. She was sitting on the leather sofa when I brought her the wine glass. I moved to sit on the adjacent chair.

‘No, no, sit next to me.’ She smiled and patted the cushion next to her. I willingly obliged. Twist my arm.

While the ‘kids’ played, we had a great conversation. We covered a multitude of topics from current events, favorite streaming programs, movies, books, podcasts, restaurants, sports teams, so much. We were simpatico on almost everything. I kept the wine flowing. I was getting loose, she wasn’t far behind I hope.

She brought up marital backgrounds. I went first.

‘Well, I have been married twice, divorced both times. The last one I am not so proud of.’

‘Why is that?’ she asked.

‘I was caught cheating. Cheating with my wife’s sister. The affair had gone on for a year. My ex is an attorney, she made a masterful case with her divorce attorney. She was granted full custody of the three kids.’

‘I am so sorry. Your wife’s sister …’ She stopped, she was probably going to say how disgusting that was.

‘Was it worth it?’ she asked.

‘Yes, it was. We had the best sex. Maybe because it was taboo to fuck your sister-in-law. Sorry, that was crude.’

She responded, ‘I kind of feel that way too.’

Not sure what that meant. There was more to this story.

I noticed on her Apple Watch that it was 4 o’clock already. Wow, time was flying.

‘I have been married to Jack for 5 years now. He is about 10 years younger than me, us from what I can tell of you. He is extremely successful, works hard, provides whatever we need. This is the smallest condo we have. Larger condos in Cozumel and Vail. However, there is a problem.’

‘Does he cheat on you?’

‘Oh no, nothing like that. Well maybe.’

‘What is it?’

‘He is horrible in bed. We kiss, we play, he gets on top of me and pumps me full. He jumps off of me practically running to the shower. I lay there dripping with his cum totally unsatisfied. No foreplay, no oral sex, nothing exciting.’

I did not know what to say. Talk about brutally honest. We just completed bottle three of wine. I was feeling brave. I moved in and put my arm around her. I placed my hand on her cheek to move her face towards me.

‘I would like to help.’ I leaned in and kissed her, looking for a reaction. She kissed me back. I gently pulled back to whisper.

‘I will make you forget about him for a while if you let me,’

She nodded yes. I gently placed my lips on her mouth. She pulled me in hard for an open mouth kiss, inserting her tongue, seeking out my tongue. She wrapped her lips around my tongue, sucking on it possibly signaling her future intent. I placed my hand gently on her left breast. I sensed a slight ripple of excitement from her. I found the knot binding her blouse together, a simple knot which a gentle pull released her breasts. A dream come true.

We continued our passionate kissing. I squeezed one breast then the other. I ran my fingers slowly back and forth across one nipple, then the other. She moved her hips up. I did it again, more hip movement. Some women can orgasm with nipple arousal, but I wanted to do more.

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