
Surreptitious Love Ch. 116


Chapter 116 — We get to meet Charlie

Last week, our mature friend Yen had burdened my long-term affair Nguyet and me with a lovely, yet delicate mission: Yen’s nephew, who called himself Charlie, had ejaculated during a tender massage with his aunt, which had not prevented her from going back for seconds, however. Eventually, Yen had, of course, realized how impossible it was to continue such debauchery among family members and had, thus, tossed the young lad into Nguyet’s lap, who instantly involved me in the piquant project of helping Yen’s hapless nephew along. As Nguyet was busy at work, though, I decided to implicate Mira in the plan-hatching how we could create charming scenarios during which young virgin Charlie could garner his first sensual experiences.

As we hadn’t reached a consensus yet, how, where, when, and–above all–with whom the monumental act would take place, Mira and I went to our favorite coffee shop again, where the balcony upstairs was pretty secluded, so that we had enjoyed ribald shenanigans the two previous weeks up there: a fortnight ago, I had jerked off on Mira’s teal-blue tights and splashed on her panties under her orange miniskirt, while last week I had callously removed her leggings and underwear and then even plugged her snatch with my ejaculating cock. Mira had pretended to be utterly dismayed, even yelling at me, but her consensual non-consent urge had been satisfied, and we eventually reconciled at Hanh’s massage parlor for one more rousing round of oceanic, blissful intercourse.

Anyway, Nguyet was downtown this morning, showing houses to clients, and thus didn’t know when she would be able to join us at the coffee shop. The plan was that Mira and I would frame the issue how to deflower Charlie best, before he and Nguyet would join us for lunch. He probably would eat with his family, first, but at least we were going to meet him today, before we would either go to the model home, where Nguyet worked, or the vintage hotel. Both had their perks, although the old empty hotel could be a bit daunting and eerie for someone who entered it for the very first time. Mira actually wanted to take Charlie to Hanh’s massage parlor–partially, as she had a crush on our petite, blind masseuse–but Hanh was Mrs. Yen’s god-child and perhaps knew Charlie, which would be less than ideal.

I had asked Nguyet to find out if Charlie was 18, at least–which he was–and if Hanh and he were related by blood, which they weren’t. So, yes, he was of age and a first-year student in college. What we didn’t know was if he actually knew why he was meeting with Nguyet, Mira, and me for coffee today. Had his aunt told him that she ‘knew someone who could help him along’? Was he aware that there was a plan to charmingly rob him of his virginity? Well, Nguyet liked such charades and probably had already an answer, should he ask. If not, we’d just suggest to explore something new and lovely with two or three adventurous ladies. I liked the story already, partially as Charlie looked cool in his Facebook pictures, with his unusually long hair and Buddy Holly glasses. Mira seemed to have a little crush on him, actually.

Anyway, so Mira and I went straight up on the balcony again when we got to the café, so that we could be somewhat separated from the rest of the customers. Mira seemed to assume that she would deflower him that day, as she had dressed up for the occasion: She was sporting a nice, soft, red T-Shirt and a knee-length, red-and-white-checked skirt, which she had combined with light, flat, feminine shoes. I loved how she–as a bisexual young woman–was underscoring her femininity, for once. She was even wearing a bra from what it looked like, which was too big for her small boobs, however. She seemed in really good spirits, while I began to dream of folding her skirt up onto her slim belly before the others would get here this morning. Her legs were absolutely stunning.

We ordered two coffees, and as I was lighting a cigarette, Mira asked eagerly if we would really meet Charlie today.

“Sounded like it… Nguyet is gonna join us here, once she’s done showing houses in town to clients… I’ll text her later to get us something for lunch, and then we could eat here.”

Coffee shops in Vietnam usually didn’t offer food.

“Around twelve, Charlie will get here, after he’s eaten with his family… I think that’s the plan,” I added.

Mira nodded, but then asked to see his Facebook profile. I pulled it up on my phone, which I then passed across the table. She really did seem to have a thing for him. Which was great, of course.

“Would you let him come on top of you?” I asked, semi-facetiously.

I just loved how Nguyet had put it one day, a few years back. Mira looked at me with an impish grin and pursed lips, before she smiled mischievously.

“Ben, two years ago, I would have slapped you if you’d asked me a question like that… I haven’t even met Charlie yet… let him come on top of me?” she murmured to herself, shaking her head a bit and uttering a few tsk-tsks to underscore ankara escort her disbelief. “But no: he’s cute… sure… perhaps with a condom but, no, he can totally come on top of me…”

Mira was 24 or 25 but looked younger. If I were Charlie and could pick, I’d choose her over Nguyet, too, as Mira also seemed more approachable, for the lack of a better word. Nguyet was 33 and somewhat mysterious, while also being more beautiful, in the end. And, of course, her bush and pussy were hotter, bigger, and more savory than Mira’s, but Charlie didn’t know that yet.

“To ‘let him come on top of me’… what an odd phrase…” Mira was talking to herself, “But, no, I mean, that’s what it comes down to… or up,” she giggled.

I told her when Nguyet had used that phrase for the first time, which had been one morning in bed, at a hotel about 40 miles north of our provincial town here in south-central Vietnam. It had been one of the few nights Nguyet and I had ever spent together. Upon waking up, she knew we’d do it one more time before checking out and asked ‘Do you wanna come on top of me now or after breakfast’?

Mira wasn’t really listening to my story but still looking at those pictures of Charlie on his social media page. I lit another ciggie and slid a bit to the right, so that I could admire her shapely calves and overall graceful appearance. Eventually, she put my phone down and her hands next to her thighs on the edge of her chair. She seemed poised and determined, but in a wonderfully relaxed fashion.

“I still think we should start with a penis massage at Hanh’s,” Mira suggested again, like the previous week. “I mean, I haven’t seen Hanh do one, but I’m sure she’d be wonderful…”

“Of course, but like I said: they might know each other… and we would need to ask her beforehand, as her parlor is, technically, only for women… Hanh’s mom and aunt may also know Charlie… I’m not sure if they would want him to show up there but, sure, I could ask Hanh…” I offered.

As Mira was getting her phone out, I thought I’d do it right then, but she interrupted me:

“Ben, what’s Charlie’s Facebook again?”

Mira looked really cute with her tongue clamped between her teeth as well as that same impish smile she had shot me earlier.

“Obviously, we should ask Charlie, first, what he actually wants. He might find it weird to get his dick massaged by a blind acquaintance… I can also imagine he wants more… you gotta remember that his first time will be burnt into his memory forever… although, knowing Hanh, she might also let him come on top of her–to use that glorious phrase one more time,” I laughed.

Hanh was blind but pretty adventurous. She had told Anna once that the students at the School for the Blind had sometimes just fucked for fun, since the only other entertainment there had been listening music or chatting with friends.

“If Hanh doesn’t want him to come on top of her, Charlie can come on top of me… so that’s not a problem,” Mira cracked up in her tinny, raspy teenage boy voice.

I loved how we were having a ball, playing out all those different scenarios in our minds. In the end, all three venues–the old hotel, the model home, and Hanh’s massage parlor–had their perks and the potential for a truly rousing and unforgettable afternoon. But we had the time and the leisure to let our minds wander now, here at the café, as we were waiting for Nguyet and our young hero to appear, anyway.

“Nguyet would let him come on top of her, too, I’m sure,” Mira kept the ball rolling, still nonchalantly eyeing her phone screen and scrolling up and down.

I took another long, satisfying drag of my ciggie, before I added: “He could do you both, sure. At his age, he can probably come three times in 90 minutes. But, so that you won’t get carried away: Hanh and Nguyet don’t really get along…”

Apart from a disinterested ‘Oh’, nothing came from Mira; she just kept scrolling, amusing herself.

I hollered downstairs for more tea plus a pack of ciggies and finally wrote to Hanh, who had a translation program that would also read the message to her. Later, Nguyet could also call and explain the situation to her once more. I mean, it wasn’t that she and Hanh hated each other.

“Perhaps it would be better if we just met Charlie once before we decide who is going to have sex with him or when and where?” I suggested. “Focusing solely on sex may make the whole situation kinda stiff…”

“But isn’t that what you would want from him?” Mira quipped. “No, seriously, do you think that could be a problem at his age?”

“Oh, yeah, sure… when I was young, I sometimes focused so hard on staying hard that exactly the opposite happened.”

My play on words was, admittedly, a tad contrived, but Mira knew what I meant.

“Well, if it was for me, if Charlie was here, we could totally do it today… I’m ready,” she was being frank.

“Oh, that’s another option, of course: I mean, if the two of you just hit it off, you could deflower him whenever, wherever you want. Neither Nguyet nor I need çankaya escort to be there…” I offered.

“Well, yes, Ben, but don’t get me wrong: I’m afraid he may become clingy… he might want us to be a couple…”

“What would be bad about that?!” I asked, perhaps a tad naively.

“Ben, I’m almost 25. I don’t want an 18-year-old Vietnamese boyfriend… the language alone…”

“But we’re living in ‘Nam… well ok, then here’s an idea: You teach him English, and you’ll pick up some Vietnamese from him. That way, you have some cultural context, it’s all legit, and then you fuck a bit two or three times a week…”

“And where?! Remember I’m sharing my room at the school with Gabby and Sarah! As you well know, that’s impossible… and, Ben,” she took a deep breath: “I love Hanh. I wanna be together with her. Have sex with Charlie, yes, but I have a huge crush on Hanh since last week…” Mira admitted.

Wow! I wasn’t sure if Mira wanted us to talk about her falling in love with a blind 20-year-old Vietnamese masseuse, but Nguyet was coming up the stairs now, a bit like in a play at the theatre. Apparently, she had ordered a drink downstairs, as the cute little waitress was following her. We ordered two more coffees but, Jesus, looked Nguyet hot in her First-Class flight attendant outfit: dark-blue blazer and skirt, with a white, stiff blouse underneath. She was also sporting black pantyhose and high heels, while a small red-grey-and-blue kerchief complemented everything. She had also been to the hairdresser–for Charlie? Her hair was now parted on the left and pinned up in the back. But, man, her bangs looked sharp!

Nguyet did not seem as relaxed as our girl from the Philippines, but she appeared equally resolute. And looked absolutely flawless, impeccable, immaculate. But perhaps Charlie would find her intimidating?

“You look super spiffy, Nguyet!” I told her right away, enchanted and smitten.

Mira agreed: “When Charlie sees you like that, he will instantly want to come on top of you…” she cracked up again.

Nguyet probably didn’t even remember that she had coined such a memorable phrase, or when, but she sure was enjoying the bath in the small crowd.

“So, you’ve talked about him already, huh?” Nguyet asked after a minute.

“Yeah, I’ve even written Hanh if we could swing by for a penis massage… as a start…” I told her.

“Well, I hadn’t even thought of that…” Nguyet admitted. “But, sure, why not?! I mean, if Charlie and Hanh are okay with that…”

“Now, is he really coming today?” Mira was again eager to know.

“That’s what he said,” Nguyet nodded and took a sip of her coffee.

“So, what’s the plan? I really like him,” Mira pressed ahead. “I would totally let him come on top of me…” she giggled some more.

I still didn’t know if Nguyet knew how hot that line was or that she had coined it.

“Well, I thought that Charlie could become part of our little festivities at the old hotel…” Nguyet chimed in. “But you’re right: perhaps a visit to Hanh would be called for, first…”

Whenever Nguyet spoke about our orgies, she used some other, milder term, which I liked, as ‘festivities’ wasn’t actually wrong.

“But I think that it would be too much to throw him right into the vortex…” I contended. “I don’t want Charlie to think that this is what sex is all about… somehow, I want him to have lovely, delightful memories of his very first time… he should tell us what he wants, so that he and we can shape the epic event together…”

“Shall I call him?” Nguyet offered.

Since I firmly believed Charlie should be part of the conversation, I nodded, as Mira truly couldn’t wait to meet him, anyway. Nguyet dialed his number; at some point during their conversation, she got pretty serious, before described where we were.

“Done! I told him to bring condoms…” she added, grinning.

“Oh, that’s clever. That way he knows what’s up without telling him directly… and he also learns to be responsible from the get-go.”

“Yeah. He knows what to expect now… he was puzzled at first, but then promised to get some…” Nguyet told us.

Yes, she had found perhaps the cleverest way to divulge what Charlie could look forward to. Mira didn’t say anything; perhaps, in the end, she didn’t want Charlie to use condoms with her. Well, as a virgin, he couldn’t have much that she wouldn’t want.

“So, before he gets here: Is there anything we need to talk about?” I asked.

“Like I said, if he’s fine with it, we can do it today…” Mira offered herself once more. “But if we wanna get to know each other first, that’d be alright, too. Nguyet, what do you think?”

“I think Yen, his aunt, kinda told him what we’re meeting for, and he must be eager to lose his virginity; don’t you think? So, there’s no need to keep up any pretenses about becoming friends or the like…” she said with a naughty, yet slightly bashful smile, quickly looking down again and taking the straw of her coffee into her mouth.

While I was racking my brains if there kızılay escort wasn’t anything else we needed to discuss, Mira told Nguyet what had happened here at the café the last two weeks. Doing so, she was subconsciously playing with the hem of her skirt but softened the consensual non-consent upheaval, as Nguyet wasn’t aware of her new kink.

“Well, you wanna do it quickly before he gets here?” Nguyet laughed as she was getting up. “I’ll buy something lunch in the meantime, huh?”

She asked Mira and me what we wanted to eat and then went down the rickety spiral staircase. Now that Nguyet was gone, I could have caressed Mira’s thighs under her skirt but decided it would be better to save my élan for later. Unless she enticed me, of course.

“So, you really have fallen in love with Hanh, huh?” I asked Mira, as I couldn’t imagine her wanting cum-soaked panties right then.

“Well, yeah, Ben… she is so cute… she’s even smaller than me… oh, I love her little butt… her small bush is so dark and dense… and soft… so different from mine…” she kept raving on and on.

“You had awesome sex last week, while I was eating lunch?”

I hadn’t asked yet. As Mira had been so upset, she had told me to drop her off at Hanh’s and come back an hour later. In hindsight, Mira probably had wanted to be alone with Hanh, as much as she loved her. And, as far as I knew, she hadn’t seen her naked before.

“Yeah, after we took a shower together, she pointed at the mattress, which we then put on the floor together… she oiled her little boobs and then rubbed my whole body with them… and then artfully massaged my pussy…”

“Before she got the dildo out…”

“Yeah, but surprisingly she wanted that only for herself…” Mira clarified. “But that whole hour was so awesome… in a very special way,” she sighed.

“Well, Miraculous, you’re pretty awesome, too… and beautiful… in a very special way,” I added.

Mira blushed and looked down at her skirt. She played some more with the hem and thanked me quietly for the compliment. I felt that I was blushing, too, and lit another ciggie, as there was a slightly awkward pause. But nothing embarrassing. When we heard the spiral staircase swing, I turned and saw Nguyet with our boxes of food, followed by our hero, Charlie. Like we were playing chess, I castled our chairs and moved closer to Nguyet’s, offering my spot to Charlie, so that he could sit across from Mira, who wanted to let him come on top of her. They were also closer in age.

Of course, I didn’t know how good Charlie’s English would be, but right when he asked ‘How are you?’ I knew that we’d be fine. There was only a slight trace of an accent in his speech. And he seemed far less shy or awkward than I had imagined him. It dawned on me that his problem with the young ladies was solely that upper-middle-class girls in Vietnam wanted to remain a virgin until they got engaged at 25, so young guys like him only had three options: either wait with sex till they were 26, or go to hookers, or find themselves a good country bumpkin, like my niece Giang, with whom Vu–another young guy from our orgy circle–was running around with nowadays. Needless to say, options 2 and 3 wouldn’t be condoned by Charlie’s parents, but waiting all those years didn’t seem an option at this point.

Charlie asked what my name and my favorite soccer team were; the latter I truthfully declined to have. I didn’t feel like making one up for him, either. Instead, we talked about American football and the NBA, about which he seemed to know quite a bit. Obviously, he wasn’t shy, and I began to imagine him crawling under Mira’s skirt, while I would take care of Nguyet’s tights-clad thighs and savory market-woman pussy. Good salacious Lord, looked she beguiling this fine morning, in her black pantyhose and her flight attendant outfit! She noticed that I was looking at her legs, smiled, and then slid her chair six inches closer to me here, around the table corner. Yes, it would probably be best if Mira and Charlie hooked up, while Nguyet and I needed to reestablish our bonds anyway, as we hadn’t seen each other for quite a while.

The two youngest were talking about music now. When Mira didn’t know any of the Vietnamese songs or bands that he was tossing into the conversation, however, Charlie was astonished to learn that she wasn’t one of his compatriots. Not yet. He mentioned that his dad had worked as an airline pilot until recently, but now–because of the whole Corona situation–had found a job at the local oil refinery. Because of his former position, the family had traveled a lot and just moved to our quaint, non-descript town about six months ago. Well, that probably didn’t help him, either, with the girls. I wondered if gorgeous Mrs. Yen, in whose hands he had come, was his dad’s or his mother’s sister.

Nguyet had already unpacked the food, but when I offered Charlie a share of mine to be polite, he declined, saying that he had already eaten. He asked Mira if she liked her food, however, and proceeded to tell us what our dish was called in Vietnamese. Nguyet mentioned that she had to run errands in the afternoon, but I still asked her if we could go to her model home in the suburbs (since Mira had already indicated that she would let Charlie come on top of her).

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