


Subject: Tales of a human spider 1 Disclaimer: I do not own or have ever met any of the celebrities in the following story. If you are under the age of 18 or 21(in specific locations) please leave now even though I can’t stop you from reading this. This is not a story about sex, sex and more sex. If you have a problem with male on male sex or relationships then what are you doing in this section of Nifty?. Spider-man and all other related characters are copyright of Stan Lee. X-Men and all other related characters are copyright of Marvel Comics Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel and all other related characters are copyright of Joss Whedon The Vampire Chronicles and all other related characters are copyright of Anne Rice Aubrey, Risika, Fala and all other related characters are copyright of Amelia Atwater-Rhodes Star Wars and all other related characters are copyright of George Lucas Harry Potter and all related characters are copyright of J.K. Rowling Bobby Pendragon and all related characters are copyright of D.J. MacHale I probably won’t use all of the elements above but who knows. Be sure to read the other stories in the Tales universe Tales of a Real Dark Knight(the one that started it all) Marvel knights Tales ankara rus escort of a Young Mutant Tales of a Superhero Band Tales of a New Phoenix Tales of a Human Spider Chapter 1 Orlando, Florida 2015 I stepped out of the car and looked around at my surroundings. I was just moving to Orlando, Florida after I graduated. My name is Skyyland Robbers, Skyy for short. I’m 18 with black hair, black eyes, and a semi-defined body. I stand at 5′ 11″, weigh 153 lbs. and wear glasses. I went over to the door and walked in. I was amazed at the sight, a huge living room and a great back yard with a large pool. An awsome kitchen and dining area, a den, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, and a balcony in two of the rooms. I turned around and started to unload the car. After the car was empty I realized that I was getting hungry. I got in the car and went driving around trying to find a restaurant. After about twenty minutes I decided to go to Burger King. After I ate I stopped by a small convenience store/hardware store and went in. As I was walking down one of the aisles I knocked a display over. As I was picking up what I knocked down I heard the door open and the click of a cocked gun. Looking up I saw a tree çankaya escort guys with guns at the counter pulling money from the register while the clerk stood shocked with his hands up. Ducking so they couldn’t see me I walked over to the broom sticks and grabbed one. Walking behind one of the guys I kneeled and swung it at his legs knocking him down. When the other two turned I swung it hitting one between the legs rendering him incapacitated. The other fired just narrowly missing my head. I stood and did a jump kick knocking the gun out of his hand. then did a back flip over the guy I tripped and kicked him into his accomplice. I then slammed the stick into pressure points in their necks knocking them out. I looked at the cashier and told him to call the cops. I then resumed shopping. As I was paying for my things I realised that 14 years of martial arts really paid off for once. When I walked outside the first squad car arrived. The cops ran inside while I drove off. Arriving home I stocked the fridge and freezer then decided to make some of my mom’s home made white chocolate chip cookies with a hint of peanut butter. When they were in the stove I continued into the living room where ankara escort I left todays news paper. The headline reported that there had been some attacks downtown the night before. The victims seemed to have puncture wounds in their necks. realising that it sounded like vampires I thought back to all of the books I had read about vampire hunting. I was brought out of my thinking by a knock on the door. Upon openniong the door I saw two guys standing there with a gift. “Hi, I’m Eric and this is Lance. We’re your neighbors from across the street.” one of them said, as I looked at the other I got a feeling I knew him from somewhere. “Hi I’m Skyyland, but you can call me Skyy. Would you like to come in?” I asked. After they were in I lead them into the living room and asked them to sit. “Oh, by the way, this is for you” Lance said handing me the gift. Upon openning it I pulled out a beautiful cross with a candle holder in the center and clip to hang on the wall. “Wow, this is nice. And I know the perfect place too.” I stood and hung it on the wall right next to the door. “So where are you moving here from?” Eric asked. “Illinois.” I said as I opened a box of movies to unpack. As I was pulling some out I saw the cover of an old one my sister gave me as a going away gift. There on the cover of On The Line was Lance himself. I Looked up and saw them wartchign me. I then realized that Lance was also a member of my favorite oldies group N*sync. Well thats all tell me what you think please. Email me hoo

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