
Tartan Skirt


I usually end up going to the cinema at least once per week. Even if it’s to see a film I’m not that interested in. It just gives me something to look forward to, a bit of a weekly treat to break the monotony of my routines. I’d watch all the couples holding hands, buying tickets together, laughing and carrying on. Sometimes there would be an argument, sometimes someone would storm off and provide me with an extra bit of free entertainment. But most times it was just little old me. On this particular night though, I was in for a real surprise. The film in question was called ‘Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters’, and was a horror cum sci-fi gore fest. My kind of film! I bought the ticket and was delighted to see that the showing was to be in Screen 7, one of the larger screens with comfy chairs, and the full digital theatre system experience. So without further ado, I made my way to the screen.

Just as the previews ended and the lights came back on I was broken out of my concentration by a somewhat sweet voice asking;

“Excuse me, but is that seat taken?”

“Erm, no, no it isn’t. Here, help yourself.”

I moved my coat off the seat, folded it up and stood up to let the lady past me. She was a tall girl too, just under 6 feet, and quite limber. She sat down in the now vacant seat, and started to remove her own coat. I looked down onto her beautiful features and was even more amazed by what my eyes feasted upon. She was wearing a short, tartan skirt! I don’t know why, it’s probably a fetish or something, but these short, black and red patched, tartan skirts really do it for me. She also had on a tight fitting, black sweater that clung to her frame as if there was no tomorrow. I quickly averted my eyes as she just about finished sorting her coat out, and sat down next to her.

“Thanks for letting me have the seat. I think it’s the only free one in the house!”

“Yeah? Hey, no worries.”

I had a quick look around and she wasn’t far from the truth. For some reason the whole screen was packed. It must have been my lucky day. After a few moments the film started. It was your regular dose of space faring jockey’s who happen across a planet ruled by sadistic machines. Lots of violence blood and gore, witty one liners and endless cliques. I quite enjoyed it, but my mysterious partner seemed to spend most of her time jumping out of her seat, hiding behind her hands, or grabbing my leg! The latter of course wasn’t a problem and I got quite amused at how many times she would apologise. Still, all good things must come to an end, and when the film was over she turned to me and said;

“I thought that was scary. Did you?”

“Well”, I said, “it had its moments.”

I moved to get up and put my coat on and the girl started to say something, but I couldn’t make out what it was as she was busy bending over to get her things. I’m not sure if it was because I couldn’t hear what she was saying, or whether it was because the site of her glorious ass in a tartan skirt, and black tights, being thrust in my general direction was distracting me, but I’d like to think that I just couldn’t hear. I started to walk towards the exit not realising that the girl was also moving in the same direction behind me. Very close behind me. I got to the cinema main exit, and it was pouring down outside. Not to mention the fact that it was dark, very cold and a typical late autumn Friday evening.

“God what a night”, I said, and looked over to the girl.

“Yeah”, she sighed, “And I bet I have to wait ages for the bloody bus!”

Hmmmm, I thought. I wonder if…….

“Well, do you want a ride home? My car is just over there.”

She looked at me a little quizzically, so I kept my eyes on her and raised a small smile.

“Erm, okay. I’m just going to let my friend know I’m coming back though, just in case. It’s not a safe world you know.”

“Hey I know all about it. Don’t worry, I’m not a creep”, I said. I was quite reassured that she was phoning a friend up to let her know what she was doing. All too often you hear of bad things happening to women, and even accusations being made against men. So I drove her to her house, which was ain a quiet country area. We chatted on the way, her name was Sam and I introduced myself as Jack.

“Jack, I don’t suppose you would do me a big favour would you.”

Now my breathing began to get a little more laboured.

“Well, I guess not. What is it?”

“It’s just that I live on my own and I get nervous walking into my house when it’s dark, especially after seeing a film like that. Would you mind coming in with me, just until I switch the lights on?”

“Sure, no problem”

So I went into her home and made a quick pass over the downstairs to make sure everything was in order. At that point Sam had disappeared into the kitchen and I could here the kettle going on and the rustle of a few cups.

“Do you want a drink Jack?”

“Yes please.”

“Will tea do you?”

“Yeah, that’s fine. With just one sugar please”

Sam came back into the living bahis siteleri room and handed me the mug of tea.

“Sit down Jack; take your coat off if you like. I keep the heating on in the evening.”

Over the drink we talked about this and that, she told me about her job and what she got up to. Apparently she worked in a research lab at a pharmaceutical company. I was quite interested and responded in kind. I was going to tell her I worked for Special Forces in the military, but she probably wouldn’t believe me, so I told her the truth that I was a landscape gardener. Before I realised it, Sam and I were sitting very close to each other, but it seemed that time was almost up.

“Well, its time I was getting along I think.”

I stood, picked up her empty mug and took them into to the kitchen where I washed them up. As I turned Sam was standing in the doorway, a hint of a smile on her full lips. She moved closer to me, and it suddenly occurred to me what a mouse felt like when a cat was stalking it. I began to sweat now as Sam came well within that personal space boundary that says ‘If anything is this close to you your life is in danger!’ She looked me dead in the eyes, then the next thing I felt was her lips on my cheek as she kissed them.

“Thanks for looking after me”, she said.

I thought this was kind of a strange thing to say, and thought it was even stranger that somehow my hands had moved from their slightly tense position beside my legs, to being placed on her hips. But Sam didn’t seem to mind. She placed her hands on my face and pulled me into her kiss, her tongue seeking mine and slowly both tongues began to dance in each others mouths. My head was swimming, and it was clear that any rational thoughts had no chance of getting a word into my logical brain so they took a vacation! Gently we pulled away from each other, and Sam took my hand in hers and led me further into the depths of her house. We ended up in a bedroom. The bedroom was warmly lit and decorated with soft colours. It was warm and cosy. All the better because the wind and rain outside were now getting a lot feistier and this heightened the sensation of being protected indoors. Sam moved over to a couple of oil burners, and after adding a few drops of something she lit the candles. Almost immediately I detected the scent of ylang ylang. She extinguished the match and came over to me.

We both looked deep into each other and her lips and eyes seemed to portray a mischievous glint that sent ripples through my loins.

“So Jack”, she said, “what would you like to do?”

Oh my god, this was too good to be true. What would I like to do?? Well, being the guy that I am I thought I’d like to do everything, but it occurred to me that I’d better take things easy and stick to what most women seem to like best. So I got on my knees in front of her and began to stroke her legs. The nylon of her tights felt good on my hands and I gently explored from just above her knees to the upper parts of her thighs. I could hear her breathing now, a little heavier than before, so I gently glided my hand over the material of her panties near her hips. She was wearing silk underwear, very thin from what I could tell. I felt her hands on the top of my head, gently stroking me as I caressed her thighs.

After massaging her legs for a few moments I decided to get more daring, so I let my right hand edge closer to her crotch. My finger gently glided over the front of her panties, and to my delight I couldn’t feel any pubic hair. It seemed Sam like to shave. My left hand though was busy with the zipper of her skirt and after successfully getting it down, her tartan skirt fell away to reveal her legs in their glory. Sam wore a black silken thong and I could see the curvature of her ass as she turned slightly for me. I reached out and stroked her behind. Her skin was so smooth it was almost frictionless. She was very well toned too; I could feel her muscles as she gently contracted them. I looked up at her and saw her smiling down at me;

“Well, what do you think?” she said.

“Very impressive. Do you workout or something?”

“Oh yes, I go to the gym on a regular basis, swimming and tennis.”

“Cool. It certainly seems to suite you my dear.”

My hands kept up the stroking on her behind but then I decided I wanted to touch her glorious legs. I slowly rolled the tights down to expose the equally toned muscles of her fine pins and after removing her shoes slid the tights off her legs. They were not bodybuilder type muscles or anything, more like an amateur athlete. She obviously liked to maintain herself. I wondered what else she liked doing to herself. Her skin was incredible, soft and almost frictionless against my palms. I ran my hands over the length of her legs, paying particular attention to her inner thighs where it’s most sensitive. As I felt along her inside thighs I let my thumbs glide alternatively over the front of her crotch and the join in the middle where her hotspot would be. Sam moaned and canlı bahis siteleri I could feel the moisture saturating her knickers. She moved her legs slightly apart to allow my hands easier access to her womanhood. My hands and thumbs began to concentrate on her vaginal area, with the thumbs now massaging what was obviously a very happy clitoris. Just to the side of us was a box-chest, so I gently lifted her right leg onto it, giving me better access to her crotch. My hands gently probed the material of her panties and by now the thin material had already become damp with her excitement. I slowly brushed my fingertips over her front, and started to work the fingers underneath to where her clit could be found. The material was dampest here, so I gently massaged the material into her delicate and sensitive skin, heightening the pleasure for her. Sam was breathing a lot heavier now, her excitement building moment by moment. This was worship at its best. I was down on my knees worshipping this goddess, paying homage to her womanliness and getting far too excited for my own good!

I soon started to slip my fingers past the material and touch the wetness of her vaginas lips, slowly rubbing them, and seeking her clitoris. It wasn’t hard to find. Already gorged with blood, her clit stood out nicely and allowed my finger tip to stroke it. This caused Sam to start moaning, and I knew there was no turning back now. I edged closer to her crotch and burying my head closer was able to touch her with my tongue through the material or her now ringing wet panties. This was obviously a big hit with Sam as her moaning increased and she began to push my head into her crotch. I moved Sam’s leg off the chest and slid her knickers off, then moved the leg back onto the chest so I could resume the game. My tongue sought out her clit and using the blade and tip of the tongue I sucked, nibbled, licked and twiddled as much as I could. She tasted so sweet, like strawberry and I couldn’t get enough. I cranked my head back as far as I could to allow my tongue to find its way into her vagina and started licking her insides as much as I was able. Soon though, I could tell Sam was losing control, so I brought my tongue back to her clit, and using the tip of it gave her now very, very happy clit some loving attention until the unmistakable contracting muscles, and moaning Sam, had a very nice orgasm.. She didn’t just cum though, she basically ejaculated as her juices dribbled down her legs and around my mouth. This did wonders to me as I lapped a bit of it up. It was quite tangy, but not at all unpleasant. I held onto her fearing that she might lose balance, and gently brought her down the pleasure curve, kissing the skin around her pelvis. I didn’t want to wear her out, but as it happens she had an awful lot more energy than I anticipated.

“Jesus”, said Sam, “That was fucking good. I’m glad you know what you’re doing. But now, I must return the favour.”

With that, I stood up, not realising that I was still fully dressed. Sam quickly stripped off her top and bra. Her breasts were well rounded and firm, the nipples already an angry red and very erect. Her natural breasts hung on her chest in rather the same way that fake ones don’t. She had a well toned figure, and looked like an Amazon. I could see the firmness of her waist and the skin and flesh was quite taught over her stomach muscles. Sam began to undress me as I reached out with both hands and cupped her boobs. They were simply irresistible and I felt I had to have then in my mouth or something, but Sam had other ideas and before I could back my eye, she was down on her knees with my cock in her hands. It didn’t take anything to get an erection as I was already basically erect from the kitchen. Sam pushed the penis shaft back towards my stomach and started licking my balls as she slowly masturbated me. She took each one in her mouth, tonguing them and rolling them about. She licked the space between my balls and anus, and man oh man it felt so good. After a few moments of seeing to my balls she started on the shaft and my now extremely bulbous head. She licked up and down the shaft, using the blade and tip of her tongue as I used on her. She lubricated the shaft with her own spit, and slowly worked her way up to the sensitive spot behind the head of the penis. Here she licked slowly and then flicked her tongue around that area. It was pure delight. Not content with that though, Sam swallowed the head and began the same flicking motion once again with my cock in her mouth. I was in heaven by this point, my hands on her head, stroking her hair as I felt her lips and tongue caressing my cock. Her hands began to massage my balls, and the other started to creep around my ass until it found my anus. This was getting too much for me, and Sam knew this. She used the finger of one hand to stimulate my ass and her other hand to cup my balls until she could feel the muscles in my cock begin to contract as I approached orgasm. Her hand slid off my balls and with perfect timing güvenilir bahis she applied pressure at the base of my cock to prevent me from ejaculating as I had a massive orgasm. I felt the rush and with my head in her mouth as she sucked on it just let myself go with it.

Sam pulled away after my contractions ceased and my cock went limp, licking up a few drops of pre-cum that had managed the great escape and swallowed them down. She grabbed me and pretty much threw me on the bed before she started again with my cock in her mouth. It didn’t take long before it was erect again so I lay back and let her explore my member, her tantalising tongue doing all sorts of wonderful things to get me back to full hardness. She was an expert I could tell, alternating between long licks up and down the shaft, to swallowing the thing whole and kissing sensitive spots here and there. She lay at a right angle to me, so I managed to reach out with my hands and after gently tugging on her hips, managed to get us in the good old 69 position. My tongue buried itself into her pussy, savouring the tangy taste of her juice. I slowly started to stimulate her clit again, and I could feel slight shudders in her as she had mini-orgasms. Her intensity on my cock increased and I began to feel myself getting all ready to reach out and touch heaven. I tilted my head forward and my tongue began to lick at her ass and probe her with the tip. I heard her moaning and groaning and knew she was nearly cumming to. If we could get this just right…..

I licked at her anus with my tongue until I could feel her muscles start to contract. Her attack on my cock was now becoming unbearable and I had to cum soon or else there would be a re-enactment of the eruption at Mount St Helens! I changed from her ass to her clit with my tongue, but was able to stimulate her anus with my fore finger, and gently slid it into her ass up to the first knuckle. With me sucking on her clit, Sam came again, this time way stronger than before, and her juices poured from her in a steady stream. This pushed me over the edge now and without having any way of warning her, I let go of my control and came and came and came into her mouth. I thought she would pull away, or choke or something, but Sam didn’t break her concentration at all, despite her having an intense, full body orgasm. She knew how close I was and prepared herself for my load. I shot my load straight into her mouth, where she happily guzzled it up. After several blasts from my rod of iron, Sam eased down on the sucking until all my cum had vanished into her maw and she swallowed it down. Shortly after cleaning my cock up, she moved off me.

“Wow”, she said, “You had a fair bit their Jack.”

“Yeah, this kind of thing doesn’t happen to me often you know.”

“Arrhhh, you poor thing. Girls just don’t know what a good thing they’re missing. Are you tired?”

“Erm, a little”, I replied.

“Well Jack, there is one more thing I want you to do for me.”

With that Sam got onto all fours and turned away from me. Her ass was just so perfectly round and her lips between her legs looked like a flower you just had to reach out and pick.

“I want your cock in my ass Jack. I WANT IT NOW!”

“You want me to fuck you in the ass?”

“No Jack, I want your cock in my ass, and I want to fuck YOU.”

“Okay, but don’t hurt me”, I said sheepishly. I got down behind her first and quickly lubricated her behind, partly with her juices and my own spit and using my tongue as a tool began to get her all hot and bothered again. I started to stimulate her clit too, and with my free hand inserted a finger into her pussy to rub her g-spot. With a bit of co-ordination between ass-licking, g-spot stimulation and rubbing her clit, Sam was cumming like a porn star.

“Now Jack, I want you NOW!”

Jesus I thought, I’d better give it to her because she has gone all animal like on me. I got a little worried now though because my cock was not hard enough to penetrate her. Sam turned her head to look behind and saw this.

“Jack, I want your cock. I want you to fuck me like the bitch that I am. I want you to ride my ass like you would a fucking slut!”

With these words my cock went from slightly tense, to rock hard, to a prick or iron to all out diamond hardness! It’s amazing what a few words can do to stimulate you. I slowly pushed the tip of my penis to her asshole, and Sam began to edge herself backwards onto it. We took it slow, allowing her sphincter muscles to adjust to my girth. Soon though my whole member was deep inside her and she began to move back and forth.

“Keep still Jack, I want to fuck you remember.”

I did as I was told, placing my hands on her hips as Sam increased the rhythm and speed of her thrusts. It wasn’t long before she was panting like a bitch on heat, and my head was sending so many pleasure signals to my brain I thought I would pass out soon if I didn’t cum. Fortunately we were both sated very quickly. Sam groaned and thrashed and began to really go for it, as she started to cum again, and with this, my red-hot head began the same process within my body. The muscles of my cock contracted so hard I thought my balls had turned to peanuts as I shot the last of my semen into her ass. I’ve never felt such an orgasm before and it totally drained me of all liquid in my body.

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