
Ted’s Anatomy


After last week’s rehearsal I was trembling with anticipation at the thought of seeing Ted. My stomach was in hot, slippery knots and it took every ounce of control not to touch myself through my clothes. But I couldn’t have that. I was a nice, wholesome girl in everybody else’s eyes. I imagined most people thought I was still a virgin. If they only knew about the things I got upto! As per usual, hellos and pleasantries were passed around, smiles and handshakes. I got two chairs for myself and my assistant and like last week Ted intercepted me, with a small smile. “Thanks,” I said, lightly brushing his hand with mine. “Have you had a good week?” he asked. “Not bad,” I said. I couldn’t believe I was standing here making small talk when all I really wanted to do was rip his clothes off. “You?” “I broke up with my girlfriend,” he said, looking at me expectantly, waiting for a reaction. Personally I was excited, we could carry on with the fantastic sex without my conscience getting in the way, but I wasn’t sure if he was happy. “I’m sorry to hear that,” I said, trying to stop a smile from appearing on my face. He leaned in, I could feel his breath on my cheek, çankaya escort on my neck. “No you’re not,” he said, with a deep, throaty laugh. Doreen, our director, called ‘places’, and he stepped away from me, holding my eye, keeping that knowing smile on his face. We had a secret, it was our secret. And my friend Marie’s. Today we were running through the ballroom scene. Jason, our dance instructor was teaching the actors a salsa routine and they were being partnered up one by one. My friend Shona was Ted’s partner and she had no idea anything was going on. She wasn’t here today either. That left Ted standing there all by himself. “No Shona today?” asked Doreen, looking at me, knowing we were friends. “She’s not feeling well,” I said. Doreen sighed and looked around the room for a replacement but everyone was paired. “I’ll be Shona today if you like,” I said. I knew the routine. I made it my job to know everyone’s parts, know everyone’s name so I could help where I was needed. Doreen glanced at me with surprise, I normally didn’t venture onto the stage. “Okay then, thank you.” I smiled to myself. In the words of Kings rus escort of Leon, my sex was on fire, and I did all I could to keep a straight face as Ted took hold of my right hand and I placed my left hand on his shoulder. It wasn’t necessary, but I pressed my body against him, enjoying the firmness of his stomach. I couldn’t look at him in the eye. I knew that if I did I’d want to kiss him, taste his tongue, inhale his scent. Even being in this close proximity made me go giddy. My heart was beating like a bass drum and I could feel my cheeks were red with the exhilaration. Jason started the music and counted us in. The salsa was on a one-two-three count and I slipped easily into the rhythm. I had been to a friend’s salsa party not long ago and was thanking her in my head for the practise. We hadn’t been moving long, it must have been about five minutes, when I felt the firmness of another part of Ted’s anatomy. I stopped instinctively, despite shouts from Jason to carry on. “Do you want me to stop?” I asked. I just couldn’t believe it was me that had got him into this state. “No, I’m alright,” he said, and whirled me around. eryaman escort We were now playing catch up with the others. I don’t know whether it was the close proximity, my sweaty palms in his hands but in a few more minutes he had to stop again. “If we don’t stop I’m going to have an accident,” he whispered into my right ear. I couldn’t help the smile on my face. “Do you want me to come and give you a hand?” I said, trying to keep my voice hushed. A woman dancing nearby gave me a quick glance, like something had darted by her, but I ignored her. “Yes please,” he said. We disentangled ourselves and Ted made his excuses to go. Without a partner I returned to my seat. I couldn’t follow him straight into the toilets, that would look suspicious, so I waited a little while, then I got my phone out of my bag on the pretense of making a call. I took the door out to the hallway and made a sharp turn to the right. Ted was waiting for me and gave me a hard, longing kiss before I had a chance to say a word. “Why do you do this to me?” he said, with a wicked grin on his face. He took my hand and led me back to the disabled toilet so we could continue where we’d left off. All I wanted to do was get out of my clothes, and help Ted out of his. The door banged close and it gave me a moment to pause. Just looking into his eyes made me want him more. They were almost wild, I could almost see into his brain, see him mentally undressing me.

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