
Thank God for Irish Women Ch. 03


Author’s note: While the first two chapters were in the category of Novels and Novellas, I am now moving the other chapters into Erotic Couplings, consistent with the evolving story line.

Chapter 3

I turned and walked into the waiting arms of Emily. She pulled me to her and gazed deeply into my eyes. It was as if she looked into my soul, and we kissed seriously for the first time. All our kisses before this were of the brother-sister variety. This kiss was totally different and lasted for several seconds.

When our lips parted, I asked, “What should I think of this, Emily?”

“You should think that I like you. You should also think that I’m being totally honest with you and that I think you’re a wonderful kisser.”

I was intrigued. “What makes me a wonderful kisser?”

“You make my body sing.”

I joked, “I thought that was just gas.”

She hit me, but in a playful way. “That’s not funny!”

“I’m sorry.” I looked down and pretended to frown.

“I’m trying to be serious, Matt.” She was smiling.

She pulled me to her and we kissed again. As we parted, I smiled and said, “You’re lovely Emily and I’m also being totally honest. Please don’t rush this. We both need to be absolutely sure we want to go down this road. It’s only been a week, and I think you need more time.”

“Matt, do you realize that we’ve been together constantly for eight days. That’s 192 hours. That’s the equivalent of sixty dates. How much time do you think I need to decide if I like you or not?”

I asked, “Can we sit and talk?” A concerned look came to her face.

We walked to the sofa. I immediately reached and pulled her onto my lap and wrapped my arms around her waist. She flashed that devious grin again and laid her head on my shoulder.

“Let’s discuss the obvious Emily. You’re a gorgeous young lady… the prettiest I’ve seen. I’m a sort of plain looking guy. You have the bubbly personality of a cheerleader. I have the personality of a geeky engineer who was a farmer. Your body is like a temple dedicated to love. My body is dedicated to hamburgers and is a little out of shape. There’s not a man in the world who wouldn’t count himself blessed to be in your presence. I got traded in by a woman for another woman.” She laughed.

“You sell yourself short, Matt. I think you’re very handsome. And you have in spades what most guys couldn’t dream of having… compassion. Compassion will last much longer than looks. You truly care about me. Everything you’ve done these past eight days was for me. Not once did you think of yourself first. I count myself the luckiest girl in the world to be with you; so don’t doubt my interest. Do you really think I’m trying to take advantage of you?”

“I’m sorry for being concerned. This is happening so fast.”

“That girl who took advantage of you caused damage, didn’t she?”

I frowned, looked down and nodded.

“What did she do?”

After collecting my thoughts, I began. “Her name was Ellie. She was very pretty, somewhat like you. A month or so before the end of the semester, she came on to me in the library one day. I had seen her around, and we always smiled but that day she sat down and began talking as if we were old friends. She asked me to take her out. I didn’t know what to think, but she seemed interested in me.

“Over the next couple of weeks, we went on several dates. Nothing real serious but we kissed and, huh, huh did other things.

“One night she asked me to take her to Cancun for the break. She said we’d have a great time. I agreed and bought plane tickets and booked the hotel room. I was starting to fall in love and looked forward to spending time with her.

“Everything went well at first. We arrived in the late afternoon and checked in. We immediately undressed one another and had a wonderful time. Ellie knew what she was doing, and I had never had such intense and fulfilling sex as I did with her that night. I was definitely in love, or at least in lust, at that point.

“The next morning, she said she wanted to take a walk alone on the beach and then do some shopping. I went down to the pool with a book. As late afternoon approached, she hadn’t returned and I was getting concerned.

“I left a note for her and went to a bar just down the street to have a beer. A friend from school was there, and we were surprised to see each other. We talked for a while, and he invited me to his hotel. He said that one of his buddy’s friends had arrived, and she was putting out for everyone. It was a real orgy. He had sex with her twice, and she was still going strong with the other three guys in the room when he left to come to the bar. I asked who she was, and he said Ellie something.”

“Oh no! She conned you into paying her way so she could spread her legs for everyone in sight.”


“What did you do?”

“I asked him to describe her to be sure it was the same Ellie. It was. I checked out and moved my stuff to another hotel. I packed her belongings and left them at the front desk for her. The next morning, I cancelled her airline ticket and took the next flight back Etimesgut escort to Atlanta.”

“Wonder how she got home?”

“No idea. After that, we saw each other a few times on campus but we both pretended the other was invisible.”

“Matt, I’m not Ellie. I could never do that to you, but I now understand your caution. We’ve both been hurt, and it takes time to recover.”

“I’m glad I’m recovering with you.”

She grinned and replied, “You know, it’s going to be very easy to fall in love with you.”

I responded, “I just hope we survive the trip without you killing me.” She smiled.

“Don’t we need to get busy?” she asked.

“Yes. We need to pack our clothes and get the luggage ready to load in the car. Pick out what you’ll need for the next two days. I have a bag we can use for the hotel. We don’t want to unpack all the bags every night, okay?”

“Sounds good.”

We kissed again before she climbed off my lap. I cleaned the fridge and set the oven to the self-clean cycle to burn off cooking residue. Emily packed her clothes and came to clean the cabinets and shelves. It was nearly midnight when we went to our bedrooms.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

After dressing, I went to a nearby bakery for doughnuts and muffins. Emily and I would enjoy a couple, and the movers would finish them, I thought.

Emily was showered and dressed by 7:30 when she walked to the kitchen. She wore tan slacks and a lustrous dark purple silk blouse. With her makeup, the young lady was like a fashion model.

“Good morning. These doughnuts look decadent.”

“They are. Help yourself.”

She carefully chose one of the chocolate ones and walked into my arms for a quick kiss. Her kisses were becoming more frequent and were always soft and sensual with her mouth closed.

“I like being pampered like this,” she said. “Can we hide one of the muffins for later? Don’t want to give all of them to the movers.”

“Sure, put it in the cooler. I think we have food storage bags in the cabinet. Put a couple of doughnuts in there also.”

We organized our packed luggage in one spot to get it out of the way. Sharply at 8:00, the doorbell rang. It was the Comcast man coming to collect the DVR, modem and Wi-Fi router. He prepared a receipt and was gone in a few minutes.

As he was leaving, I heard the movers walking up the stairwell. Three obviously strong guys arrived, and introductions were made. They couldn’t stop stealing glances at Emily the entire time they were there.

By 1:00, they had the furniture and household goods packed and loaded. I initialed the inventory and shipping documents and collected my copies before they left. As predicted, they were full of doughnuts and muffins and had pocketed a nice tip.

The apartment appeared much larger after all the furniture was out. Although the manager had said the carpets were going to be replaced, Emily picked up all the tiny bits of trash that had collected under the furniture over the years. I double checked all the kitchen cabinets and then thoroughly cleaned both bathrooms. The place looked fine.

We loaded the car with our bags and the cooler and drove to the Hampton Inn. Once in our room, Emily reclined on a bed, and smiled at me. I took that as a come-hither look and lay beside her.

We faced each other, and our eyes made love. Her arm was wrapped around my waist and I stroked her warm back and shoulders through her blouse as we gently kissed.

“Your lips are sensual beyond belief, and I can’t get enough of your perfume.”

She smiled and responded, “That’s my secret weapon.”

“Your lips or your perfume?”


“Your eyes are what captured my attention. Their color is amazing. I don’t think I’ve seen others like them.”

“I have my mother’s eyes.”

“They give you a mysterious, intriguing look.”

“And I like the strong, manly features of your face.” She traced around my eyes and cheeks with one finger.

“You remind me of the stereotypical cowboy. All you need is a hat, boots and a big shiny belt buckle.”

“White hat or black?”

“White, of course.” We smiled.

“You said you’re overweight. I don’t think so. Maybe a few pounds but everyone has that.”

“You don’t.”

“I hide it well.”

“How do you hide it in those tight jeans?”

“That’s why they’re so tight, silly. Plus, my boobs are too big.”

My mouth flew open. “What?”

“You heard me.”

“Emily, I haven’t seen your boobs but they seem perfect to me.”

“They almost got me kicked off the cheerleading squad.”

“Come on! Surely not!”

“I’m serious. I made the squad when I was a sophomore. My boobs were just starting to grow and everything was fine that first year.”

“You must have been a late boober,” I joked.

She giggled. “A late boober, huh. You’re funny. Not really… I was 14.”

“You were very young to be a sophomore.”

“Yeah, I was only five when I started the first grade and then skipped the second grade. My teacher recommended it. I was tall for my age but younger than anyone else in the class. Etlik escort Thanks to Mom, I could read and do third grade math when I was six.

“In my junior year, I had to wear restrictive sports bras to keep from bouncing so much. They just kept growing. It wasn’t too long before it was obvious to everyone that I was bouncing all over the place, sports bra or not. Our coach pulled me aside, and we had a talk. She thought I needed to withdraw from the squad because I was taking everyone’s attention away from the other girls. I was very upset.

“Mom suggested I spend time online to find a minimizer sports bra that was tighter than my other ones. That worked. It was uncomfortable, but I wanted to stay on the squad so I put up with it.”

“I’ll bet your boyfriends didn’t mind their size.”

“Yeah. We spent a lot of time on second base. The guys liked them and I enjoyed their attention, most of the time. My nips are sensitive so the guys had to be gentle. Only one guy went overboard and hurt me. He was pulling on them much too hard. I warned him, but he kept doing it. I finally had to slap him to get his attention.”

“I bet that was the last time you saw him.”

“Actually that was Patrick. He just lost his head one time when he was snuggling with me. Once he learned all my limits, he was great.”

“I can understand a guy temporarily losing his head around you.”

“You’ve not done it.”

“Maybe I’m just too shy.”

“No, I think its because you respect me and want me to make the decision of where our relationship is going.”

I smiled, and we kissed again.

“Do you blame me?” I asked.

“Matt, it’s okay for you to touch me. If I feel uncomfortable with it, I’ll be honest enough to tell you. If I touch you and you think it’s not appropriate, I want you to tell me.”

“I think we’ve moved past the brother-sister relationship.”

“Yes we have. And I’m comfortable with that. Are you?”

“I don’t want to hurt you, Emily.”

“I trust you, Matt. If I’m hurt by something you do, I’ll know that it wasn’t intentional and we’ll talk about it. I’m not a weak little girl; but it may have seemed that way with all my tears this past week.”

We kissed again, and she snuggled into me. I was getting hard, and I knew she could feel it between us but nothing was said. I moved my hand from her back down to her slacks-covered bottom. Again, no words were said as we gazed at each other.

After a few moments, she turned and lay on her back and said, “Let’s go see a movie tonight.”

“There’s another game over at Turner Field you might want to see.”

“Oh! Who’s in town?”

“Your Giants.”

“YOU’RE KIDDING ME!” she exclaimed, almost in a scream.

“No, they’re here for a four game series.”

“Oh my; can we go?”

“I checked early this morning, and good tickets are available.”

“When were you going to tell me?”

“A few minutes ago.”

She quickly turned over, scrambled on top of me and straddled my waist as she tried to tickle me. We wrestled and tickled each other for a minute or so with Emily on top, then me and then her. Her giggles were contagious. She gradually grew quiet and still. I knew she was pressing herself against my manhood, but nothing was said.

She straddled my crotch with her hands on my shoulders, grinning down at me as she slowly slid back and forth. Her eyes closed, and she shuddered.

Emily bent down and kissed me, this time with open lips. Our tongues touched for the first time. Although we were fully clothed, her body felt as if it belonged on mine. I cupped her bottom through her pants and could feel the firmness and warmth of her cheeks.


The traffic was awful, and we were late to the game. It was the bottom of the first and the Giants had scored a run.

Emily wore Tim Lincecum’s Giants jersey number 55. This caught the attention of the Braves fans around us, but it was all good-natured fun. I think the guys wanted to joke with her because she was so cute. She gave as many verbal jabs as she received in a flirty sort of way and ended up high-fiving several guys and girls when she landed a particularly good one. Everyone around us was laughing at the good-natured bantering and funny insults. Two cute girls wearing Braves jerseys asked to take a selfie with Emily. They were all smiles as they hugged each other. One man sitting in the row below ours bought us beers to “make up” to her. He didn’t care she was only 19.

It was a thoroughly enjoyable and close game. In the top of the ninth inning, the score was tied 3-3. The Giants scored on a single after a player walked and stole two bases on Braves catcher Brian McCann. Emily hooted and cheered on both steals while the fans yelled invectives at McCann. There were many embarrassed looks around us when the single brought him home. Fortunately, Emily didn’t rub it in too much when Brian Wilson came in to shut down the Braves and save the game.

As we stood to leave, many of the fans congratulated Emily and said they enjoyed her enthusiasm. A pleasant woman stopped Emily and told her Gaziosmanpaşa escort how cute she was.

It was late when we returned to the hotel. After relieving ourselves, I gave Emily first shot at preparing for bed. She took her pajamas to the bathroom, changed and returned to her bed. I changed and crawled into mine.

We lay there, our first time in the same room at night, and she wanted to talk. “I enjoyed tonight. It brought back fun memories of watching them play at home. Patrick and I were devoted fans.”

“I’m glad we could go. You were a hit with the Atlanta fans around us.”

“They were fun. I hope I didn’t embarrass you too much.”

“Embarrass me? Not a chance. I was proud of the way you gave as good as you got.”

“You were proud of me, huh?”

Something about the way she said that caused me to ask, “Did I say something wrong?”

“No, it just sounded as if I belonged to you.”

“Oh no! I didn’t mean that at all. Please forgive me.”

“There’s nothing to forgive. I liked hearing it. I like belonging to someone. Not in a slave sort of way, but in a loving relationship. If we do fall in love, you will belong to me and I will belong to you.”

I smiled and nodded. After a moment of thought, I asked, “You said a couple of nights ago, when you had the dream of Patrick and me fighting that you had been thinking a lot about me. What had you been thinking?”

She stood and came to my bed and lay down beside me. I was under the covers, and she was lying on top. “Let’s see. What had I been thinking about you?” She smiled.

“I’d been thinking about this trip, how I wanted to learn more about you, how I wanted to meet your family and see your farm. I was thinking about your generosity and how you dropped everything to help me. I was thinking about your body and wondering how well-endowed you are.”

“You are so full of BS!”

“I am not,” she firmly protested with a grin.

“You’re honestly telling me that you wondered about my size?”

“You don’t think girls think about such things?”

“If they do, they never told me.”

“You don’t think about the size of my breasts?”

“Well, that’s different.”

“Why’s it different?”

“Because it’s natural for guys to think about that,” I replied.

“Are you saying it’s not natural for me to think about your size and how it would feel inside me? Why are you turning red?”

“It’s just not a conversation I’ve ever had with a girl.”

“You don’t have a little teeny-weeny do you?”

“Well, other girls didn’t complain about it.”

“Matt, you asked what I’d been thinking so I told you. Remember, total honesty between us.” With that, she leaned in for a goodnight kiss, grinned and returned to her bed.

After she settled under her covers, she asked, “What did you think about my boob when you saw it the other day?”

“When was that?”

“When I opened the door to get the hair dryer from you.”

“Oh, so you did know what you accidentally showed me?”

“You actually thought that was an accident?”

“Dumb me,” I replied.

“I don’t accidently do anything like that. I had a robe hanging inside the door. I could’ve put it on if I didn’t want you to see anything.”

“Why did you want me to see it?”

“Because you’d been wondering about it.”

“How did you know that?”

“I saw the way you glanced at my chest several times when we were talking.”



“Because I wasn’t respecting you, I suppose.”

“Matt, that’s ridiculous. I felt flattered. That’s part of the natural attraction between a guy and a girl.”

“While we’re being honest, did you have an orgasm while rubbing on me this afternoon?”


“I thought so.”

“It was a sweet one.”

“You know you caused me to come in my shorts, don’t you.”

“Yes, I felt it pulsing. That was fun.”

“You don’t miss anything do you?”

There was a long pause.

“I miss Patrick.”

I crawled out of bed, went to hers and pulled her teary face to my chest.

“Emily, I’m sorry. That’s not what I was asking.”

I held her as she wept. After a few minutes, she said, “I think I figured out my dream where you and he were fighting. You were replacing him in my mind.”

“Oh no. I could never replace him. He will always be there in your memories.”

She smiled and snuggled into me. “Thank you.”

“It’s after midnight, can we get some sleep?”

“Yes, I’m tired.”

I returned to my bed, but it took a long time to get to sleep. She had captured my mind.

Friday, May 14, 2010

As I woke, my back felt very warm and I realized that Emily was in bed with me. When I turned, she woke.

“Good morning. Why are you in my bed?”

She turned onto her back and stretched before replying. “I wanted to be close to you. You were warm, and it felt good.”

“Excuse me, I need to go.” I crawled from under the covers and rushed to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth before returning to find her still in my bed.

When I slid under the covers, her body scooted closer to mine. She wore pajamas, but they were so thin it felt as if she were naked. We kissed, and her hand went under my pajama top to caress my bare chest. We kissed with even more urgency, and I could feel myself harden. It didn’t take long before she moved her hand down to rub me through the fabric.

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