
Thank Your Lucky Stars Ch. 02


Pictures of her covered a whole wall, as well as the top of every nightstand, table and dresser. Amidst them all was one small family photo, of him with his ex-wife and daughter. It had been taken soon after she’d graduated from high school, and not long before his first affliction his. They’d all been close then, before the dementia. They never came to visit him, though, that first time, or now. Only she did.

He knew she was coming to visit him later today. It was the only thrill left in his days. He always knew when that time came. It was how he marked the time. Dates and hours, days of the week, months of the year, they all meant nothing to him. He cared only about when she would arrive, and when she would leave. In between was just the boring, meaningless, numberless passage of time, like the moment between one second and the next, but drawn out into an unbearable length.

Today was different, too, special beyond all of her usual visits. She’d said that she’d found it. That gave everything a different feel. The air had a different taste, the walls a different color. He couldn’t say he felt more alive, but the world did. It was like there was, for the first time in years, something new that could happen, something to hope for. He had hope that there was again something new in the world waiting to be discovered.

That’s how children lived. Children lived a life filled with wonder. They lived a life where every day might bring a new joy or marvel, or even pain, but it was still new. Every day might bring something fresh and revealing, and most days did. Good or bad, the pain or joy always passed, but it kept things interesting. Not so for old men gazing listlessly forward at the too-near end of their days.

She was young and vibrant, beautiful and glowing, and she adored him. His tired shell of a body and twisted mind couldn’t return her love, not any more, but still she lavished hers on him, in a tender, warm, nonsexual way, and he silently thanked her for that. She’d become, here near the end, both the wife and the daughter who had abandoned him.

As things had turned out, as his life had turned out, it was more than he could expect, and probably more than he deserved. Most of the family had abandoned him, after what he’d done and how he’d lived. Now he only had her, and even then, only when she could spare the time to pay him a quick visit. She was a good, generous girl, but she still had a full life to live. It made him feel guilty, but not guilty enough to urge her not to come.

It all had dwindled to this. He’d already been here once before, or in a place and situation like it, long ago, although for the life of him he couldn’t remember much of those days. They were a blur, like a dream that was so very vivid in the moment between sleep and waking, and yet is so hard to recall a few hours later over breakfast and coffee.

That was probably for the best. It was painful enough to live this way now, let alone to remember how bad it had been before.

To help him dismiss his morbid thoughts he pulled out the sheets of paper, to resume reading where he’d left off.

Interlude 2 : Alien Science Lesson

It might be the time to teach how one enslaves
Using Telefragenic Neuromalous Waves
The things they can do
To make people screw
And how they affect how a person behaves

These waves are emitted in pulses or spurts
Which lower men’s trousers and raise women’s skirts
By playing toccata
On one’s Oblongata
In a fashion that bounces from “pleasant” to “hurts”

A teasing imbalance of pleasure and pain
Can cause any person to cease to bahis siteleri remain
With their moral compass,
They coolly turn pompous
And so choose a course from which they should refrain

A Telefragenic Neuromalous Wave
Will twist neurons ‘round to make one misbehave
Bombarded too long
What is right becomes wrong
And what is just wrong becomes what one will crave

So now that you know all the science and stuff
Perhaps in your judgement you won’t be too tough
On the family Brown
Who’ll get up to go down
On forbidden, incestuous, sensuous muff

Phase III — Target : Thomas, The Marine

Old Brown lay quite spent, after all his ordeals
Such as fucking a space ship out in his corn fields
Or giving no quarter
While fucking his daughter
And reveling in her too passionate squeals

It now became Bobbie Jean’s role to fulfill
To move down the hall and decide whom she will
Make come with her next
As a perverse pretext
To turning their brains into quite useless swill

The nymph held three seedpods, all ready and waiting
And a strange, odd device, for T wave emanating,
Thus armed she’d begin,
To seduce her own kin,
By engaging with them in the act known as mating

Her own choice of partners was sibling, or mother,
She had to pick which of their brains she would smother,
With alien guiding
She far preferred riding,
So needing a cock to do that, chose her brother

Tall, muscular Thomas was now a Marine,
He’d entered the service at barely eighteen
Four years in the Corps
Made him into much more
So much it appealed to his sis, Bobbie Jean

He was muscled and covered with many tattoos
Exotically drawn on his taut, strong sinews
It made her so warm
That his artistic form
Could be doing to her anything he might choose

Her brother’s tattoos were intensely exciting
Two tigers, with claws out for savagely fighting,
A girl who was stacked,
A skull that was cracked,
And a cobra, mouth open for venomous biting

The thought of a strong man built so well, like him,
All muscles and tattoos, in fighting-fit trim,
Made her sex glands sweat
And almost forget
That her dear brother’s prick should not enter her quim

As brother and sister the two were quite close
There stirred in between them a sense of eros,
But they never committed
What wasn’t permitted
At least, ‘til this evil raid from the cosmos

In the past she’d tried hard not to think of her brother,
As a mighty, strong, conquering warrior-lover,
But when she was bored
His cock was a sword
And her pussy was where he could bravely take cover

A powerful soldier like Thomas, she’d bet
Could make her soft, cool loins heat up, hot and wet
A fine sibling lay
Was a marvelous way
To produce a fond memory she’d always regret

For his part, strong Thomas, the service had sought
To flee this attraction he desperately fought
He ached for his sister
To moan as he kissed her
So to join the Marines is what wrong lust had wrought

It couldn’t be ”true love,” he knew, he could tell
It was simmering hormones that made his cock swell
True love with a sibling
Could not be the real thing
Although he was sure he made her hot, as well

He’d left, then returned, on a very long leave
Hoping and praying, he’d come to believe
His lust for this girl
Was a flag that would furl
And in coming back home he would find a reprieve

At the same time his eye was distracted, a bit
By a new, unexpected contender’s great tits
But that canlı bahis siteleri instigator
Is best left for later
Let’s stick to the problem of this sibling fit

So these two ”sweet” lovebirds resisted so long
The dangerous call of that loud siren’s song
Of mixing their junk
A slut and a hunk
Going places where neither one’s junk did belong

Perhaps growing up in a farm’s solitude
Made it natural feelings like those would intrude
But now, in this place
The invaders from space
Were programming far stronger drives, vile and crude

Tonight, pushed by alien forces severe
The two would experience love, shame and fear
Bobbie Jean settled in
By his bed to begin
Making passionate love to her sweet brother, dear

She started events with her mouth and her lips
Beginning with slurps, licks, sucks, kisses, and sips
Of her brother’s fine prick
To make it grow thick
And long in her mouth and her soft fingertips

His eyes opened wide at the sudden immersion
Of a mouth simulating the pleasant insertion
Of cock into cunt
He gave a soft grunt
Before realizing the act was perversion

Tom watched, eyes wide open, as his sister’s tongue
Worked bathing his cock, while to his sheets he clung
It felt so damn good
Like no blow job should
When delivered by one so familiar, and young

He knew that this wasn’t the first she’d subdued
A man’s swollen cock that cried out to be screwed
Her head kept on bobbing
His cock kept on throbbing
To the thought that his sister was no church pew prude

Somehow our strong Thomas felt this wasn’t proper
He tried to convince himself he had to stop her,
His training kicked in,
As he fought back the sin,
But stern resolve cracked as she swallowed his whopper

He should have stayed strong, as she smiled at the flavor
But she spun around so he’d return the favor
Her pussy was there
In need of his care
And presenting a taste of his sister he’d savor

He lay there, in rapture, completely enthralled
By a soft, velvet mouth made so hot it could scald
She sucked with a zeal
That could form molten steel
While he noted his sister’s sweet pussy was bald

His sister’s moist flower, between two long stems
Lay nestled before him like the finest of gems
With petals of pink
And nectar to drink
He knew these beginnings would lead to sweet ends

For her part, by this point, his cock did present
What for Bobbie Jean must be the main event
She spun ‘round again
To guide his cock in
Screaming loudly and fiercely of her clear intent

”Oh, God, dear Big Brother! You’ll fuck me so deep!
I’ve been such a fool to leave you fast asleep.
I tried hard to lick,
But I must ride your dick.
Still, we can’t make a sound, so please don’t make a peep!”

She said this so loudly he barked out a laugh,
Then watched her cunt rise before swamping his staff,
She fucked him supreme,
Like a whore in a dream,
He would conquer a continent on her behalf

As Bobbie Jean took him with temperature heightened
To levels that would any doctor have frightened
His teeth had to grit
At the burn of her slit
Then drove himself in where her scorching walls tightened

It was Bobbie Jean’s turn to coat his cock with shame
Consumed by a cunt stoked with alien flame
The heat was intense
The burn so immense
For the rest of his life he’d think all whores were tame

“Shit, yes, Little Sister! Fuck, Bobbie! Oh, Shit!
I’ll fill your hot pussy and suck your sweet tit,”
He barked, marine güvenilir bahis crass,
As he grabbed her tight ass,
“I’ll fuck you forever! You’re such a tight fit!”

“Merci,” she responded, ”Oh, Merci beaucoup!”
She squealed as she writhed, while she traced a tattoo
With provocative grace
She kissed his whole face
While Thomas laughed back, ”Oh, Yes? Oui? Parlez vous?”

He’d paid for such loving on far distant shores,
Commercial exchanges for the world’s oldest chores
When right here his sister
Rode so hard she’d blister
A cock made of steel forged from pure iron ores

He rolled her hard over to lie on her back,
To use his great strength to increase his attack,
She could not repel
His so amorous swell
While he nibbled and sucked on her cute little rack

Her tits were so tempting, like two small, fresh cupcakes
So soft, yet so firm, that they instilled deep heartaches
They were so enticing
With or without icing
He loved to just watch as his thrusts gave them small shakes

Her legs and her arms, she expertly entwined
Like a room full of snakes, she wrapped him in a bind
His sweet little sister
Made love to her mister
Her brother, the soldier, who held her in kind

Although they both loved this perverse, shameful whim
That had simmered and broiled within her and him
Inside they both reeled
As their lust was revealed
And so openly shared with such vigor and vim

A good girl could search short, long, near, far and wide,
To find a good man who could warm her inside,
When he’d always been here,
Her sweet brother dear,
The best fucking stud that she ever would ride

As a strapping young man Tom had fine girls to call
When he wanted a woman to kiss and to ball
But the biggest damn crime,
Was that all of this time,
The best fuck by far had been right down the hall

And yet, with his great strength of courageous will
Dear Thomas resisted this outrageous thrill
He held back the urge
To come with a splurge
In his little sister, who clutched at his drill

The alien mind that was pulling the string
Could sense that good Thomas resisted this fling
It sent out directions
To use sweet inflections
So Bobbie Jean’s mouth voiced the words she must sing

”Big brother, you’re filling me so full I’ll burst,”
She screamed as his cock was completely immersed,
”Please shoot in my cunt,
My dear Marine grunt,
We’ve gone so far now, things just can’t be reversed!”

He gazed at the girl of whom he was so fond
The words pushed him over the edge, and beyond
His strength had eroded
His cannon exploded
He came for so long that his come made a pond

Beside him, at rest on the hard-shaking bed,
A seedpod was glowing in orange and red
It pulsed in a rhythm
That peaked with his jism
Shooting into his sister like a bursting warhead

The orgasm left him exhausted and senseless
His mind in that moment was weak and defenseless
The next pod intruded,
His own mind, excluded,
A sure sign this alien plan was relentless

The number of pod people now stands at three
Although Bobbie Jean was too spent now to be
The tool of seduction
for mother’s induction
That mission fell now to the well-trained Tommy

He finished the section without the feeling of distraction he had hoped for. Throughout the tumbling words, his mind wandered ever back to her. He felt even more anxious as the time of her arrival approached. She was never late, and he was grateful for that, because he didn’t think he could survive one moment of thinking that perhaps, for once, she wasn’t coming… especially not after she’d told him that she’d found it.

A writer must conjure, contrive and emote
Express and then stress about each word he wrote
Since he took the time
To make these lines rhyme
The least you could do is to bother to vote

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