
The Babysitter Pt. 08



Stefan felt invigorated, rejuvenated–untouchable! He felt like he was on top of the world! It was amazing what good sex could do for you, and he was having lots of it.

Since the last night he’d spent with Ash, it was like he had a sexual appetite only his babysitter could satisfy.

The following week, he came up with every excuse he could think of so he could have some alone time with Ash. Monday was “a late-night meeting” and masturbation. They made out against a wall and traded hand jobs like horny teenagers.

Tuesday was “a coworker with a flat tire” and sex toys. After being introduced to the pure pleasure that was having his ass played with, Stefan had done a little research and bought a butt plug. He’d asked Ash to help him get acquainted with it which led to him being bent over Ash’s knees, three fingers deep, before the plug was inserted. He lasted for all of thirty seconds before he came.

Wednesday was for “water damage” and watching. Ash first performed a sexy little strip tease and then edged the shit out of him while his hands were tied above his head. He could have easily broken free, but there had been something so erotic about not being able to touch himself or Ash when he most wanted to.

And before Ash untied him, he had his way him, using his mouth as nothing more than the hole it was. 10/10, was an incredible experience.

By Thursday, he didn’t even try coming up with an excuse. He just text Ash and said Luca will be asleep by 7. I want you naked in my bed shortly after.

When Ash replied, his response wasn’t what Stefan had been expecting.

You know I have a life outside of your bedroom walls, right?

Which he knew, of course, but they’d been having such a good time together, he hadn’t stopped to think of much of anything else.

He shot back: Of course. Do you have plans tonight? trying not to let his thoughts spiral toward what he was doing and who he may have been doing those things with. One thing they hadn’t talked about was exclusivity. While Stefan definitely wasn’t going out or hooking up with anyone else, Ash had never said that he wasn’t. And why shouldn’t he? He was young and hot and had no real responsibility outside of providing for and taking care of himself. If he wanted to see other people besides Stefan, that was his prerogative, despite the uneasy feeling it left in Stefan’s stomach.

I don’t Ash’s reply finally came through, settling some of the uneasiness he’d been feeling. Just thought I’d remind you that I’m more than just a warm body quickly followed.

Stefan didn’t respond. Nothing he could think of in the moment felt like an appropriate response, but he understood where Ash was coming from. Stefan had been treating him as more of a fuck buddy than… Well, they hadn’t really defined what they were, but Stefan absolutely saw and recognized him as more than someone he occasionally had sex with.

Ash was funny and kind and charming. He had an infectious personality and the ability to draw almost anyone in with his smile. He was so good with Luca, treating him as if he was his own child. He was one of the best people to have a conversation with; he listened and asked questions and didn’t interrupt. He always gave you his whole attention, and despite having grown up facing so much hardship, he had one of the biggest capacities for love Stefan had ever seen. He was incredible, and when he showed up that night, Stefan made sure to show him.

He ducked out of work early. Before picking up Luca, he stopped by the flower shop down the street from his firm. As soon as he opened the door, his nose was assaulted with the aroma of dozens of fragrances.

He had a short but pleasant chat with the shop owner about how her day had been before asking her what flowers would best express appreciation, something that would say “I’m thinking of you.”

She smiled and suggested dark pink roses as a classic option–he wanted to go with something a little less traditional–or yellow tulips–which would have been a good option, but she admitted that what she had in stock wasn’t as vibrant as they could be. The last option she had were carnations, light red for admiration and pink for gratitude which was exactly what Stefan was going for.

After getting Luca from daycare, he swung by an Edible Arrangements. Thankfully, they still had chocolate-dipped strawberries available.

When he’d gotten home, he made quick work of getting his son fed and bathed. He’d gone another day without taking a nap and was fighting sleep while he ate, his curls falling into his face as his little head fell forward.

Ash had just let himself in the door as Stefan was carrying Luca upstairs to his room. He pressed a kiss to his lover’s cheek and said, “I’ll be right back.”

When Stefan came back downstairs, Ash was sitting on the couch, shoes off and toes tucked underneath himself, looking at his phone. His eyes followed Stefan across the room; his expression escort bursa was neutral and gave nothing away. Stefan didn’t let that stop him from dropping down next to him, sparing no space.

He smiled. “Hi, there.”


“I’m glad you’re here. How was your day?”

“Good.” He looked down at his hands. “I, uh, spent the day researching art and design programs.”

Stefan’s eyebrows rose toward his hairline. “You’re thinking about going to school?”

“Yeah. After we’d talked about it, I started thinking about it more and thought it wouldn’t hurt to at least look, see what my options. I can’t babysit forever.”

“You could… if you wanted to.” Stefan pulled one of Ash’s hands into his lap, lightly circling a finger around his palm. In his mind’s eye, he saw himself coming home to find Ash cradling a baby, his face full of joy and wonder as he wiggled his finger at the bundle in his arms. He looked up, smiled, and said, “Can we have one of our own?” And it caught Stefan so off guard for a moment that his fingers paused their trailing.

Where had that come from? he thought. Not that it was an unpleasant thought; it was just unexpected, but… it was a nice idea. Him and Ash and Luca and a future together… That was something to revisit when he was alone and had more time to think.

If Ash wondered why he’d stopped, he didn’t say anything.

Stefan continued. “People pay good money for child care, and if you wanted to expand this into a business, I would give the highest recommendation. Though”–he threaded their fingers together–“I would be insanely jealous if you found another hot, single dad to spend all your time with.”

Smirking, he said, “Lucky for you, hot, single dads are few and far between, and even if they weren’t, you’d always be my favorite.”

Stefan leaned in for a kiss.

“I got you something,” he said against Ash’s lips.

“What’s that?”

“I’ll go get it.” He pushed to his feet. “Stay right here.”

He grabbed the bouquet and strawberries from the fridge and held them behind his back as he made his way back into the living room. Stefan side-stepped around the coffee table, doing his best to keep his front facing forward. Ash gave him a curious look.

Just before he sat, Stefan pulled the gifts out from behind him.

Placing the strawberries on the coffee table, he handed Ash the flowers and watched his expression. There was a little bit of confusion at first, his eyebrows knitting into a deep “V”, but his expression quickly transformed to wonder.

“You got me flowers?” he asked, accepting the offered bouquet.

“I did… Do you like them?”

Ash pressed his nose into the bunch, inhaling deeply. “Carnations are my favorite.”

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Stefan fought to keep the self-satisfied smile off his face.

“I love them,” he said around a smile. “Thank you.”

Stefan internally fist pumped. “You’re welcome.” He pressed a kiss to the soft skin just below Ash’s ear, letting his lips linger as he luxuriated in the other man’s vanilla and mint scent. “I, uh”–Ash shivered as Stefan’s warm breath tickled his neck–“haven’t been the most conscious of your feelings, and, for that, I’m sorry. You make me feel…” he trailed off, debating on which words to use. The way Ash smiled at him made him feel warm and seen. Ash also made him feel sexy, an adjective he never would have used to describe himself, but the way Ash worshipped his body and introduced him to sensations he would have never been able to imagine was electrifying.

The way Ash checked in with him and never pushed when they tried something new made him feel cared for and respected, but Stefan didn’t know how to succinctly say that, so he just said, “Amazing.”

Ash rolled his eyes. “An orgasm will do that to you.”

Rolling his eyes in return, Stefan said, “The orgasms have been really good; that’s why I’ve been asking you to come over so much this week, but it’s not just about the sex. I know that you’re more than just a warm body. I enjoy the time we spend together outside of the bedroom just as much. So tonight, maybe we just hang out and watch a movie. I bought a few different kinds of kettle corn for us to try.”

Smiling, Ash hooked a finger under Stefan’s chin and drew their mouths together, giving him a small kiss. “Thank you,” he said, “for the flowers and the strawberries and for not just brushing past my statement. I hope you know I wasn’t saying it in an attempt to make you feel guilty. I really, really enjoy the sex, too, but it feels like that’s all our relationship has been lately. I just”–he hesitated, looking away for a moment before his eyes met Stefan’s again–“I don’t just want sex to be all there is between us.”

“Me neither,” Stefan said, kissing him back. “Why don’t you pick a movie while I get a plate and napkins for the strawberries and pop some popcorn?”

“Well,” Ash said as Stefan bursa yabancı escort moved to get up off the couch.

“Well?” he stopped, an eyebrow cocked in question.

“I mean, not that snacks and a movie don’t sound great. I appreciate the consideration, but maybe we can raincheck? I did come here with the expectation of being naked in your bed.” His eyes sparkled with mischief. “I was expecting to be ravished.” His eyelids drooped heavy with lust.

Stefan felt his cheeks getting hot, and he didn’t know why. “Are you–” He cleared his throat. “Are you sure?”

Ash set the flowers aside. Reaching up for Stefan’s shirt, he tugged and Stefan fell forward. One knee landed on the soft cushion; he caught himself on the sofa back with a hand.


Stefan swung his other knee over Ash’s lap, so he was straddling his waist. He rested his other hand on the other side of Ash’s head and looked down at the younger man. It was a new experience for him–being the one in someone’s lap instead of having someone in his own, but as Ash’s hands slipped under the hem of Stefan’s shirt, his chilled fingers gently pressing Stefan forward at the small of his back, Stefan realized he liked it, liked not being in control, liked the view from up there.

Ash tilted his head up for a kiss, and Stefan, unwilling and unable to deny him any further, leaned down to meet his lips.

“Mmm,” Stefan hummed, brushing his nose along the bridge of Ash’s. It was crazy how, despite everything they’d been through, every kiss still felt as wondrous as the first.

Ash licked at his lips, and Stefan opened for him, letting Ash’s tongue sweep into his mouth and rob him of his breath.

Rolling his hips upward, Ash abruptly pulled back and said, “We should take this upstairs.”


After a quick shower to wash off the dirt and grime of the day–though it was hard to say how clean they actually got, unable to keep their hands off each other once their clothes started coming off, a welcoming hindrance to the process of showering–Stefan laid Ash down on his bed and kissed a path across his shoulders and his chest, teasing a nipple with his teeth before turning him over and having him lay face down.

Stefan wished he’d been better prepared for the massage he planned to give Ash, but seeing as he had no reason to just have massage oils lying around the house, he had to make do with what he had.

He gathered Ash’s hair and tied it in a loose topknot so it wouldn’t be in the way. He peppered a few kisses along the curve of shoulders and down the notches of his spine before straddling Ash’s waist. His flaccid dick settled perfectly into crack of Ash’s ass.

He scooped some coconut oil out of the jar with his fingers and warmed it between his hands. When it was silky and melted, he firmly pressed his palms into the small of Ash’s back, curled his fingers around his sides, and smoothed his hands up the long expanse of Ash’s back. He repeated the motion a few times, getting Ash’s skin slicked and loose before centering his focus.

He started with his traps, kneading the muscles strong and deep. He paid extra attention to his shoulders and upper back, digging his thumbs into the deep tissue. Ash let out a groan of approval.

Stefan worked his way down Ash’s spine, fingers working between the rows of his ribs. He applied enough pressure to feel good but not hurt, moving lower and lower until he was gripping Ash’s perfect ass, all perky and round. Stefan had never thought of himself as an ass person before Ash, but as he plied and squeezed his plump butt and gave his ass a few nice hard smacks, watching the creamy skin turn rosy red, Stefan couldn’t get enough.

Sliding a little lower down on Ash’s body, Stefan spread Ash’s cheeks and licked straight up his slit. He’d also never thought of eating ass as source of pleasure. He knew other people did it, had seen it in porn a few times over, but he’d never personally given any thought to it until Ash had taken him apart with nothing but his tongue the other night. He wanted to return the pleasure tenfold but not right that second. He wanted to play first. He wanted Ash begging for more before he got to the good part, so he grazed his teeth over his cheeks, placing little kisses across and around the sensitive skin.

Ash shivered in pleasure, and Stefan grinned.

He spread his cheeks further and dove back in, kissing and licking and swirling his tongue in lavish circles. Ash wiggled his ass back, trying to get closer to the origin of his pleasure, but Stefan pressed his hips down firmly and said, “That was just a preview of what’s to come.”

A dramatic groan emanated around the room.

Flipping him over, Stefan kissed his hip and said, “I promise, baby, it’ll be worth the wait.”

Starting at Ash’s feet, he massaged the soles deeply, digging his thumbs into specific spots like he knew what he was bursa escort doing. After a few minutes, he moved up his calves and his thighs; his mouth followed the trail his hands paved, sprinkling kisses along the way. His mouth came close enough to Ash’s dick to get him excited and desperate for more; it started to harden and lift, a flag being raised from half-mast. Not wanting to leave him high and dry, though, he gave him a quick preview of the happy ending to come–swallowing as much of Ash’s dick as he could and slowly sliding his mouth back off–and kept moving.

Ash threw his arm over his eyes. “What the fuck, Stefan?”

Throwing his leg back over Ash’s waist, Stefan lined up their cocks and took both of them into his hand. He began to jack them slowly, squeezing on every downstroke. Ash’s hands cupped Stefan’s butt, helping to guide their movements.

Stefan leaned in and took a nipple into his mouth, sucking it until it’s hard and tender. When he bit down, Ash hissed, but his expression was more pleasure than pain. He begged for more, and Stefan was more than glad to give it to him.

He continued a slow grind, their dicks creating dizzying friction, while he massaged his arms and torso, neck and shoulders; it was a slow dance with no music. He loved the way Ash’s eyelashes fluttered closed and seeing how pliant and loose he was underneath him. The want and trust between them choked Stefan up.

He’d never felt anything like this before, and it was… terrifying and intoxicating and brilliant. He never wanted it to end.

Stefan recaptured Ash’s lips, kissing him deeply and unhurried. Ash’s arms wrapped around Stefan’s neck, hands grabbing fistfuls of his hair; his legs wound around Stefan’s back.

He would’ve been content spending the rest of the night like this, gently rocking and kissing, tangled up in each other, like nothing in the world existed outside of the two them, but he also wanted Ash sweaty and useless underneath him. He wanted Ash to come undone.

Dislodging Ash’s hands from his hair, Stefan pinned them over his head. He pressed one more kiss to his lover’s lips, biting and tugging the bottom one as he pulled away.

Ash’s eyes snapped open and met Stefan’s. Whatever was on his face must have indicated his intention because Ash unfolded his legs and adjusted his shoulders a little, like he was settling in for a ride.

Stefan released his hold on Ash’s wrists and waited for his reaction. When he didn’t move, Stefan thought, Good boy and rewarded him with another kiss. He began his downward ascent, kissing a path along his jaw and down his neck, across his chest and down his sternum. He paid extra attention to his navel, swirling his tongue around his belly button and licking the light blonde hairs that trailed lower to his cock, using it as guide to his prize.

He pushed Ash’s legs apart and nibbled the tender skin of his inner thighs; he rubbed his nose through the coarse hairs of his pubes, taking long whiffs of Ash’s skin. He smelled like soap and arousal, and the scent made Stefan momentarily dizzy.

Stefan pushed Ash’s legs up and sunk a little lower. Once he was comfortable, he brought Ash’s legs back down, resting his ankles on the backs of his shoulders. Taking Ash’s cock in one hand and running his hand up the back of his thigh with the other, Stefan scattered more kisses along the curve of his ass before sucking Ash’s balls into his mouth and rolling them around like gobstoppers.

Ash arched and moaned, digging his heels into Stefan’s shoulder blades, spurring him onward.

Stefan jacked Ash’s dick, twisting his hand on every upstroke, as he continued his onslaught on his Ash’s balls, sucking, pulling, and letting them fall from his mouth with a pop before starting the process over again. Saliva dripped down his chin, but he didn’t stop to wipe it away.

His lips teased past his hole, blowing a stream of cool against it and watching it pucker. Stefan slid his tongue all the way up my Ash’s ass and taint, sucking his mouth against his perineum. Ash bucked, but Stefan didn’t stop. He licked upward, his tongue painting a wet strip all the way up to the tip of Ash’s dick.

Ash’s fists were clenched in the bedsheet; his eyes were squeezed shut. Stefan tapped Ash’s dick against the tip of his tongue and then left it there, letting Ash slide himself into his mouth.

His lover’s hips flexed as he pushed himself forward over and over again, fucking Stefan’s mouth slowly, and it was honestly one of the hottest things Stefan had ever experienced.

He dipped his head a little lower so Ash wouldn’t have to push his hips as far and slid his hands up the bed until he found the younger man’s hands. He laced their fingers together and let himself be used.

Ash’s thrusts fluctuated in tempo. He squeezed Stefan’s fingers as he rolled his hips forward to a slow and steady beat, seemingly letting him know that he was there and present with him, but when his hips picked up speed, ready and rushed, his fingers hooked into the sides of Stefan’s mouth and held it open. Stefan relaxed his throat like Ash had taught him to do and let Ash’s long, hot cock dock over and over again.

After a few minutes, he let go and fell back on the bed, murmuring, “Don’t wanna come yet.”

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