
The Boyfriend Pt. 32


XXXII: Show Me the Dress


A knock at the door jolted Lexi out of her thoughts.

“Lex! Open up!”

Rolling her eyes, Lexi looked down at her phone, then at the book. Doing that still made her feel warm inside.

She smiled even as she sighed, “I think I’ve gotta go, Marie.”

“That’s okay.”

Is she giggling?

More knocking.

“Lex!” her sister called.

“Ugh. Gimme a sec, unless you want my cock out when you walk in!”

“Seen it before!”

Lexi swallowed, cheeks exploding with heat and her next words came out in a flood.

“I’ll talk to you later, Marie. Thank you for the gifts. Both of them. I–They’re wonderful.”

I hope she didn’t hear Helen.

Marie giggled, “I’m glad you like them, Lexi. I’ll talk to you later.”

Fuck, she definitely heard.

Lexi hung up, then, at her sister’s continued insistent knocking, stalked over to her dresser and grabbed one of the long, loose skirts she sometimes wore around the house. She briefly considered just following through on her threat and opening up the door completely naked except for her chain, but that would just give Helen way too many opportunities for jokes. Especially gebze escort now that she knew Lexi was in a relationship.

“Hold your fucking horses, Helen.”

It made her a bit frustrated as she slipped on the skirt, but then Lexi looked back to her desk, and the book, and she found herself smiling again. The warmth that spread through her thinking about Marie and that book made her so happy, she decided to half-follow through on her threat and opened up the door without putting a top on first.

That wasn’t a big deal, though. She had celebrated with Helen when her tits had grown in, and both of them tried on each other’s tops occasionally despite being different sizes.

So, when Lexi opened the door, Helen looked her up and down, eyebrow raised, then grinned before pushing her way in. She wore a long, plain grey maxi-dress that hugged her figure while still looking super-cozy. Lexi had a few Helen had bought her, but hadn’t worn any of them yet. Tucking kind of defeated the purpose of wearing something like that around the house, and though tucking was not the most comfortable thing in the world by far, without doing that, it would look a lot different gediz escort on her than on her sister.

“Nice chain. Is it new?”

Lexi couldn’t help smiling, “It is, actually.”

She rolled her eyes the moment the words left her mouth, as a moment later, Helen rounded on her, a knowing smile splitting her face.

“From Marie? Oh my god, is it a Christmas present?”

“Not exactly. She said it was a joke-present.”

Helen smirked, “But you still like it.”

Lexi tried to frown even as her face grew hot, “Shut up.”

Helen cackled, “Well, you can keep wearing it, because we’re going out tonight, remember?”

Lexi smiled, “I remember. Time to start getting ready?”

“Yes. You were sexting with your girlfriend for a while.”

Ignoring the comment, Lexi went over to her dresser and started looking for a crop top to wear. She’d have to change into jeans, but–

“Hey!” Lexi yelped, barely pulling her fingers out of the drawer in time as Helen shoved it closed, “The fuck?”

“No crop top tonight, sis!” Helen said, grabbing the hem of her skirt and tugging her toward the door, “I bought us both new dresses.”

Lexi gölbaşı escort frowned, “How?”

Helen shot her a flat look over her shoulder, “Please, I’m the reason you know your dress sizes.”

Lexi swallowed, fingers growing twitchy, “But I don’t wear them for a reason. My shoulders and my waist…”

She trailed off, trying to find something else to say, but Helen beat her to it. Her older sister stood before her, looking up at her and took both hands in hers.

“Lex, you’re the most beautiful woman in every room you walk into. It makes it really fucking annoying being your sister. Especially since you’re taller so everyone can see how beautiful you are more easily than they can see me. What’s even more annoying, though, is when you don’t believe me when I say that. Have I ever lied to you?”

Lexi opened her mouth–

“About something other than where I’m hiding booze or my favorite snacks?”

Lexi closed her mouth and shook her head, smiling just a bit, “No.”

“Then trust me on this one?”

Lexi bit her lip.

“I bought one that you can wear your body chains with. And I’ll be there with you the whole time.”

“And you’ll be my dance partner?”

Helen grinned, eyes sparkling, “Of course! Until I find someone really hot to go home with.”

Lexi rolled her eyes again, but grinned at her sister.

“Okay, show me the dress. Will I need a bra?”

A/N: Isn’t Helen just the best? I hope you guys enjoy their relationship!

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