
The Cabin Ch. 16


Each chapter I keep thinking, this is it, this will be the last one, but then more ideas keep cumming. Pun intended. Anyway, Chapter 17 is in the works! Please, always leave a comment, your encouragement and constructive criticism is always appreciated!

Chapter 16

I don’t know what time they left, but the girls were asked to leave while I was asleep. I think I remember feeling them each kiss my forehead but I’m not sure if that was a dream or reality. It’s probably safe to assume they did and just wanted to let me rest instead of waking me just to say goodnight. But, shortly after the morning RN ordered me my breakfast and checked my wound to see how it was healing up, the girls came in looking happier than when they left.

Eating my scrambled eggs, which aren’t bad for hospital food, I eye them suspiciously but they don’t seem to be hiding anything either as they chatter excitedly about what all we have to do once I’m out of here.

“You guys fucked all night, didn’t you?” I interrupt them and both of them share the same confused expression.

“Well, yeah, we sent you two videos of it,” Angel tells me.

“I don’t have my phone,” I inform them.

They look at each other and then burst out laughing.

“Well, I’m glad you two had a fun night while I was lying here with a knife wound in my side,” I guilt trip them, only half serious.

“Dave,” Chelsea says coming to my side first; Angel mirrors her on my right. “I promise it started out as consoling each other,” she explains. “And THEN Angel fucked the shit out of me with a strap-on,” she says and the girls erupt into a fit of giggles again.

“I really wish I had my phone now,” I admit, moving on to my oatmeal.

“It’s probably somewhere in the motel room, needing to be charged. You’ll have to watch on the drive back, I guess,” Angel says. “Shit, we have two cars here,” she says sadly. “One of us will have to drive alone.”

Chelsea pouts with her. “It’s only for like, three hours, right? We can make it that far back to your parents’ house,” she reasons.

“Yeah, but as soon as we leave here, it’s basically no more sex until we move back up here in a few weeks,” she counters.

Chelsea goes speechless and looks at me. “Well,” I start, “I can’t do much until these stitches come out anyway. At least, nothing too crazy,” I tell her. “I’m sure we can find ways to sneak it in quietly,” I tell her. “You just gotta keep it down,” I add with a wink.

“Me? You should have heard this slut last night,” Angel laughs.

I clear my throat as if to make my point about her volume.

“Right,” she says turning slightly pink in the cheeks.

“Good morning,” the doctor on duty says walking in, his nose buried in my chart. “How are we…oh, hello,” he says surprised to see the girls standing on either side of my bed. “I didn’t realize you had guests already,” he says. “I’m Dr. Schmidt,” he introduces himself and the girls shake his hand, introducing themselves as well. “I just came on duty and am beginning my rounds, so I thought I’d come and see how you’re doing,” he moves to the side of the bed Angel’s on.

“Excuse me,” she says walking around to join Chelsea, slipping her arm around her lower back and resting her head on her shoulder. Chelsea holds Angel around the side as well as they watch the doctor inspect my wound.

I pull my hospital gown around for him to do his job. “It looks like the stitches are holding wonderfully. You’ll still need to change the bandage every few hours for a while, but once you stop seeing any kind of blood or fluids on it after a change, you can leave it off until it’s time to return to remove the stitches,” he instructs.

“How long will that be, do you think?” I ask him.

“It’s hard to say, but with how well it’s healing now, it shouldn’t take too long unless you break the rules and tear them,” he says and then eyes the girls. “Good luck,” he says with a knowing wink.

“I’m going to recommend you be discharged,” he adds. “I will write a prescription for the pain to take as needed. But, from the looks of things, you seem to be in good hands,” he says and doesn’t try to hide him looking the girls up and down before leaving the room.

“He’s kind of a creeper,” Chelsea says.

“I thought he was kinda cute,” Angel argues.

“He looked like the mole guy at the end of The Incredibles,” Chelsea throws back at her, making me laugh. “Ooh, are you okay?” Chelsea asks as I wince in pain from laughing.

“Yeah, I’m fine. It just hurts to laugh still I guess,” I tell her.

“So, no laughing and no sex,” Angel says. “How are we going to make it?”

I roll my eyes at her even though I see her smiling. “I think we’ll be okay,” I tell her. “Honestly, the pain doesn’t bother me that much; it’s just a reminder that you’re both safe from that psycho.”

A few hours later I’m finally dressed and being wheeled out of the hospital per regulations. Angel helps me into the front seat of the Cherokee and then we go back to the motel to pack up and head back to Mom and Dad’s house in malkara escort Littleton. The girls had done most of the packing already, there’re just a few things left to pick up and gather, so they leave me in the Jeep while they stuff everything they can into Angel’s bags and then throw them in the back. Angel agrees to let Chelsea drive me and she leads in her car.

On the drive we plug my phone into the charger so I’m able to watch the videos they’d sent me. I feel my cock begin to grow but then it shrinks back down again as fear over my stitches suddenly comes to the forefront of my mind. I turn off the video and put my phone away to remove the temptation to want to rub one out in the car. Then a brief flashback of Evan’s knife in my side comes back to me and I close my eyes to block it out.

“Are you okay?” Chelsea asks.

“Yeah,” I lie.

“I know when you’re lying,” she says.

“How?” I ask her.

“You try to say as little as possible to try and keep from lying as much as possible,” she says.

I sigh and grin at her. “Fine,” I say and poke her in the ribs playfully. She almost swerves the car out of the lane as she screams at my playful attack.

“Don’t do that!” she complains. “Especially while I’m driving!”

“Sorry,” I laugh. “To be honest,” I say, finally explaining myself. “I had too much go through my head. I was starting to get hard from one of the videos and then I remembered my stitches and freaked out and my cock went immediately soft because I’m afraid of ripping them out,” I tell her.

“Was that all?” she asks.

I keep silent not wanting to scare her about the mini flashback. It’s the only one I’ve had so there’s no point in worrying everybody about it. Just then Angel’s number pops up on the screen as calling in to talk to us.

“Hey baby,” Chelsea answers after hitting the button to accept the call on the steering wheel.

“Hey, you guys okay? I saw you swerve a minute ago,” she says.

“We’re fine, your asshole brother tickled me; he didn’t realize how dangerous that can be,” Chelsea says winking at me.

“I wish I was with you guys,” she says.

“Aw, we wish you were in here too,” Chelsea says.

“How are you feeling, Dave?” Angel asks me.

“I’m okay, just a little rundown, freaking out over my stitches a little,” I tell her.

“Well, we’ll take good care of you at home,” she says, not hiding her inuendo at all.

I grin and shake my head a little and then look at Chelsea to see she has a concerned look in her eyes.

“Should we stop for lunch?” she asks Angel.

“I could eat,” she agrees.

“Since you’re ahead of us, why don’t you find us a place and we’ll stop for a little bit?” Chelsea suggests.

“Okay,” she says. “Love you guys!”

“Love you, too!” I say and then Chelsea ends the call.

“There’s something else,” she says softly.

I look at her inquisitively. “What are you talking about?” I ask.

“There’s something else bothering you that you won’t tell us about,” she says.

“Maybe I don’t want to freak you two out,” I tell her.

“Dave,” she says, taking my hand in hers. I don’t pull away from her even though a part of me wants to. “Talk to me. I don’t want to have any secrets in our relationship; it’s what tore me and Evan apart and I can’t go through that with you,” she says sounding like she’s tearing up.

I look to see that her eyes really are watery, like they might spill a few tears any moment. I can’t hurt her the way he did; I can’t let myself be anything like him.

“I had a small flashback of when he stabbed me,” I tell her and her body seems to relax as if I’d just brought her some sort of relief.

“I was afraid that was what it was, but it makes perfect sense, Dave. You took a knife to protect me and Angel; you were a hero,” she praises me.

“Well, Summer was the real hero; she brought two badasses to save us,” I say.

Chelsea grins and shakes her head. “They finished the job, but you kept him from hurting us as best as you can. If you’d known about the knife, I’m sure you would have defended yourself better,” she says. “Besides, you were unarmed and stood up to him, putting yourself between him and us. Summer’s brothers were well armed and ready for anything. You know, we may have to do something to thank them once we move up.”

“Nothing too fun, I hope,” I tell her.

Chelsea laughs. “No, nothing like that. This pussy belongs to you and Angel only,” she says. “It’s just the three of us,” she emphasizes.

I squeeze her hand. “Just the three of us,” I echo.

Angel finds us a 50’s style diner that kinda reminds me of a small chain in Southern California called Ruby’s. There used to be two at the beach, one on the Balboa Pier and the other on the Huntington Beach Pier. Unfortunately, the one in Huntington closed a year or so ago (fucking Covid), and it was the nicer of the two; a mostly round building with two floors and lots of windows where you could watch the sun set over the ocean. I had a few dates maltepe escort there, while going to school. The one in Balboa wasn’t as nice, but was still kinda cool with seating on the roof. The biggest downfall to the Balboa one was, the nearest bathroom was at the other end of the pier.

This place is similar with the female servers wearing white and pink striped blouses and skirts (Ruby’s were more just red and white), typical white socks with bright white tennis shoes. Just like most of these types of diners, their makeup is fairly heavy, with typical bright red lipstick. Though, these girls are a little more conservative on the eyeshadow and eyeliner than the California girls were.

“How can I help you three tonight?” a cute brunette asks as we settle into our half-circle booth with springy seats and bright red vinyl backs.

“What do you recommend?” I ask. “We’re just passing through on our way back down to the Denver area,” I tell her.

“We’ve got the best bacon burger in town and incredible milkshakes,” she says with a wink, that I’m not sure if she’s flirting or just putting on an act as a character of some sort for the restaurant.

“I love a good bacon burger,” I say.

“He just got out of the hospital and needs to take it easy on what he eats,” Angel says to remind me.

“Ooh, nothing serious, was it?” she asks, still in character but true concern on her face.

“I was stabbed,” I blurt out before either of the girls can exaggerate or downplay what happened.

“Holy shit, pardon my French, which one stabbed you?” she asks winking at Angel.

Angel blushes slightly.

“Neither,” Chelsea says, jealousy visible on her face. “He saved us from my psycho ex-husband,” she says, and now I begin to wonder why we’re telling her this story at all; we don’t know her.

“That was you?” she asks and we all look at her confused.

“What do you mean?” Angel asks.

“It was on the local news this morning. They never showed anyone involved, but they did talk about it; in Fort Collins, right?” she asks and we all nod slowly in unison. “That was a brave thing you did,” she says and tells us what the official police statement said, that I tried to fight off the attacker and managed to get his gun away from him but he pulled a knife and stabbed me. Then, friends who were on their way to see us for the night, arrived and found the guy there, holding us hostage and then they busted in and disarmed Evan and held him there until the police could arrive.

“That’s fairly accurate,” I confirm for her.

“Close enough anyway,” Chelsea agrees.

“So, if you need to take it easy, how about I get a kid-sized bacon burger for ya?” she asks.

“Sure,” I say and then she takes the girls’ orders and disappears to the kitchen, only to return a couple minutes later with our drinks.

I sip at my water, not sure that I’m ready for a soda quite yet, and then look around the diner. I catch many of the patrons looking away as soon as I make eye contact with them. Some of them speak in hushed tones only to stop talking when they find me watching them.

“News travels fast, apparently,” I mutter.

“What do you mean?” Chelsea asks.

“Look around the room for a minute or so and you’ll see,” I tell her and she does just that. She sips at her Dr. Pepper while taking subtle glances at different tables.

“I see,” she says quietly. “Try not to let it bug you,” she says.

“I’ll be right back,” Angel says and gets up from the table.

We watch as she heads to the other side of the restaurant, following a sign pointing to the restrooms. Chelsea scoots closer to me, resting her head on my shoulder, so I put my arm around hers. All of my worries vanish in that moment as I feel the love of my life lean against me. Nothing else in the world exists in that small time of silence but me and her, until Angel returns a few minutes later.

“So, what people are talking about isn’t just the attack,” Angel says as she slides back into the booth on my left.

“What are they talking about?” Chelsea asks, sitting up straighter.

“They’re talking about rumors they heard about us being swingers of some kind; or about us being family; stuff like that. Some of the guys seem to be jealous that there are two gorgeous women willing to share you,” she says to me. “None of them know what to believe, so, just let them have their rumors; even the incest rumors don’t seem to bother them.”

“That’s probably pretty common in this part of the state,” I mutter sarcastically. “Not that I blame them,” I say grinning at my sister and then my cousin, both of whom I’m obviously fucking regularly now.

“Feel a little better now?” Chelsea asks and I nod.

“I do actually; that little bit of anxiety from the looks we were getting is gone,” I tell her.

“You’re welcome,” Angel says with a slightly haughty smile. “I saw you were freaking out,” she begins, her look a little more humble now. “I wanted to find out what they were saying, so I decided manavgat escort to see if I could eavesdrop on some conversations a little,” she confesses.

I reach my arm out to her and she scoots in close like Chelsea still is and I pull her in. “Thanks, sis,” I whisper and kiss the top of her head.

Our server brings us our lunch, and due to my pain, the kid’s sized burger was actually perfect; I could barely eat the fries. But it was the milkshakes we take to go that really hit the spot for me. All I ordered was their chocolate shake and it’s the best I’ve ever had. Maybe the recent trauma has enhanced my sensations, or better yet, my appreciation of what I have and experience.

“That’s a good shake,” I say as we get back on the road.

“Yeah, that’s pretty good,” she says about her mint ‘n chip shake.

“You’ve had better?” I ask.

She gives me a sly grin and then looks down at my crotch. “I can think of a protein shake I really like,” she says and then winks at me.

I feel my cock twitch at that; God, I hope we can figure out something we can do until my stitches come out.

“Don’t worry,” she says as if reading my thoughts. “I have some ideas and Angel will too, I’m sure,” she assures me. “There no chance in hell we’re waiting until those come out for him to come out,” she emphasizes, looking down at my crotch.

I laugh but then squeeze her hand. “Do you have any idea how much I love you?”

“Well, you took a knife for me and were willing to take a bullet as well, so, yeah, I think I do,” she says and then lifts my hand to her mouth and kisses the back of it. “And I love you the same,” she adds.

A little less than an hour later we pull into Mom and Dad’s driveway; both of them are at the top waiting for us. Dad comes to my door to help me out but I shake my head to tell him I’m okay.

“It’s not that bad,” I tell him. “Honestly, it’s just a little sore, I just need to take it easy until the stitches are ready to come out.”

“They didn’t have the kind that dissolve?” he asks.

“Aren’t those usually just for inside the body?” I ask.

“I don’t know, maybe, I’m just worried about you, Son,” he says.

“Thanks, Dad,” I say.

“I’m also very proud of you,” he adds, which surprises me because I know how he’s felt about everything that’s happened between me and the girls; hopefully this will put it all behind us and everything will be fine now.

“That means a lot,” I tell him.

“Let’s get you inside,” Mom says. “I’m sure you’re all pretty exhausted.”

“We are,” Angel agrees.

“Well, I’m going to make a big dinner tonight, why don’t you get cleaned up or rest, whatever you need to and we’ll talk about the arrangements here until the big move,” Mom says.

We all agree and then Chelsea helps me down to the basement, which was always a guest room with its own bathroom and even its own outside entrance with stairs that lead up to the ground level on the right-hand side of the house. Dad had always considered making it a rental unit, but Mom never went for that idea and decided to make it a guest room for visitors. The basement is large enough to be divided up into two rooms, but instead, Mom made more like a small, single bedroom apartment with everything but a kitchen. It was her small way to make sure their guests would always at least share meals with them; or force her husband to spend time with their guests.

They had turned my room into a workout room, since one of the four bedrooms upstairs was already an office that Mom did a lot of her work out of. This was fine with me, because that means they were either going to let Chelsea stay with me, or make her stay in Angel’s room with her. But, it’s very likely that both girls will find their way down to stay with me regardless. I can almost guarantee that Dad will have a rule about no sex while living here, but with a thirty-day escrow period, I don’t think we’ll be able to last a whole month without sneaking it somehow.

Chelsea helps me get settled on the big, plush couch in the basement apartment while she starts to go through our vehicles for our most important, everyday items. Soon she has much of our clothes unpacked into the dresser next to the queen-size bed. The only personal item she pulled from my car was the guitar. It’d been locked up in there in the cold for too long, I’m afraid the strings might snap if I try to play it. I take it out of the case and put it in the corner where it will have a chance to warm up to the room’s temperature; I’m sure it’ll need some major tuning, though.

“Think you can play me a song?” Chelsea asks.

“Maybe once I let it warm up after being locked up in a cold vehicle for over a week,” I tell her. “I don’t want to break the strings on the first strum.”

“Well,” she says crawling onto the couch like a sex kitten, “I think it’d be very,” she kisses me on the lips, “sexy,” she kisses me again, “if you did,” she says and then locks her mouth onto mine, holding my face in her hands as she does.

I reach behind her and grab her perfect ass and squeeze her cheeks, pulling her closer into me. She sits down on my lap, our mouths locked in a passionate kiss; it feels like it’s been so long since we last connected even though it’s really only been a couple of days. She grins into my quickly hardening cock, hot breath blasting out of our nostrils.

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