
The Club Pt. 09


Chapter 14 The Finale

I awoke very late, or at least it felt late. Lisa was gone but I could hear the shower running. “Are you OK, darling?” I called but she probably didn’t hear me over the shower. I got up and felt the usual delicious tingle as the sheer fabric dropped over my smooth skin. I padded to the bathroom and was rewarded with the sight of my beautiful Lisa through the shower door. I called again but she didn’t stop washing herself so I popped my head round the shower door only to have my left breast form and my nightie soaked as Lisa splashed. I did fleetingly see her striped arse as I yelled and drew back.

“Sorry,David I didn’t see you there,” said Lisa as she temporarily stopped her ablutions and popped a wet head round the shower door.

” I was just a bit worried about you, baby,” I simpered and Lisa gave me her usual winning smile, “I am as fine as I can be considering…,” she said, “and I am glad that is over for another year. I will have to see if I can get out of it next time.”

I nodded assent and hmmmed as one does when one is not entirely believing but disinclined to challenge.

There seemed little point in standing about in a wet nightie so I promptly took it off and joined Lisa laughing and giggling in the shower. I felt really close to her as I helped her bathe her ravaged body and she soaped me all over. Lisa was really cheerful and only winced when I touched her bum. She exited the shower first and left me in the hot spray to rinse off. Once again, when I had exited the shower we used the usual copious numbers of towels to dry ourselves and then sat in front of our massive bedroom mirror to apply make up and dry our hair.

My own natural hair was growing nicely and I now had enough length for a boyish sort of style but it was a little thin and I had fine hair. As Lisa pointed out, such hair was going to be a trial every morning to get any shape into it. The alternative was to shave it all off and glue a wig on semi permanently like my breastforms. Once a month maintenance rather than every day. It was an attractive prospect and, as Lisa again said, I still needed to do morning maintenance to my hair so still very girly.

The rubber was still where we had left it, in a heap on a chair. Lisa showed me how to rinse it through and dry it off. She also told me that the transparent rubber had been treated so that it didn’t need to be talced like the regular black or coloured rubber as she had worn. I enjoyed handling the rubber.

“Can I keep this stuff here, Lisa,” I asked as I towelled the water spots off the red bra.

“Oh yeah, sure. All the outfits in FemsRace are either in someone’s room or in the store.” Lisa replied,”and that stuff would only fit you or a man of your shape anyway so I doubt there will be much demand for it.” I promptly put the whole outfit on hangers and hung it in my wardrobe. I even stroked it as I closed the door and knew that I would wear the outfit again. I saw Lisa looking at me as I closed the wardrobe door.

“Addictive stuff,” she said and I nodded sagely as I felt the rubber again and imagined it on my skin. Lisa touched my arm.

“It is OK, David,” she said, “to crave all these sensations. I quite like rubber but always associate it with Mistress Amy. When I wear it I become submissive and self conscious so I have to be told to wear it, forced to even so I don’t just put it on to be sexy, if that makes sense.” She laughed nervously and I saw her shudder presumably at the memory of yesterday and I saw her stroke her bum through the towel, “but it is okay for you to wear it because altyazı porno you want to and I think I would like that for myself, you, dressed in rubber…for me, hhmmm.”

With that we giggled and embraced. My towel fell off my breasts and we laughed and started a play fight with me naked except for a towel on my head and she quickly lost her body towel too. I stole a kiss on her lips and my breast forms brushed her real ones. The laughing stopped and we looked at each other, breathing hard. The next kiss was long and passionate and we slowly entwined ourselves as we lost ourselves in the kiss. I ate her mouth and tongue and the kiss became greedy as we ate each other. I felt my cock stiffen and so did she. We parted and I saw the lust in her eyes.

“Save it, tiger,” she breathed,”my arse is not ready for you just now but I want you to fuck me properly tonight and I won’t take no for an answer.” With that she broke off laughing and we play fought lightly for another few minutes.

I think that I fell in love with Lisa at that point. It wasn’t a sudden rush and indeed, this story is a recollection of the events and, in the setting out of the events, it occurs to me that this was the point at which I just knew. I didn’t do anything or say anything at the time but somehow, in the recalling for this story, it was this point at which I realised that my love was actually there. I had been in love before or thought I was, but this was different somehow, stronger, more certain. I was still wary and knew that we had many hurdles to clear but at least I now knew what I wanted and that if anyone could share it, it was Lisa.

We dressed as always in our smart gear. As always my skirt was slightly too short and my suspenders too long but I didn’t care. I was aware that my time at FemsRace was drawing to a close so I could dress how I pleased here for the remainder of the time and I liked feeling sexy and slightly slutty and had no qualms about displaying my underwear and skin in this club. Lisa was only slightly more demure but we had agreed that we would both wear skirts and suspenders for each other. We clattered, giggling to breakfast and were like two schoolgirls as we nibbled out toast and discussed make up, hair and perfume.

We had sat opposite each other for once and during a silence I felt ready to broach the subject.

“Lisa, darling, do you think we should leave FemsRace,” I ventured,

I looked over at Lisa as she poured the tea. Her face was quite calm and I could see she was looking for the right words.

“You took the thought right out of my mind, David,”she said. I felt my heart leap. So this was it! We had launched the ship! No turning back now.

I won’t bore the reader with the logistics of what came next but within a month we had moved into a flat together. I had found a job through Carla working for one of her husband’s companies as a PA to one of his female managers and that was really cool as she knew that I was a T Girl and indulged me as I learnt how to be more demure in appearance, to blend in with the crowd. Both make up and dress were modified for that and she gave me time off to have my beard removed by electrolysis. I had taken Lisa’s advice about the wig being glued on and settled for a really lovely and very expensive shoulder length one in a neutral shade of brown with subtle henna highlights. I was now a full time girl and wore tights at work and regular bra and panties. My heels were only two inches and the shoes sensible, no stilettos at work.

I had some voice coaching and used a throat amatör porno spray that a doctor gave me. I never got the musical quality that women have but I was much better than before and it gave me more confidence to go out on my own and, in particular to go into clothing stores on my own and ask to try things on.

I also noticed men looking at me and learned the art of avoiding eye contact and dressing to blend rather than to please. Eventually of course, I had to dress up and just go out to wow the men. I had been able to take all my FemsRace clothing with me and I did enjoy putting on a short skirt and suspenders with high heels, full make up and a sheer blouse and just going out on the town.

At home after work I usually stripped off to a nightie and peignoir and wasn’t allowed to put on any sweat pants or scruffy clothes. I had to be immaculately dressed or in lingerie. Only occasionally was I permitted to wear jeans or trousers and they were as feminine as Lisa could find. Only she could buy such items. Everything I bought had to be glamorous and I actually didn’t mind that. I was a T Girl not a woman so I had to be the best T Girl I could be. Lisa insisted and I wasn’t arguing.

I had also worn corsets for days at a time and my waist had reduced and I had the makings of an hour glass figure. My corset maker had warned me that any further reductions would need an industrial strength of corset and would give me sores so I settled for the ones I had and constantly dieted to get my weight down. I certainly lost muscle tone but my broad shoulders necessitated a large breast form. I did eventually have electrolysis and laser treatment on my body hair above the waist and on my bum but was advised that to do the legs would be difficult and costly and to depilate my bum crack would be risky. All are still regularly shaved. Fortunately my fine gauge hair on my head also extends to my body and Lisa has little objection to helping me with these difficult to reach areas. I obviously return the favour when asked.

Lisa was very much her old self and demanded that I fuck her on a regular basis. We both had other liaisons and I now have a regular boyfriend who I see as often as I can which is about once a month and we make love and it is wonderful for me to take his cock in hand or mouth and, after about four really hot dates, he lovingly penetrated me. It was a beautiful experience and I always returned to Lisa in high spirits and she always asked me how it felt and was happy that I was happy as well. We always made sweet and beautiful love afterwards and that also applied to her own lesbian encounters which were more frequent at about once a fortnight although her partners were different every time. Lisa did not want to take a lover as she felt that I was enough for her and that my cock was much better than a strap on and other men were out of the question as other women were to me.

I truly feel that this time with Lisa was the best of my life and I found both myself and the love of my life in Lisa and as a T Girl.

This all came to an end exactly three months ago when my beautiful and precious Lisa died. She was diagnosed with cancer of the pancreas and was dead within six weeks. After the diagnosis I was devastated and wept so much that I couldn’t wear make up. My boss at work was really supportive and gave me loads of slack and time off and made sure that the rest of the office gave me all the room that they could. By this time I think they all knew I was a T Girl but I had been there long enough and made enough friends that when they amatör porno saw my grief they were touched enough to comfort me as a girl. Even the guys were really solicitous of me and when I saw or felt that I always burst into tears.

Carla, her husband and I buried Lisa with as much grace as we could muster.

My boyfriend was also really good and held my hand at the funeral and held me up when the coffin disappeared and I collapsed, overcome with grief and screaming for my beloved Lisa.

About a month ago I returned to FemsRace at the invitation of Carla but I think I wasn’t really ready for it. I didn’t see anybody I knew and spent the first night in Carla’s arms weeping gently and whispering and shouting about my Lisa and how unfair it was that she had been taken like that. Strangely, I felt better in the morning having been able to grieve with Carla and her eyes were equally red and puffy as mine. We obviously became very close but we didn’t indulge in any sex at all. I still took comfort in the feel of satin and suspenders and all the female clothes I wore but couldn’t bring myself to be in any way slutty or sexy. I think Carla understood and was an absolute brick for me, allowing me to let go like that.

I did manage to visit Gina and Peter and they too were really good. Through her tears Gina said that if it would help, she would gladly put me to work as a pony and I thanked her but declined. Carla left me there and I curled up with Gina and Peter joined us to share all my memories of Lisa and our life together. I don’t recall going to bed but in the morning when I woke I found us all fully dressed and intertwined on a double bed in what I later learned was Gina and Peter’s bedroom. I felt slightly better and Peter drove me back to FemsRace where Carla met me. I embraced Peter and kissed him lightly on the lips and felt him respond to me. As we broke away from each other I looked into his eyes and saw only warmth there. I think we both knew that we would probably never see each other again. My eyes pricked but I managed to stop myself from crying. I was beginning to get a grip.

Carla took me home again and my flat had been cleared of Lisa’s clothes and completely revamped and redecorated. Apparently I had Carla’s husband to thank for that. I had some wonderful memories and quite a few mementoes of her and our life together. Certainly the revamp and new décor made the flat feel brand new and it was and is my home.

When I returned to work my colleagues and boss were really genuinely pleased to see me and that helped enormously.

So that is my story. This was my route to being a successful T Girl.

FemsRace is no more, Carla tells me. It closed shortly after we were there. Perhaps she is just saying that to help me cut the ties.

I want to leave you with a mental picture. A beautiful, mature woman standing in the foreground and looking at you with a steady gaze, a slight smile on her lips, confident, her legs apart clad in stockings and shiny high heels. The swell of her breasts visible under her open jacket and her high neck cerise colour sheer blouse. Is that the hint of a matching bra you can see under the blouse? Is that a stocking top just visible under the hem of her short mini skirt? Her hand on her right hip which is thrust out to meet it, her left hand loose at her thigh. Are those hands a bit big? Look at those dark red nails, just like talons! Your attention is drawn back to her luscious lips painted dark red. Are those shoulders a bit broad? Never mind, look at those legs!

You see a confident poised woman, a MILF if you like. In the background is a man. Her boyfriend? He seems to be a shrinking violet. Why is he so far back with his hands to his face? Is he trying to hide?

My God that is one sexy lady!

So what are you waiting for boys and girls alike? Come and get me!


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