
The Confessions of Jenny Grimm: The Art of Sin

Big Dick

“Forgive me father, for I have sinned. It has been two weeks since my last confession, and I’m afraid I’ve been very naughty once again….” Her voice was a mere whisper, forcing Father Lucas to shift slightly closer to the screen to hear her, creating a sense of intimacy he’d rather have avoided. After all, soft as her words might be, her identity was unmistakably that of the she-vixen who’d been haunting his dreams ever since her last confession. Taking a deep breath, he steeled himself for her admissions, doing his best to banish the image of her bare bottom, the scarlet imprint of his hand marring her pale flesh. Somehow, this time, he would triumph over temptation. “Go on, my child.” He managed to keep his voice steady, a small victory indeed as he took his crucifix in hand, caressing the cool metal with trembling fingers. Clearing his throat, he did his best not to listen for the tell-tale sound of the girl on the other side of the screen, knowing all too well what those noises signified. Hopefully he wouldn’t have to contend with the earthy fragrance of her desire invading his sanctuary. He offered up prayer to God in the moment of silence she gifted him with, touching the gold cross to his lips before resigning himself to saving both her soul and his. “I have been a very wicked girl, Father. Once again, despite my best intentions, I have committed grievous sins.” Father Lucas could only imagine what they might be after hearing her other confessions, silently ticking off her previous sins in his head, wishing he hadn’t once he’d finished. Jenny might be a lovely creature, sweet and full of goodness, but she’d given into Lucifer’s enticements more then once in the past few months since he’d taken over confessional duties. Suddenly, he was very sympathetic towards Father Gregor’s sudden resignation from the diocese. “I am sure that, once you hear my tale, you’ll agree that I am not to blame for what happened, Father.” He thought he detected a catch in her voice. For once, she sounded truly contrite. He wondered if perhaps, finally, she’d seen the error of her ways and was ready to turn over a new leaf. He could only hope so, for her sake as well as his. With hope in his heart, he let his eyes close, his hand unclench, his entire body release the tension that had been present since he first recognized her voice. Please God, let her see the light of Your Grace and walk with You in a place of peace. “You’d be proud of me, Father. I’ve done my best to avoid Olivia Valentine’s presence, knowing that a mere word from her would bring me to my knees as I begged her to abuse my poor bottom once more with her crop. Oh, Father, you cannot imagine how often erotic visions of her have assailed me at night, filling me with unquenchable temptations.” Au contraire, Miss Grimm. He kept the thought to himself, remembering his own sleepless nights as he wrestled with the image of the petite young blonde on her hands and knees, her dress hiked up revealing the absence of undergarments. “All too often, father, I gave in to them, touching myself until I cried out in passion, knowing that I sinned. I fought it, Father, truly I did, but in the end, I surrendered myself. And so, I come to you, asking God’s forgiveness.” He was silent for a moment, sympathy warring with desire within his soul as he reminded himself that it was his duty to save even the most wicked of sinners. In his heart, he knew that Jenny wasn’t an evil girl, simply weak when it came to the sins of the flesh. If this was God’s plan for him, to save her soul, then he would find a way to be strong. Ignoring the distracting, if pleasurable, swelling of his genitals, he concentrated instead on her words, listening for some glimmer of hope as she continued with her confession. “I’d gone calling on a friend of my twin brother Jacob at his behest. He claimed that she’d offered him a manuscript for his collection. You do know he has a treasury of fairy tales and myths, Father? He delights in reading them to me at bedtime.” almanbahis şikayet He wondered at her giggle, curious as to its cause, putting the thought aside as she continued. “I was surprised to discoverer that she was entertaining someone else that day, as well. Katherine Rosewood. I’m sure you know her family. As it turns out, she’d been hoping to meet me and had come calling at Miss Zelenski’s invitation. Quite discretely, might I add, a particular I later discovered….” +++ “Good afternoon, Jenny.” Sasha beamed, taking her hands and kissing her tenderly upon the cheek before ushering her into the sitting room of her family’s country house. Furnished both modestly and tastefully with out any of the ostentatious décor that came from old money, she felt immediately at ease. After all, she was quite fond of Sasha, perhaps even somewhat taken with her, a secret she’d managed to keep from even her brother Jacob. Smiling demurely, she took a seat near the fireplace, folding her hands upon her lap as she surreptitiously studied her friend, holding back a sigh. Sasha was a beauty. At 23, she’d long outshone every girl within a hundred mile radius. She was tall, towering over Jenny by a goodly amount, and her figure was that of a goddess, to be envied, and yet Jenny found it impossible to dislike her for it. Silky brown hair framed her lovely face upon which an ever-present smile could always be seen, mirrored by her best, in Jenny’s opinion, feature; eyes the color of brilliant sapphire. She often marveled at how nature had gifted Sasha with such orbs, often getting lost in the mere contemplation of gazing into their depths. She had come dressed in sunflower yellow frock that laced up that back and sandals, her hair tied back with a bright red ribbon, thinking it would be but a casual visit. Therefore, it was quite a surprise to find Sasha wearing a charcoal colored skirt and matching jacket, it’s narrow waist accenting her ripe breasts and luscious hips. A string of pearls decorated her generous cleavage, disappearing from view and sheer black stockings encased her shapely legs, disappearing into a pair of patent leather black pumps. “I hope you don’t mind, Kate Rosewood has decided to pay a visit… ah, here she is now.” Jenny tore her gaze from Sasha’s eyes by great force of will, turning them to the entry to the study as her fellow guest stepped into the room. Although she was graced with the same figure, there the similarities ended. She was shorter, for one, and her skin was olive where the other girl’s was fair. Chocolate brown eyes and tresses so dark Jenny had a hard time deciding if they were a rich brown or, perhaps, truly black. They fell freely over her shoulders. Although she wore a smile, Jenny thought it held a hint of predatory interest, an impression strengthened by the dangerous glint in her eyes. Where Sasha might have been a swan, Kate Rosewood was of the accipitridae family, a true hawk. Jenny couldn’t help imagine her with talons, shivering at the thought, not knowing whether it was fear or delight or perhaps desire that sent its electric current rippling through her flesh. “Miss Grimm. A pleasure to finally meet you.” Her voice was silky smooth, the hint of an exotic accent that Jenny couldn’t quite place. She, too, was dressed somewhat formally. Crimson silk shirt, and matching trousers that brushed the tops of her carefully polished boots. She wore an underbust corset of supple black leather tightly laced, giving her an hourglass figure. Her nails were painted red and pointed more then customary. “Sasha has told me much about you.” Jenny took a deep breath, wondering at the hint of laugher that accompanied the statement. She wondered if it would be inappropriate to ask for a drink to quell her sudden nervousness. As if reading her mind, Sasha took a decanter of burgundy wine from the liquor cabinet and filled a trio of crystal stemware. “I admit to you being a subject of speculation lately.” She seemed secretly amused almanbahis canlı casino as she handed, first Kate, and then Jenny, a glass of the dark red liquid. “Truly, you shouldn’t be surprised knowing how close Olivia Valentine and I are and how much she enjoys sharing secrets with me. Or, by the look upon your face, perhaps you didn’t know! Well, don’t be alarmed. Kate and I are quite willing to keep your secrets. Truly, no one else need know what a bad little kitten you are behind closed doors, do they? As long as you co-operate, that is.” Jenny nodded, her hands trembling so that she was in danger of splashing the spirits upon her dress. Quickly setting it down upon the side table, she clasped her fingers together and let them fall to her lap, willing herself to answer as calmly as possible, her eyes focusing upon her bare knees, the hem of her dress having risen mid thigh, thoughts of her family finding out. Especially Jacob whose jealously was well known. He would be furious with her for keeping secrets from him. “Please, don’t tell anyone, Sasha. I beg of you.” “Don’t worry, my sweet little Jenny. As long as you do as you’re told, no one else needs to know what happens here today.” +++ “As you can see, Father, they had me trapped! I had little choice but to go along with whatever it was they asked of me. I am innocent of any willful wrong doing!” Father Lucas nodded, agreeing with her to a point. What ever had happened upon that afternoon, the young woman had seemingly been coerced. So, why was it that once again he heard the sound of garments from her side of the confessional, and why was it she sounded suddenly breathless as she continued her sordid tale? “Sasha bid me stand, taking my hand and helping me from the chesterfield in which I’d been reclining, and led me through the study and into the library beyond, Miss Rosewood following in our wake. There, she bid me be still as Kate carefully unlaced my dress and then, they undressed me…” He held back a groan, imagining the scene, already having a vision of Jenny Grimm as she’d look fully naked locked away in his thoughts. God grant me strength. He wondered if, somewhere, Lucifer was laughing as he forced his hands together in a position of prayer, his crucifix trapped between his sweaty palms. +++ “Fetch my box of toys, Kate.” Sasha purred, taking charge. Her companion lifted one prefect brow, dissention clearly brewing in her dark eyes. “Please?” Apparently it was enough to appease Kate, for the dark eyed woman left them alone, but only after delivery a sharp, stinging slap upon Jenny’s buttocks. Her small hands flew protectively to her bottom as she cried out. That, however, turned out to be a mistake. “Bad girl.” Sasha admonished her, swatting her other cheek just as sharply. “Take your hands off your ass. For the rest of the afternoon, your lovely bottom belongs to me, understand?” “Yes, Sash…” Jenny began, earning her another sharp blow, fire radiating through her sensitive flesh.” “You will address me as Mistress as long as you are under my roof, understand? Kate, as well. You’d best start learning quickly. I don’t really want to spend the entire afternoon punishing you, but I will if I have to. So far, you’ve earned two demerits.” “But Sa… M-Mistress!” Jenny began to protest, earning her yet another, even crueler blow, this one bringing tears to her eyes. “That’s three, pet. I’ll warn you now, you’ll not be able to withstand a fourth. From now on, you’d be wise to behave perfectly, understand?” Jenny nodded, daring to glance into her new Mistress’s dazzling blue eyes, seeing no mercy within. “I understand, Mistress. I promise to be good and make you proud of me.” Oh how easy it was to fall into this role, the one that Jacob had cultivated within her, that felt so natural to her. Submissive little Jenny Grimm. She wondered if Sasha had noticed her fleeting smile at the prospect of being used and abused under the Zelenski’s roof. Miss Rosewood returned soon enough, carrying almanbahis casino a flat lidded box made from oak. She lay it upon the floor at Jenny’s feet before lifting the lid. Jenny stared, wishing she could reach between her legs and still the slow trickle that was making its way down the insides of her soft thighs, her cheeks turning a bright pink. Sasha had pulled an armchair upholstered in a gold leaf pattern and taken a seat directly before her, her legs crossed demurely. “Those are for you, Jenny. Take a good look at them. We were going to use only the smallest, but since you insisted upon misbehaving, you’ve earned the fourth in size. I hope you don’t plan on continuing to be a bad little girl. Remember how I claimed your ass? That’s where it will be going. And you’re not going to put up a fight, are you?” Jenny shook her head slowly, her arms crossing under her breaths, hands gripping her biceps, wide eyed as she examined the ‘toys’ in the box. There were six of them, all made of steel, each with a cross bar and hilt at one end. The smallest was the size of a man’s finger, easy enough to take. After that, they grew in width, the largest of them a monster that would tear her apart, of that she had no doubt. Swallowing, she was thankful that she’d not earned another demerit, the fourth appearing to be somewhat thicker than her brother’s cock. In her cunt, it would be a tight fit. In her ass… she shuddered at the though, once again meeting Sashsa’s gaze and seeing no mercy there, nor in Kate’s, who was now standing beside her new Mistress, smiling wickedly, as if to say she hoped that Jenny might somehow earn the two larger implements. “Hands and knees, Jenny.” Sasha’s voice was deceptively gentle. Still, Jenny wasted no time following her orders, not wanting to give her any reason to claim her behavior as less then perfect. She fell to her hand and knees on the plush beige carpet, trembling with trepidation. +++ “I’m sorry, Father. I…” Father Lucas wondered what she’d meant to apologize for, her words cut off as she moaned softly, what he imagined as either a foot or a knee bumping into the wall that separated them. This time, it was unmistakable, her sweet fragrance seeping through the screen and teasing at his nostrils. As well, he could easily guess that the moist sound that had replaced Jenny’s voice was her pleasuring herself. He closed his eyes, unaware of his hand inching down to his severe trousers, the tips of his fingers slipping inside and brushing against the head of his cock while he imagined what she must look like at present, plunging her delicate fingers into her dripping wet orifice. Would it really be so bad to give into temptation and peer through the screen? He knew without doubt that he’d be able to see her. Just a glimpse… It was her voice that saved him, drawing him back to his appointed task as confessor. With a startled grunt, he pulled his hand from his lap and used it to brush back hair from his sweating brow, suddenly aware of his heart pounding loudly in his chest. “My God, Father, Even now, just thinking about what they did to me, I can’t help myself. Please forgive me, for I know not what I do.” “Only God can grant you forgiveness, Child. As long as you truly repent your sins, Jenny, I am sure He will forgive them” He held his breath and counted to ten, unsure if that had been the right thing to say in this situation. Truly, the monastery hadn’t trained him to deal with anything even remotely like this. He would have to trust in God to guide him. Hopefully, that would be enough to get him through Miss Grimm’s confession. In the silence, he could still hear her soft grunts, her husky voice trembling when she finally resumed her tale. “I watched nervously as Kate uncorked a bottle of sweet smelling oil and coated the tool they’d decided to… use… with it while Sasha looked on, her gaze never leaving me. Finally, she spoke, her voice once again gentle, yet commanding…” +++ “Put it in her, Kate. Slowly. I want to watch her face as you violate her.” Jenny bit her lip as Kate moved behind her, steadying herself as she felt the tip press against her tight pucker and push slowly in. “Relax, Jenny. And breath. Slowly, that’s it. It doesn’t feel quite so bad, does it?” “No, Mistress, not so…

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