
The Dance Floor


“Hey, are you ready yet?” my friend called from downstairs as I hurried to get ready.

“Yes, in just one second…” I replied as I struggled to fit my foot into one of the sexy, strappy burgundy heels I had acquired for just such an occasion. A bunch of my friends were going clubbing that night, and they had graciously asked if I would like to go. Being that I had never gone clubbing before, I wasn’t sure what to wear, but my friend had pulled me aside and whispered, “Dress in the sexiest, skimpiest thing you got.”

So, true to her instructions, I had dug in the back of my closet filled with rather conservative, bosom-covering shirts and everything but low-rise pants until I found what I was looking for: a rich-colored, short burgundy dress that accented every curve, brought out the natural red highlights in my otherwise dark brown hair, and made my eyes flash with a seductive light not normally present in their soft brown color.

The dress was beautiful and made me feel sexy, but it dipped a little lower in the front than I was comfortable with. As long as my ample bosom didn’t flash the crowds at the clubs, I would be fine. Not like any man would look at me anyway, being as big as I was. This particular night I was feeling more “chunky and clunky” than “big and beautiful.”

We drove up to the club, which was not fully packed yet, but still had a line in front to go in. After hiking from our parking space, we waited to go in. I was a bit nervous about my dress, being that I had never dressed that provocatively before, but my friends all assured me I looked spectacular.

Thankfully, the guy at the door was nice and let us all in; my friends had informed me that some clubs had really surly bouncers, and so I was glad that this club wasn’t like that. In fact, it didn’t seem to match my stereotyped idea of a club at all: its atmosphere was dark but not overly smoky, and its selection of drinks at the bar was not overly alcoholic, both of which I liked. I also liked that everyone seemed to be really friendly and kind towards me, almost as if they knew it was my first time being there. Perhaps they could read it in my facial expression—I’ve never been too good at hiding my emotions.

The real dancing action was going on up closer to the DJ and the sound system, so I made my way up there and insinuated myself into one of the wilder dancing groups. Everyone noticed me and actually made a space for me, which was unusual; I had not usually been noticed before like that.

“Maybe it’s the dress,” I thought as the DJ put on a sultry, sexy rhythmic song on and I started to sway my softly curved hips seductively back and forth, like I’d learned from my middle- and high-school friends. Even though I was a virgin and had only been touched sexually once (against my will), I somehow knew what would turn heads and what would catch the sexual attention of any man watching me.

The crowd formed a wide circle around me and started to clap with the beat, and I stepped up my dance routine, putting fancy steps with the basic hip-swinging. Even while I was doing it, I couldn’t believe I was doing it; it was so unlike me to get out and dance like that. Somehow, the music and the crowd and the urge to dance overcomes my self-consciousness, and I can perform and be as sexy and bold and confident as I want to be. It’s quite like a natural high. I figure I don’t need drugs to get me there; I just have to have a crowd, some music, and I’m ready to dance.

I danced around and around, the muscles of my slender calves and ankles working diligently with the beat, and my hips kept the slow figure-eight motion they had done from the start. I lifted my arms over my head and rifled through my hair, leaning ever so slightly forward as I did it, knowing that any man directly in front of me was going to get a shot of my ample cleavage. I reveled in the rare sexual power I held and almost embodied on the dance floor; it was not often that I felt sexy enough to even move my butt a little, let alone go this far.

Every man’s eye was on me as I continued my saucy dance, and I loved it. It was an unfamiliar feeling—-a feeling of being an object of desire for once instead of an object of ridicule. I at once recalled the only other instance I had felt this way…on my very first date, my only date so far in my life, and that had been with my first and only love—Chris.

My body continued its dance, but images flashed through my head. I remembered graduation, how I had uncharacteristically run up to him and hugged him, tears obviously shining in my eyes as I wished him good luck going to college. I remembered my first semester at college, wishing he was there with me, but knowing he was almost 300 miles away, taking other classes and probably making new friends and dating another girl. It saddened me, but somehow I made it through my first and second semester without feeling too lonely. Now it was summer again, and I had been without him one whole year. It honestly seemed like eternity. I longed to see him, longed to hear of Side escort him, or know that he was close by.

Suddenly a strong, masculine hand grasped mine firmly as I danced.

“Do you mind if I dance with you?” asked a fairly deep, pleasantly resonating voice.

That voice…was familiar. It brought up an image of love to me, of someone I knew very well. I turned to see—-

“Hey! It’s you! Hey, Chris!” I said loudly over the music.

“Hey. I saw you dancing and I thought I’d say hey.” His face blushed and I couldn’t resist smiling big. “That’s great!” I said, my smile betraying my still-existent feelings for him. “Why don’t we go over to one of those tables over there so we can catch up?”

“OK, sounds great,” he replied. I stopped my dancing and walked with him over to one of the tables, where we sat down.

“How are ya?” I asked, still high from my dancing.

“I’m great,” he replied shyly, as he had done in high school. “Gosh, you looked so…different. I almost didn’t recognize you,” he said with an ample blush in his cheeks.

“God, he is so sexy,” I thought to myself. “Everything about him…Ooh!” I couldn’t resist having a short mental squealing fit.

“Yeah,” I said with a nervous laugh. “My friends invited me out for my first time clubbing. I didn’t expect to see you here. God, how long has it been? A whole year of college?”

“Yeah…it’s been a year,” he said, casting his eyes down a bit.

“I didn’t think you liked dancing in public, Chris,” I said playfully.

“I usually don’t. My friends actually told me to come tonight. I had plenty of work to do, but I got it done in time to come with them. I’m glad they told me about this; otherwise I wouldn’t have seen you. I’ve wanted to talk to you for a long time.”

“Me too,” I said, half-wistfully. “I haven’t seen you since we graduated.” I wanted to add that I’d missed him severely, but thought it best not to do so.

“So, what have you been doing with yourself?” he asked sincerely.

“Well, aside from studying creative writing and working on my poetry and music, I’ve done nothing but build friendships,” I said modestly.

“That’s good…I had trouble making friends at first, but now I’ve got a pretty steady group I hang out with,” he said. He looked at me straight in the eye then, his piercing dark brown eyes shooting through me to my very soul, and I realized how much I’d missed that gaze. “Well, aside from friends, do you have anyone else you hang out with?” he asked, with what I interpreted as worry in his voice. I about asked “Who do you hang out with besides friends?”, but then I realized what he was asking about.

“Oh, you mean boyfriends?”

“Yes,” he said, blushing a bit.

“Oh, I haven’t had a boyfriend in forever,” I said, my hand slightly brushing his in what I hoped he thought was a friendly gesture. Then I let it slip: “No one can really replace you!”

His face turned bright red. I must have turned ten shades of it trying to recover from my blunder.

“Oh, God, I’ve done it,” I thought to myself. “Ain’t seen him in a year and I have to go and say that. God, I’m an idiot!”

I said nervously, “Gosh, I didn’t mean to say that. That just slipped out. I’ve embarrassed you, haven’t I? I’m sorry, Chris,” I said, getting up in haste. “I—I just messed—messed it up again.”

I was stammering by now, feeling an odd tear’s stinging pressure in my eye and trying not to cry in front of him. “Hey, wait, where are you going?” he called after me. “I—I thought you wouldn’t want to talk to me anymore. God, I’m so freakin’ stupid saying something like that when we haven’t seen each other in a year.”

“I didn’t think it was stupid,” Chris said, getting up and walking over to me. The odd tear had managed to slip down my cheek, and I didn’t want him to see me like that, but he caught up to me anyway.

“I thought it was…kinda sweet.” His shy voice had taken over again, and he said softly, “Would you like to maybe ride around with me for a little while? We could just hang out.”

“Sure,” I said nervously, feeling like it was our first date again.

We left the club and drove in his Pontiac down the street and around the town for a little while. Finally, he pulled into a parking spot in front of a dorm on the nearby college campus.

“So, this is your dorm, huh?” I said, looking up at the tall building in awe. “Cool…which floor do you live on?”

“On the top one; all the people at the last of the alphabet get put up there. You would be lucky—you’d be on the 2nd floor, probably.”

“It’s a coed dorm?” I asked, puzzled.

“Yeah, but I don’t room with any girls. It’s weird—-they alternate a floor of guys and a floor of girls here, but they’re OK with guys and girls in the same room.”

“Lucky me,” I thought with a blush.

We rode the elevator all the way up to the top floor of the dorm and went down the hall to his room. He first knocked, then tried the door.

“Good Side escort bayan thing I didn’t forget my key…my roommate isn’t back yet,” he said, still speaking in his sexy soft voice as he unlocked the door. I followed him into the room, and he flipped the light on.

“Wow…your room looks cool. And neat. My dorm room is a freakin’ federal disaster area,” I said with a laugh.

“I cleaned up a little in here from yesterday. My roommate decided to have a little party in here and there was so much trash everywhere I couldn’t walk.” He broke into his big wonderful smile. “I’m kinda glad I cleaned up,” he said, looking deeply into my eyes again. I shifted uneasily under his stare, and he grasped my hand again. “You’re just as beautiful as the last time I saw you.”

As much as I wanted to believe it was real, I had trouble. “Chris, you never showed any attraction to me in high school after we dated for three days back before tenth grade. How can you think I’m beautiful? I loved you so much then, and I couldn’t figure you out; I couldn’t understand why you didn’t want me anymore.” A little sadness crept into my voice. “What’s changed?”

“Well, for one thing, I couldn’t date. After I dated that one witch of a girl, my parents forbid me to have another relationship until I was out of high school. I did like you a lot then, but I couldn’t act on it. Another thing was…I was…kind of experimenting.”

“Hmm?” I asked, confused.

“You know…I was trying to figure out if I was…you know, gay or something.” He looked away, as if he were almost ashamed of having done so.

I took a deep breath. “So Stacy was right,” I said reluctantly.

“Huh? What do you mean?” he asked.

“My friend Stacy told me she had seen you and a tall blond guy holding hands in the mall one day. I refused to believe it, but I knew she would never lie to me about something like that.”

“Well, I did that for…maybe, a couple of days, but I found that I definitely was not gay.”

I breathed a mental sigh of relief.

“Does the fact I experimented offend you?” he asked gently, with a look of worry on his face.

“Not in the least. When Stacy told me about it, I was like, ‘Well, maybe he’s bi. Then I at least have a chance!'” He and I both laughed over that.

Then Chris looked at me seriously. “I’m sorry you felt the need to doubt that I loved you. I most certainly did.” I knew my face was glowing with happiness by this time, but I didn’t say anything; I was just enjoying being happy.

“You were the reason I couldn’t find another girl to suit me. I tried to find girls like you in high school and here, and they were all—” He stopped himself.

“Sluts?” I added cheerfully.

“Well, I didn’t think that particular word…” I giggled. “But yes, they were. They were nothing like you at all. I realized this Christmas that I was tired of being alone and knowing that my soul mate was out there, just not with me.”

“My feeling exactly,” I said, holding his hand gently. “I have loved you from the moment I met you, and I really never gave up hope that one day you and I might marry and love each other. I have actually had no boyfriends because I was waiting on you.”

“You were?” he asked with a touch of surprise.

“Yeah…I told my friends I was either going to marry you and have children and lots of…well, you know…” He blushed. “Yeah, you know. Either I was going to do that or die a virgin.”

“You wouldn’t have had to do that. There are plenty of men in this world who love women like you,” Chris said, and I thought I heard him add under his breath, “Especially me.”

“Well, they wouldn’t be you, and so I wouldn’t have them anyway.”

“You mean that?” he asked.

“Sure as shootin’,” I said in my best redneck impression. “I’ve done kind of the same thing—my friends wanted me to go to some kind of party one night and…you know, ‘lose it’. They thought it would loosen me up—no pun intended, by the way.” I laughed my ‘thinking about naughty things’ laugh and he smiled. “They thought it might stop me from thinking about you so much. No such luck; I chickened out and did homework up here instead of going to the party.”

Then I paused, trying to get up the nerve for what I was about to ask. “But now that we’re up here and they’re OK with me being up here and we’ve told each other we love each other…do you think it’s finally the right time?”

His eyes widened. “You mean, really?”

“Sure I do. I feel like I’m with my soul mate, and heck, we might as well be married, so…I’m willing to bend my rule of ‘no sex before marriage’ for my soul mate.” I gave him a genuine smile, and he relaxed.

“Then, how should we…go about it?” he asked, a little nervously.

“Well, how about I finish the dance I started at the club?”

I got up and started to sway my hips to an imagined beat, my full breasts moving a little as well. As I danced, I could see Chris’ face blushing red as fire.

“Like Escort side what you see?” I asked, in a seductive voice I didn’t recognize. He nodded, though his eyes were following my rounded hips—back and forth, back and forth. I kept swaying my hips as I reached for the short hem of the dress and slowly lifted the dress up and over my head, leaving myself in my plain white bra and panties. I had chosen not to wear hose or anything of the sort, and I was glad of that now. Then I bent down from the waist to undo my sexy shoes, giving him a good long look at my breasts straining valiantly to free themselves of the bra. I could feel his stare on me as I took the shoes off and stood back up, resuming my sexy rhythm.

I then reached behind me and started to slowly unhook the bra, one hook at a time. He was intensely focused on my chest as I slowly undid the bra until I slipped it from my broad shoulders and let it fall to the ground. My naked breasts were now exposed to his eyes, and from the way he was looking, I think he liked them.

“God, you…you are so…lovely,” he breathed.

“I’m glad…they’re for your eyes only, Chris,” I said with a crafty smile. “But the piece de resistance is still to be revealed.”

I kept my hips swaying to the same steady beat as I hooked my thumbs into the waistband of my panties. Thankfully, I had chosen some panties that were a little sexier than my normal fare, but still suited my virginal status. Their lines complemented the curves of my hips and made me a little bolder as I slid the panties slowly off my hips, then down my thighs slowly. I pulled them to my knees, then let go and let them fall to the floor around my slender ankles.

Chris stared at my body, now gloriously naked, as I shivered under his eyes. His face had the wide-eyed innocent look that I’d always loved, but his eyes betrayed the beginnings of lust bubbling within him. I beamed. “You must really like that!” I teased. “Thought I’d have to resuscitate you for a minute there.”

In response he stood up and embraced me, and whispered softly, “I couldn’t have asked for better.” I pressed my naked hips against him and, for the first time in my life, felt how hard he had become.

“Ah, I see the audience enjoyed the show?” I said sexily, trailing my hand down between our bodies and feeling him. “Don’t forget to tip the performer,” I said while slowly unzipping his pants and revealing his penis.

“Damn…” The obscenity escaped my lips as I saw it. “Man, Chris, you are…extremely well-endowed. Holy crap…” Though the wetness between my legs had been building ever since we had left the club, the thought of him inside me made me hornier than ever. All I could think about was him pressing into me, slowly gaining entrance, and I looked up at him, my eyes surely afire with lust.

He recognized the change in my face instantly. “Your face…you look so different.”

“I have never been this horny in my life, Chris,” I said, stepping around him to sit on the bed.

“What are you doing?” he asked, confused.

“Would you mind performing for me like I did for you? I promise, you’ll be paid well,” I said, with a saucy wink. He burst into his big smile, and I about melted. “Sure…if you promise not to laugh,” he said, the shyness creeping into his voice.

“Chris, you saw me, and I thought you would think I was the fattest woman ever, but you didn’t; you liked me. And I know I like your body with clothes on…I can only imagine you without. Damn! Ooh! Sexy!” He blushed at my funny dramatic expressions.

Without a word, he lifted his shirt over his head and tossed it aside, then slid his pants down.

“Ooh…nice!” I said approvingly, the tingle between my legs growing more intense with each passing second as he slid his underwear off and stood before me.

I stared for a minute before he asked nervously, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing…” I said dreamily, my eyes taking in every facet of him. He was slightly pale all over, from not being in the sun so much. Like me, he was shy about baring his body. The contrast of his dark hair and eyes and his pale skin was striking, but even more sexy and striking was how thin he was compared to how well-endowed he was. I smiled broadly.

“Thank you, God, for making the perfect man,” I breathed. He blushed. “Aw…I’m nowhere near perfect.” His face darkened a bit. “My previous girlfriends have let me know that.”

“Well, I’m your soon-to-be lover and wife, and let me tell you, I couldn’t have sent off from a mail-order catalog to Heaven asking for a man better than you.” I looked into his eyes.

“I once asked God for a man that was smart, sweet, loving, and wonderful. Well…I asked, God answered.”

With that, I lay back on the bed and opened my legs just a little. “Are you ready?” I was surprised at my own boldness; usually I wasn’t as such, but in Chris’ presence I felt the sudden need to put the “ho” back in “gung-ho.”

He nodded, but was shaking as he slowly got on top of me. I couldn’t believe it: my fantasy was about to come true. I opened my legs wider to allow him between them, and he gently touched my clitoris, which by this time was throbbing and super-sensitive. His gentle touch turned me on more than anything could have, and I moaned.

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