
The Darkside of Amanda Ch. 12


The drive up to Chicago was one of the most enjoyable and memorable drives John could ever remember taking. It took them a lot longer than a normal drive would take; with all the stops they were making. John’s goal was to make it into Kentucky before they stopped for the evening. Not only did they have the gas stops that were necessary. But they also had their rest stops in each State that John had deemed “mandatory.”

Their first rest stop was just south of Macon, Georgia. After each of them used the facilities, John pulled the truck over to a corner of the parking lot that was fairly secluded. John laid his seat back, then lay there as he watched Amanda lean across the center console between them and unbuckled his jeans.

Amanda smiled at him the whole time. “You like having a whore at your disposal. Don’t you?” She asked, almost giggling.

John set his backrest up slightly so he could better watch her. “What guy wouldn’t like having a gorgeous whore service him whenever he wanted.” John had learned that whenever it was just the two of them alone, Amanda needed that sense of being owned and used, with no rights of her own. Part of that was the verbal reminder of what she was to John.

Amanda knew John loved her. Which only made her desire to be owned and used by him that much stronger. And as her trust in him deepened, so too did her need to experience those dark cravings that had haunted her, her entire adult life. She couldn’t think of anything she wouldn’t do for him if he told her to. But she knew he respected and loved her. Which only made her want to please him all the more.

“Think we’ll make it to Kentucky today?” She asked as she slipped her right hand into his shorts, pulling them down as she cupped his nut sack, while grabbing his shaft with her left hand. She began to softly stroke it, the way she knew he liked it.

John chuckled. “At this point, don’t know and don’t care.” He laid his head back and closed his eyes, savoring her soft touch. John lifted his head and looked around to ensure they were not being watched when he felt Amanda’s mouth slide down the length of his shaft.

Fifteen minutes later, they were pulling out of the rest stop and heading north on I-75 again.

The drive north also afforded John plenty of time to think. And he had a lot to think about. Foremost in his mind was what he was going to say to Buckman when he confronted him. He knew Buckman wouldn’t give a damn about anything John had to say to him. He knew he’d have to keep his emotions in check, and not allow them to get the better of him. Then he made up his mind he wasn’t going to make any decisions on how to deal with Buckman till after he’d spoken with Tom Moore in person.

Then his mind drifted to Amanda and Sam. He didn’t want to do anything to jeopardize his relationship with Amanda. The more he replayed that evening the three of them shared just two days ago, the more he became both aroused and annoyed. Amanda had been insistent on having Sam play with them. He didn’t put up a fight about it. But he knew it would create a whole new set of challenges for him. The biggest one being, keeping his mind focused on Amanda, and not allowing Sam to creep into those thoughts. “So, you and Sam are becoming good friends, are you?” John asked, breaking the silence as both rode on, lost in their own thoughts.

Amanda smiled. “Yes. She told me to call her as soon as we got back from our trip. Are you ok with that?”

“Of course, babe. I’m glad you two are hitting it off so well.” John said with sincerity.

Amanda giggled. “I’ll bet you are.” Then she got serious. “Sam and I talked a lot after you left us in the bedroom Friday night.”

John chuckled. “I was wondering what you two were doing for the two plus hours you were back there. Although, I did hear a few moans during that time.”

“We did bring each other off a few more times. She is a fantastic lover. But we also talked about you, me, her, the three of us.” Amanda stopped talking, making John anxious to know what they talked about.

“And?” He asked.

Amanda looked at him. “Would you be open to Sam joining us on a regular basis?”

John laughed. “Seriously?! You’re actually asking me that? The question is, are you ok with that?”

Amanda turned her head and looked out the passenger window as they drove north. “Friday night showed me something I’d been missing, but didn’t realize it.” She wrestled with telling John the turmoil in her mind and heart. “I don’t know how to say it.”

John reached over and grabbed her hand. “Relax. Tell me what’s going on.”

“Sam gave me something Friday night I hadn’t felt in years.” She grabbed John’s hand. “Please don’t think I’m putting this on you. I know I’m fucked up. I’ve been fucked up my whole adult life. I feel like there’s two of me always fighting each other. A side of me needing tenderness. And the other side, needing to be taken like a whore. The tenderness I felt with Sam, and I know she felt from me, kovancılar escort was something we both knew had been missing from our lives.”

“Have I not been tender enough for you?” John asked defensively. He wasn’t hurt. Just confused with all the discussion they’d had over the last few months about Amanda’s needs.

Amanda’s fears gripped her. “No! No! You’re a wonderful lover!” She started to cry. “Please, no! This has nothing to do with you. I can’t stand the thought of losing you, now that I have you in my life. Please don’t let me go!” She pled with him as she started to sob. “I knew I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“Stop! Enough!” John shouted, snapping Amanda out of her descent into fear. “Look at me.” John shouted as his eyes darted back and forth between Amanda and the road ahead. “I told you a couple months ago that I owned you now. Because that’s what you needed. Has that changed with you?” He asked, still shouting at her.

“No.” Amanda sobbed softly.

“Good!” He shouted. “Because nothing has changed with me! I own you Amanda! And I’m not letting you go. No matter what you tell me. No matter what you’re struggling with. There’s going to be one constant you can always count on. I OWN YOU! And nothing is going to change that.” He paused as he calmed himself. “Now tell me what you two talked about and what you’re struggling with.”

“I think it was just the fact she was a woman. I don’t know how to explain it. All I know is it was different. The tenderness of her touch. The softness of her kisses.” She looked at John as he concentrated on the highway. “I love you more than anything on this earth now. And I need you desperately. The thought of losing you is suffocating. I love it when you tell me you own me. I know I’m safe and loved with you. I’ll do anything to keep you. And I mean ANYTHING!”

John drove for several minutes without saying anything. “Are you mad at me?” Amanda asked timidly.

“No. Just thinking.” They drove for almost thirty minutes before John spoke again. “I understand what you’re telling me. It makes sense, the more I think about it. I’m not hurt or angry, if that’s what you’re worried about. But now that I think about it, I should have seen this coming. So yeah. I can see how Sam can meet a need within you that I can’t. Her gender isn’t the cause of all your pain and fucked up thinking. Mine is. So, I guess in some ways, I’m glad she can meet that need within you.” He looked over at Amanda as she hung on every word he spoke. “So what’s her story?”

“She said she’s really bisexual. Has been for as long as she could remember. Said she has just missed the feel of a man.” Amanda giggled softly. “After you left us alone in the bedroom, she confessed to me that you felt so good inside her, as she was riding you, she climaxed several times before you did. She just didn’t want to tell you. Told me not to tell you. Didn’t want it to go to your head.”

John laughed. “Bitch.”

“But I think it’s more than just the sex. I think she misses the connection that you and I share. I really think she just wants to be part of that and feel that connection with us. Told me to call her as soon as we’re back in town.”

“I’ll call her.” John replied. “Talk to her myself. But I’m ok with her being part of your life.”

“You mean our lives.” Amanda added with a smile.

John looked over and returned the smile. “Sure. Our lives.” Then he got serious. “You’re not going to be jealous about all this?”

Amanda didn’t answer immediately. “Thought about that a lot. If I am, I’ll work through that. That’s on me. I guess I’m the one who wants this. I’m the one who has to make it work.”

“You realize you’re putting me in an awkward position with all this?” John decided he might as well lay all the cards on the table.

“Yeah! I’ve been thinking about that too. Am I being too selfish?”

John laughed. “You’re asking me? You’re the one who’s been doing all the thinking and planning this.”

Amanda reached across the console and laid her hand over his crotch, squeezing his cock. “I guess I’ll just have to work extra hard at being a good whore for you.”

John chuckled. “Speaking of which. Now that we’re in Tennessee, we’ll stop at the next rest stop.”

Lisa Demotte escorted Tina and Brian into the second safe-house in as many weeks. Each carrying a suitcase and a backpack. “You two can stay here for a week or two till we find a more secure place for you.” She said to Tina after she closed the front door behind them.

Lisa was the head of the sex crimes unit in Chicago. She really had nothing to do with Buckman’s arrest, and the investigation involving him. Other than the fact he had been on her radar for years as a violent sex offender. She’d just never been able to mount enough evidence against him to make anything stick. But after Tom Moore approached her about helping to hide his star witness against Buckman for racketeering, extortion and money kozlu escort laundering for the Russians, she gladly agreed to help in anyway she could.

“I’m sorry you two have to go through all this. Once this is over, we’ll hand you over to the US Marshalls. They’ll put you in the witness protection program and get you set-up with all new ID’s and location somewhere far away from this place.” Lisa informed them.

“Do you trust the cops who are supposed to be watching over us?” Brian asked accusingly. “I want an honest answer.” Brian was fully aware of the Russian’s influence on the CPD and throughout the city. He knew they had informers everywhere, and cops on the payroll. It was common knowledge throughout the city. It was that elephant in the room that no one wanted to talk about. But he had no choice. That elephant wanted him and his mom dead.

“I trust them because Tom trusts them. He was the one who hand-picked them for this assignment.” She paused waiting for him to pummel her with more questions. She understood his fear, his frustration and his anger. “Anyway, the kitchen is stocked full. House is fully furnished, like before. Don’t go outside for anything. Keep the blinds closed at all times. If you need anything you’ve got my number and Tom’s number. Call either of us. But don’t leave this house for any reason.”

“Any idea how long we’ll be in this house?” Tina asked

“I don’t know. I’m sorry. Things are changing constantly. Could be a week. Could be a month. I just don’t know. I’m sorry.” She turned to leave. “Thank you for doing this.” She said before leaving.

Mother and son stood in the foyer watching her walk out the door, then close it behind her. Brian carried his suitcase up to one of the bedrooms, then checked every window in the house to make sure it was locked, and the blinds were pulled down. He then carried his mom’s suitcase and backpack up to what looked like the master bedroom. At least it was the bedroom closest to the only bathroom on the second floor.

Brian walked back downstairs and into the living room, just to find his mom sobbing on the couch. He sat down next to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “It’s going to be ok mom. We’ll get through this.”

“I’m just so tired!” Tina sobbed. “So fucking tired!” She tried to pull herself together. “I’m sorry you have to go through all this. I’m so sorry.”

“What are you sorry for mom? All this is because of me! If I hadn’t been such a fucking asshole, you wouldn’t be in this position. I’m the one who should be apologizing to you.”

Tina leaned into his body, laying her head on his shoulder. “It doesn’t matter anymore. We just need to get through this.”

Brian reached up and caressed her face as she calmed herself. His mind drifted back to that afternoon, several weeks before, when Buckman had barged into their house and taken his mom in front of him. As much as he tried to push those images out of his head, he knew they’d be with him the rest of his life. “We’ll get through this mom. I’m going to take care of you. Keep you safe.” His words sounded hollow, even to himself. He knew there was little he could do against Buckman and his goons. He just felt a need to express his desire to protect his mom. He began fantasizing of ways he could kill Buckman.

“I’m hungry.” He said breaking the silence. They hadn’t eaten since breakfast and it was almost 6:00 pm. “Why don’t you go unpack and take a nice long hot shower.” He told his mom. “I’ll see if they have a frozen pizza in the freezer.” The last house they’d been in, had been well stocked with frozen pizzas. “By the time you’re done, it will be out of the oven.”

Brian was working on his second piece of pizza, sitting in the living room, watching TV, when his mom joined him carrying her own plate and bottle of water. “Wish they’d fill the fridge with beer.” Brian said jokingly to her as she sat down. “I guess beggars can’t be choosy.”

Tina gave him a weak smile. “You know you can’t drink beer till your next birthday.”

Brian couldn’t tell if she was serious or joking. “You’re joking. Right!? We’re in hiding from people who want to kill us, and you’re concerned about the legality of me drinking. Not to mention all the other shit I’ve done over the last few years.”

“Sorry. I guess I’ll always be a mother.”

The two sat and watched TV as they finished their pizza. This was now their second week of being confined together. Neither of them could remember if they’d ever spent this much time together before.

Tina had showered and washed her hair before coming back down and joining Brian for their pizza dinner in the living room. Brian kept glancing over as they watched TV. He had no idea what they were watching since his mom had returned. She was wearing her favorite robe, tied tight enough to accentuate her shapely body and large bust. When she sat down her right leg slipped out from the confines of the robe, revealing the entire kozluk escort leg, up to the top of her thigh. Tina made no attempt to cover it.

Between Tina’s smell and the visual stimulation of her perfect leg next to him, Brian’s senses and brain were being sent into overdrive. But he could tell something was wrong with his mom. “What’s wrong?” He asked her. “I can tell something is wrong.”

Tina stared at the TV, not knowing how to verbalize all her fears. She had so many. “Are you going to abandon me, the way your father did? In some ways, you’re a lot like him.”

Brian reached over and started caressing her back as she leaned forward. “I’m not like him in that way. I’m not going anywhere. I’m going to do my best to protect you and take care of you. You’ve done so much for me. I could never abandon you.”

Tina looked at Brian with tears welling up in her eyes. She reached over and threw her arms around his neck. “Oh Bri.” She sobbed. Her face buried in his neck. “I’m scared all the time. I’m scared of stepping outside this house. I’m scared of what tomorrow will bring. I’m scared of waking up and finding you gone.” Her body shook as she sobbed, Brian holding her tightly. “I’m so tired of being scared. You’re the only man I trust now. Please don’t leave me.”

Brian tried to sound authoritative. “Stop being afraid of me leaving you. I’m not going anywhere.”

Tina pulled away to look at him, while keeping her arms wrapped around his neck. “You’re the only man I trust.” She repeated with tears streaming down her face.

Brian caressed the side of her face as he wiped away the tears with his thumb. “We’re going to get through this mom. I don’t know where all this is going to take us. What I do know is I’ll be with you every step. I’m not leaving you.”

Tina gave him a weak smile. “No. You’re nothing like your father.” She turned slightly and snuggled into his body, almost laying across his lap as she lay on the couch, facing the TV. “Hold me Bri. I just need to be held.”

Her sudden move took Brian off guard. He was doing his best to keep his focus on anything other than his mom’s body. Brian slipped his right arm under her neck, wrapping it around till he was grabbing her shoulder. His left hand resting on her hip.

Brian lost track of how long they sat there watching TV, Tina almost laying in his lap. He’d almost calmed himself down when his mom laid her hand on his hand that was resting on her hip. She caressed it lightly. Her touch was like an electric shock to his body.

“It’s been so long since I was just held by a man.” Tina almost purred. She grabbed his hand and guided it till it was covering her stomach. Then she grabbed his hand on her shoulder with her other hand and tried pulling it off her shoulder.

“What are you trying to do mom?” Brian asked with a mixture of arousal and anxiety.

“I need you to hold me sweetie. I just need you to hold me. It’s been so long.” Tina replied as she slid his hand over her stomach, till it was covering her breast.

Brian’s brain exploded with desire. “I’m not sure this is a good idea mom.” He moaned, trying to hold onto what little bit of self-control he had left.

Tina held his hand against her breast. “It’s been so long since I was held by a man that cared for me.”

Brian could resist no longer. Her breast was like a magnet to his hand. He squeezed it, digging his fingers into her tender flesh.

“Mmmm. That’s it baby.” Tina moaned.

Brian commenced kneading her breast, listening to her as she moaned her approval. The more his mom moaned, the bolder he got. He finally slipped his hand down, inside the opening in her robe, and grabbed her other breast. The heat and softness of her breast was the best thing he’d ever felt. He could feel her nipple hardening in his palm as he gently kneaded the breast.

Tina made no objections as his hand fondled her breast. Instead, she reached for the knot in the robe, holding it together, and tugged at it till the ends of the sash hung loose.

Brian lost all inhibitions. He pulled the robe apart and grabbed a breast with each hand. He began kneading and squeezing, occasionally rolling her nipples between his thumb and index finger.

Tina laid in his lap, moaning as her son expertly played with her breasts. Neither said anything for the longest time. Tina finally lifted herself off his lap and turned to look at him. She could see the arousal on his face. She laid her hand in his lap, squeezing his throbbing erection covered by his jeans. “You’re the man in my life now. I’m going to take care of you.”

Brian sat there frozen, too excited to respond. He watched her unbuckled his belt, then unsnap his jeans. She slowly pulled the zipper down. Then she looked at him.

Brian immediately lifted his hips off the couch, shoving his jeans and shorts down his legs till they puddled around his feet. His heart was pounding so hard it felt like it would jump outside his chest.

Tina stared at his rock-hard erection. She reached out and caressed it as she looked at Brian. “I remember when you were a baby. You’re not a baby anymore. Now you’re the man in my life.” She leaned over till her head was hovering over his cock. She breathed in his odor as her finger traced the veins in his shaft.

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