
The Delivery Man


Lynn is a friend of mine from way back. We went to school together, and that’s well over thirty years ago. In that time we have been mutual confidantes, shoulders to cry on, helpmates, and even, in our experimental youth, occasional lovers, although of course that stopped when we each got married. Since then we had seen each other through everything that life had thrown at us, including my divorce and Lynn’s widowhood, and we are still there for each other, anytime, any reason, no questions asked. Just the way friends should be.

This story starts when Lynn came to help me check the delivery of a new kitchen ready for the fitters to come the following week. It was a lovely warm summer’s afternoon and we sat side by side on the garden seat that edges the back lawn of my isolated moorland cottage, just relaxing and waiting for the delivery to arrive.

‘You do a good job with this garden, Ann.’ She told me suddenly.

‘That’s ‘cos out here there’s little else to do.’ I shrugged morosely. ‘I don’t even have a neighbour to gossip with.’

‘Oh, I can see you’re in a good mood today.’

‘Sorry.’ I forced a smile. ‘I’m just feeling a bit down. I mean, I’m only fifty-one, but all I’ve got is this bloody garden, and that doesn’t keep you warm at night, if you know what I mean?’

‘Well, I’m the same.’

Our lack of a sex life was something that we both complained about from time to time, although neither of us seemed inclined to do anything about it. In all probability it was the way we had each lost our first partners that had made us so unwilling to risk a repeat.

‘You need a fuck buddy, that’s what you need.’ Lynn told me with a smile.

‘I just need a fuck, Lynn.’ I retorted. ‘Maybe the kitchen fitters will sort me out next week.’

Lynn smiled, knowing there was no real intention behind the comment. That was me all over, I’d say things like that, but do nothing about it.

‘Maybe.’ She nodded, going along with the fiction. ‘Or maybe the delivery men will oblige us both before then.’

‘And pigs might fly.’

‘Well, I tell you what then, Ann. If they’re both hunks I’ll take care of one to give you a chance with the other.’

‘If I thought you meant that I’m in just the mood to take you up on it.’ I was pretty sure she didn’t mean it any more than I did. Or did I? I really was sick of going without.

‘Careful what you say, because if they’re fit I’m horny enough to start something.’

‘If they’re fit.’ I snorted. ‘Now there’s a get out clause if ever I heard one. In any case what’s the betting one will be a spotty little git and the other one will be a week from retirement?’

‘I do like optimism.’ Lynn chided. ‘Pity you haven’t got any.’

We sank into silence for a while.

‘Well, I guess we’ll soon know what they’re like.’ I waved a hand at the truck just pulling up outside. ‘Come on, let’s go count the boxes and find out.’

The man who climbed from the driver’s seat was exactly what I might have dreamed of. He was mid twenties by the look of him, just over six feet tall and built like the proverbial barn door. He clearly worked out – a lot. The only problem was that he was on his own. Just my luck.

‘Just you?’ Lynn asked the obvious.

‘Yeah, my mate’s gone off sick today.’ He answered as he opened the tail gate.

‘Must make it hard work.’ She was very openly eying up his muscles.

‘It would.’ He told her with a smile. ‘But they’ve given me an easy run today; in fact you’re my last drop.’

‘You’ll have time for a beer afterwards then?

She couldn’t have been any more obvious if she’d tried – but that didn’t alter the fact that he was on his own. He paused for a minute as if weighing up what she meant. ‘Go on then, thanks. But it can only be the one ‘cos I’ve still got to drive back.’

I ticked off the items on the invoice as he brought them in while Lynn liberated three bottles of lager from the fridge and took them outside. At least she hadn’t taken them into the bedroom, and I wouldn’t have put that past her.

He seemed to take hardly any time at all to get everything unloaded, and when it was done he wasn’t even out of breath. I began to think that if he was interested in a couple of older woman, then he might be able to handle both of us.

‘Come on.’ I told him, awake to the possibilities now. ‘You’ve earned your beer.’

Lynn was already seated at one end of the garden seat and he unhesitatingly sat beside her, leaving me to sit the other side of him, not that I minded. I wondered if he really might be up for what Lynn had in mind – and what I was beginning to get interested in.

‘What’s your name?’ Lynn asked him, handing him a beer.

He took a long pull and nodded his thanks, then paused again. I think he was still unsure which way things were going. ‘I’m Paul.’

‘Hi Paul.’ Lynn saluted him with her bottle. ‘I’m Lynn and that’s Ann.’

‘Are you sisters?’ He asked.

We’ve been mistaken for sisters before, mainly because we’re both blonde, although Lynn is a shade or two lighter than me, and because we’re both rather small in stature.

‘No, sorry.’ Lynn giggled. ‘Just friends.’

‘It’s nice here.’ He said, looking around as he relaxed back, one arm going across the back of the bench behind Lynn.

She etlik escort looked across at me and smiled. He’d clearly worked out which way things were headed.

‘Yes.’ She told him. ‘And very private. There’s nobody within a mile or so to see anything that goes on.’

I cringed at the transparency of her remark. I mentally shook my head, feeling sure she’d put him off by being too up front. But I was wrong. He took another long pull at his beer before answering, but he certainly hadn’t been deterred.

‘So you could strip off and have an orgy here and nobody would know?’ Now he was being equally obvious, that was interesting.

‘The chance would be a fine thing.’ Lynn told him. ‘I’d settle for a kiss, let alone an orgy.’

‘Oh, I bet that can be arranged.’ He told her, his hand dropping across her shoulders as he turned towards her.

‘Don’t forget Ann’s sitting right beside you.’ She reminded him. I was glad she’d said that, I was beginning to feel a bit left out.

‘I hadn’t forgotten. How could I forget when such beauty is doubled?’ I had to give Paul top marks for inventing pure corn on the spur of the moment. He sat forward, took a last drink of his beer and placed the bottle beneath the seat before leaning back again, but this time with an arm around each of us, hugging us both closer.

I think it was to make up for ignoring me before, but it was me he kissed first. He pulled me towards him so that my hand instinctively landed on his six pack stomach as his mouth was pressed fiercely against mine and his tongue probed between my lips. I felt myself melt. If I hadn’t been feeling horny before then that kiss would have been enough to get me going all by itself. I was happily surprised that he wanted to kiss a woman twice his age at all, let alone do it so passionately.

Perhaps I should have felt a bit jealous when he turned to Lynn and kissed her in the same way. After all, it was my house, and it was my delivery that had brought him here. But it was Lynn who had flirted with him in the first place, so if it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t have got that first kiss at all. She’s never been short of nerve, and she wasn’t short this time either. As I watched them kiss I noticed that her hand, which had also landed on his stomach when he had pulled her close, was slowly moving southwards, past his sweatshirt and over the elasticised waistband of his jogging bottoms until she was openly fondling his front. I watched with my mouth open. No wonder her kiss was lasting so much longer than mine had. When they finally parted she looked across at me with a smile on her face, silently indicating with her eyes what she was up to, as if I hadn’t noticed.

‘And what are you doing?’ He asked, the tone of his voice showing that, whatever it was, he definitely didn’t object. He was making no effort to prevent her either, although with both his arms draped around our shoulders that wouldn’t have been too easy.

‘I was just checking if everything about you is big.’ She answered him with a grin, her fingers sliding up and down the outline of his already erect cock.

‘And is it?’

‘Well, I think so, but I’m going to ask for a second opinion.’ She took her hand away and indicated for me to replace it with mine.

Paul was definitely big, although not ridiculously so. It was a good, thick, solid weapon, bigger than average but within the realm of possibility. Running my fingers up and down each side of it I couldn’t help but imagine it inside me. What a lovely thought.

‘Yes, you’re right.’ I nodded, joining in the banter. ‘Definitely big.’

‘Big enough?’ He asked. I could see where he wanted things heading.

‘Let’s have a look.’ Lynn told him, easing her fingers under his waistband and pushing his pants away from his erection.

‘Yep, that’s big enough.’ I confirmed as his cock came into sight. It was just as it had felt, a big, hard, circumcised cock, it’s head darkened with arousal, ribbed with veins and thick enough to satisfy anyone. I felt myself getting wet at the sight of it.

‘It certainly is,’ Lynn was trying to free its full length from his clothing by pushing them down.

‘No!’ He said suddenly, freeing an arm and putting his hand on top if hers, making her look at him in surprise.

‘Fair’s fair. If you’re thinking of taking my things off, you have to strip off as well.’ He told her with smile, glancing across to include me in his comment.

I wasn’t sure he’d like what he saw if we did undress, but he was right and, more importantly, definitely up for it, and so I crossed my arms and grabbed hold of my top. I guess I also wanted to regain some of the initiative by reacting first.

‘Yep, fair’s fair Lynn.’ I told her, pulling my top over my head.

She hesitated for maybe half a second, and then she stood up and began undressing. Paul nodded in satisfaction and levered himself from the seat as I reached back for my bra catch.

Now that the decision had been made it probably took us all of thirty seconds to be naked and then we were all looking each other up and down and wondering how things would go from there. I’d not seen Lynn in the nude for a long time and I was surprised just how well she had kept her shape. I was very conscious that my boobs kızılay escort bayan had headed south much more obviously than hers. But it was too late to worry about that now.

Then I turned my gaze on Paul, and that was a much happier sight. He was built, and I mean built. I don’t know if he took part in any strongman competitions, but he looked as if he should. His body was absolutely stunning, and that’s before I looked at the magnificent cock nodding and swaying in front of him. I couldn’t believe that a man like that would fancy having either of us two old women, but he clearly did, and I wasn’t complaining. My only concern was that Lynn might get greedy with him, especially when he sat back down and immediately beckoned to her, holding his cock upright in an obvious invitation for her to sit on it, but he hadn’t forgotten about me.

‘Don’t worry, there’s enough for two.’ He boasted, grinning widely as Lynn straddled him, facing towards him with one knee either side.

She’d put her hands on his shoulders to steady herself as she knelt over him, shuffling into position and then freeing one hand to reach around for his cock. I’d never seen Lynn having sex (except with me many years before, and that was completely different), in fact to be truthful, I’d never seen anyone else having sex before either, and so I found the sight of her steering his cock into her and then sliding down his shaft totally fascinating. So much so that without thinking I crouched down onto the lawn to get a better view, unexpectedly enjoying the blades of grass tickling my pussy.

It was tremendously erotic, seeing his cock disappearing into her and then reappearing shining slickly with her juices, her pussy lips flexing as she moved up and down on him. At first her actions seemed rather tentative as she dealt with the size of him, but then she began to go faster as she got used to him, her breathing becoming clearly audible and slightly ragged as she moved. Paul had his hands at Lynn’s hips, and at first I thought it was just to steady her, but then I realised he was in fact lifting her and then planting her back down on his cock, helping with her movements if not actually doing most of the work. No wonder she was so aroused. No wonder I was too, I’d never been a voyeur before and I was finding it gave me a hell of a buzz.

I just watched for a minute or so, but then the lure of what I was seeing proved too much and I reached out, cupping his balls in my hand, feeling them lift and roll in my palm to the rhythm of their sex. I played with them gently, hearing Paul groan softly as I manipulated them and smiling to myself because Lynn’s pussy came within an inch or so of my hand every time he pushed her down, and I was pretty sure she had no idea. Even when she came, gasping and wriggling on his cock, she probably didn’t know how close she came to rubbing herself on the heel of my hand. Whether she would have objected or not I wasn’t sure, but bluntly I didn’t care. We’d touched each other before in the dim and distant past so it wouldn’t have actually been anything earth-shattering. I was even briefly tempted to deliberately touch her, to slide a finger inside her along with Paul’s cock, but I managed to restrain my reawakening urge.

Paul came a few seconds after Lynn, and playing with his balls as he emptied them into my best friend was a mind-blowing sensation. I felt them lift in my hand and then his load flooded past my palm and up his shaft. But then he slammed Lynn down onto his cock and I had to quickly move my hand away to prevent it becoming trapped between them as he went into her as deep as he could get.


That was Lynn’s only comment as she clambered off and dropped onto the seat beside him, leaving me staring at a cock slick and shiny with her juices and his own cum. God, I wanted that cock up me, but it was already shrinking and he was sitting there fighting for breath, obviously unable to service anyone else for a while. I just hoped it wouldn’t be too much of a while. There was nothing I could do and so I just went and sat again on the garden seat next to him, where I’d been before, and wondered what would happen next.

‘I liked what you were doing. Thank you.’ Paul gasped eventually, looking at me.

Lynn frowned. ‘What did you do?’ She asked me.

I hesitated a second or so before I opened my mouth to reply, and that hesitation allowed Paul to answer for me. ‘She squeezed my balls when I shot my load.’

I hadn’t realised I’d squeezed them, but if I had and he’d liked it, then all well and good.

‘Didn’t want to be left out, eh?’ Lynn grinned wickedly at Paul while talking to me. ‘You won’t be. He’s a fit young man and anyway we won’t let him go until he’s sorted you out as well.’

‘You sure make a guy earn his beer, don’t you?’ He chuckled, nodding in agreement though still sounding a little breathless. But at least he didn’t sound reluctant and his arms draping themselves around our shoulders again sort of confirmed it.

‘You don’t get much for free in this world.’ Lynn told him, her wide smile taking any sting from the words.

‘I might need a bit of a hand though.’ He replied, looking meaningfully from one to the other of us. ‘You know, just to get me going again.’

Now, I’ve not usually got the nerve that Lynn’s got and she’d made all the running so far, but now I was determined to change that, especially as it was me that needed him back in working order. I was feeling as randy as sin having just watched Lynn get fucked, and so maybe that gave me the daring that I normally lack.

‘That’s my job.’ I announced, moving before anyone could argue.

I slid off the bench to kneel beside Paul, leaning over his muscular thigh with my hand reaching out to guide his soft and still wet cock towards my lips. I heard him moan with surprised pleasure as I took it straight into my mouth.

Lynn gasped in astonishment. ‘I was going to do that.’

‘Too late.’ I mumbled around his flaccid shaft.

I’d never sucked a man before just after he’d had his cock inside someone else, but that didn’t matter. Instead of putting me off, the unexpected flavour gave me a surge of pleasure, making me almost shiver with delight. I rolled my tongue around his limp shaft, sucking at him, licking him, doing everything I could think of to get him hard again, even gripping his shaft between my lips and pulling back to slide it over my tongue until it popped free from my mouth. His grunt of pleasure each time gave me a thrill of delight, knowing it would quickly arouse him again. Soon I could feel his shaft begin to fill out again, lengthening and expanding in my mouth. I kept going, sucking him properly now, letting my mouth go up and down his rapidly hardening shaft, until finally he was rock hard again and I was giving him a normal blow job.

‘Don’t do too much of that.’ I heard Lynn whisper beside me. ‘Or he’ll be no good for what you need.’

I hadn’t realised that she’d dropped to her knees as well; gazing enviously at what I was doing from over Paul’s other thigh.

I lifted my head to answer. ‘Don’t worry, he’ll last a while yet.’

‘Want to share then?’

Now that was an idea I hadn’t thought of and it quite appealed to my naughty side. ‘Ok, but just don’t finish the job.’

Lynn giggled and we both leaned forward, turning our heads to one side so that we could both at least part of the way around his shaft. It felt strange and yet pleasurable to have Lynn’s lips on the same cock as mine, almost as if we were kissing each other with his shaft in the way. As I’ve said, I had kissed Lynn before, properly too, but never around a man’s cock.

At first we ran our mouths up and down his shaft together, hearing him make little meaningless pleasure noises, but inevitably our timing slipped so that she was coming down as I was going up and vice versa, our mouths and tongues touching as we passed each other. Soon we’d wordlessly sorted out a rhythm, so that one of us would be swirling their tongue around his tip while the other licked his shaft or his sac and then moved to replace each other. It was, to put it mildly, one of the most erotic things I’d ever done, but it couldn’t last very long.

‘Carry on like that and you’ll make me come before you want to.’ Paul told us breathlessly, warning that we were having too much of an effect on him. I don’t think he would have really minded if we’d finished him with our mouths, but I’m pretty sure he wanted to have me, and that was definitely what I needed. Lynn and I both moved away a little and looked hungrily at each other over his swollen cock.

‘Go on.’ Lynn told me. ‘You’d better get him to sort you out before he shoots his load, because the way I’m feeling, if he doesn’t do it, then I will.’

My eyes shot wide in surprise; that was the first time she’d ever hinted that she was interested in me again since we’d been young and single all those years ago. I looked at Paul but he obviously wasn’t listening. All he was doing was pointing to his cock in a way that meant that I should climb aboard. I clambered on to the seat next to him, holding on to the back as I made ready to swing my leg over his.

‘It would be nicer if you could face forward, Ann.’ Lynn interrupted, moving round to kneel right in front of us. ‘I’d get a lovely view then.’

Who was I to argue, I didn’t care what she saw. Paul nodded his agreement and I turned around, straddling him and then kneeling so that I could lower my pussy onto his cock, and I could hardly wait. I spread my legs as wide as they would go so that my knees stayed on the bench and then reached down to guide him into me. But this time Lynn beat me to it, her hand coming out to grasp his cock and hold it upright, steering it to my entrance as I came down on him. It was wonderful, the sensation of my pussy enveloping his long hard shaft, feeling its thickness slide up inside me, opening me up as it went. It had been so long since I’d had sex with a man that I’d almost forgotten that lovely feeling of being entered. I heard myself sigh with contentment as I lowered myself onto it, and felt Lynn’s hand touch me briefly before she moved away. For some reason I almost wished she had left her hand there, but I had to make do with knowing she was watching me with her eyes glued to where Paul was entering me. I let my weight settle on Paul’s lap so that his cock was as deep inside me as possible and then leaned back against him, smiling as I gave Lynn an even better view. As I said, it had been a long time since I’d had a cock up me and I wanted her to see me enjoying it. I began to slowly raise and lower myself on his cock, enjoying the sensation of him sliding in and out of my pussy.

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