


Subject: The Domination of a Trooper – installment 8 butch woke up on Monday morning, horny. He reached down to jerk off and remembered: he was caged. The cage of the man to whom he belonged now. The weekend was still a blur in his mind and he was processing things as he remembered them. Whatever else he remembered, it ended with him remembering his two words, the words that were going to change his life: “I submit.” He wasn’t quite sure what he had done, but he had done it. Now he had to live with it. Worth would be coming over to start moving him into his house later in the week. If his cock could get hard, it would. Instead, he just winced as it banged up on the cage. He dressed: long sleeve uniform today, and for probably the next six weeks. He liked the long sleeve uniform better. The manufacturer cut the shirts tighter, and he liked the fact that people could see the outlines of the biceps he worked for , and see how the shirt was so snug across his chests. The downside, of course, was that his chest hair didn’t stick out the top. “That might not be an issue soon,” he whispered resignedly, to no one. He finished dressing, checking himself in the mirror. “Damn I look good,” he said to himself, smiling. “I don’t blame him for wanting me. I’m in as good shape as he is. ” butch WAS in as good shape as Adam was, but the difference was: Adam had swagger, and he knew what he wanted. He had sensed that butch didn’t, and he moved in. He wanted butch, and Adam was not accustomed to not getting what he wanted. Yes, he had “lucked into” taking and breaking butch, but what was the statement: “chance always favors the prepared mind?” Adam was thinking these things while he got to work, at about the same time butch was. HIS cock was also getting erect, only he was able to take care of it, which he would, after he addressed one other thing. He pulled out his phone and sent a text to butch: “bitch boy. Changed my mind a little. I’m coming over tonight. Gonna start packing you up, and packing your ass too. Be in your uniform when I get there. I’ll take it from there.” When the text came through, butch gulped. He was already supposed to meet Jason at the “Island of Lost Boys,” and then… What choice did he have? He texted back, simply. “yes sir.” xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx “HEY BUTCH BOY. How’s it going? Ya sleep well?” He felt Jason’s hand on his back before it moved up to his neck. “I slept ok. You sleep good?” “Nah. After you left, I called up one of my regulars. Guy can take cock, let me tell ya. I must’ve fucked him for about four hours before I kicked him out. ” He laughed. “Gonna have to focus real hard on driving today. ” butch felt Jason run his finger under butch’s collar. “Hey, good. Adam wanted me to make sure you kept your collar. Make sure you have it on this afternoon.” He smiled. “Regardless of what Carlos did last night, I am REALLY looking forward to fucking your face.” “Can you keep your voice down?” butch pleaded. Jason laughed. “Yeah I can, but not my cock. DAMN this is gonna be fun. ” butch got his gun belt on, and then headed to his car. He STILL thought about those two words: “I submit.” He thought that IF it happened, it would be while Sir was torturing his nipples or fucking him or something like that. He never thought he’d just give in like that. But he had. Now, Master was coming over tonight: he hadn’t anticipated that. He thought he’d only have to get through the blow job at midday, but… “Trooper Randle” he said as he spoke into the radio the trooper corps used to communicate. “Don’t forget stud. Half hour from now.” “Understood, Sparks. I’ll be there.” Jason grinned, and he tried to calm down his own orgasm. Screwing that boy had been fun, but it was butch whom he wanted. He didn’t begrudge that Adam had broken butch, especially since he was sharing his prize, but… that’s what made Adam an alpha, and Jason a beta top: Adam had a sense for things Jason just didn’t. He had always had a crush on butch, but he never thought for a minute that he was gay, or that he could get “flipped” to gay and to a bottom, let alone a sub. butch always came across to him as the unavailable “stone butch” that had been written about. Maybe istanbul escort THAT was the problem. He relied too much on what he read, and not what he felt. When he had talked to Adam about how he knew that butch could be taken, Jason realized he had seen all of the signs himself, he just hadn’t put them together. “Oh well. His mouth is a fucking great hole,” he thought, as he started driving to “Lost Boys.” He smiled. He hoped butch was late. If he was, he could report him to Adam and then.. mmmmmmm” Jason didn’t get that opportunity. He saw butch’s car driving up five minutes early. The fun was already going on, and Jason stood there, looking menacing with his gloved hands on his hips. “Listen up girls, you’re gonna get a treat today. Yours truly is gonna get blown by another one of the guys who keep you honest on the road. ” He heard the slam of butch’s car door and he saw him striding over, his sunglasses still on. “Fuck. That GOD is gonna blow you, Worth?” One of the guys asked from his kneeling position. He was taking dick from a guy who took him at least once a week. “Damn right he is. I’d tell you the whole story but I’m not at liberty to” he said, as butch got closer. “ON YOUR KNEES TROOPER. DON’T MAKE ME CUFF YOU.” butch took off his sunglasses and put his hands behind his back. Jason unzipped his pants, and the thick sausage so many of the “inhabitants” of the Island knew, popped out. “GET TO WORK. YOU’RE GETTING GRADED ON THIS FUCKMOUTH.” butch stuck out his tongue and began licking the head of Jason’s cock. Jason smiled, and pulled away just enough to make butch lose his balance. He put down his hands to stop from falling, and Jason bellowed: “DAMN IT RANDLE. I GUESS IM GONNA HAVE TO CUFF YOU ANYWAY.” He pulled his cuffs off his belt loop and stood behind Randle. butch heard the familiar “clink” of cuffs being locked, and the now familiar “bang” of his cock against his cage. “NOW SUCK. AND DO A BETTER JOB.” Instead of letting butch lick his cock, Jason pushed it in so hard, and so fast that butch nearly choked. Jason smiled: butch was doing a good job. Jason grabbed butch’s tie to help keep him steady as he got into a face fucking rhythm. “You’re gonna swallow every drop, bottom boy. EVERY FUCKING DROP” butch hadn’t been ready for that. He figured though, if Jason felt he had liberty to force him to swallow, it was ok with Sir Adam. As Jason pumped, faster and faster, butch made sure his teeth were pulled back. “Treat this as training for Master,” he told himself, and went back to work. He closed his eyes, and got a SMACK across his cheek from Jason. “PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT YOU’RE DOING FUCKBOY. CLOSING YOUR EYES IS NOT THE WAY.” “mmmmmmmmmph” butch tried to acknowledge hearing Jason, but his mouth was so filled with cock, he couldn’t. He saw Jason’s face change, and he heard his breathing modulate. He became aware, for the first time, that about half of the guys were in a circle around them. They were jerking. “SHIT NOT THE UNIFORM!” butch thought in panic. Then he heard Jason “Guys, back off. The ground not him. I’ll let you know when shooting on this bitch is ok. For now… I get his mouth and you guys just… get… OFF!….” butch felt the spray of jizz hit his tonsils and then the rest of it go down. He looked at the smile on Jason’s face as he pulled out. “Adequate. You’ll need more practice. We’ll get you there.” butch was trying to catch his breath. Jason snickered. “I oughtta leave you here with the key. Keep in mind that some of these boys don’t go to work until night.” “NO. PLEASE JASON. I mean, PLEASE SIR SPARKS. PLEASE. PLEASE DON’T DO THAT. ” “Yeah, I’d like to but… I can only take a certain amount of liberties. ” He uncuffed butch. “I’ll toss some breath mints and a mini mouthwash in your car. See ya back at the station.” xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx “Leaving for home now, Sir” bruce texted Worth. He got a text back: “I’m sitting in my car outside of your house. Move your ass.” He smiled as he sent it. Fucking with butch’s head was going to be his new favorite hobby. That and… he had a small bag with him. He wasn’t planning to spend the night, but he had been thinking about the next time he had butch’s ataköy escort ass since he sent butch home on Sunday, and regretted it. “They’re not usually that fresh, and that sweet, and that .. new” he thought. Adam was experienced enough with bottoms to know when there was reluctance, and how much there was. For all of his apparent willingness, there was still much to push out of butch’s head about what rights he had. Tonight was part of that training. Adam saw butch pull up in his car. He stepped out, smiling. He was all in black: may as well play the part. butch walked over. “I’m sorry I made you wait, Sir.” Adam smiled. “We’ll discuss that. For now, let’s get inside. ” His eyes never left butch’s. His peripheral vision took in the biceps, the chest, everything and he thought “this is ONE SWEET BITCH” “So, this is the place…” butch got out before he felt Adam’s arm around his middle, pulling him back. He could feel Adam’s hard cock pushing up against him, and then he felt Adam’s teeth nibbling at his ear. “I can’t believe someone didn’t break you before me. MMMMM. Sometimes I get lucky.” butch was breathing hard… “You… you didn’t break me Sir… I surrendered.” Adam laughed. “Oh really? You think I didn’t break you and you got to surrender all by yourself?” He was gradually pulling butch’s wrists behind his back, butch resisting and losing, the same way he had lost the wrist wrestling match that started all of this. “You think you wouldn’t have given in if I didn’t get you there? You wanna start all over? A SERIOUS submission session?” Adam had both of butch’s wrists immobilized. He had his arm through butch’s at his elbows, pinning them. “It wouldn’t be fair, Sir. You know all my weaknesses.” Indeed, Adam was exploiting one of them right now: running his free hand over butch’s left nipple. “You want me to make it more fair? I’ll turn you over to Jason. Have him find all of them. ” He pinched butch’s tit . “Your choice bitch.” “No Sir. No. You’re right. You… you took me to the edge and I… jumped.” NNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGG” The nipple torture and the locked cock were pushing butch to another edge. “Let’s tie you to that chair. I got some work to do before I do you.” A simple slip knot had butch’s wrists tied behind him. That was all Adam needed to do. butch could pull at the ropes, but he wasn’t getting away. He could see Adam rifling through his closets, pulling stuff out. “Hmmmm. You’ve got quite a wardrobe here, butchy.” “I like to dress well, Sir.” “Well, that’s good, because I think a man’s bitch should always be pretty in public. ” He turned to butch. “Which shirts are tightest?” “It’s not a color thing Sir. I put the tighter ones at the left side. Same with the pants.” Adam laughed. There were six pair of 501s at that end, in different shades of blue. “Shelley likes 501s?” butch turned red. “She does. But I got them before her, Sir. I like them. ” “They make your ass look good, butch?” He paused. “yes sir.” Well, this is good to know.” He piled up a bunch of butch’s clothes. “I’ll be right back. Taking this stuff to my car. Don’t leave. Ha ha.” While Adam was gone, butch thought about the exchange. He wondered what would have happened if Adam had done what butch thought he was going to do: tie him down and torture him until he gave up. butch’s stubborn side would have liked that: feeling like he had been conquered, overpowered. Even though really, he had been. Adam hadn’t gagged butch, and he thought about screaming: set up a scene where Adam had to do something to keep him quiet. He thought better of it: he didn’t know how long Adam planned to keep the cage on, and punishment might mean a longer time. In any event, Adam was back very quickly. “So, stud… ” he moved closer and bent back his thumbs before he began rubbing butch’s nipples. “I figure, you can pack up the last load, and then… you’re gonna move in with me and learn what it’s REALLY like to belong to me. ” “what it’s really like to belong to me” resonated in butch’s head. It was getting him excited, scared, and… many things. He wondered: was Sir Adam going to fuck him tonight? Was he spending the night? He groaned as Sir Adam groped his locked crotch. “There are gonna be three keys to that cage, stud. Shelley, aksaray escort Jason and I are going to have them, BUT… the only person who can decide if it can come off… is me.” He smiled. “Because, stud.” He said as he picked butch up like a kitten. “I am your one and only alpha Master. You HAVE to keep that in mind. ” “Yes sir” was butch’s weak response. “Now, I am so fucking excited about this because, you’re gonna start sucking me too, fuckhead. But for now…” He lead butch to his bedroom and took off the wrist restraints. “Get the boots off. The pants. Your jock. Get on your belly.” Adam was taking butch from behind to humiliate him. He told him “doggie style,” cause that’s what you are. My pet, my bitch. ” After butch got into position, Adam smacked his ass. “SPREAD THOSE LEGS CUNT.” butch gave out a short scream, but did what he was told. He felt Adam push his ass cheeks apart, and then he felt a finger go in, like when the doctor examined him. “So fucking tight. YUM”. He felt a second finger enter him. “I’m gonna fuck you HARD tonight, sub, so… got to get you loose.” Adam’s fingers WERE loosening butch. He pushed back, feeling the pleasure of Adam’s fingers rubbing up against nerve endings. “OH SHIT” he thought. “Is he gonna fist fuck me?” He didn’t have to worry. The fingers came out, and then… Adam’s cockhead started slipping in. Sir was not lying. He began fucking butch hard, and brutally. There was no slow entry and slow pull back. He RAMMED his boy like he were trying to break down a door. “YOU LIKE THAT RANDLE? YOU LIKE BEING TREATED LIKE THE SLAVE BITCH YOU ARE.” “NNNNNNNNNNNG. YES SIR. Feels so goddamn good. NNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!” He felt Adam’s cock swell to a fatter size. He couldn’t see the smile on Adam’s face as he began toying with butch’s ass, moving his cock around and exciting every nerve ending. “You’re so tight, fucker. That’s because…” He paused and rammed in harder with each word. “You. Don’t . Get. Fucked enough.” He laughed. “That’s gonna change. You’re gonna get it at least once a day, and twice on each weekend. ” Then he quieted down. butch knew that meant… his new Master was getting ready to shoot. “GODDAMN THAT IS A FUCKING HOT ASS.” butch felt the jizz filling him. “Every day?” he thought to himself. “How long am I gonna live.” He felt Adam lean on him and kiss his ear. “It’s gonna be great stud. I can’t wait till I get my evening blowjobs.” He smacked butch’s ass. “Clean up he mess. I’m heading back home. I’ll be sending you lists to get ready. Wednesday. 6pm. That’s the day I come to move you in. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx The instructions were clear: “pack up everything in one bag. No need to be in uniform. Lock the door, and wait for me on your stoop.” And that is why butch was sitting there at 5:50, in his black leather jacket , a white shirt, and the last pair of 501s Adam had left for him. He could see the car pulling up and his stomach did a flip. Was he ready for this? His cock told him he was. “You look good studmuffin. That’s important. Your social life is about to improve. Get your bag.” “Yes sir, ” butch grabbed it and got up from the stoop. Adam had his hand on the back of his neck. As they were walking to the car, a big bellied guy with a thick red beard was walking toward them. He smiled. “Hey butch.” Then he looked at Adam. “GEEZ Worth. Haven’t seen you in ages. What’s up?” butch saw them embrace. “How’s it going Evan? I guess you know butch? ” Evan laughed. “Yeah, I been watching him for a while, wondering why no one owned his ass but…. I guess that changed. ” Adam laughed. “It did. Didn’t it butch boy?” butch wanted to be defiant, but he heard himself say “yes sir.” “So, you’ll see butch. He’s about to have a crash course in D/s lifestyles, but he won’t be around here much. ” “Well, fuck him good. That ass needs it.” “Don’t I know it? ” He looked at butch. “You’re gonna be on your back with your legs in the air in an hour.” Hearing him say that in front of a stranger mortified butch. “Get in the car. The handcuffs are on the seat.” “yes sir,” butch answered meekly. He watched Evan and Adam talk a bit more, then Adam got in the car. “You lock those cuffs on, boy.” butch showed him. “yes sir.” “GOOD. Every car ride. From now on. Take another look butch. Your life is about to change in a very, VERY bit way.” butch looked back. “What the hell have I gotten myself into?” he thought.

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