
The Forfeit


You guys have heard of Fantasy Football, right? At the start of the season you pick a team of players, and those players get you points based off their real life performances. It was a tradition amongst me and my mates to set up our own league every year, £20 each and the winner takes it all. Aside from that, the guy unlucky enough to finish bottom of the table has to do a forfeit.

Last year, Ollie finished bottom. His forfeit was to spend the night in the worst rated hotel in the city. We had a good laugh as he FaceTimed us, showing us the absolute squalor he was forced to spend the night in. This was usual the type of thing the worst player had to do; something unpleasant, but nothing too taxing.

This year, I’d completely forgot about checking my team. I’d started a new job which was taking up a lot of my time and it simply slipped out of my mind. Come the season’s end, one of the lads sent a screenshot of the league table into our group chat, showing me comfortably in last place.

‘Fucking hell, David’s been shocking this year,’ Danny posted.

‘Yeah, that’s the worst final points total ever,’ came Dean’s reply.

I posted a little self-depreciating message, telling the lads I’d forgotten all about it and sarcastically asking them to keep the forfeit tame. Danny replied, saying that the lads were going to deliberate on what that forfeit would be, and that they’d let me know soon.

Just a few minutes later, my phone rang. It was Danny.

“Alright mate?” I answered, sitting on my bed.

“Hello mate. Just letting you know your forfeit’s been decided. Get yourself to Ollie’s for six o’clock tonight. You’ll find out more when you get there. See ya.” With that, Danny hung up.

Fuck, that sounded ominous. Ollie was easily the most well-off of our friends, and had the biggest house. He also had his own little private gym, which led me to believe the forfeit would be something workout based. I tried to put it to the back of my mind for the rest of the day, until it came time to go.

I threw on my gym gear, a white t-shirt and grey shorts, before heading over to Ollie’s. The other guys’ cars were already parked out front, meaning I must have been last to alive. As I made my way over to the front door, Ollie opened it.

“Hey mate, you’ve all got me nervous here,” I laughed.

“Well, you shouldn’t have been so shit at fantasy football then!” he quickly replied. I laughed again and made my way through to his front room, where the lads were sat.

“Here he is!” Danny said, quite excitedly. “Sit down, and we’ll explain what’s going to be happening.”

I sat down on the armchair in the corner of the room. Danny stood up over the top of me, and cleared his throat.

“This year’s forfeit is simple. You will be our servant for the night. You will follow our every command, wait on us hand and foot, until such time as we consider your forfeit over. Understood?”

“Oh, you bastards…” I said, laughing to myself. The other guys didn’t laugh.

“Do you understand?” Danny repeated in a firmer tone. I was slightly taken aback.

“Yes I understand,” I replied.

“Good, first things first. No names for the night. You will address us all as Sir. Got it?”

A couple of the lads at the back chuckled.

“Seriously?” I said.

“Don’t talk back,” Danny replied. “You will address us as Sir, is that clear?”

“Uhh, okay…” I said, alarm bells ringing slightly.

“Okay what?”


“Good lad.” Danny turned away from me and picked up a carrier bag behind him. “Now, the lads have clubbed together and got you a present. Put these on. He threw the carrier bag at me, and I looked inside. Inside the bag was a small, black, latex thong, and a bowtie. What the fuck?

“Come on, you can’t be fucking serious?” I exclaimed, my face going a deep shade of red.

“Don’t be an ungrateful cunt,” Ollie shouted. “Cost a lot of money that.” The other guys laughed.

“A forfeit’s a forfeit,” Danny replied. “You have to follow our every command, and your current command is to put it on. So fucking put it on.”

“I don’t fucking believe this…” I muttered to myself, standing up out of the chair. I looked at the lads, all watching eagerly as I peeled off my shirt and exposed my torso to them for the first time tonight. I sighed, and placed the bowtie around my neck.

“Looks like a butler!” One of the lads shouted, to a few chuckles.

I turned my back away from the lads as I slid my shorts and briefs off. I felt the glare of three pairs of eyes staring at my ass, as I stood in the thong and pulled it up over my legs. It must have been a size or two too small, as it took some pulling over my thighs. I felt the material disappear between my ass cheeks as I looked down and realised my cock was making quite the bulge in the front.

“Oooh La La,” Dean teased. I turned back round to face the lads, who all stared wide-eyed at the bulge my cock was creating.

“Fucking hell, are you hard?” Ollie asked.

“Am I fuck hard,” I responded. “There’s obviously gonna be a bulge cos’ there’s no room canlı casino siteleri for my dick in this!”

“Stop whining and get us all a can,” Danny said.

I made my way into the kitchen and put a few cans from the fridge onto a nearby serving tray. I walked back in to the front room and gave each guy a can, before going and standing in the corner of the room. The first couple of hours was mainly like this. The guys got me to keep their drinks topped up, fix them some food. The most taxing thing I had to do in the first couple of hours was collect Ollie’s washing from the clothes line, as it meant going outside like this. Luckily, his garden is quite secluded, so I was fairly certain no one saw.

I could tell things were about to change though. The guys had had a fair bit to drink, and a few were beginning to pass comment on my ass and my physique.

“I’ve got an idea,” Ollie said. “Let’s play dares!”

“Dares?” said Dean. “We’re not kids anymore mate. Besides, I ain’t doing no fucking stupid dares.”

“Nah, he is,” Ollie replied, pointing at me.

“That’s a good idea actually,” Danny said. “He can’t say no, can he?”

“I’ll go first,” Ollie said, standing up. “I dare you to kiss my hairy arse!”

The other lads laughed as I shook my head in horror. The homoerotic undercurrent of the night was beginning to seem more pronounced. “Come on mate, why?”

“Cos you’re shit at Fantasy Football, that’s why!” he said, standing up and pulling down his joggers to expose his arse. “Kneel down!”

I looked at the other lads, in the vain hope one of them would feel sorry for me and intervene. None of them did. I guess there was no choice. I slowly knelt down, moving over towards Ollie’s bare arse. Once I was a few inches aware, a musky aroma filled my nostrils, smelling not unlike a gym locker room. It wasn’t unpleasant, but not something I’d have sought out prior to this. I pursed my lips, and gave his right arse cheek a little peck.

“That wasn’t a fucking kiss!” shouted Danny. “He wants a proper fucking kiss, don’t you Ollie? Tongues, the lot!”

I looked up at Danny and sighed, before turning back to the arse. I once again kissed the arse cheek, this time letting my lips part as I tongued and licked his bare skin. Ollie moved his arse back further into my face, and then, even with my eyes closed, I saw the flash of a camera go off next to me.

I immediately opened my eyes and moved back. “What the fuck was that?” I asked.

Danny smiled. “Just a little insurance policy for us. If you decide to disobey us, this little photo is plastered all over Facebook. Now, you’re going to obey with a little bit more fucking effort, understood?”

I couldn’t believe this was actually happening. There was no way I was going to let them post that photo, but the thought of what I might be forced into doing filled me with dread. I watched on as Ollie pulled his joggers and underwear completely off instead of putting them back on, before sitting down on the couch again.

“My turn!” Dean exclaimed. He whipped his top off, and lay down on the floor. “Gimme a back massage, I’m still sore from football.”

I moved over to Dean, before I was stopped by a hand from Danny. “I told you to show a bit more effort. I want to hear you compliment his body as you massage it. Understood?”

“Yes…Sir,” I quietly replied.

I moved over to Dean’s body and began slowly massaging his upper back and his shoulder blades. “You’ve…got…a nice back,” I painfully said, causing a couple of the guys to chuckle.

“Good boy,” Danny said, “you like feeling his back don’t you?”

“Uhh, yeah. Yes Sir.” I replied, still working his upper back.

“Move down a bit,” Dean ordered. I moved to his lower back and began working over that. “Yeah, you like doing that don’t you?”

“Mmmhmm,” came my reply.

“Takes his shorts off and give his ass a massage.” Danny ordered. I did as I asked, as Dean lifted his crotch up to allow me to pull them off. His ass was less hairy than Ollie’s, but more full. I began kneading his ass cheeks in my hands, pushing down as the other lads eagerly watched on.

“You like that arse?” Dean asked. I didn’t reply.

“You deaf?” Danny responded. “Tell Dean you like his arse.”

I sighed again. “I like your arse…” I whispered.

“Tell him why you like his arse,” Danny again ordered.

“It’s…fuck….it’s nice and smooth…”

“Good lad.” Danny said.

I continued massaging Dean’s ass for a few minutes until I was ordered to stop. Dean got up, but like Ollie, he stayed undressed from the waist down. I tried my hardest not to even have a brief glance at their cocks.

“So, you like Dean’s arse yeah?” Danny asked. I was quickly realising he was the ringleader in all this.

“Yeah…” I replied, just saying what I knew they wanted to hear. “I mean uhh, yes sir.”

“Bit gay to like a lad’s arse isn’t it…are you gay mate?”

I didn’t answer, but felt my face flush red once again.

“You’re gay, aren’t you?”

“No I’m not,” came my defiant reply.

“Hah, slot oyunları that’s strange,” Danny said. “You’ve been feeling lads’ arses and kissing them all night. Sounds very fucking gay to me.” The other lads laughed.

“Just tell the truth mate, no judgment,” Dean said, smirking. “That’s an order, by the way. Tell us you’re gay.”

“But I’m not fucking gay!” I protested, raising my voice slightly. The three lads did not like that.

“Lie to me again or raise your voice and that fucking photo’s being sent to everyone you know. Tell me you’re gay now!”

“Fine! I’m gay! Happy?” I snapped back.

“Good lad.” Danny said, immediately calmer. “Well done for coming out. “Grab your phone.”

“Why?” I replied.

“Don’t ask questions, grab your phone and unlock it.”

I very reluctantly did as I was asked. Once it was unlocked, Danny took it from my hand and entered the app store. He began to download GayPlay, a popular gay hook-up app.

“Every gay person I know has one of these, only right you make yourself an account.”

Danny input all my details. “What shall we have for a bio?” he asked the other lads.

Ollie laughed. “How about, ‘recently came out, horny and ready to play’?”

“Perfect,” said Danny. “Stand up, it needs some photos.”

I reluctantly got to my feet. Danny begin to snap pictures of my semi-naked body, turning me around and getting some of my ass, before posting them all.

“There we go,” he said, throwing my phone to the floor. “I’m sure you’ll be a popular lad on there.” I hoped and prayed they hadn’t put any pictures of my face on.

“Know what else gay lads do Danny?” Dean said. “They suck cock, don’t they?”

“They do,” Danny retorted. “That’s right isn’t it David, gay lads like to suck cock?”

I nodded my head.

“And you’re a gay lad, aren’t you?”

I looked up at him, malice in my eyes. I nodded again.

“So do you want to suck a cock?”

I took a deep breath. I really didn’t want to reply, but I already knew we were too far down this path to turn back. Figuring by this point it would be better to just get it over with, I nodded.

Dean’s eyes lit up. “Fucking hell, he actually is gay!” he shouted, standing up and moving over to me.

“Nah,” said Danny, “I didn’t hear him. Do you want to suck a cock?”

“Yeah,” I meekly responded.

“What do you want to do?”

“I…I want to suck a cock.”

“Ollie, it’s your place…you first.” Danny said.

Ollie removed his shirt, the only piece of clothing he still had on, and moved over to me. He placed a hand on my shoulder and pushed down, obviously wanting me on my knees. I slowly dropped, and before I knew it I was less than a foot away from my mates’ ever-hardening cock.

“I normally don’t let lads suck this,” Ollie said. “You’re going to have to ask very nicely if you want it.”

There it was. That musky smell again, this time it was coming from Ollie’s cock, and the smell filled my nostrils. It was noticeably more pleasant than last time, as I inhaled deeply to ready myself for what was about to happen.

“Can I suck your cock?” I asked, plainly.

“You can do better than that.” Ollie said. He grasped his hard dick at the base, and moved forward, before slapping his cock head off my cheek. “Beg for it.”

The aroma was stronger the closer his cock was. My heart pounding, I tried my hardest to compose myself.

“Please…please let me suck your cock.” I said.

“Tell me you want to suck this cock because you’re a filthy little fag whore!”

Oh fuck. The words echoed throughout the room, and inside my head. Butterflies began dancing in my stomach, and it was like a switch was flicked. I felt my cock begin to stiffen, brought on by Ollie’s name-calling tirade.

“I wanna suck your hard cock because I’m a filthy little whore!” I said, louder than before. Fuck. I felt like such a little bitch.

“Open wide bitch.” Ollie said. I obeyed.

The big hard dick pressed against my lips, and I offered no resistance as his cock head entered my mouth for the first time. I closed my eyes and let my tongue explore the head, as Ollie began to slowly thrust his shaft further and further into my mouth. He let out a soft moan, obviously enjoying the warm wetness my mouth provided.

“Little fucker’s using his tongue, he loves it…” Ollie told the others through pleasured moans. “Look up at me bitch…”

I obeyed, opening my mouth and looking up at my ‘friend’. Something about the eye contact was insanely horny, and Ollie must have thought so too as he began thrusting farther into my waiting mouth. As I sucked, my arms were grabbed by the other two guys as they guided them to their own dicks. Knowing what to do, I began stroking them either side of my as I tongued and sucked Ollie’s dick. All three lads moaned in pleasure, and even I couldn’t help but let out a few horny little whines.

After a minute or so, the lads changed positions. Dean stuffed his cock into my mouth as I began jerking Ollie. His dick was slick with my spit as I grabbed it. Dean slot casino siteleri moaned loudly as I began to suck. For the next fifteen or so minutes, it was like being on a conveyor belt. Each lad got to stuff their cocks down my willing throat as the other two were pleasured with my hands. I had Danny’s cock in my mouth, when suddenly he pulled away. The other two boys done the same, leaving my knelt on the floor, catching my breath.

“You done that before?” Ollie said, looking over at me. I shook my head.

“Mate, you’re a fucking great cocksucker. You enjoy it?”

Something about the tone of Ollie’s voice made him sound far more sincere than before, more like how he was before the night had began. Truth was, I fucking did enjoy it. My achingly hard cock pressing up against the material of the thong was testament to that.

“I…I think I did…” I replied, wiping some spit from my chin. I stood up, walking over to my clothes on the floor.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” asked Danny.

I looked over at him, confused. “I’m…getting dressed and leaving? It’s almost midnight…”

“Like fuck you are,” Danny immediately replied. He snatched my clothes from my hands and threw them into the corner of the room. “The night’s finished when we say it’s finished. You’ve just fucking admitted you love it anyway…”

“Aww come on,” I replied. “I was playing along. I’m not really fucking gay, am I?” At this point, I wasn’t even sure whether I believed myself.

“Your cock’s saying different,” Dean said, gesturing down to the prominent bulge. I couldn’t even argue with that.

Danny had went into a drawer and pulled out a contraption I’d never seen before. “Listen mate, whether you’re enjoying it or not is irrelevant, even though you fucking obviously are. You’re going to listen to us, obey us, because if you don’t the world will find out what a cock hungry faggot you are. Get fucking naked, take that shit off.”

I peeled off my thong, revealing the full extent of my hard cock. The tip was dripping with precum, and even though it hadn’t been touched, I could feel it wasn’t far off climax. The bowtie came off next.

“You’re gonna be fucked. We’ll go easy at first, nice and slow. But then you’ll be tied up. You’ll be used. Our own little fuck toy. I can see your excited, your cock’s leaking even as I’m speaking.”

I looked down again. Being told what I was to become; the submission, the free use, becoming nothing but a couple of holes – it was insanely fucking horny. I was definitely fucking staying. I’d be staying even if they weren’t blackmailing me now. The only decision left to make was whether I should let them know how much I wanted this or not.

“Here, this is called a douche,” Danny said, throwing the thing in his hand at me. “Go to the toilet, fill it with water. Pump it into your hole, then release it. I want you clean and ready for what’s coming. Understood?”

“Yes Sir.”

I made my way to the toilet and cleaned myself up as best I could. My hole was incredibly tight; obviously it’d never been played with before. That was about to change. I exited the toilet and made my way back to the front room.

“Hands and knees, now.” Danny said. I immediately dropped onto all fours, my rock hard cock swinging between my legs. Ollie stood before me, and without him even having to ask, I opened wide and began to suck his cock once again. Suddenly, I felt a slick sensation press against my hole. One of the lads began to lick and tongue at my tight little hole, while giving my bollocks a little squeeze. I let out a half-pained moan as I tried to concentrate on blowing Ollie in front on me.

“Relax bitch,” came Danny’s voice. “I’m gonna loosen this slutty hole up a bit…”

When my ass was sufficiently lubed with Danny’s spit, I felt a finger penetrate the sphincter muscle and make it’s way in. He pushed it up as far as it’d go, widening my eyes and causing me to moan loudly, Ollie’s cock falling out of my mouth as I did so. He quickly stuffed it back in as Danny slowly began pulling his finger in, and out, in and out. Before long, he went in with two, continuing to go slowly as I moaned and sucked. The pace of Danny’s fingers began to pick up, and before long he was giving me a right good finger fucking. The feeling of his tips hitting what I assumed was my prostate was absolutely immense, causing my cock to drool loads of sticky pre-cum on Ollie’s carpet below me. After a couple more minutes, it was time. Danny’s fingers left my arse, and I felt his cock head press up against my hole.

“Tell me you want it bitch,” Danny mumbled, breathing heavily.

The time for playing coy was gone. I let Ollie’s cock fall from my mouth as I moaned loudly. “Ahh fuck, please give me your cock Sir, please fuck my tight little hole!”

Danny didn’t need asking twice. I let out a deep, carnal moan as the big cock parted my hole and made it’s way inside me. It was painful, I was expecting nothing less, but fuck me, it was a good pain. As promised, Danny went slowly at first. He thrusted in and out carefully as my hole hungrily got to grips with his cock. Before long, he’d managed to slide his shaft all the way in, and I felt his pubes brush up against my arse. I sucked Ollie hungrily as Danny picked up the pace behind me, thrusting in and out and sending waves of pleasure flowing through my body.

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