
The Freemantle Experience

Big Tits

“Hey, Cooky,” The Australian voice filtered down through the hatch. “Are you ok down there? Can I try it yet?”

In the dark, hot and cramped conditions of the yacht’s engine bay, I finished reassembling the engine, tightening the last remaining bolt on the prop shaft before replying.

“Yep, go on,” I shouted back up the hatch, wiping yet more sweat from my brow. “Try it.”

I stood back from the engine while Reece turned the ignition. The engine turned over a few times before the whole room shook and the engine burst into life with a cacophony of noise and a little bit of smoke. The smell of hot metal soon filled the air as the engine warmed up.

“That’s it,” I cried out excitedly. Then louder, “It’s working, Reece. Its working!”

No reply.

“Reece?” I called out again, unsure of whether or not he could hear me over the din.

Another moment of silence. The air grew thick with the acrid smell of hot metal. The heat of the engines made it almost unbearable in the room. I had to get out.

“REEECE!” I cried, my voice laced with a little panic. Although in my head, I knew it was just hot metal, the smell of it triggered the primal part of my brain that made me think that I was trapped in a burning building.

After a brief moment, my ears were rewarded with Reece’s voice sifting down to me above the din.


“Its working!” I yelled. “Turn the bloody engine off!”

I wasn’t sure whether or not he had heard me, but after a long moment of nothing, the engine eventually spluttered and died. I breathed a sigh of relief and wiped my brow again. I had been heard.

Before long I saw Reece’s head pop down from the open hatch. “Sorry bout that, mate. You need to speak up when the engine’s on, ya know”

I frowned. What the hell did he think I had been doing? I’d nearly had a full on panic attack and he was sitting there pretending nothing had happened!

Reece, being Reece totally ignored the frown on my face and carried on. “Anyway, that’s the last one we’ve got to do today, and it’s nearly 6,” He announced, checking his watch. “So let’s clean up and get ourselves down the pub, ay?”

Despite myself, I grinned. It had been a hard couple of weeks of work down under, and I wanted nothing more than to have a few beers and let off some steam. “Yeah, lets do it” I replied with a little more enthusiasm than I intended.

I had been in Australia for nearly 3 weeks, all of them spent in the Port city of Freemantle. What was I doing there? Well, the answer was simple. I was working. You see, I currently work as a Marine Mechanic for a Marine Engineering company based in the UK. I had worked there since I had turned 18. The company had a few contracts with various shipping companies around the world and every year, usually during the UK’s winter months, teams would be assigned fleets and sent out to service them wherever they were. It was a job that had taken me around the world and I had seen many things (and had also experienced many different delights, if you understand what I mean).

This year, I had struck lucky (according to the other guys) and had been sent to Australia. I had never been really fussed about Australia before. But as soon as I arrived, I knew this place was different.

First of all, there was the heat. The temperature never seemed to drop below 30, which was lovely for me. I loved the warmth, and would rather be hot and bothered, than cold and wet. Also the sun was always out and always hot — I had been warned to get some spf50 despite my black skin. It had proved to be excellent advice as I had nearly burned on my first day here. Since then, I had always worn some sort of SPF. My skin had definitely darkened in the 3 weeks since I had been here.

Then there was the attitude — everyone was so laid back here. I felt that it was something to do with the heat — in every hot country I had been to the people had been significantly more relaxed than back in the UK. However, I had never experienced people so laid back about things. Even when they were arguing, they were relaxed about it.

Freemantle itself was a nice little port town as well. It was very artesan, with lots of little markets and bazaars. This was in addition to the beaches that were so common in Australia. However, these beaches, unlike those on the east coast, sloped quickly into the Indian Ocean, making them ideal for surfing, but no so much for swimming.

My favourite pub was a place called Charlies, just next to the port of Freemantle. It was a lovely little seaside café kind of place. A little bit artisan, which was normal for Freemantle, but the main reason I liked it was that one of the bar girls was from Cardiff, my home town back in the UK.

After finishing our shift, we had immediately gone to the yachting club bar for a few beers, after which we had gone to the Freemantle Bulldogs Aussie Rules football club, where we had spent a few more hours shooting the breeze and arguing about the differences between southern bedava bahis hemisphere rugby and northern hemisphere rugby.

Now I was at Charlies. Reece had gone home, after his girlfriend had picked him up and taking him home. She had offered me a lift back to my digs, but I wasn’t ready to go just yet, and so had passed on the opportunity, opting instead to walk for twenty minutes to Charlies.

As I entered, I was disappointed to see that the Cardiff bar maid wasn’t around. Still, she might have been round the back.

The barmaid was a plumpish lady of around 50 with a matronly stare. “G’day,” she greeted me using the usual Australian greeting.

“Hiya,” I replied. “Where’s Lucy?” I asked, referring to the Cardiif Barmaid.

“Aaah, you’re after her, are ya?” the older lady asked. “Sorry to disappoint, but she’s got the night off today.”

“Oh,” I said, disappointedly.

“But,” the lady continued “There’s nothing that she’s got that I can’t give ya — if you know what I mean.” At this she gave me a sly wink. “You’re a handsome man — I’ll flirt with you if you want. Maybe give ya a little extra.”

“I’ll be happy with just a beer, thanks.”

The lady behind the bar looked a little disappointed as I said this, but she recovered well, simply nodding and walking to the fridge for a beer.

I was being propositioned by a lady old enough to be my mother! She wasn’t even the best looking of ladies either — probably just a lonely older woman looking for a little bit of fun. Although I had been with older ladies in the past, this one didn’t even pique my interest. She was just too matronly for me. Besides, like I said before — she looked old enough to be my mother.

The lady returned with an opened bottle of beer. “Five dollars please,” she said, placing the bottle on the bar in front of me.

I paid her the money and turned back to the open window, taking a sip of my beer. I enjoyed sipping beer as the sun set over the Indian Ocean — another reason why I enjoyed this place. However, as I turned to the window, another awesome sight greeted me.

She was beautiful. You could tell that she was aboriginal in origin. Her skin was a smooth caramel colour that was too dark to be a tanned white person. Her face was youthful and blemish free with a little button nose and large round deep brown eyes. She wore her jet black, streaked with gold hair long and free, and it fell in loose natural curls around her face to her shoulders.

Although she was sitting, I could tell that she was quite tall for a girl with a lithe, slender body. She was wearing denim shorts which revealed her long slim legs. She probably had a tight but perky bum too, but that was something that would be fun finding out. She was also wearing a flowery top, which showed that she was nice up top too with small but pert breasts.

She was sipping on the dregs of a beer while she sat on her own, watching the sun go down. This suddenly gave me an idea and I turned back to the bar and waited for her to come to the bar. Then I strode over to where she had been sitting and sat down opposite her.

The girl looked at me as she approached and gave me a quizzical look.

In response I gave her what I hoped was my most charming smile. “Is there something wrong?” I asked her, quite innocently.

In response the girl frowned. “Yeah, you’re sat at my table. Can you not see my bag there?” She said this, indicating to her handbag that was lying nonchalantly on the table.

This was the moment, I was waiting for. “Aaaah, so its yours,” I said with mock understanding. “I was wondering whose it was when I came up here. I was going to turn it in, then I thought Id wait and see if someone came back for it.”

It wasn’t one of my better pickup lines, but it was less cheesy (and creepy) than others I had heard. And besides, she couldn’t disprove it even if she had suspected it.

Fortunately for me, she had come to the same conclusion. Her features softened as he face broke into a cute smile. “Thanks very much,” she said, taking a seat at the table. “That’s very chivalrous of you. Especially for a Pom.”

She hadn’t moved away, which in my eyes was a good thing. She wasn’t creeped out by me.

“I guess I was raised right,” I replied with a smile.

I wasn’t sure how or why, but this raised a wry smile from the young looking girl. “Hmm, I guess you ain’t lying. A lot of you Poms lie about things like that.”

I had to smile. I had lied about how I came to sit by her in the first place, and I was about to lie again.

“Not this Pom.”

A girly giggle came from her and she tossed her head back, exposing her regal neck. “We’ll see,” she said.

A moment passed between us where we said nothing, but we regarded each other with what I could only describe as a cautious admiration. It was then that I was struck down by her beauty. She had something that I hadn’t seen in any girl ever. I silently decided that I was going to simply casino siteleri enjoy myself in her company and see what happens.

“I’m Neri,” she said, holding out her hand and smiling a sweet innocent smile.

I took her hand and shook it gently. “Andy,” I said, using the name shortened from Anderson. “Nice to meet you.”

“Very Pommy sounding,” she teased, giving me a playful smile. “Didn’t think you could get a Pommy Black guy.”

It was something I was used to. With my West African heritage, nobody expected me to have a thick Welsh accent, and it surprised most people. It would appear that hot Aborigine girls were no exception.

“We’re around,” I replied, smiling.

“Well, here’s to Pommy black guys. Much better that the usual Poms we get here.” At this she raised her glass. “Cheers”

I looked at her for a few moments. I was surprised that she was so forward in showing an interest in me. Normally I would have to work for it. But then and again, maybe she was just being friendly. In any case, I was going to find out.

I raised my glass in reply, and a chinking noise sounded as they softly connected with each other.


From that first glass clink, the next few hours were a bit of a blur, during which I felt Neri and myself getting closer and closer. After sitting and chatting for about an hour, Neri had taken it upon herself to act as my guide around Freemantle and had persuaded me to leave Charlies. We had gone to several places and beers had been sunk. There had been a place where we had played in a mini pool tournament (I had particularly liked this place, especially as Neri wasn’t very good at it and I had taken the opportunity to get close up and personal with her. I think she had enjoyed that as she ground her cute pert bum up against my crotch a little. It was subtle, but noticeable. A lesser man would have cum there and then) that we had ended up winning.

Then there was the smaller pubs, where I had found the local aborigine community. These bars were small, but fun (although not as friendly). Neri had explained that the Aborigines were wary of outsiders, which when you consider how Europeans had treated them to date, was understandable. But I was an outsider too, and it didn’t explain their animosity towards me.

“So, why do they not like me then?” I had asked her. “It’s not as if I’ve done anything to the Aboriginal race is it?”

Neri shrugged and leaned in closer. “It’s because I’m with you. They’d rather me be with a nice Aboriginal boy.”

“And why aren’t you?” I had asked, intrigued.

At this Neri had leaned in even closer. “Because I like you,” she whispered huskily, giving me a little peck on the cheek.

I smiled inwardly to myself at that point. It was the first sign to me that things were going well. I was definitely on for a date at least. Neri however, had carried on as if nothing had happened.

“Let’s bounce from this joint,” she had said. “I feel like a dance.”

And so we had. She had taken me to a few more bars, most of them playing rock music, and one with a live band before moving onto a nightclub. Here we had proceeded to drink some more, talk, laugh and dance, some of it quite close. I have to say, I had enjoyed pressing myself up against Neri as she writhed about me in a slow sensuous and very sexual way. I had taken in everything, from the feeling of her denim shorts rubbing against me to her scent and the way she felt as I gently grabbed her waist and swayed to the beat, gently guiding her to where I wanted her to go — we called it “Driving” back in the UK, and my gosh it was exciting to drive with her. It was as if she knew exactly what to do and how to do it! The girl could twerk too, despite her having a small bum. I lost count of the amount of times I could do nothing but stare as her butt covered by the smallest of denim shorts bobbed up and down in time to the music. Definitely getting closer…

Now, it was 4 in the morning, and we were back where the night had started (ok, we were on the beach over the road). The sun was just getting ready to stir is it painted orange and red streaks across the dark, inky blue sky.

I had learned a lot about Freemantle. It was such a bustling multi cultural town, it was unbelievable. It reminded me a little bit of Cardiff, my home town back in the UK, but amplified. It also had a vibrant nightlife from what Neri had shown me, I could easily live here.

I had also learned a lot about Neri. Neri was in fact short for Neridah, which meant “Flower” in one of the Aboriginal tribe languages. I told her that the name suited her, because she was very pretty (cheesy, I know). She had laughed at me, but I think deep down she had enjoyed the compliment. At 20 years old, she was 6 years younger than me. A little on the young side for me, but that didn’t seem to matter as we sat on the beach next to each other, my arm about her shoulders and her head nestled in mine. I felt the heat from her body and bahis siteleri smiled.

“This is lovely,” I whispered in her ear as the waves crashed on the shore. “I could stay here forever”

“Mmm,” Neri sighed as another set of waves came in. “Me too.”

“Closest to paradise I’ll get” I mused.

At this, Neri’s head raised from my shoulder and she gave me a half quizzical, half coy look.

She said two words. “Is it?”

Our eyes locked and in that moment, it seemed like we were the only two people on earth. A flood of emotion flowed over me until there was nothing else. Just Neri I and the sounds of the waves as they washed on the shore. Something took over me and I began to move closer to her with each heartbeat, each wave, until I could feel her hot breath on my face, her smell filled my nostrils and as her head angled up to meet me, instinct took over as we engaged in a soft, lingering kiss.

It was a gentle, soft kiss as there was so much else going on in my head as we kissed. I took in her scent, the heat and taste of shared breath as our tongues cautiously explored each other. As we did so, I felt a vibration as Neri let out a small sigh.

I took that as a sign that she was enjoying the way I was kissing her and returned her kiss with more gusto. She returned it with interest and before long we were kissing each other with passion, throwing caution to the wind and drinking in the taste.

Then suddenly, the girl pulled away. The worry that I was pushing too far gripped me. “Neri?” I began, but she stopped me, raising a finger to her lips. We sat there for a few moments, locked in each others gaze. As I did so, I found I was losing myself in her dark sensual eyes, full of desire and want.

And who was I to refuse this amazingly beautiful woman? I tilted her chin upwards and kissed her again. This time, the response was immediate, and there was no hesitation or caution as we kissed with passion and urgency. I let my hands roam over her body and I felt hers do the same over mine. My hands felt every curve of her body, the curve over her slight hips, her small waist, her small breasts — her body felt amazing underneath her cotton top!

I gently cupped her left breast, causing her to moan softly. I took it as a sign and continued what I was doing, kissing her harder and cupping her breast more. Then I felt her hands around my neck and I was being pulled? Or was I gently pushing? Neri down into the cool sand. I nuzzled her neck gently as I let my hand push her top up and over her head, revealing her small breasts.

“Gosh, Andy” she breathed huskily. “That feels soooo good”

I didn’t respond, but continued to nuzzle her as I moved my lips down in a sensuous rubbing way. I kissed down her neck and continued down until I reached her breasts. They both were small, but she was clearly excited — her nipples were brown, puffy and erect.

I took one in my mouth while playing with the other. This a gasp, followed by a moan from Neri. She had sensitive breasts. That was good to know I thought as I played with one breast and gently kissed the other, swirling around the nipple and flicking it with my tongue.

Neri gave me lots of encouragement as I did this, moaning gently with the waves. I felt a growing tightness in my jeans as my erection grew and rubbed up against Neri’s thigh. I would have preferred it rubbing against her butt cheeks, like they had earlier during the night, but on second thoughts, she was topless and I was playing with her breasts. Fantastic!

After a few more minutes, I started to wonder. I had the taste of Neri all over, but not where it mattered. You see, I’m a bit of a sucker for cunnilingus, and I wanted to find out what Neri’s pussy tasted like. So I let myself drift again, making my way down past her flat toned stomach until I reached the top of her denim jeans. I made short work unbuckling the belt and undoing the buttons. Luckily, Neri knew what I wanted and lifted her hips, so that it was easier for me to slide both her jeans and her knickers off at the same time.

As I tossed her jeans to one side, I looked down and saw Neri, completely naked for the first time. It completely took my breath away. She was slender, yet somehow shaped well. Her long brown legs were so shapely and beautiful, ending at her crotch, which had a neatly trimmed triangular patch of dark pubic hair. Her hips were narrow, yet rounded, accentuating her Aboriginal femininity. Going upwards, Neri was small, very small, with what I thought were mere A cup breasts, but they had the perkiness of youth. Her long limbs made her look a bit younger than 20, but not as much as her face, which looked up at me now, smiling sweetly and coquettish.

It was at this point that I decided that I wanted Neri. More than anything in the world. I wanted to be with her and if it were only for this one night, I wanted to give her an evening she would never forget. I gently parted her legs, revealing her dark labia, already swollen with excitement.

“Oh Neri,” I breathed, totally overtaken with desire. “I want you so much.”

Her reply was almost instant. “Have me, Andy. Please take me now.”

I needed no second invite as I lowered my lips to her crotch and tasted her pussy for the first time.

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