
The Heatwave – The Sisterhood of Sappho (Part Two)


The Sisterhood of Sappho (Part Two) At the top of the stairs leading down to the main hall she encountered Jo, wearing a short black dress and carrying a tray of drinks, her sun-streaked hair now freed of its leather clasp, flowing freely down her back and reaching nearly to her buttocks. As Judi approached Jo looked her critically up and down and nodded appreciatively. “Looking good!” she grinned. “Someone’s in for a treat tonight – makes me wish it was my turn to serve as Acolyte, instead of serving the bloody drinks!” Judi smiled back at her, mindful of how great a compliment this was in this den of youth and beauty. “Thank you. You’re very kind.” “Don’t mention it. Oh, do you want to leave your key with me? Miss Chamberlain asked me to collect them all and give them to the desk at reception in the hall. That way you can pick it up at any time. They’ll be someone on duty all night.” “Yes, that would be great. Thank you again.” Judi dropped the key onto the tray Jo was carrying. “Well, I guess I better not keep a High Priestess away from the party.” Jo grinned again. “See you around.” With that she walked off along the landing, the swaying movement of her hips accentuating both how long her legs were, and how short her skirt. Judi took a brief moment at the top of the stairs to collect her thoughts and compose herself, and then started to carefully descend, extremely mindful of the height of her heels, and the potential indignity of a High Priestess announcing her presence by arriving head first. Already she could hear the subdued hubbub of female voices, and as she rounded the bend in the staircase she was able to look down and survey the scene that unfolded below her in the hall. It was a long time since she had attended a meeting, so she had no way of telling if this was a normal level of attendance but her first glance told her that the room was packed solid with well dressed women, mostly holding drinks, standing around chatting in groups of varying sizes. As she arrived safely at the foot of the stairs and accepted a drink from a pretty tray-wielding red-head in another exceedingly short black dress, Judi turned her attention to the assembled women to play her usual game of spot the celebrity. As usual, it didn’t take her very long. Over by the main entrance she recognised a children’s TV presenter chatting animatedly with a member of a popular girl band. In front of the huge fireplace another member of the same band (who had recently hit the headlines for boldly walking out on her unfaithful footballer husband) was listening interestedly to the conversation of a former supermodel turned environmental campaigner, and in a discreet corner, half-hidden by the banisters of the great stairwell, a popular TV weathergirl was locked in an amorous embrace with a woman who Judi thought was one of the UK’s foremost conceptual artists, although she couldn’t actually remember her name. Her thoughts were interrupted by a discreet touch on her elbow, and she turned to find Suki at her side, dressed in a diaphanous toga-style dress which covered everything but left nothing to the imagination, and bowing her head deferentially. “Judi is waiting for you in the Conference Room”, the Asian girl said without raising her eyes. “If you would like to follow me?” As they picked their way through the crowd towards a door that opened off the far end of the hall, many of the women they passed lowered their heads in tacit acknowledgement of Judi’s High Priestess status, and she responded in a similar fashion. Such was the crush of femininity that it took them some time to reach their goal, and Judi was silently relieved when she heard the tall oak double doors closing behind her. The Conference Room was another large room with a high ceiling, the light blue walls bedecked with elaborate plaster mouldings picked out in white. The long conference table had been banished from its usual pride of place in the centre of the room and was pushed against one wall, piled high with food and drink. Dotted around the room were a number of sofas on which were sat the other five High Priestesses of the Sisterhood and several other women. As she gazed around Judi recognised Kayti, wearing a dress identical to the one Suki wore, standing by the fireplace at the far end of the room. Aware that all eyes were now on her, Judi swayed the full length of the room, employing her very best catwalk strut. Kayti watched, hands on hips, as she approached. “You are still one sassy bitch when you want to be!” she said, admiringly. “Takes one to know one,” Judi countered. Kayti laughed and moved to one side, revealing a woman in a black dress standing behind her. “May I present your Acolyte for this evening, Miss Fiona Bayliss?” Judi felt her stomach do an elaborate double back flip. Fiona Bayliss was the poster girl of the BBC news team, a short, athletic sports fanatic with a degree in politics, who was equally at home posing in a skimpy bikini for a glossy magazine as she was making politicians twice her age squirm with discomfort at her relentless questioning. Her fine elfin features were emphasised by her thick straight dark hair, which she wore in a short and funky style, and her piercing blue eyes, which even now were gazing at Judi with rapt attention. Fiona wore a black sheath dress which clung tightly to her small but toned frame, and Judi could not resist an inward purr of pleasure at the promise of what lay beneath it. “I hope you don’t mind that I asked to be your Acolyte?” Fiona’s voice still carried a faint sing-song trace of her native Newcastle. “I’ve wanted to meet you for a long time – I’m a big fan of your work.” Judi was stunned. “No, I’m incredibly flattered. You mean my stories?” Kayti laughed again. “You’ll have to forgive her, Fiona. She’ll never accept that because she writes about sex it’s anything less than throwaway nonsense. Whereas we know better.” “Oh yes,” Fiona was deadly serious. “Your work is wonderful, deeply sensuous and sexual.” The blue eyes fixed themselves on Judi’s, and she moved close, allowing her lips to brush the older woman’s cheek. “You’ve made me cum so many times,” she whispered in her ear. “I wanted to return the favour.” Judi was unable to prevent a faint shudder of anticipation running through her, and knew Fiona felt Anadolu Yakası Escort it too. Before she could say anything more, a bell rang loudly in the hall outside, signifying the ceremony was about to begin. Immediately an air of urgency spread throughout the room as drinks were finished, clothes adjusted, hair and make-up checked for the hundredth time in the mirror. Judi looked at her Acolyte. “Do I look OK?” she asked. Fiona took her arm, and Judi seemed to feel her youth and vitality flowing into her own body, almost as if she was radiating health. “You look amazing!” the younger girl said. “The other girls are going to be so jealous of me.” She was speaking softly so that only Judi could hear. ”This is the first meeting of the Sisterhood I’ve been to since it happened.” With a sudden flash of realisation, Judi remembered that a few months ago Fiona’s name and face had been all over the papers after it was discovered that her fiancé of four years, a prominent TV producer, had been arrested for kerb-crawling in one of the seedier streets near London’s Kings Cross railway station. Although she had refused to allow this crisis in her private life to interfere with her work, and had immediately broken off the engagement and moved out of their shared home in Notting Hill, she was still unable to escape the nastier elements of the tabloid press who continued to speculate as to what might have been wrong with their relationship to cause a man living with a woman generally regarded as one of the most desirable in the country to prefer the attentions of a fifty quid hooker. Judi, who had had her share of unwanted attention from the tabloid press in her youth, could only sympathise. She placed her hand over the arm that rested on hers. “That’s the reason why we exist” she said quietly. “To provide strength to our Sisters when they need it.” Fiona edged her body closer and smiled. “And to provide comfort…” she placed a soft kiss on Judi’s cheek. “We’d better get in line”. Arm in arm, they took their place in the queue that waited by the door, the Six High Priestess’s on the right with the younger Acolytes on their left. In accordance with her role as most senior of the four founder members of the Sisterhood, Judi was granted the place immediately behind Kayti as they waited by the double oak doors that led out of the Conference Room and into the Ballroom, the others falling into line behind. From beyond the door came the sound of a deep rumbling bass note, accompanied by a simple drum beat. Kayti nodded her head almost imperceptibly to the two girls stationed one on each side, and they moved seamlessly to swing the heavy wooden doors wide open, as the procession moved out into the high ceilinged splendour of the Hall Ballroom. As they moved through the open doors Judi could not help reflecting that whatever faults her old friend might have had, the lack of a sense of ceremony was not one of them. As the sinuously sensual rhythm of the pulsating electronic bass swirled around them, projected from a number of speakers hidden around the room, the column moved slowly down the centre of rows of padded benches arranged on either side, on which sat the massed ranks of the attending members of the Sisterhood. Tiny beams of light swept rapidly back and forth over the assembled women, swirling and weaving in time with the music, adding to the hypnotic atmosphere generated by the repetitive melody, and at the far end of the room twin spotlights focused on a dimly lit stage on which were placed a number of small sofas, arranged in a broad oval facing out towards the audience. As she walked slowly towards the raised dais, keeping perfectly in step with Kayti in front of her and relishing the presence of the beautiful woman on her arm, Judi was struck by the sudden thought of how much the Sisterhood had grown since her own induction into it nearly twenty years ago. In those days the ceremonies had taken place at Kayti’s flat in St. Johns Wood and been rather low key affairs, although even then her friend had ensured that they were conducted with the utmost seriousness. Judi had had an inkling of what to expect when she rang the doorbell on a chilly November evening, as Kayti had warned her that the “initiation” was designed to symbolically represent the concept of giving yourself sexually to the Sisterhood, and this coupled with her previous knowledge of her friends fondness for pushing the boundaries of her carnal appetites left her under no illusion that she would be allowed to remain clothed for long – something which she found somewhat daunting given the struggle she felt she had undergone to lose the weight she had gained while carrying her daughter. The door had been opened by a woman Judi did not know, a green–eyed beauty with luxuriant auburn tresses, who made an elaborate show of placing a finger against her bright pink lips, before beckoning her to step into the elegant hallway. The door was closed and bolted behind her and her coat taken in silence, before a soft felt blindfold was slipped over her head from behind and she was led forward gently by the arm. Passively Judi allowed herself to be guided slowly into what felt like another, bigger, room where she detected the presence of other people. Several pairs of hands carefully turned her and guided her until she was standing in a particular spot, and she heard Kayti’s voice say softly: “Prepare her.” A hand gently tugged at the zip of her dress, and as it slid down other hands helped ease it over her shoulders and hips. Her bra was unfastened from behind and the straps eased down her arms by a pair of soft feminine hands which then moved gently back up to caress her exposed breasts. Judi swallowed hard as the nails were dragged across her nipple with just enough force to cause them to stiffen. Fingers were hooked into the waistband of her panties and eased downwards, hands helping her to raise each foot in turn as she was encouraged to step out of them, while other hands supported her and gently explored her exposed flesh. “Oh my, she’s lovely!” a woman’s voice murmured from behind her. “Gorgeous!” Judi heard Kayti’s throaty chuckle. “I told you she was perfect for a High Priestess, Sisters. Do I ever let you down?” There was a general Anadolu Yakası Escort Bayan moment of appreciative noises and consent. Judi felt hands touch her face. After a moment, Kayti spoke. “Judi Breakspeare, we wish to initiate you into our Order. To do this you must give your body willingly to the Sisterhood – do you consent to this?” Judi nodded dumbly. She knew now what was going to happen to her, and the anticipation of pleasure rose wildly inside her. She felt herself growing moist. “Say yes if you agree.” Judi swallowed hard. “Yes.” There was a soft, collective exhalation of breath. Judi judged there were three other women in the room aside from herself and Kayti, who then spoke again. “Lie down and prepare to give yourself to the Sisterhood.” Judi only just managed to stifle a giggle at the serious tone her friend adopted, and allowed herself to sink slowly down. Willing hands guided her backwards, where a low padded bench seemed to have been placed and she allowed herself to be carefully positioned sitting a slightly raised padded section. Hands pressed her shoulders back and more hands grasped her arms and legs, stretching her out and forcing her to lie back and before she had time to realise what had happened her wrists and ankles were secured by padded shackles, rendering her helpless. In retrospect it had been one of the most incredibly erotic experiences of her life; lying naked, prone on that low bench, her arms fastened above her head and her legs spread wide apart secured in their clasps. The padded section she had initially sat on was she realised, designed to tilt her pelvis in such a manner that her pussy was magnificently exposed, and another such pad lay beneath her upper back, causing her breasts to jut upwards as if begging for attention. Prior to that moment Judi had never considered herself particularly submissive, but as she lay there trembling with an exquisite mixture of nervous anticipation and suppressed desire she realised that, not for the first time, Kayti had helped to further unlock the secrets of her sexuality. For over two hours Judi was helpless at the hands of four highly skilled and sexually adventurous women. She had no choice but to submit totally to their will, to allow her body to become their plaything, and they in turn were remorseless in their desire to bring her to orgasm again and again as they oiled, massaged, lubricated and penetrated her ceaselessly, until the boundaries of pleasure and pain blurred, her pussy and anus begged to be left alone and her voice was hoarse from her continual cries and screams of pleasure. When finally she was released from her shackles and the blindfold she was sweating, shaking and unable to stand. Her lovers and tormentors helped her to her knees where she was formally welcomed into the Sisterhood as a High Priestess and presented with her badge of office, the black velvet choker that she now wore. As the procession neared the stage, Judi reflected on how impractical such intimate initiations would be now. The Sisterhood had branches (or “covens” as Kayti was wont to call them in her less guarded moments) all over the world and a number of Priestesses needed to be created to administer and officiate at these, although only the six original founder members (one other had been initiated after Judi) were accorded the title of High Priestess. Over time the initiation process had become increasingly formalised, and through the years Kayti had refined the process, making it more and more of a spectacle, constantly tweeking and polishing aspects as the Sisterhood grew bigger and wealthier, and yet retaining the basic concept and sexual emphasis. As it was impractical for the initiate to physically give herself to the Sisterhood as a whole, these days it was done symbolically – each Priestess being assigned an Acolyte whose job was to make love to her during the ceremony, while the initiate was brought to orgasm by other Acolytes assigned to that task. Even more recently Kayti had embraced the relentless march of technology and begun using mechanical devices to pleasure the initiate – and judging from the presence of the black leather saddle-like device that sat in the centre of the stage, this was going to be the case this evening. Fiona led Judi to the sofa on the far right of the stage and gestured her to sit down. The older woman did as she was bid, ensuring that she positioned herself so as to have a good view of the stage and the main body of the ballroom which was now full of women sitting on similar sofas facing the stage. There was an anticipatory buzz of conversation in the air and the air was heavy with the scent of expensive perfume. Fiona settled herself on a small leather footstool at Judi’s feet and looked up at her. “Is everything alright?” Judi smiled at her. “Yes fine – I’m just a little nervous, that’s all. It’s been quite a while.” Fiona held up a hand, palm downward. Judi could see it was trembling slightly. “God, I’m nervous too! I’ve been in a state all afternoon. This is my first time as an Acolyte.” “Darling, you’ll be fine. I’m sure I won’t have any complaints.” Fiona reached out and touched Judi’s knee. “I’ll do my best, I promise…is there anything particular you’d like me to do?” Judi reached down and caressed her sleek black hair. “Just fuck me like you mean it darling, and I know it will be wonderful.” She lifted Fiona’s chin so she could drink in those piercing blue eyes and smiled reassuringly. “You wouldn’t have been chosen if you hadn’t come with the highest recommendation.” Fiona smiled back and taking Judi’s hand beneath her chin gently kissed her fingers before sliding one gently between her moist lips. It was a wonderfully erotic gesture that caused Judi’s nipples to stiffen immediately and a tiny electric shock of desire to course through her belly. She cast a quick look around the stage, wondering how much longer it was going to be before the ceremony got under way. All six High Priestesses were now settled comfortably on their respective sofas, with their Acolytes at their feet. In pride of place at the centre of the crescent she could see Kayti with Suki at her feet. The Asian girl was positioned facing forward between her employers parted legs, her head thrown Escort Anadolu Yakası back into Kayti’s lap and the toga style dress she wore had already been shrugged off one shoulder, exposing a petite breast which was cupped by Kayti’s hand. As Judi watched, Kayti raised her head and gave her a salacious grin, her left eye drooping in a theatrical wink. Judi grinned back: yes, she thought we’ve both come a long way from two working class girls who took their clothes off for a living, but however we look at it we still have to acknowledge that sex is the dominant force in our lives! She tapped her acolyte on the shoulder and indicated the saddle in the centre of the stage. “What is that thing, exactly?” “Don’t you know?” Fiona looked surprised. “It’s a Sybian.” Something stirred in Judi’s memory. “I think I read about it – you sit on it, yes?” “Well, straddle it anyway. That’s the most comfortable position. The plastic bit on top goes inside you and rotates and vibrates. It’s powered by a big electric motor, and it can go very, very fast.” Fiona rolled her eyes. “It’s a bit frightening at first, but if you let yourself go with it it’s incredible.” “You’ve ridden it?” “Oh yes, at my initiation. It’s pretty much standard these days. Beforehand the girls preparing you let you know that it’s a point of honour not to get off it until you really can’t stand it anymore. I came four times but that was all I could manage – my pussy just got too sensitive”, Fiona giggled. “I made a bit of a mess…” Judi stroked her hair. “I bet you did. I’m sure I would have done too.” “You should try it though – I know some girls adore it. A matter of taste, I suppose.” “Perhaps I will.” “If you do, let me know…I’d love to come and operate the controls for you.” This time the bolt of sexual desire hit like a physical blow. Judi closed her eyes and drew a quick shuddering breath. Fiona’s hand tightened on her leg. “Are you ok?” Judi opened her eyes and smiled. “Of course, darling. It’s just that you painted such an incredibly sexy picture.” Fiona smiled back and placed a delicate kiss on the outside of Judi’s knee. “I’m glad you liked it. And the offer still stands.” At that moment the lights suddenly dimmed and a single spotlight illuminated a curtained archway at the rear of the stage. The murmur of anticipation from the congregation in the main body of the ballroom died away as the music faded and at a gesture from Kayti the six High Priestesses rose to their feet. As she did so, Judi felt Fiona rising beside her, her arm sliding around the older woman’s waist, the athletic firmness of the young body pressed close to hers triggering a mounting wave of desire so physically intense that she was once again forced to close her eyes and control her breathing. How old was this girl beside her she wondered? A little older than her daughter certainly, but not much. For a brief moment her mind wondered if Suzi had got her message, but then the archway curtains drew back and all such thoughts were banished. At that precise moment in time her daughter was furiously rummaging through a box that she had taken down from the top shelf of the walk-in closet of her mother’s bedroom. Suzi was a little surprised that her mother had chosen to go and visit her old friend at such short notice as this was uncharacteristically impetuous of her, and if she hadn’t been so wrapped in the events that had so recently and speedily overtaken her own life she might have pondered on it more, but right now she was just grateful for the fact that she wouldn’t have to explain her reasons for wanting to search her mother’s closet, and seized the opportunity to do so. She had received the text from Judi during one of the brief periods in which she had her phone on shortly after she and Helen got back to the Coach House that afternoon. Neither of them had made any attempt to contact their former boyfriends since the events of the previous afternoon, and both of them had turned their phones off by tacit agreement, apart from occasional times to pick up messages and skip hastily past the voicemails and texts that covered a spectrum of emotions from angry to loving, to pleading, and usually back to angry again. We’re really going to have to grasp that nettle soon, she thought. But not now, not this evening. Maybe tomorrow – I’ll have to talk to Helen about it. After collecting Helen’s things from her house in town and stowing them in the boot of Suzi’s white Mazda sports car, they had driven to the small supermarket in the village and stocked up on essential groceries before heading back. Once they had unloaded and unpacked, the exertions of the morning coupled with the relentless heat of the day caught up with them and they flopped on the bed and slept in each other’s arms until the early evening, when they woke, showered and made themselves a meal of pasta and salad. Suzi mentally pictured the sight of Helen’s sleeping face nestling in the crook of her arm which was the first thing that she had seen when she awoke, and her heart did a violent backflip. God, I’ve got it bad, she thought. I really bloody love her – this isn’t just sex – although that’s pretty mind-blowing as well. The thought of her lover’s body generated a surge of lust and she bit her lip as she felt the familiar feeling in the pit of her belly. At that moment she saw what she was looking for at the bottom of the box and with a grunt of satisfaction she pulled out two coloured cartons and surveyed them with smile of pleasure. Carefully she opened both cartons and removed the contents, placing the cartons back in the box and the box back on the shelf in the closet. Looking around her to check that she had not left anything obviously disturbed, she left the bedroom, closing the door behind her, and having checked the rest of the house doors and windows were locked she made her way across the gravel yard to the Coach House, clutching her acquisitions. Quickly climbing the outside stairs, she let herself in and stowed the items in a cupboard, before walking to the bathroom and stripping off her dress and underwear and loosely buttoning one of her favourite granddad shirts. Having checked in the mirror and satisfied herself that her appearance was suitably provocative, she gathered a bottle of Pinot Grigio from the fridge, grabbed two glasses and headed down the stairs that led to the garage below. The double doors at the end had been thrown open to allow the light from inside to wash out into the warm night and illuminate the gravel just outside the open doorway, where she and Helen had dragged a large wooden double sun lounger from the depths of the garage.

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