
The Hottie in the Mirror Pt. 01

Big Dick

Author’s Note:

This story is set in the same world as my “The Freelancer” anthology series, and has similar mechanics and plot structure, sharing the character of Faria the hypnotist. This story will stand alone, and no knowledge of that series is needed to read it.

I decided to upload this as a separate series because it will be multiple parts unlike the other stories, and also because it covers fetishes a little different than I normally write about in “The Freelancer”

This is a hypnosis-based feminization story with lots of humiliation that includes attraction and sexual encounters between Male/Female, Male/Sissy, and Female/Sissy pairs. If any of that sounds like a turn-off for you, this might not be the story for you.

Thanks for reading! This is my first time attempting to write in this genre, so I hope you enjoy!


Faria looked down at the glossy photo on the desk in front of her. Anton Williams was pictured in the middle of a basketball game, handsome face glowing with sweat, leaning forward in the process of driving powerfully down the court. His muscles rippled beneath his dark skin, and his face was a picture of determination.

Faria always asked potential clients to provide a photo of the person they wished to hypnotize. She found that the choice of photo often revealed just as much about the client as their target. This particular choice told her that the young man in her office today perhaps did not fully understand his own feelings towards Anton Williams.

Alexander Fox leaned forward in the chair across from her, keenly gauging her reaction to the photograph. Alex was a man with pale, delicate features, deep blue eyes, and thick blonde hair. The combined effect was androgynous, and Faria could easily see that Alex was self-conscious of that. It was almost certainly why he tended to set his hairless jaw forward when in conversation, why he had cut his hair so aggressively short, and why he had the eye-rolling habit of forcing his voice into a lower register.

Although Faria was willing to bet that Alex got most of his looks from his mother rather than his father, it was the sort of thing that didn’t have to be a downside. A lot of girls preferred a softer, pretty-boy kind of look. Faria suspected that Alex would look and feel a lot better if he embraced his effeminate looks a bit more.

But it wasn’t her job to offer fashion advice.

“And what exactly did Anton do to you, Mr. Fox?” asked Faria.

“He relentlessly bullied me and my girlfriend for all of last year,” said Alex heatedly, “He was the star of the basketball team, and he couldn’t stand that the head cheerleader was dating a… a less skilled player. It made me an easy target.”

The most surprising part of the story was that the petite boy in front of her had chosen to play basketball in the first place. Probably another attempt to compensate for his looks. Although bullying was beneath Faria on a personal level, she could imagine why the tall, muscular sports star in the photo would find Alex a ripe target.

“But it’s been a year,” said Faria curiously, “I understand that he no longer even goes to your high school. Surely this is no longer an issue, Mr. Fox.”

Alex raised his hand to stroke his chin in a nervous gesture, running a finger over his lips, which Faria couldn’t help but notice were probably plumper and rosier than Alex was comfortable with.

“You would think…” he said distractedly, “but the problem is that Anton goes to the same college that I’ll be attending in the fall. And what’s worse is that he is already in The Birchwood Society.”

“I’m unfamiliar,” said Faria, motioning her guest to continue.

“Well, the Birchwood Society is more or less a fraternity. It’s a bit more complicated than that, and members like to stress the differences between the Society and the typical fraternity system, but picture a frat and you will pretty much have the idea,” said Alex, looking a little agitated.

“So your old bully joined a frat. What’s the issue?” Said Faria, trying not to be impatient.

“My father was in The Birchwood Society. So was my Grandfather. And my Great-grandfather. Each of them credited The Society with making the connections they needed for their successes in life. If I wasn’t able to get in, it would… well it would be a big deal,” said Alex miserably.

Faria noted the fear and respect Alex showed when mentioning his father. Suddenly, she had a very good guess where Alex’s exaggerated attempts at manliness stemmed from.

“So, you are afraid that, as a member, Anton could prevent you from joining,” said Faria.

Alex nodded sharply. “I was worried enough to reach out to him privately. It wasn’t an encouraging conversation. I’m convinced that Anton Williams plans to ruin my life just for fun. And if that potential future sin isn’t enough for you to do your job, trust me, what he put me and Claire through in high school is more gerze escort than enough to qualify him.”

“What did he do to you?” asked Faria, eyes glittering with curiosity.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” said Alex, looking away.

Faria decided not to push it.

“So if I accept this job,” said Faria, moving on to the next important question, “What is your desired outcome? How would you like to have Anton Williams hypnotized?”

Alex Fox’s eyes took on a dreamy, faraway look, and his mouth curved into a cruel smile. “Anton always liked to throw around homophobic slurs in high school. I think it would be pretty funny if he became the cocksucking cum dumpster for the entire frat.”

Including you, mused Faria, although she knew better than to voice it aloud. She was sure that Alex would protest strongly that he was straight as an arrow, but his dark fantasies suggested something more complicated.

Well… it was certainly an interesting case.

Faria drummed her fingers on her desk, lost in thought. “Is Anton gay or bisexual as far as you are aware, Mr. Fox?” She asked suddenly.

“I don’t think so,” said Alex lightly, “that’s why I think it would be so funny.”

“I have to warn you,” said Faria soberly, “Changing a person’s sexuality with hypnosis can be tricky. It’s a deeply ingrained part of a person that they are born with. Messing around with that can have unpredictable results. Sometimes unsatisfactory results, in fact.”

“I’m willing to take that risk,” said Alex, matching Faria’s grim expression.

“Then I am setting the price for this project at seven thousand dollars,” said Faria.

“Done!” said Alex, an anticipatory grin spreading across his face.

For Faria to successfully complete a long-term reprogramming of a person’s mind, she had to get a sense of who that person really was. Their true self.

Faria had many tricks by now to weasel secrets out of people and get to know them better. One of the most effective was to impersonate a service worker of some kind. Many people didn’t even bother to hide their true nature from people they considered beneath them.

It was no trouble at all for a woman of her talents to hypnotically convince the head of the Ramsey College sports program that she was a licensed masseuse. And just like that, she had access to a one-on-one session with her potential target.

Of course, it was not guaranteed at this point that she would be pursuing this particular project. A lot depended on the little interview she was setting up with Anton. First, she had to find out if Alexander Fox had been telling the truth, and even then, she usually gave her targets one final chance at escape…

Anton Williams entered the massage room with a bang, wearing only a damp white towel. He glanced over at Faria, then did a slow lingering double take as he realized that the new masseuse was an attractive woman.

“Anton Williams!” he said, extending his hand for a shake and letting a charmingly cocky smile ease up the corners of his lips, “Basketball star! Pleased to meet you, Miss…?”

“You can call me Faria, Mr. Williams,” she said cooly, accepting his handshake. She had met many young men like Anton before, filled to the brim with energy and confidence and cum. She had broken many as well. “Shall we begin your massage, sir?”

“Absolutely, Faria,” said the cocky young man, hopping up onto the table, “I can’t wait to feel those hot little hands all over my body.”


Faria poured some oil into her hands and spread it smoothly over Anton’s broad, muscled shoulders, making his dark skin gleam like polished onyx. He groaned with exaggerated pleasure as she rubbed the warm oil into his skin. Now she just needed to get him talking.

Faria thought she knew a topic that would interest him.

“So a basketball star? You must be pretty talented,” she purred.

“Oh you know it, baby!” said Anton cheerfully, “Full ride scholarship, and you know that’s saying something when it comes to Ramsey College. You’ve got your pretty hands on an NBA player for sure, it’s only a matter of time.”

Faria worked her hands up Anton’s thick, toned legs. He was talking big, flirting with an older woman he had just met, and not displaying an ounce of modesty. Was this really all there was to the man? Was Anton Williams as shallow as a puddle?

“Well,” said Faria, floundering a little for a way to dig deeper, “You must play with a lot of other good players as well. Teamwork is…”

Anton’s broad back quaked with a chuckle. “Ha! No way, fuck those guys. They hold me back. I’ve got no interest in making those losers look good. But if you are interested in teamwork babe…”

He turned over abruptly, revealing a massive cock tenting the front of his towel.

“…I could really use an assist with this.”

OK, Faria had seen enough. Anton Williams wore his true, obnoxious self on his sleeve. She already had what she needed giresun escort to tune her special voice to his mental frequency.

*Lay still. Don’t make a sound*

Faria’s voice echoed strangely against the tiled walls of the room, oddly accented and whispery. Her hypnotic voice had been pitched perfectly to take control of Anton’s brain.

The athlete lay still, his cock still jutting up obscenely beneath his towel. His eyes widened slightly as he realized that he was unable to move.

*And lose the boner. You won’t be needing it.*

Anton’s cock deflated with comical speed, the towel falling limp and flat onto his softening crotch.

*Now we will have a conversation. You may speak, but only at normal speaking volume. You will answer all of my questions truthfully.*

Faria stalked slowly around the paralyzed young man as she spoke, tracing a fingernail across his well-defined pecs, causing an involuntary shudder. She stopped next to Anton’s head, looking down at his confused face.

“What is this?” demanded the handsome young man, his brow wrinkled with thought. It was clear that losing control wasn’t something that usually happened to him. “Did you drug me or something?”

Faria patted his cheek fondly. Casual touch was an excellent way to establish dominance in these kinds of interactions. “It’s hypnosis, honey. I’m in control of your brain right now.”

Anton scowled even deeper. “Like where they make people cluck like a chicken on stage?”

Faria laughed, “Kind of like that sweetie, but a lot more interesting. But we are getting ahead of ourselves. First, some questions. Did you bully Alexander Fox in high school?”

“Yes,” said Anton simply.

Faria had been prepared for some sort of attempted denial. She blinked. “Why?” she couldn’t help asking.

Anton looked confused by the question. “Uhhh, because it was fucking funny? That candy-ass little rich boy thought everyone at school should be kissing his ass. You should have seen him squirm when we messed with him instead. Oh, he’s a fucking racist too. Is that enough reasons?”

“And are you planning to disrupt his application to your fraternity?” asked Faria.

“Oh yeah! I almost forgot about that. Absolutely I am. You know he texted me, practically begging me to let him into the club? I just joined that place for kicks anyway, I probably wouldn’t have even noticed that he applied if he hadn’t reached out. But now? Yeah, that little bitch is never getting in.”

Faria had never met someone as stunningly straightforward and unselfconscious as the young man lying almost naked beneath her. It was almost refreshing. Well, that was one box checked. Alex was telling the truth about Anton.

Just one more formality. To keep things fair, Faria gave her potential targets one opportunity to escape their fate. A chance to turn things around on the person who wanted to hijack their mind. More importantly, the offer injected an element of sexual danger for her clients, which kept things interesting from Faria’s perspective.

“By requesting my services to be performed on you, my client has wronged you at least as much as you have wronged them. Therefore I will offer you a chance to escape what is about to happen. The fee charged to my client in this instance was $7,000. If you are willing to double that price, I will offer you the chance to simply walk away, or craft a reversed punishment for him. Are you interested?”

“Yeah,” said Anton seriously, barely taking a second to think.

Faria hid her surprise again. Anton wasn’t reacting how she expected. She normally saw more bravado from young buff men like Anton. They often believed too strongly in their own invincibility to take the offer. “You’re willing to pay me $14,000?” She asked, a little incredulously.

“It’s either that or have some freaky hypnosis done on me, right? Hell yes, I’ll pay.”

“And you can pay me right now?” said Faria, raising an eyebrow.

“Hand me my phone from that bag over there and I’ll pay you right away,” answered her captive smoothly.

Faria handed him the phone.

*You may use your arm and hand for the purposes of wiring money to my account. Do not contact anyone in any way.*

But Anton was operating above board. After she gave him her bank details, she received confirmation of the transfer within minutes.

*You may move and speak freely with two exceptions: You will not be able to retaliate against me in any way or speak about me to anyone else.*

Anton hopped up from the massage table.

“Well,” said Faria with a smile, “It looks like I have a new client.”

Anton grinned back.

“That’s what it looks like, babe. Now let’s go somewhere private and discuss this “reversed punishment” idea you brought up.”

Anton slapped the door to the sauna with a shit-eating grin on his handsome face. “Here we go! People are in and out of those massage rooms every hour or two, but we should have all the privacy girne escort we need in here. That is if you don’t mind stripping down to just a towel like me.”

Faria raised an eyebrow at her new client. He was clearly hoping to get a little revenge by making her uncomfortable. Anton had a lot to learn. He was so beneath her level that she had absolutely nothing to lose by giving him an eyeful. Her sense of shame died years ago. Also, she had such tight control of the situation that, unlike the other girls he liked to mess with, she had absolutely nothing to be worried about from Anton getting too horny and acting up.

Without further comment, Faria lifted her shirt over her head and shucked off her pants. Anton’s mouth hung open, thrown off his game a little by his bullying tactics not having their usual effect. His mouth stayed open as Faria removed her bra and panties nonchalantly in the public hallway, and widened even further at the sight of Faria’s nude body.

Faria had a long slinky supermodel build, creamy caramel skin, and legs that could inspire more wet dreams than the average woman’s pussy. Anton gawped at her firm tits. Her tea-colored nipples were soft and flat to her chest of course: at this point, it would take something much more intense than stripping naked in public to turn Faria on. His eyes traveled down to her neatly trimmed strip of public hair and her tight pussy, framed perfectly by her thigh gap. His towel was beginning to look a little tight again.

“Well?” asked Faria sharply after allowing Anton a moment to adjust, “Are we having this conversation or not?” She opened the door to the steamy sauna and walked confidently inside.

“Do you, uh…” said Anton, licking his lips, “Do you need a towel? Or…?”

“No Mr. Williams,” said Faria, sitting on a bench, leaning her head back with her arms propped up and spreading her legs wide, “I like to feel the steam on my skin. You can feel free to wear one, however, if you would be uncomfortable.”

Anton scowled, gripped the towel at his waist, hesitated, then dropped it to the ground, revealing a large black dick, at half-mast already and growing by the second from Faria’s provocation. He entered the sauna and sat gingerly across from Faria, clearly feeling a bit intimidated to be in the same room with the gorgeous, dominant, nude woman.

“Now to business,” said Faria, giving him a piercing glare to refocus his attention from between her spread legs, “most initial clients come to me with a punishment already in mind for their target. As a reversal client, I may need to help you brainstorm a little. If we can’t come up with something, you always have the option to simply walk away, but where is the fun in that?”

Anton nodded, he looked like he was trying hard to focus, but his throbbing hard cock indicated that he was finding it difficult. Faria felt little sympathy. He was the one who suggested the sauna, he had to deal with the power play being flipped on him.

“Umm, obviously that little weasel Alex is the target here. You can hypnotize him to do anything, right? Could you hypnotize him to shit his pants all the time or something? Ooh, I know! Make him forget how to speak, and only be able to bark like a dog!”

Faria gave Anton a cool, level stare. “Are you sexually attracted to men who bark like dogs, Mr. Williams?”

Anton looked bewildered. “Wait, it has to be a sex thing?”

“Generally speaking, yes,” said Faria patiently.

Anton looked like he was putting two and two together, “Wait… so how did that little fucker want you to hypnotize me?” His cock was deflating slightly as he followed the train of thought.

Faria shrugged lightly. “He wanted to make you the personal cock-sucking slut of your entire fraternity.”

Anton recoiled in horror, his cock losing even more steam. “Jesus Christ! I know I called him gay in high school but I didn’t know it was that bad!” He shook his head. “Well, I’m sorry Ms. Faria, but if it has to be a sex thing I might just have to walk away. I’m not gay like Alex, and I don’t want to have sex with a dude.”

Faria couldn’t help but sigh. This project had seemed entertaining, but now she would have to scrap it entirely… unless… She thought back to her meeting with Alex. His long lashes, pale creamy skin, and rosy lips. His unsuccessful attempts to cover up his feminine features with an outward show of masculinity… It had been a while since she had done that sort of project. They could be difficult to execute, but they were always a lot of fun. And Alex did seem uniquely well suited to that sort of punishment.

“Hypothetically…” she said slowly, catching Anton’s attention, “If Alex was a girl, would you be interested in hypnotizing her sexually?”

Anton gave her a strange look. “I don’t understand the question.”

“It’s simple. If Alex wasn’t a man, but instead a beautiful woman, would you be interested in the sexual revenge I’m offering?”

Anton thought about it for a moment. “I mean… I guess so.”

“Perfect!” said Faria, her face breaking into a mysterious grin, “Well then there’s no issue. I’ll simply change Alex into a girl and then you can enjoy her as much as you want.”

Anton looked skeptical. “What do you mean? Like, with pills? Surgery?”

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