
The Lancaster Twins Pt. 14


The Lancaster Twins Part 14 – Epilogue

All characters are at least 18 years of age and all situations involve characters who are at least 18 years of age.



After Daddy told me about Tommy being my brother, I knew that I eventually had to tell Tommy. It just wasn’t right to keep it from him. I wondered if he knew. Had Aunt Jen told him? Would I make a fool of myself by telling him? I was in love with Tommy. What was I to do? I didn’t choose to fall in love with my own half-brother. It was bad enough that I had fallen head over heels for my cousin.

Until Daddy had told me that Tommy was my brother, I had imagined being married to him. I wanted to have his babies, but I was aware of the higher rates of birth defects among babies born to parents who were closely related. I read a great deal about it. I had decided, even before Daddy told me about Tommy, that I didn’t want to risk that. I didn’t believe in abortion and I knew that if, while I was pregnant, they found that I was carrying a baby that would have a birth defect, that I would go ahead and have the baby. Of course I would love it and dedicate my life to its care. I still know, in my heart, that I would have done that. But there was no need for that risk. Still, I thought, we could be married. We didn’t have to have children — or we could adopt.

I decided that I would tell Tommy. So, one night, when nobody was around, we were sitting on the front porch swing and I just told him. He got very angry at his mother. I never saw him so angry, nor as emotional. He paced in the yard and on the porch and I couldn’t seem to think of anything to say to calm him down. He wanted to confront Aunt Jen, but I begged him not to do that — at least not when he was angry. I reminded him how much Daddy had always loved him and assured him that Daddy had not known that he was his father until recently. He finally calmed down and promised that he would wait at least a while before asking Aunt Jen about it.

I told Daddy that I had told Tommy and asked him if he would tell Aunt Jen that he now knew that Daddy was also his father. He agreed that he would. About a week later, they asked us to sit down around the kitchen table (we always have our most serious discussions there) for a talk. Aunt Jen started crying when she was trying to discuss it. My Dad didn’t put words in her mouth or try to help her out. He felt that it was her responsibility to tell Tommy. She finally told him how sorry she was to have kept such a secret from him and asked him to try to understand how embarrassing her secret was. By then, Tommy had already accepted it. He readily forgave her and they held each other for a long time. All of us cried.



I had fallen in love with my first cousin. If you saw her, you’d understand it. Believe me. She was the hottest girl I had ever seen in my life. Tall, blue eyes, golden blonde hair, and built like a brick shit house. Well, her tits weren’t real big, but wow, they were fucking perfect.

We started having sex. I’m not worth a shit at describing stuff like that, but let’s just say that it was the best I had ever had, even though I had fucked my own mother, and that was hard to beat. Katie loved it and she loved me. I know that it’s better when you love the girl you’re fucking. I had never been “in love” before, but it’s one of those things that you recognize when you experience it.

Now, before you get the idea that I am just shallow, let me tell you more about Katie. The girl is absolutely brilliant, a great athlete (she beat me in basketball sometimes and I’m all Conference for my college, so I’m not exaggerating), and had the second best sense of humor of anyone I ever met. If you know my Mom, you know who’s first! I’m just gonna say it. Katie was perfect. There’s was nothing about her that I didn’t like. She liked nearly exactly the same stuff I did. She was a bit of a nerd, like me. She liked to read, like me. She even enjoyed talking about literature and movies — like me! Fuck, I fell so hard for her. I’m a manly man, so it’s hard for me to admit that it still brings tears to my eyes when I think about how much I love her. But yeah, I fell in love with her and I’ve just fallen deeper and deeper every day since.

I haven’t even told you the best part, yet. When it comes right down to it, being pretty and smart and funny is not that important compared to having good character. I found out pretty quickly that Katie is as humble as anyone I ever met. She goes out of her way to help people and almost never will criticize anyone. She’s totally honest and empathetic. I wondered at first why I would sometimes catch her crying. Often it would be something she had read on Facebook about somebody she didn’t even know that was suffering in one way or another. I attributed it to the fact that her mother had died when she was a little girl. She remembered her mother’s illness and could identify with those who were going through similar things.

Not long after we started making love, Katie said she had something that she had to Esat Escort tell me — a big secret. I could tell that it must really be something huge by the way she was acting. All kinds of shit ran through my head. Was she pregnant? Was she sick? Was she on drugs? What? I have to admit that I was almost relieved when she told me that her father was MY father. Boy, that was a shock, because, well, you know what that means. Her father and my mother had done the deed. They were twins. Well, they still are, of course

My mother is the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever laid eyes on in my life. (Except Katie, who is so perfect that she doesn’t even count.) Mom and I had started a sexual relationship shortly after she and my dad divorced. She is ultra hot and I had always fantasized about her. I look a lot like her twin brother, Jack, and because she had had such an intimate relationship, it was almost natural for her to fall into a similar relationship with me. Uncle Jack is a good looking guy, very handsome, very muscular and manly. So I could understand the attraction. I imagined that, if they were that good looking in their forties, that they must have really been attractive when they were young.

Still, it was hard to swallow that my “dad” wasn’t my DAD. A little part of me was a wee bit glad that the fucker wasn’t really related to me by blood because of the shitty way he had treated my mom. What an asshole. My mother is like a fucking angel and he cheated on her. Several times, with several different women. Fuck him. Good riddance. I just wish that I had known all along who my real dad was, and I was pissed off at Mom for not telling me.

Katie talked and talked to me that night about calming down and letting some time pass by before talking to Mom about it. She reminded me that it would have been really awkward for everyone if I had known all along. She insisted that I try to see it from Mom’s perspective. I was able to do that and, after considering the situation, decided that I was more than okay with it.

A few weeks later, Uncle Jack (my real dad) and Mom sat us down and Mom talked to me about it. She apologized like a thousand times and cried so much that my heart was breaking. I finally assured her that she was forgiven and that nothing would ever stop me from loving her.

The worst part of this whole situation was that I was in love with Katie before I ever found out that she was my half-sister. I even had fantasies of marrying her. I read shit online about close relatives having babies that had birth defects. I decided that we couldn’t run that risk. If it meant that we couldn’t be married, then so be it. Then, when I found out that we were half-siblings, I figured that we surely could never be a married couple.

I sure didn’t want to give up having sex with Katie, though. Looking back, I know that was a huge risk, but we were fucking like we were trying to set a world record. I kid you not — we sometimes did it 5 times a day. I don’t like to brag about things like this, but it doesn’t take me long to recover after I cum. And she was always horny. She hasn’t changed much — eat your heart out, guys!



My wife died when she was very young. I raised my precious daughter, Katie, mostly by myself, but with help with my mom and dad. They lived just a few miles away and, if there was any feminine stuff that needed to be discussed, Mom would talk to Katie about it. My twin sister, Jen, often talked to her on the phone as well.

I’ve had three women in my life that have stolen my heart. Katie, my daughter, Cathy, my wife, and Jen, my twin sister. It amazes me that I could feel so much deep, undying love for each of them. I don’t consider myself to be shallow, but all three of these women are amazingly beautiful. I speak of Cathy in the present tense, because that’s how I see her in my mind’s eye. I don’t think I ever met anyone who had such a naturally bright smile, and you rarely saw her when she wasn’t smiling. Even when she was dying and was in a great deal of pain, she would flash that smile. It was heart-breaking and it still hurts to think about it.

Let me tell you about Katie. Katie inherited her beauty from my wife and my mother. She has blonde hair, blue eyes, and is nearly 6 feet tall. She’s slender, but not skinny. She looks a lot like Jen, my twin sister, except that Jen is a brunette and her breasts are a bit bigger.

Here’s the part that shows my lack of character, but since this is a tell-all, I have to tell it. When we were teenagers, up until we were in our early 20’s, my twin sister, Jen, and I were having sex with each other. She was on birth control, but when she got engaged, she stopped taking it. Right before she got married we had “goodbye sex”. That’s on me. I begged her. She got pregnant and her son, Tommy, was born nine months later. I didn’t know that he was my son until he was grown. Don’t get me wrong. I’m proud of him and I love him, but he and my daughter fell in love with each other. Of course, that makes them half-siblings.

As long as we’re telling Escort Esat everything, I have to tell about my relationship with Katie. She was, of course, a very attractive teenager. She wanted to cuddle with me nearly every day; I couldn’t help but become aroused. She also wasn’t bashful around me. She didn’t walk around the house unclothed, but she thought nothing of changing clothes in front of me. When she got 18, things changed in a big way. We started doing things that dads and daughters just should not do. Without going into detail, we did pretty much everything except have intercourse. She even asked me to do that and I still don’t know how I ever mustered the will power to say no. I certainly wanted to. Then after she had started a sexual relationship with Tommy, she begged me again and I, being the weak bastard that I am, did not resist. We made love. She was, of course, experienced by then and it was just unbelievable sex in so many ways.

I’m getting ahead of myself. All of that sleeping in the same bed every day and almost daily oral sex came to a screeching halt when Jen and Tommy moved in with us after Jen’s divorce. Tommy works from home for a large cable TV company, doing technical support. Jen supervises an office where they do online classes for secondary and elementary schools. After they moved in, we quickly became one big happy family.



It’s hard for me to write about these things. I’ve always considered myself to be a good person, but when I examine the things I’ve done, I know I’m far from it. First, I had sex with my twin brother, Jackson from the time we were 18 for about 4 years. We only stopped when I got married. One last “fling” got me pregnant and I had a son, Tommy, 9 months after I married.

During my marriage, I became addicted to pornography. I do blame my husband, because he enjoyed watching it before we had sex, or maybe even while we were having sex. I remember thinking that I never had needed any artificial stimulation when I was having sex with my brother. I guess that taboo of having sex with a family member is stimulation enough.

Anyway, I became addicted to that filth. When Dave, my husband, became distracted by his many other women, I started watching it by myself and taking care of my own needs. Then one day, after we were divorced, I caught my son, Tommy watching it and masturbating. I certainly have no qualms about masturbation, but I nearly lost my mind when I realized he was watching porn.

I confronted him, and one thing led to another. His very horny, very sex-starved mother gave him oral sex. He wanted more, and eventually I gave into that, too. It was amazing and I quickly became as addicted to it as I had been to my brother back in the day. Physically, Tommy’s perfect. Tall, well-built, handsome — and has a thick 9 inch cock that would fit just perfectly into his horny mother’s pussy. And I loved it. A lot.

Not long after that, we moved out to the farm where I grew up. We moved in with my brother and his daughter, Katie. Katie and Tommy, of course, assumed that they were first cousins. Despite that, they fell in love. That’s understandable because, as perfect as Tommy is, Katie is his match. She’s as pretty as any girl, and has intelligence and personality as well. I knew that we had to tell them that they were half-siblings, which we did.

If you’re familiar with our story, you know that when Jackson (I’ve called him Jackson, Jackie, Jack, Jack-off, and many other things) and I were teenagers that we used to take “walks” and go to “our special place”. At first, it was very innocent. Twins just have this thing that I can’t explain. It’s almost like we’re the same person. From the time we were small, we felt the need to be near each other. We had a special place at the back of our farm where we would go to be alone. All innocent. Just a place to be alone with each other. As we got older, if something was bothering one of us, we would take that walk and discuss it. It always seemed to help.

Our special place was actually just a boulder out in a creek. We could sit on it and dangle our feet in the water. If it was too cold for that, there was a small meadow with several trees nearby where we could sit and just enjoy being with each other.

When we started developing, we became curious about each other’s bodies. My curiosity was never quite satisfied, but I would look for opportunities to see Jack in various stages of undress. Sometimes I would see his penis and it always sent an unexplainable thrill through me that I didn’t understand.

When we would visit our special place, Jack would sit behind me to, ostensibly, give me a shoulder rub. I guess, at first, that was all it was. But it soon became more than that. It became an unspoken game where my brother would rub my shoulders, then down my arms, and eventually his hands would grasp my breasts. I always wore a bra, so I couldn’t even feel it that much. At first, I stopped him immediately and acted angry about it. I knew he should not be touching me in that way. I think I hurt Esat Escort Bayan his feelings a few times by the way I reacted.

As we got older, however, I started looking forward to him touching me that way, even if it was just for a few seconds. I couldn’t let him know that I liked it, but I did let his “feels” get longer and longer. It wasn’t like he was massaging them or pinching my nipples or anything. He just held them and, maybe, squeezed them a tiny bit. Just enough to get a feel. Instead of immediately making him stop and chastising him, I began to let him get his feel and, after 10 to 15 seconds, I reluctantly would take his hands and place them in my lap and hold them. I didn’t say anything. He had no idea whether I liked it or not. But I did like it — I longed for him to play with them to his heart’s content, to take my top off and to suck and lick them. I would often masturbate thinking about my precious brother kissing my naked breasts, or even being naked with me, just laying together.

It wasn’t until we were 18 that I realized that I was in love with him. He had gone on a trip and we were separated for a week. It was like a bad case of homesickness. I thought I would go crazy before he got home. I decided that I had to tell him that I was in love with him and just let the chips fall where they may. I also decided that I had been unfair to him. I had enjoyed the way he touched me, yet I had never told him. I was sure that he was feeling guilty for what he had done and had assumed that I was just tolerating his awful behavior.

I couldn’t wait to take one of our walks when he got home. This time, though, I didn’t wear a bra. I had a sweatshirt on to hide that fact, but when we were walking through the woods on the way to our special place, I took the sweatshirt off. I will never forget how his eyes nearly fell out of his head when he saw that I was braless. It still excites me to think back on how he was looking at me, unable to keep from staring. I was 18 years old and I had a great body. My breasts were C-cups and they stood up proudly, with absolutely no hint of sag. As shy as I was at that age, I knew that I had a good body and that guys liked it; especially my boobs.

This time, when I sat between his legs and he started massaging my neck, shoulders, and back, I couldn’t wait for him to touch my breasts. I was shaking I was so nervous, but I was also eager for his touch and I knew that I would not deny him. Not this time. When he, tentatively, touched my braless breasts through my tight, thin, tee-shirt I nearly passed out from sheer pleasure. When he tweaked my nipples just the tiniest bit, I leaned back into him, lay my head on his shoulder and told him how good it felt. That moment, in my mind, is the most sensuous of my life. I soon had my shirt off and he was sucking and licking my breasts. I knew at that moment that I was his and that I would give him anything he wanted.

That very day we made love for the first time. After that, we did it as often as we could. We learned how to do oral sex on each other. I couldn’t get enough of him. I never did get enough of him. I was so in love with him and I still am.



When Jen and Tommy moved in with Katie and me, Jen and I decided that we had to make some ground rules for the two of us. There was no doubt, in either of our minds, that we were still very much attracted to each other. We were still in love, we always had been, and we always would be. That, however, didn’t mean that we would be having sex. That part of our lives had to remain in the past. We hadn’t done anything with each other in 20 years.

We agreed that we would be careful how we were dressed around each other. We wouldn’t talk about how we “used to be”. No sensual kissing. Things like that. I have to admit that the thought of resuming a sexual relationship with my sister crossed my mind quite a bit. She was still fantastically sexy. She didn’t seem to age. She could easily have passed for 30. No fat that I could see. Long, shapely legs, big beautiful breasts, gorgeous face and hair. That didn’t even really matter, though. I loved her, no matter what she looked like. Her physical attributes were just bonuses. She was so desirable.

Katie and Tommy had gone over to town to watch a baseball game one afternoon. Jen and I were sitting outside enjoying the weather. It was a perfect, sunny day, which was a nice break since it had rained hard the night before. A nice breeze was blowing. Jen mentioned that she was debating whether to take a nap or go for a walk.

I told her that I would enjoy a walk, so we changed clothes and started walking toward what used to be our “special place”. As we walked, I reflected on that first time, 24 years previously, when she had allowed me to freely feel of her perfect young breasts, had removed her shirt, and how that had led to our making love. I reflected on how different things were now. We still loved each other; maybe more than ever. But the relationship had changed. I wouldn’t be sitting there trying to feel my of my sister’s breasts. How insulting that would be now! I wasn’t a teenager anymore. That kind of behavior could be excused with a hormone-crazed teenager. I was 42 years old. A widower. Mature. Beginning to be an old man with a somewhat diminished sex drive.

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