
The Meeting…


The Meeting…Setting down her phone, she knew it was done…he was on his way…and she had to prepare for his arrival.With that thought she stopped a moment, setting her mobile down on the kitchen counter, she wondered, “Why do I have to prepare? Why am I doing this? I don’t know this guy from more than just a brief chat on the Internet, what the hell am I doing?” the words ran through her head as her fingers worked almost of their own desire setting the plan into action.Her name was not important, her profession was not important, the only thing at that moment that mattered is that for years she had searched for a Dominant who would understand her, not judge her, or perhaps it was just one that would dare to show an interest in her…and that person she had found purely by chance. One day while browsing the internet she had come across a simple profile advertising a Dominant looking for a local play partner, someone who had been interested in learning and growing their submissive side and she had dared a response…that was a short 2 weeks ago.As her mind recounted the details of the meeting, she set about the task she was given, almost on autopilot, as she knew the fact was that he was coming and she knew if she wasn’t ready he could very easily turn around, walk out and never talk to her again, and she didn’t want that. Shedding her simple clothing, a t-shirt and shorts as directed she couldn’t help but notice a small wet spot on the front of her white cotton panties causing her to blush, she was truly enjoying this.She had never met this man, never seen a photo of him, only heard his voice for the first time today as a phone call came from a blocked number at a time they had agreed upon to confirm she still was devoted to the activity today. His voice was deep, clear, and commanding…almost hypnotic in the way it wove its way into her mind giving her a set of very specific instructions to follow, the instructions she found herself doing at this exact moment without really even thinking about it.Shaking her head a bit she half giggled as she gathered several small sets of keys, a few non-descriptive (yet carefully labeled) padlock keys and two smaller handcuff keys as well as a roll of silver duct tape, purchased that morning for this specific activity. Intaking her breath slightly, detecting the scent of the strong adhesive from the tape she felt a slight shiver slip down her spine as she carefully picked the edge of the tape till it came up from the surface. Before she could change her mind she pressed the keys into the sticky side türbanlı içel escort of the tape and wrapped them into a small square package of tape 4 layers deep, once completed she stared a moment at the small tape square knowing that all of her hopes of release once bound rested in that small tape package.Moving to her front door she carefully placed one more small piece of tape on the package and opened the door, sticking it to the outside of the door and closing it, as instructed she backed away from the door to the center of the room leaving it unlocked.”What the hell am I doing?” she whispered under her breath, “This guy could be a murderer, a r****t, or anything in between.” and yet here she was doing everything she was told, without question.A quick glance at the clock to her that her thoughts were eating into the time allowed, he had said 15 minutes and it had already been 10. With a slight curse she quickly took inventory of the items she had set out across her coffee table just to her side… Two pair of well used Smith and Wesson Police Handcuffs, not the cheap crappy ones with the safety releases but indeed the real hardened steel ones that are actually used, a pair of silver thumb cuffs, a heavy steel collar, a set of 8 small Master Lock padlocks, and a package of condoms. The last item made her blush a bit but she did have her hopes.Her hands slipping to her sides she carefully and quickly hooked her thumbs on the waistband of her panties, slipping them down and off, holding them a moment in her hands. She couldn’t help but feel the warmth of them, nor miss the 3 inch wet spot that had appeared on them, this caused her blush again. With a deep breath she carefully turned the panties inside out and folded them into a small square of fabric which she quickly deposited in her mouth. The fabric immediately spread out in her mouth, expanding, and the carefully placed wetspot over her tongue filling her senses with the taste of her arousal…a blush spread across her cheeks but she knew this was part of his conditions. She was to be securely gagged when he arrived.Tearing another long strip of tape from the roll, she smoothed the sticky surface over her lips, sealing them tightly together around the packing, the first strip was followed by 4 more that effectively covered her lower face from under her nose to under her jaw and to her neck. With a soft test she found it worked exactly as intended, a simple little hum came from her attempts to make any meaningful sound at a volume level that türbanlı içel escort bayan you would be strained to hear feet away…even if she wanted no one would hear her outside of her house.She was silenced.The next instruction was a bit more foreign to her, but she knew she had to follow it or risk disappointing him. Spreading her legs slowly, she set to work with the duct tape. A first strip was laid over her pussy, straight down her center. The tape started at the top of her pubic mound and worked its way down to the base of her ass, effectively sealing her labia together. It was a very strange feeling to her, her fingers traced the smooth surface of the tape a moment before continuing with her instructions, knowing her time was limited.The second and third strips layed over the first about half way on either side, effectively encasing her entire pubic mound and pussy under several layers of sticky duct tape. As she again ran her finger along the surface, down the center of her encased pussy to accent where her labia should part with a slight indention she realized just how effective her pussy was confined, she could barely feel the touching. She could feel the heat against the tape and knew her arousal was going insane under the tape but nothing but the smooth surface remained…She was now chaste.A quick glance at the clock told her that her time was almost up, rushing over to the tape she picked up the first set of handcuffs. Her mind flashed with the thought that the only keys to these cuffs were now outside her front door, waiting for an unknown person to claim…but she couldn’t take the time to think about this fully as she bent down, snapping the left cuff closed around her left ankle followed by the right around the right ankle. As the cuffs clicked shut she knew she had now passed the point of no return…slightly moving feeling how tightly the handcuffs hobbled her movements she shivered and picked up the other set of hand cuffs…Without a thought she snapped the cuff shut around her left wrist, tightening it down comfortably before reaching down for the final item, the pair of thumb cuffs. She didn’t know why but he had insisted she wear those in addition to the handcuffs when he found out she had them, it seemed odd as the handcuffs, once closed, were indeed quite effective but as instructed she closed the left binding down around her left thumb, like the handcuff leaving the other side unfilled.She could feel the heat and wetness between her legs, building, growing türbanlı escort içel and she had little doubt that without the tape in place she’d be dripping down her thigh at that exact moment.A sound caught her ear, the sound of a car tire on the gravel driveway outside of her house, she was out of time and she wasn’t ready.With a quick movement, which almost cost her balance due to the hobbling cuffs she picked up the roll of duct tape for the last time, tearing off a single long strip she tossed the roll aside. With a deep breath she placed the tape over her eyes, smoothing it down tight till her eyes were effectively glued shut, blocking out all light.She was now blind.He had told her that it would be his choice when she would see him, not hers. She knew this was crazy, that she would not even see the man who would find her in this most compromising position but down deep inside it’s what she wanted…not a simple man but a man who would do what he wanted, how he wanted, when he wanted regardless of what logic she was feeling in her head.The sound of a car’s engine turning off filled her ears, the silence was almost deafening as she strained to hear anything…a car door opening…closing… It was now time…Shivering, either in nervousness or arousal she didn’t know but she had to finish her task…Reaching behind her she managed to find the waiting right handcuff, slipping her right wrist into it she closed it down. The clicking of the ratcheting causing her to jump a little as it closed and with it her freedom was taken…Struggling a little to move her wrists she probed with her fingers until she found the waiting grove of the thumb cuffs, slipping her right thumb into the groove her fingers struggled a moment to close the shackle down. When it closed, it closed quicker than she expected, tightly trapping her thumb in its embrace and she immediately realized the reason he had for making her wear them. With her thumbs trapped in the thumb cuffs, and her wrists in the handcuffs, even with the key it would be impossible for her to free herself.She was now truly helpless.As she squirmed slowly in her predicament she heard the tape pulling from the door followed by two simple knocks…immediately after the door opened and closed…Straining for any sound she dare not make any herself, blushing helplessly knowing that the man she was waiting for was there staring at her now.For what seemed like an eternity there was no sound but she could ‘feel’ that someone was walking around her, looking at her, inspecting her, evaluating her…When the hand came to rest against her taped pussy she couldn’t help but jump and squeak helplessly at the contact, the touch was firm, very commanding and she could do nothing but stand there and feel the touch against her most intimate regions by someone she had never met and it was at that moment, without a word from him she realized…She was now his…

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