
The Plan

Big Tits

The Plan, of course, was perfect. Sometimes, though, things just work out better in your head. Really, thinking about what she was going to do was proving to be vastly different than actually doing it. Now that it was time to actually go through with it, Elly was having second thoughts. Well, not so much second thoughts as much as just plain chickening out.

The first part of The Plan was simple. Dial the phone. No problem. She had Connor’s four-digit extension posted on her wall. The first snag occurred when he actually answered the call.

“Conner,” he said. That was the first flaw in The Plan. She had expected to get voice mail. The Plan included voicemail. Not an actual person. “Hello?” he said after a moment when Elly froze and forgot momentarily how to speak.

“Hey, it’s Elly,” she said finally in what she hoped was the super casual, relaxed voice that she was going for. “Do you mind hanging with me after work one day this week to go through this new spreadsheet that we’re supposed to be filling out for our expenses? I’m just really not getting it.” The words were perfectly scripted. Elly had practiced them. Connor paused a moment before he answered.

“Yeah, sure, no problem,” he said finally. “How about tonight?”

“Um… tonight?” She asked. Ok. Not part of The Plan.

“Yeah, I’ve got some other things happening this week. Tonight works best for me.”

“Um, ok, yeah. Tonight works.”

“Ok, great. Just come to my office whenever you can.”

“Great! See you in a bit.” Elly hung up the phone. The Plan was to meet in her office. But she supposed that it was an insignificant detail in the grand scheme of things.

So, three hours later, Elly was in Connor’s office, leaning over him while he was explaining each spreadsheet cell one at a time. It was time for Step 2 of The Plan. And she didn’t have a lot of time. Because really, it wasn’t going to take that long for Connor to explain something that she actually already knew.

“I really appreciate you helping me with this,” she told him. Her hands moved to his shoulders massaging firmly at the noticeably tense muscles.

“That feels nice,” he said.

“Good,” she answered lightly. She continued to rub upward on his neck as he proceeded with his spreadsheet lesson, while she made interested verbals like, “uh-huh” and “ok”. Her fingers circled upward, into his hairline. And then suddenly Connor stood up.

“So, you give it a try,” he told Travesti her.

“Pardon?” she asked, momentarily taken aback, since she hadn’t precisely been paying attention.

“Let’s just make sure that you understand. You give it a try,” he suggested, his hand on his shoulder, pushing her gently into the chair. His other hand pointed to the screen and he said, “So start with entering your name there…” Elly typed her own name wrong four times as his hands started to rub her shoulders. She made a lame joke about not being able to type when other people were watching her, and she really hoped that it didn’t sound as stupid out loud as it did when she repeated it in her head.

Connor’s hand began to move further upward, and she could feel the hairs in the small in her neck slide through his fingers.

“That feels nice,” she said, repeating his words from earlier.

“Good,” he told her, continuing to caress the back of her neck. And suddenly his fingers knotted her hair in his hand and he pulled her neck sharply back. It didn’t hurt, but it was surprising. And weirdly, crazily, erotic.

“Did you think I wouldn’t know?” he whispered, directly in her ear.

“Um… what?” she said. His hand tightened slightly in her hair. He laughed softly.

“You know this program. If you wanted me, why didn’t you just say so?”

“I–,” She didn’t get a chance to finish. Connors lips opened over hers, and he kissed her. She gasped slightly and let her tongue reach out tentatively to touch his. She could feel more than hear him groan. His hand was still fisted in her hair and he tugged until she was standing up. The kiss deepened, and her hands reached up to touch Connor’s chest, one of them moved upward further to stroke his cheek. Somehow, without breaking their kiss, he maneuvered them until he was sitting, and she was straddling his lap. She was wearing a wrap-around skirt made from a recycled sari, and one of her legs was exposed to her hip. And she didn’t care.

She had been aching all day, and she felt her inner muscles clenching with the understanding that her very most private part of her was pressed up against his. Without meaning to, or perhaps even realizing that she was, Elly began to rub herself against Connor, her hips moving against his.

Connor’s hand left her hair, and both hands moved to her waist, pushing her shirt out of the way so his hands were touching her warm stomach. They moved slowly Ankara Travesti upward, until his thumbs were pushing under her bra, touching the bottom of her breasts, his fingers caressing her nipples through the satin.

Elly broke the kiss and her head fell back. In a swift move, she found her shirt pulled over her head and tossed onto the floor in the corner. Connor leaned forward to plant warm kisses down her neck, to the swell of her breast, his tongue licking below the fabric. When his hands released the front clasp of her bra and pushed it off her shoulders, Elly sighed in relief. And when his hand pulled her breast to mouth so he could gently bite and lick, she moaned and moved her hips against him harder. Connor didn’t play favourites and showed the other breast the same attention. It was time for the next phase of The Plan.

Elly tugged at the bottom of Connor’s shirt until he lifted it over his head. She trailed kisses down his chest, licking, enjoying the hard muscles. When she when she reached his waistline, she slid her legs down Connor’s thighs until she was kneeling in front of his chair, and her hands fumbled at his belt buckle. She heard him suck in his breath when he realized her intentions. His hands moved hers out of the way to unclasp the button at the top of his pants, and his hips lifted as they both pulled his pants and underwear to the floor, where he kicked them away. Elly didn’t remember Connor taking off his shoes – had he even been wearing them? But it wasn’t a thought that stayed with her long, and it was her turn to place long slow wet kisses, going up his thigh, up his stomach, her tongue teasing nearer and nearer to the head of his cock, but never touching him.

Connor fisted one hand in her hair and pulled her head toward him, until she had no choice but to open her lips and take the head of his cock in her mouth. Her tongue swirled around him, licking hard down the front where she knew it was sensitive, before taking him deeply as she could. Her small hands cupped and massaged his balls, while her mouth moved up and down, tongue rubbing him with its rough texture.

Connor’s hands once again clenched in her hair, encouraging her to go faster, deeper. He moved her head up and down over him several times, never too far, and Elly could feel herself grow wetter than she remembered being in a long time.

Suddenly Connor pulled her back, and leaned down to kiss her hard before İstanbul Travesti pulling them both to standing. He pushed her back, her bum against his desk, and he was tugging at the bow on her skirt. It was her turn to help him, her skirt floating away from them onto the carpet.

“I can’t be gentle anymore,” he whispered, his hands pushing her underwear down her body to the floor.

“Then don’t be,” she told him. His hand moved between her legs, pushing into her. Her hands clenched his shoulders when two of his fingers pushed their way into her, thrusting only a few times before Connor took his hand away and lifted it to his mouth. Elly thought maybe it was the hottest thing that she had ever seen when he licked her juices off his fingers.

“Bend over,” he told her, roughly encouraging her with his hands. He lifted one of her legs until her knee was resting on the desk, and she braced her hands on the hard surface. She felt the full length of his naked body against hers. And then his hard cock was pushing at her pussy and finally entering inside her. Elly cried out softly, her body so sensitive and on fire and it felt so crazily good, she just couldn’t help it.

Connor’s hands firmly held her hips and he began to thrust inside her, slowly for only a moment, and then hard and fast. She felt herself clenching tightly, her body enjoying the feeling that was beyond what she had imagined when writing The Plan. And one of Connor’s hands moved forward slightly, his fingers moving themselves with each thrust against her clit.

It was too much, she had been worked up so hard. She started to make small moaning sounds softly.

“I would love to hear you cum,” Connor whispered in her ear. With those words, Elly’s body clenched hard over and over, her cries perhaps too loud for the small office. Her orgasm was intense and the waves went on longer than usual.

When she was finished, finally, hard breaths slowing to soft pants, Connor moved both his hands to be holding her hips, and he thrust inside her, again and again. He was so hard, and Elly’s body so sensitive.

“I would love to feel you cum,” she said, partially echoing his words back to him.

“Yes,” he said, through gritted teeth. At that moment, the he thrust into her hard, one last time, and she felt the pulsing as he came inside her, the warm sensation of his semen shooting into her and overflowing out of her.

After a moment, Connor’s hands released their tight grip. He pulled Elly back into his leather chair, her body wrapping around his as they sat silently together, connected in a intimate way that felt so perfect in that moment.

In the end, Elly much later thought, The Plan had worked marvelously.

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